The Complete Beginners Guide: Make Unity Games from Scratch
The Complete Beginners Guide: Make Unity Games from Scratch, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 401 lectures, based on 24 reviews, and has 236 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn C#, the most popular and modern language, from scratch. No programming experience is necessary. Create your own unique Battle Royale system. Build a solid foundation for game design and game development with best-selling instructors. Become excellent at using the Unity game engine and other programs. Add coding, 3D modelling, and game development to your resume and LinkedIn portfolio. Build a platform shooter game in Unity®. Create playable game projects, models and environments. Create artwork in MagicaVoxel and Photoshop. Integrate the art from Blender into Unity®. Join a huge and supportive community of people similar to you. Develop problem-solving skills transferable form coding. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants their start at making 3D and 2D video games. or People that want to create their own Battle Royale. or Anyone who wants to learn game development. or Beginners who want to learn how to use Blender. or This course assumes you know a little about Unity®. It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants their start at making 3D and 2D video games. or People that want to create their own Battle Royale. or Anyone who wants to learn game development. or Beginners who want to learn how to use Blender. or This course assumes you know a little about Unity®.
Enroll now: The Complete Beginners Guide: Make Unity Games from Scratch
Title: The Complete Beginners Guide: Make Unity Games from Scratch
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 401
Number of Published Lectures: 401
Number of Curriculum Items: 401
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 401
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn C#, the most popular and modern language, from scratch. No programming experience is necessary.
- Create your own unique Battle Royale system.
- Build a solid foundation for game design and game development with best-selling instructors.
- Become excellent at using the Unity game engine and other programs.
- Add coding, 3D modelling, and game development to your resume and LinkedIn portfolio.
- Build a platform shooter game in Unity®.
- Create playable game projects, models and environments.
- Create artwork in MagicaVoxel and Photoshop.
- Integrate the art from Blender into Unity®.
- Join a huge and supportive community of people similar to you.
- Develop problem-solving skills transferable form coding.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants their start at making 3D and 2D video games.
- People that want to create their own Battle Royale.
- Anyone who wants to learn game development.
- Beginners who want to learn how to use Blender.
- This course assumes you know a little about Unity®.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants their start at making 3D and 2D video games.
- People that want to create their own Battle Royale.
- Anyone who wants to learn game development.
- Beginners who want to learn how to use Blender.
- This course assumes you know a little about Unity®.
“Just amazing. Great job man.” -Review from Student Hamza
The best coding program online. Beginner’s guide for aspiring game developers. Learn C# and programming fundamentals. Create epic 2D and 3D games using Unity® and Blender!
A runaway success of a Kickstarter funded this Mammoth Interactive course
Game development & design
Learn how to use Unity in C#
Make games like Mega Man
Learn what Photoshop is used for in game development
The game development process step by step for beginners
Make your own shooter game in Unity
Build a battle royale game like Fortnite
Add multiplayer functionality to game programming
Learn the foundations of Blender 3D
Basic C# programming for beginners
Learn how to create a full 2D and 3D environment. Create and animate characters to wield weapons and run a muck as they try to survive your own Battle Royale!
The Best University-Level Game Programming Course
In this course, you learn how to build your own Battle Royale and a 2D platform shooter Game with Unity® Blender, Adobe Photoshop and MagicaVoxel. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game.
Why Learn From Us
Glauco Pires takes you through the process of coding a game in Unity® from scratch. Kevin Liao teaches you how to create all the artistic elements you will need to complete the game. Kevin will teach this section of the course in MagicaVoxel and Photoshop to make original art.
First you design the game and its functionality in Unity®. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don’t worry if you’ve never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.
Best Unity Course: Build Multiple Games in Full
Unity® is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity® to build 2D and 3D games. Unity® is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms.
Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity®.
All About Blender and Things to Do in PhotoShop
Blender, like Unity®, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.
We answer every question within two business days. We want to hear from you. Watch the free lectures and amazing trailer, then jump right in and start participating with the Mammoth community.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Build A Megadude Game From Scratch
Lecture 1: Welcome – Let's Build A Megadude Game
Lecture 2: Introduction and Downloading Unity
Lecture 3: 3D Elements
Lecture 4: Building a Player
Lecture 5: Enabling Player Input
Lecture 6: Horizontal Movement
Lecture 7: Jumping
Chapter 2: Shooting
Lecture 1: Game Camera
Lecture 2: Shooting Bullets
Lecture 3: Particle Effects
Lecture 4: Multiple Bullets
Lecture 5: Charging Bullets
Chapter 3: Building Enemies
Lecture 1: Base Enemy Class
Lecture 2: Hurt Animation
Lecture 3: Killing Effect
Lecture 4: Destroying Particle System
Lecture 5: Walking Enemy
Lecture 6: Knockback Effect
Lecture 7: Physics Materials
Lecture 8: Collision Improvements
Chapter 4: Flame Thrower, Enemies And More
Lecture 1: FlameThrower Enemy
Lecture 2: Flames
Lecture 3: Shooter Enemy
Lecture 4: Enemy Bullet
Lecture 5: Spawn Enemy Bullets
Lecture 6: Burst Fire
Lecture 7: Shooter Enemy Adjustment
Lecture 8: Turrets
Chapter 5: Doors and Buttons
Lecture 1: Doors
Lecture 2: Button
Lecture 3: Trigger Elements
Lecture 4: Timed Button
Chapter 6: Platforms and Teleportation
Lecture 1: Moving Platforms
Lecture 2: Teleporter
Lecture 3: Teleporter Loop
Lecture 4: Triggering Teleporters
Lecture 5: Triggering Platforms
Chapter 7: Cutscenes and PowerUps
Lecture 1: Cutscene Trigger
Lecture 2: Input Lock
Lecture 3: Powerups
Lecture 4: Powerup Routine
Lecture 5: Super Charge Powerup
Lecture 6: Invincibilty Powerup
Chapter 8: Health, Time, And The Interface
Lecture 1: Canvas
Lecture 2: Health and Time texts
Lecture 3: Designing the Powerup bar
Lecture 4: Events
Lecture 5: Animating the Power up Bar
Chapter 9: Animations, Pausing, And Navigation
Lecture 1: Custscene Animations
Lecture 2: Pausing the Game
Lecture 3: Scene Navigation
Chapter 10: MagicaVoxel Crash Course – Free Art Editor
Lecture 1: Introduction to MagicaVoxel
Lecture 2: MagicaVoxel Tools Crash Course
Chapter 11: Make Game Art in MagicaVoxel
Lecture 1: Floor
Lecture 2: Platform
Lecture 3: Rock Block
Lecture 4: Button
Lecture 5: Teleporter
Lecture 6: Gate
Chapter 12: Make a City Game Scene
Lecture 1: Background
Lecture 2: Background Painting
Lecture 3: City Layering
Lecture 4: Sky Colouring
Lecture 5: Background Colours
Chapter 13: Coloring Art Assets
Lecture 1: Floor Paint
Lecture 2: Moving Platform Paint
Lecture 3: Button Paint
Lecture 4: Destructible Cube Paint
Lecture 5: Teleporter Paint
Lecture 6: Gate Paint
Chapter 14: Exporting Art Assets
Lecture 1: Exporting
Lecture 2: OBJ to FBX
Chapter 15: Introduction to Photoshop (Projects)
Lecture 1: Build a New File
Lecture 2: Navigational Controls
Lecture 3: Basic Tools Rundown
Lecture 4: Basic Tools Usages
Lecture 5: Basic Secondary Tools
Lecture 6: Basic Layers
Lecture 7: Painting Sample
Lecture 8: Adjustment Layers 1
Lecture 9: Adjustment Layers 2
Lecture 10: Adjustment Layers 3
Lecture 11: Transform Tool
Lecture 12: Transform Tool Continued
Lecture 13: Color Range Select
Mammoth Interactive
Top-Rated Instructor, 3.3 Million+ Students -
John Bura
Best Selling Instructor Web/App/Game Developer 1Mil Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 13 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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