The Complete Hands-On Introduction to Apache Airflow
The Complete Hands-On Introduction to Apache Airflow, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.52, with 133 lectures, 13 quizzes, based on 10632 reviews, and has 63038 subscribers.
You will learn about Create plugins to add functionalities to Apache Airflow. Using Docker with Airflow and different executors Master core functionalities such as DAGs, Operators, Tasks, Workflows, etc Understand and apply advanced concepts of Apache Airflow such as XCOMs, Branching and SubDAGs. The difference between Sequential, Local and Celery Executors, how do they work and how can you use them. Use Apache Airflow in a Big Data ecosystem with Hive, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch etc. Install and configure Apache Airflow Think, answer and implement solutions using Airflow to real data processing problems This course is ideal for individuals who are People being curious about data engineering. or People who want to learn basic and advanced concepts about Apache Airflow. or People who like hands-on approach. It is particularly useful for People being curious about data engineering. or People who want to learn basic and advanced concepts about Apache Airflow. or People who like hands-on approach.
Enroll now: The Complete Hands-On Introduction to Apache Airflow
Title: The Complete Hands-On Introduction to Apache Airflow
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.52
Number of Lectures: 133
Number of Quizzes: 13
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Published Quizzes: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 152
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 118
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create plugins to add functionalities to Apache Airflow.
- Using Docker with Airflow and different executors
- Master core functionalities such as DAGs, Operators, Tasks, Workflows, etc
- Understand and apply advanced concepts of Apache Airflow such as XCOMs, Branching and SubDAGs.
- The difference between Sequential, Local and Celery Executors, how do they work and how can you use them.
- Use Apache Airflow in a Big Data ecosystem with Hive, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch etc.
- Install and configure Apache Airflow
- Think, answer and implement solutions using Airflow to real data processing problems
Who Should Attend
- People being curious about data engineering.
- People who want to learn basic and advanced concepts about Apache Airflow.
- People who like hands-on approach.
Target Audiences
- People being curious about data engineering.
- People who want to learn basic and advanced concepts about Apache Airflow.
- People who like hands-on approach.
Apache Airflow is an open-source platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows. If you have many ETL(s) to manage, Airflow is a must-have.
In this course you are going to learn everything you need to start using Apache Airflow through theory and pratical videos. Starting from very basic notions such as, what is Airflow and how it works, we will dive into advanced concepts such as, how to create plugins and make real dynamic pipelines.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Prerequisites
Lecture 2: Course Objectives
Lecture 3: Who I am?
Lecture 4: Development Environment
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Airflow
Lecture 1: Why Airflow?
Lecture 2: What is Airflow?
Lecture 3: Core Components
Lecture 4: Core Concepts
Lecture 5: Airflow is not…
Lecture 6: The Different Architectures
Lecture 7: How does it work?
Lecture 8: [Practice] Installing Apache Airflow
Lecture 9: What is Docker?
Lecture 10: The docker-compose file
Lecture 11: Key Takeaways
Chapter 3: The important views of the Airflow UI
Lecture 1: The DAGs View
Lecture 2: The Grid View
Lecture 3: The Graph View
Lecture 4: The Landing Times View
Lecture 5: The Calendar View
Lecture 6: The Gantt View
Lecture 7: The Code View
Lecture 8: Wrap up!
Chapter 4: Coding Your First Data Pipeline with Airflow
Lecture 1: The Project
Lecture 2: Advices
Lecture 3: What is a DAG?
Lecture 4: DAG Skeleton
Lecture 5: What is an Operator?
Lecture 6: Providers
Lecture 7: Create a Table
Lecture 8: Create a connection
Lecture 9: The secret weapon!
Lecture 10: What is a Sensor?
Lecture 11: Is the API available?
Lecture 12: Create the connection user_api
Lecture 13: Extract users
Lecture 14: Process users
Lecture 15: Before running process_user
Lecture 16: What is a Hook?
Lecture 17: Store users
Lecture 18: Order matters!
Lecture 19: Your DAG in action!
Lecture 20: DAG Scheduling
Lecture 21: Backfilling: How does it work?
Lecture 22: Wrap up!
Chapter 5: The New Way of Scheduling DAGs
Lecture 1: Why do you need that feature?
Lecture 2: What is a Dataset?
Lecture 3: Adios schedule_interval!
Lecture 4: Create the Producer DAG
Lecture 5: Create the Consumer DAG
Lecture 6: Track your Datasets with the new view!
Lecture 7: Wait for many datasets
Lecture 8: Dataset limitations
Chapter 6: Databases and Executors
Lecture 1: What's an executor?
Lecture 2: The default config
Lecture 3: The Sequential Executor
Lecture 4: The Local Executor
Lecture 5: The Celery Executor
Lecture 6: The current config
Lecture 7: Add the DAG into the dags folder
Lecture 8: Monitor your tasks with Flower
Lecture 9: Remove DAG examples
Lecture 10: Running tasks on Celery Workers
Lecture 11: What is a queue?
Lecture 12: Add a new Celery Worker
Lecture 13: Create a queue to better distribute tasks
Lecture 14: Send a task to a specific queue
Lecture 15: Concurrency, the parameters you must know!
Chapter 7: Implementing Advanced Concepts in Airflow
Lecture 1: Adios repetitive patterns
Lecture 2: Add the DAG
Lecture 3: How to use SubDAGs?
Lecture 4: Adios SubDAGs, welcome TaskGroups!
Lecture 5: Add the DAG
Lecture 6: Sharing data between tasks with XComs
Lecture 7: [Practice] XComs in action!
Lecture 8: Choosing a specific path in your DAG
Lecture 9: [Practice] Executing a task according to a condition
Lecture 10: Trigger rules or how tasks get triggered
Marc Lamberti
Apache Airflow Expert, Data Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 97 votes
- 2 stars: 147 votes
- 3 stars: 915 votes
- 4 stars: 3762 votes
- 5 stars: 5716 votes
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