The Complete Guide to Stata
The Complete Guide to Stata, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.43, with 304 lectures, based on 233 reviews, and has 1289 subscribers.
You will learn about An essential introduction to Stata Data manipulation in Stata Data analysis in Stata Regression modelling Stata code Advanced Stata code Fast, and to the point, useful tips to use in Stata Data management Programming Graphics Statistics Basic plot types Intermediate plot types Advanced plot types This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone wanting to work with Stata or Data analysts or Data scientists or Quantitative degree students or Quantitative business users or Economists, Social Scientists, Political Scientists, Biostatisticians, and other disciplines or Those wanting to skill-up in Stata It is particularly useful for Anyone wanting to work with Stata or Data analysts or Data scientists or Quantitative degree students or Quantitative business users or Economists, Social Scientists, Political Scientists, Biostatisticians, and other disciplines or Those wanting to skill-up in Stata.
Enroll now: The Complete Guide to Stata
Title: The Complete Guide to Stata
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.43
Number of Lectures: 304
Number of Published Lectures: 304
Number of Curriculum Items: 304
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 304
Original Price: £89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- An essential introduction to Stata
- Data manipulation in Stata
- Data analysis in Stata
- Regression modelling
- Stata code
- Advanced Stata code
- Fast, and to the point, useful tips to use in Stata
- Data management
- Programming
- Graphics
- Statistics
- Basic plot types
- Intermediate plot types
- Advanced plot types
Who Should Attend
- Anyone wanting to work with Stata
- Data analysts
- Data scientists
- Quantitative degree students
- Quantitative business users
- Economists, Social Scientists, Political Scientists, Biostatisticians, and other disciplines
- Those wanting to skill-up in Stata
Target Audiences
- Anyone wanting to work with Stata
- Data analysts
- Data scientists
- Quantitative degree students
- Quantitative business users
- Economists, Social Scientists, Political Scientists, Biostatisticians, and other disciplines
- Those wanting to skill-up in Stata
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The Complete Guide to Stata
Learning and applying new statistical techniques can be daunting experience.
This is especially true once one engages with “real life” data sets that do not allow for easy “click-and-go” analysis, but require a deeper level of understanding of programme coding, data manipulation, output interpretation, output formatting and selecting the right kind of analytical methodology.
In this course you will receive a comprehensive introduction to Stata and its various uses in modern data analysis. You will learn to understand the many options that Stata gives you in manipulating, exploring, visualizing and modelling complex types of data. By the end of the course you will feel confident in your ability to engage with Stata and handle complex data analytics. The focus of each session will consistently be on creating a “good practice” and emphasising the practical application – and interpretation – of commonly used statistical techniques without resorting to deep statistical theory or equations.
This course consists of three sub-courses that will 1) teach you the essentials of Stata 2) provide you with tips and tricks for Stata and 3) teach you advanced data visualization techniques.
No prior engagement with is Stata needed. Some prior statistics knowledge will help but is not necessary.
The course is aimed at anyone interested in data analytics using Stata.
Like for other professional statistical packages the course focuses on the proper application – and interpretation – of code.
Some basic quantitative/statistical knowledge will be required; this is not an introduction to statistics course but rather the application and interpretation of such using Stata.
Topics covered include:
Getting started with Stata
Viewing and exploring data
Manipulating data
Visualising data
Correlation and ANOVA
Regression including diagnostics (Ordinary Least Squares)
Regression model building
Hypothesis testing
Binary outcome models (Logit and Probit)
Fractional response models (Fractional Logit and Beta Regression)
Categorical choice models (Ordered Logit and Multinomial Logit)
Simulation techniques (Random Numbers and Simulation)
Count data models (Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression)
Survival data analysis (Parametric, Cox-Proportional Hazard and Parametric Survival Regression)
Panel data analysis (Long Form Data, Lags and Leads, Random and Fixed Effects, Hausman Test and Non-Linear Panel Regression)
Difference-in-differences analysis (Difference-in-Difference and Parallel Trends)
Instrumental variable regression (Endogenous Variables, Sample Selection, Non-Linear Endogenous Models)
Epidemiological tables (Cohort Studies, Case-Control Studies and Matched Case-Control Studies)
Power analysis (Sample Size, Power Size and Effect Size)
Matrix operations (Matrix operators, Matrix functions, Matrix subscripting)
There are also 125 tips and tricks for Stata. These tips are aimed at helping you become a Stata master! They cover a wide range of issues the following topics:
Data management
Each tip is designed to be stand-alone and will take no more than 2 minutes.
Finally, you will be shown some of the most important data visualization methods and learn what ae the advantages and disadvantages of each technique are. A wide variety of graphs are highlighted in great detail including:
Density plots
Spike plots
Box plots
Violin plots
Stem-and-Leaf plots
Quantile plots
Bar graphs
Pie charts
Dot charts
Radar plots
Scatter plots
Heat plots
Hex plots
Sunflower plots
Lines of best fit
Area plots
Line plots
Range plots
Rainbow plots
Jitter plots
Table plots
Baloon plots
Mosaic plots
Chernoff faces
Sparkling plots
Bubble plots
and more
Depending on your desired learning outcomes you may wish to focus on specific parts.
To gain a basic understanding of Stata watch sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
To learn advanced Stata concepts watch sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17
To learn fast tips for Stata watch sections 18, 19, 20 and 21
To learn all about data visualisation in Stata watch sections 5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26
To learn data management concepts watch sections 3, 4 and 18
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Essential Stata – Getting Started
Lecture 1: The Stata Interface
Lecture 2: Using Help in Stata
Lecture 3: Command Syntax
Lecture 4: .do and .ado Files
Lecture 5: Log Files
Lecture 6: Importing Data
Chapter 3: Essential Stata – Exploring Data
Lecture 1: Viewing Raw Data
Lecture 2: Describing and Summarizing
Lecture 3: Tabulating and Tables
Lecture 4: Missing Values
Lecture 5: Numerical Distributional Analysis
Lecture 6: Using Weights
Lecture 7: The New Table Command (Stata 17)
Chapter 4: Essential Stata – Manipulating Data
Lecture 1: Recoding an Existing Variable
Lecture 2: Creating New Variables, Replacing Old Variables
Lecture 3: Naming and Labelling Variables
Lecture 4: Extensions to Generate
Lecture 5: Indicator Variables
Lecture 6: Keep and Drop Data/Variables
Lecture 7: Saving Data
Lecture 8: Converting String Data
Lecture 9: Combining Data
Lecture 10: Using Macro's and Loop's Effectively
Lecture 11: Accessing Stored Information
Lecture 12: Multiple Loops
Lecture 13: Date Variables
Lecture 14: Subscripting over Groups
Chapter 5: Essential Stata – Visualizing Data
Lecture 1: Graphing in Stata
Lecture 2: Bar Graphs and Dot Charts
Lecture 3: Graphing Distributions
Lecture 4: Pie Charts
Lecture 5: Scatterplots and Lines of Best Fit
Lecture 6: Graphing Custom Functions
Lecture 7: Contour Plots (and Interaction Effects)
Lecture 8: Jitter Data in Scatterplots
Lecture 9: Sunflower Plots
Lecture 10: Combining Graphs
Lecture 11: Changing Graph Sizes
Lecture 12: Graphing by Groups
Lecture 13: Changing Graph Colours
Lecture 14: Adding Text to Graphs
Lecture 15: Scatterplots with Categories
Chapter 6: Essential Stata – Testing Means, Correlations and ANOVA
Lecture 1: Association Between Two Categorical Variables
Lecture 2: Testing Means
Lecture 3: Bivariate Correlation
Lecture 4: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Chapter 7: Essential Stata – Linear Regression
Lecture 1: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression
Lecture 2: Factor Variables in OLS Regression
Lecture 3: Diagnostic Statistics for OLS Regression
Lecture 4: Log Dependent Variables and Interaction Effects in OLS Regression
Lecture 5: Hypothesis Testing in OLS Regression
Lecture 6: Presenting Estimates from OLS Regression
Lecture 7: Standardizing Regression Estimates
Lecture 8: Graphing Regression Estimates
Lecture 9: Oaxaca Decomposition Analysis
Lecture 10: Mixed Models: Random Intercepts and Random Coefficients
Lecture 11: Constrained Linear Regression
Chapter 8: Essential Stata – Categorical Choice Models
Lecture 1: Binary Choice Models (Logit/Probit Regression)
Lecture 2: Diagnostics and Interpretation of Logit and Probit Regression
Lecture 3: Ordered and Multinomial Choice Models
Lecture 4: Fractional Logit, Beta Regression and Zero-inflated Beta Regression
Chapter 9: Essential Stata – Random Numbers and Simulation
Lecture 1: Random Numbers
Lecture 2: Data Generating Process
Lecture 3: Simulating a Violation of Statistical Assumptions
Lecture 4: Monte Carlo Simulation
Chapter 10: Essential Stata – Count Data Models
Lecture 1: Features of Count Data
Lecture 2: Poisson Regression
Lecture 3: Negative Binomial Regression
Lecture 4: Truncated and Censored Count Regression
Lecture 5: Hurdle Count Regression
Chapter 11: Essential Stata – Survival Analysis
Lecture 1: What is Survival Analysis?
Lecture 2: Setting up Survival Data
Lecture 3: Descriptive Statistics in Survival Data
Lecture 4: Non-parametric Survival Analysis
Lecture 5: Cox Proportional Hazard's Model
Lecture 6: Diagnostics for Cox Models
Lecture 7: Parametric Survival Analysis
Chapter 12: Essential Stata – Panel Data Analysis
Lecture 1: Setting up Panel Data
Lecture 2: Panel Data Descriptives
Lecture 3: Lags and Leads
Lecture 4: Linear Panel Estimators
Lecture 5: The Hausman Test
Lecture 6: Non-Linear Panel Estimators
Chapter 13: Essential Stata – Difference-in-Differences Analysis
Lecture 1: Difference-in-Differences Estimation
Lecture 2: Parallel Trend Assumption
Lecture 3: Difference-in-Differences without Parallel Trends
F. Buscha
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 26 votes
- 4 stars: 59 votes
- 5 stars: 140 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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