The Complete Algorithms and Data Structures Course
The Complete Algorithms and Data Structures Course, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 88 lectures, based on 43 reviews, and has 311 subscribers.
You will learn about Become an advanced, confident, and modern developer from scratch Become job-ready by understanding how Algorithms and Data Structures really work behind the scenes Learn, implement and use different data structures Get fast and friendly support in the Q&A area How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows Complex concepts like the Dynamic Programming, Backtracking, Flow Networks, etc. Practice your skills with 20+ challenges and assignments (solutions included) This course is ideal for individuals who are Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of Algorithms and Data Structures or Take this course if you have been trying to learn Algorithms and Data Structures but: 1) still don't really understand Algorithms and Data Structures, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps or Take this course if you already know Algorithms and Data Structures and are looking for an advanced course. This course includes expert topics! or Take this course if you want to get started with programming It is particularly useful for Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of Algorithms and Data Structures or Take this course if you have been trying to learn Algorithms and Data Structures but: 1) still don't really understand Algorithms and Data Structures, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps or Take this course if you already know Algorithms and Data Structures and are looking for an advanced course. This course includes expert topics! or Take this course if you want to get started with programming.
Enroll now: The Complete Algorithms and Data Structures Course
Title: The Complete Algorithms and Data Structures Course
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 88
Number of Published Lectures: 88
Number of Curriculum Items: 88
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 88
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Become an advanced, confident, and modern developer from scratch
- Become job-ready by understanding how Algorithms and Data Structures really work behind the scenes
- Learn, implement and use different data structures
- Get fast and friendly support in the Q&A area
- How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows
- Complex concepts like the Dynamic Programming, Backtracking, Flow Networks, etc.
- Practice your skills with 20+ challenges and assignments (solutions included)
Who Should Attend
- Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of Algorithms and Data Structures
- Take this course if you have been trying to learn Algorithms and Data Structures but: 1) still don't really understand Algorithms and Data Structures, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps
- Take this course if you already know Algorithms and Data Structures and are looking for an advanced course. This course includes expert topics!
- Take this course if you want to get started with programming
Target Audiences
- Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of Algorithms and Data Structures
- Take this course if you have been trying to learn Algorithms and Data Structures but: 1) still don't really understand Algorithms and Data Structures, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps
- Take this course if you already know Algorithms and Data Structures and are looking for an advanced course. This course includes expert topics!
- Take this course if you want to get started with programming
You’ve just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth Algorithms and Data Structures course online.
Whether you want to:
– build the skills you need to get your first programming job
– move to a more senior software developer position
– become a computer scientist mastering in computation
– or just learn algorithms and data structures to be able to create your own apps quickly.
…this complete Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass is the course you need to do all of this, and more.
This course is designed to give you the Algorithms and Data Structures skills you need to become an advanced developer. By the end of the course, you will understand Algorithms and Data Structures extremely well and be able to build your own apps and be productive as a computer scientist and software developer.
What makes this course a bestseller?
Like you, thousands of others were frustrated and fed up with fragmented Youtube tutorials or incomplete or outdated courses which assume you already know a bunch of stuff, as well as thick, college-like textbooks able to send even the most caffeine-fuelled coder to sleep.
Like you, they were tired of low-quality lessons, poorly explained topics, and confusing info presented in the wrong way. That’s why so many find success in this complete Algorithms and Data Structures course. It’s designed with simplicity and seamless progression in mind through its content.
This course assumes no previous coding experience and takes you from absolute beginner core concepts. You will learn the core computer science skills and master advanced algorithms. It’s a one-stop shop to be an expert in computer science. If you want to go beyond the core content you can do so at any time.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn
(It’s okay if you don’t understand all this yet, you will in the course)
Big O Notation, Big Omega, Big Theta
Complexity Analysis of Algorithms
Divide and Conquer
Dictionaries (Maps)
Stacks and Queues
Binary Search Trees
AVL Trees
Priority Queues
Depth-First Search and Breadth-First Search
Generation and Exhaustive Search (Backtracking)
Greedy Algorithms
Dynamic Programming
Flow Networks
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
Hash Tables
Boom Filters
Max-flow Min-cut Algorithm
Fibonacci Heaps
How to develop powerful applications using Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms.
What if I have questions?
As if this course wasn’t complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have.
This means you’ll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, you’ll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.
There’s no risk either!
This course comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and I’ll refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.
You either end up with Algorithms and Data Structures skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you don’t like it…
You literally can’t lose.
Ready to get started, developer?
Enroll nowusing the “Add to Cart” button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Algorithms and Data Structures brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you’re 100% certain this course is for you.
See you on the inside (hurry, Algorithms and Data Structures are waiting!)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Overview
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Structure
Chapter 2: Analysis of Algorithms
Lecture 1: Introduction to Asymptotic Notation
Lecture 2: Time Complexity
Lecture 3: Big O Notation
Lecture 4: Big Ω Notation
Lecture 5: Big Θ Notation
Lecture 6: Exercise 1 – Cost Analysis
Lecture 7: Exercise 2 – Cost Analysis
Chapter 3: Data Structures – Dictionary
Lecture 1: Introduction to Dictionaries
Lecture 2: Implementation of Dictionaries
Lecture 3: Iteration Through a Dictionary
Lecture 4: Advanced Ways to Iterate
Lecture 5: Fundamental Methods
Chapter 4: Solved Problems – Dictionaries
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Casino
Lecture 2: Problem 2 – Bag Of Words
Lecture 3: Problem 3 – Codes
Chapter 5: Data Structures – Stack
Lecture 1: Introduction to Stacks
Lecture 2: Implementation of Stacks
Chapter 6: Solved Problems – Stacks
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Palindromic Sequence
Lecture 2: Problem 2 – Parenthesization Evaluation
Lecture 3: Problem 3 – Smaller on the Left
Chapter 7: Data Structures – Queues
Lecture 1: Introduction to Queues
Lecture 2: Implementation of Queues
Chapter 8: Solved Problems – Queues
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Binary Numbers
Lecture 2: Problem 2 – Hot Potato Game
Chapter 9: Data Structures – Vector
Lecture 1: Introduction to Vectors
Lecture 2: Implementation of Vectors
Lecture 3: Fundamental Methods
Chapter 10: Solved Problems – Vectors
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Minimum Value
Lecture 2: Problem 2 – Identical Element
Lecture 3: Problem 3 – Reverse Sequence
Chapter 11: Basic Sorting Algorithms
Lecture 1: Introduction to Sorting
Lecture 2: Selection Sort
Lecture 3: Insertion Sort
Lecture 4: Bubble Sort
Lecture 5: Merge Sort
Chapter 12: Sets
Lecture 1: Introduction to Sets
Lecture 2: Implementation of Sets
Chapter 13: Graphs
Lecture 1: Introduction to Graphs
Lecture 2: Representation of a Graph
Lecture 3: Adjacency Matrix Implementation
Lecture 4: Adjacency List Implementation
Chapter 14: Graph Algorithms – Depth First Search (DFS)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Depth First Search
Lecture 2: Depth First Search Implementation
Lecture 3: Depth First Search for Disconnected Graph
Chapter 15: Solved Problems – Depth First Search
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Treasures in a Map
Lecture 2: Problem 2 – Number of Rewards
Lecture 3: Problem 3 – Forest
Chapter 16: Graph Algorithms – Breadth First Search (BFS)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Breadth First Search
Lecture 2: Breadth First Search Implementation
Chapter 17: Solved Problems – Breadth First Search
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Minimum Distances
Lecture 2: Problem 2 – Furthest Treasure
Chapter 18: Graph Algorithms – Topological Sort
Lecture 1: Introduction to Topological Sort
Lecture 2: Algorithm Idea
Lecture 3: Topological Sort Implementation
Chapter 19: Solved Problems – Topological Sort
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Task Ordering
Chapter 20: Binary Trees
Lecture 1: Introduction to Binary Trees
Lecture 2: Implementation of Binary Trees
Chapter 21: Solved Problems – Binary Trees
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Size
Lecture 2: Problem 2 – Height
Lecture 3: Problem 3 – Equivalent Trees
Lecture 4: Problem 4 – Isomorphism
Lecture 5: Problem 5 – Preorder Traversal
Lecture 6: Problem 6 – Postorder Traversal
Lecture 7: Problem 7 – Inorder Traversal
Chapter 22: Flow Networks
Lecture 1: Flow Network Concept
Lecture 2: Max Flow Min Cut
Lecture 3: Residual Graph
Lecture 4: Augmenting Path
Chapter 23: Backtracking
Lecture 1: Brute Force Algorithms
Lecture 2: Introduction to Backtracking
Lecture 3: Generic Algorithm
Chapter 24: Solved Problems – Backtracking
Lecture 1: Problem 1 – Zeros and Ones
Lecture 2: Problem 2 – Combinations
Lecture 3: Problem 3 – Permutations
Lucas Bazilio
Engineer and Mathematician
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 23 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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