The Complete C++ Exception Handling Masterclass
The Complete C++ Exception Handling Masterclass, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4, with 139 lectures, based on 1 reviews, and has 26 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn about the Need for C++ Exceptions Learn by doing by solving 50+ Exercises and Assignments Learn step by step how to add Exception Handling to your C++ programs Learn about Stack Unwinding in the context of C++ Exceptions Learn about the special catch-all Handler Learn about the deep Correlation between C++ Exceptions and Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Learn about C++ Standard Library exception classes Learn about the special Function-try-block Learn about Exception Epecifications and their importance Learn how to apply theoretical concepts in Exercises and Assignments Learn Exception Handling in C++ from an experienced Software Engineer Learn about Exception Handling in C++ PDF Report and Slides for every Chapter This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is perfect for anyone who wants to master Exception Handling in C++, so as to add it to their C++ skillset. or This hugely practical course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn Exception Handling in C++ by doing. or This course is perfect for anyone who wants to broaden their career options in C++, by mastering C++ exception handling. or This course is for anyone who wants to further expand their C++ programming skills It is particularly useful for This course is perfect for anyone who wants to master Exception Handling in C++, so as to add it to their C++ skillset. or This hugely practical course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn Exception Handling in C++ by doing. or This course is perfect for anyone who wants to broaden their career options in C++, by mastering C++ exception handling. or This course is for anyone who wants to further expand their C++ programming skills.
Enroll now: The Complete C++ Exception Handling Masterclass
Title: The Complete C++ Exception Handling Masterclass
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 139
Number of Published Lectures: 139
Number of Curriculum Items: 141
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 141
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn about the Need for C++ Exceptions
- Learn by doing by solving 50+ Exercises and Assignments
- Learn step by step how to add Exception Handling to your C++ programs
- Learn about Stack Unwinding in the context of C++ Exceptions
- Learn about the special catch-all Handler
- Learn about the deep Correlation between C++ Exceptions and Object-Oriented Programming in C++
- Learn about C++ Standard Library exception classes
- Learn about the special Function-try-block
- Learn about Exception Epecifications and their importance
- Learn how to apply theoretical concepts in Exercises and Assignments
- Learn Exception Handling in C++ from an experienced Software Engineer
- Learn about Exception Handling in C++
- PDF Report and Slides for every Chapter
Who Should Attend
- This course is perfect for anyone who wants to master Exception Handling in C++, so as to add it to their C++ skillset.
- This hugely practical course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn Exception Handling in C++ by doing.
- This course is perfect for anyone who wants to broaden their career options in C++, by mastering C++ exception handling.
- This course is for anyone who wants to further expand their C++ programming skills
Target Audiences
- This course is perfect for anyone who wants to master Exception Handling in C++, so as to add it to their C++ skillset.
- This hugely practical course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn Exception Handling in C++ by doing.
- This course is perfect for anyone who wants to broaden their career options in C++, by mastering C++ exception handling.
- This course is for anyone who wants to further expand their C++ programming skills
This hugely practical course is the most complete course on C++ Exception Handling the world. In this course, you do not just sit and listen to the instructor talk for hours. Instead, you remain active throughout. The course is hybrid of theory and practice. In the course, theory and practice are interlaced, so as to ensure that you remain focused and active as you learn.
why should I learn C++ Exception Handling?
C++ Exception Handling ensures that your programs are robust against errors. C++ Exception Handling ensures that the execution of your programs never terminates abnormally, as a result of the occurrence of an unwanted event. Furthermore, C++ exception handling is the only error handling technique which makes it possible to vertically separate the program logic and the error handling logic. Finally, C++ Exception Handling provides a powerful means to deal with nasty errors whilst unaffecting the readability of the program.
Will this course help me master C++ Exception Handling?
Yes. It absolutely will. This is a Masterclass which covers every C++ topic related to Exception Handling. Therefore it will expose you to everything you need to know about C++ Exception Handling. what is more? The course is packed with more than 50 Exercises and Assignments to help you immediately put into practice the theoretical concepts learned. That way, you do not forget as you progress through the course. Rather, you become better at Exception Handling in C++ as you navigate through the course.
What will I learn in this course?
In this course, you learn everything you need to know about Exception Handling in C++. The first chapter of this course teaches you about the need for C++ exceptions. it begins by demonstrating the shortcomings of other error handling techniques and then presents C++ exceptions as the better approach.
The second chapter provides you with a full introduction to Exception Handling in C++. It essentially teaches how to apply the exception handling process to your programs so as to ensure that they no longer behave inappropriately when executed. The chapter also goes in depth about important concepts related to exception handling and details step by step what happens under the hood during exception handling.
The third chapter is about stack unwinding in the context of C++ exceptions. Essentially, the chapter details precisely what happens behind the scenes when stack unwinding occurs as a result of an unhandled exception.
The fourth chapter is about a special feature of C++ exception handling. So, the chapter simply demonstrates how the special feature should be used and when it should be used.
The fifth chapter is a very important and detailed chapter. it is about the correlation between C++ exceptions and object-oriented programming. The chapter demonstrates the problems that exception handling can create in an object-oriented program and then reveals the techniques to use to prevent the occurrence of such problems. The chapter then focuses on how object-oriented programming is involved in exception handling. It shows how the concepts of object-oriented programming are also relevant during an exception handling process involving objects.
The sixth chapter focuses on standard library exception classes. Those are essentially a set of classes from the C++ standard library which can be used during exception handling. So the chapter focuses on revealing how those classes may be used in an exception handling process.
The seventh chapter is about another special feature of Exception Handling in C++. So the chapter focuses again on revealing how the feature is used during an exception handling process. Furthermore, the chapter also highlights the particularities which make the feature so special. Finally, the chapter indicates the specific situations where the special feature may be used.
The final chapter is about exception specifications. the chapter begins with teachings about why exception specifications are needed. Then it continues with how and where to use exception specifications and concludes with teachings about the specificities of exception specifications.
In short, this is what you learn in this course:
The need for exceptions
Introduction to Exception Handling
Stack unwinding
The catch-all handler
Exceptions and Object-Oriented Programming
Standard Library Exception classes
The Function-try-block
Exception Specifications
Do I learn just about C++ exceptions in this course?
No. You learn much more than just exception handling in C++. The thing is, in order to explain exception handling in the most granular details, explaining other topics of C++ is simply inevitable. As a result, by taking this course, you will also get to learn a lot about conditional expressions, pointers, references, classes and objects, creation and destruction of objects, inheritance, polymorphism, operator overloading, templates, the standard template library, smart pointers and much more. This is essentially a complete C++ course focused on Exception Handling.
Is modern C++ used in this course?
Yes, C++11 features are used throughout the course. That includes the member initializer list, smart pointers, RAII, the noexcept specifier amongst other features.
How is this course different from other courses?
What sets this course apart is simply its unique structure. In effect, most online courses are completely theoretical. In most online courses, you just sit and listen to the instructor for hours on end without doing anything. You find yourself figthing sleep and being bored, as a result of being inactive. This course, on the other hand, is very different. From a content point of view, the course consists of eight very informative chapters and more than 50 exercises and assignments. From a structure point of view, the theoritical part and practical part of every chapter are interlaced. That means you learn about one concept, then you get a couple of exercises about it. Then you learn about another concept, and then get some exercises about that other concept, and so on. This is a tested and proven approach that I have used with my live students and their feedback is that it keeps them active and awake, as their learning. It should therefore be no different with you.
What do I get out of learning C++ Exception Handling?
Essentially, you learn how protect your programs from the negative effects of unwanted events. You learn how to ensure that the execution of your programs do not terminate prematurely and abnormally. You learn an error handling technique which vertically separates the program logic and the error handling logic. You learn an error handling technique which makes your code more readable. You learn how to add exception handling to your programs. You learn how the program execution behaves after throwing an exception: what happens under the hood. You learn how exception handling can negatively impact your object-oriented programs and the techniques you must use to avoid the negative impact. You learn the correlation between object-oriented programming and exception handling. And so, so much more.
What are some of the particularities of this course?
So, at the beginning of every chapter, you get a summary about everything that is going to be covered in the chapter. In addition, you get a written report in form of PDF for the chapter, as well as the slides used thoughout the chapter in form of PDF. The written report and the slides are attached to every summary video of every chapter.
Furhermore, at the end of the course, you get a full report containing all the chapters of the course in the form of a PDF, as well the full set of slides for the course, again in the form of a PDF. In addition, at the end of the course, you also get challenging assignments to help you revise the entire course in one go, and help you assess how much you have understood from the course.
Will mastering C++ Exception Handling increase my chances of landing a job as a C++ developer?
The short answer is yes. A lot of C++ developers do not know anything about Exception Handling, partly because it is barely taught at school, and also because a function can “kind of work” (not really) without any sort of exception handling. So mastering C++ Exception Handling can set you apart and make you stand out from the crowd.
Are you ready to get started with the course?
If you are ready to master C++ Exception Handling and take your C++ skills to the next level, then this course is for you.
So why not signed up today?
Buy this course now, master Exception Handling in C++, add it to your Resume, and increase your chances of landing any future opportunity in the world of C++ programming.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction: Exception Handling in C++ – Theory & Exercises
Chapter 2: 1. The Need for C++ Exceptions
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: The Need for an Error Handling Process
Lecture 3: Exceptional Events
Lecture 4: Exercises – Exceptional Events
Lecture 5: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 6: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 7: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 8: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 9: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 10: The Error Handling Process
Lecture 11: Illustration of The Error Handling Process
Lecture 12: Exercises – The Error Handling Process
Lecture 13: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 14: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 15: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 16: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 17: Sample Solution – Exercise
Lecture 18: Intermixing of Program logic and Error Handling Logic
Lecture 19: Burdensome check for Error Codes
Lecture 20: C++ Exceptions
Chapter 3: 2. Introduction to Exception Handling
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: The throw statement
Lecture 3: The try block
Lecture 4: The catch block – Part 1
Lecture 5: The catch block – Part 2
Lecture 6: The catch block – Part 3
Lecture 7: The Exception Handling Process
Lecture 8: Exercises – The Exception Handling Process
Lecture 9: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.1
Lecture 10: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.2
Lecture 11: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.3
Lecture 12: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.4
Lecture 13: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.5
Lecture 14: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.6
Lecture 15: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.7
Lecture 16: Rules about catch blocks – Part 1
Lecture 17: Rules about catch blocks – Part 2
Lecture 18: Rules about catch blocks – Part 3
Lecture 19: Rethrowing exceptions – throwing of a new exception
Lecture 20: Rethrowing exceptions – Rethrowing of the initial Exception
Lecture 21: Final Excercises
Lecture 22: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.8
Lecture 23: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.9
Lecture 24: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.10
Lecture 25: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.11
Lecture 26: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.12
Lecture 27: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.13
Lecture 28: Sample Solution – Exercise 2.14
Chapter 4: 3. Stack Unwinding
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: The function call stack
Lecture 3: Stack unwinding – Definition
Lecture 4: Stack unwinding with exceptions
Lecture 5: Stack unwinding and program execution termination
Lecture 6: Exercise 3.0
Lecture 7: Sample Solution – Exercise 3.0
Lecture 8: Exercise 3.1
Lecture 9: Sample Solution – Exercise 3.1
Lecture 10: Exercise 3.2
Lecture 11: Sample Solution – Exercise 3.2
Lecture 12: Exercise 3.3
Lecture 13: Sample Solution – Exercise 3.3
Lecture 14: Sample Solution – Add-on – Exercise 3.3
Lecture 15: Exercise 3.4
Lecture 16: Sample Solution – Exercise 3.4
Chapter 5: 4. The catch-all handler
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: The catch-all handler in theory
Lecture 3: The catch-all handler in practice
Lecture 4: Exercise 4.1
Lecture 5: Sample Solution – Exercise 4.1
Lecture 6: Exercise 4.2
Lecture 7: Sample Solution – Exercise 4.2
Lecture 8: Exercise 4.3
Lecture 9: Sample Solution – Exercise 4.3
Lecture 10: Exercise 4.4
Lecture 11: Sample Solution – Exercise 4.4
Chapter 6: 5. Exceptions and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Exceptions and classes
Lecture 3: Exceptions in a class constructor
Lecture 4: Exceptions in a class constructor – Memory leaks
Lecture 5: Exceptions in a class constructor – Prevention of memory leaks
Lecture 6: Exercise 5.1
Lecture 7: Sample Solution – Exercise 5.1
Lecture 8: Exception classes
Lecture 9: Exercise 5.2
Lecture 10: Sample Solution – Exercise 5.2
Lecture 11: The exception parameter type – pass-by-value & pass-by-reference
Lecture 12: Advantages of pass-by-reference
Lecture 13: Lifetime of the thrown exception object
Lecture 14: Exercise 5.3
Lecture 15: Sample Solution – Exercise 5.3
Lecture 16: Exercise 5.4
Lecture 17: Solution – Exercise 5.4
Lecture 18: Exercise 5.5
Alex Franck
Software Engineer | Expert Programmer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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