The Complete MySQL For Beginners
The Complete MySQL For Beginners, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 73 lectures, based on 201 reviews, and has 11276 subscribers.
You will learn about Install MySQL Database Engine and MySQL Workbench. Understand basics of cloud databases (DBAAS and Virtual Machines) Create SQL Server instances on Microsoft Azure. Create SQL Server instances on AWS (Amazon Web Services). Connect MySQL Workbench to your cloud databases. Create MySQL schema. Create and manage users in database. Work with Sakila database. Create tables using MySQL Workbench. Create tables using SQL script. Learn different data types available in MySQL. Learn how to apply different constraints. Create primary keys, foreign keys and composite keys. Design relational databases and create relationships between tables. Understand and general ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). Import and Export data using MySQL Workbench. Work with select statement. Filter data using where clause. Work with and, or, not operators. Use like operator and wildcards. Enhance your data selection using (In and between) How to select distinct data only. How to work with union and intersect, except operators. Work with case statement. Enhancing your data selection with sql subqueries. Working with aggregate functions (Min, Max, Avg, Sum, Count) Group table records using group by keyword. Understand difference between where and having. Filter grouped records using having keyword. Integrating aggregate functions with group by and having keywords. Understand what is DML and DDL. Adding database new records using insert statement. Deleting database records using delete statement. Updating database records using update statement. Build complex SQL queries with confident. How to clone tables. This course is ideal for individuals who are Complete beginners, no prior experience is required. or Anyone want to master MySQL and relational databases. or Developers looking for a huge boost in CV. or Anyone looking for a course to refresh and incredibly increase their SQL knowledge. It is particularly useful for Complete beginners, no prior experience is required. or Anyone want to master MySQL and relational databases. or Developers looking for a huge boost in CV. or Anyone looking for a course to refresh and incredibly increase their SQL knowledge.
Enroll now: The Complete MySQL For Beginners
Title: The Complete MySQL For Beginners
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Published Lectures: 72
Number of Curriculum Items: 73
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 72
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Install MySQL Database Engine and MySQL Workbench.
- Understand basics of cloud databases (DBAAS and Virtual Machines)
- Create SQL Server instances on Microsoft Azure.
- Create SQL Server instances on AWS (Amazon Web Services).
- Connect MySQL Workbench to your cloud databases.
- Create MySQL schema.
- Create and manage users in database.
- Work with Sakila database.
- Create tables using MySQL Workbench.
- Create tables using SQL script.
- Learn different data types available in MySQL.
- Learn how to apply different constraints.
- Create primary keys, foreign keys and composite keys.
- Design relational databases and create relationships between tables.
- Understand and general ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram).
- Import and Export data using MySQL Workbench.
- Work with select statement.
- Filter data using where clause.
- Work with and, or, not operators.
- Use like operator and wildcards.
- Enhance your data selection using (In and between)
- How to select distinct data only.
- How to work with union and intersect, except operators.
- Work with case statement.
- Enhancing your data selection with sql subqueries.
- Working with aggregate functions (Min, Max, Avg, Sum, Count)
- Group table records using group by keyword.
- Understand difference between where and having.
- Filter grouped records using having keyword.
- Integrating aggregate functions with group by and having keywords.
- Understand what is DML and DDL.
- Adding database new records using insert statement.
- Deleting database records using delete statement.
- Updating database records using update statement.
- Build complex SQL queries with confident.
- How to clone tables.
Who Should Attend
- Complete beginners, no prior experience is required.
- Anyone want to master MySQL and relational databases.
- Developers looking for a huge boost in CV.
- Anyone looking for a course to refresh and incredibly increase their SQL knowledge.
Target Audiences
- Complete beginners, no prior experience is required.
- Anyone want to master MySQL and relational databases.
- Developers looking for a huge boost in CV.
- Anyone looking for a course to refresh and incredibly increase their SQL knowledge.
Welcome to the Complete MySQL For Developers Course, The practical guide to become a MySQL master
This course will start with you from zero level experience in SQL databases, starting to level up as we are going through the course.
This course will guide you how to install MySQL on a local machine step by stepand how to workwith MySQL Workbench (The main GUI that we will be using to work with MySQL Database engine) then you will learn how to create your own cloud databases on the most required cloud services providers in the market…AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft Azure.
You will learn what is meant by concepts like DBaaS and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
After you learn the basic concepts of the MySQL and relational databases and how to install it on a machine and on the cloud, You will be ready to start interacting with the database engine,some of the topics this course will cover :
How create a database and schema.
How create and drop tables using both SQL script and easily with Workbench.
Understand the famous terms DML, DDL, schemas, DBaaS and more.
You will learn how to create users to access your database based on specific permissions you gave them.
How to create different constraints.
Create primary keys, foreign keys and composite keys.
How to export and import a bulk of data in and out of your database.
How to retrieve data from your database using select statement.
How to filter data using where clause.
How to use aggregate functions(Sum, Min, Max..etc).
Learn how to use group by and having with aggregate functions.
How to use case statement.
Master data manipulation with the essentials statements (insert into, update and delete)
How to use the keywords like between, in, distinct, exists and more.
Understand how to create subqueries.
How to design complex database relations.
Cloning database tables easily.
You will be designing a small human resources database from scratch, and we will also work with the Sakila database. Sakila is sample relational database ready for you to test and use it. You will learn how to install Sakila database onto your database serverand we are going to perform different SQL queries and statements on both HumanResources and Sakila.
With over 30 real world exercisesto help you practice and learn more about almost each major topic in the course, I am going to solve all of the exercises with you while giving you some time to try to solve it on your own.
All the SQL scripts I will be using in this course are available for you to download anytime.
Give your CV a huge boostby mastering MySQL with the Complete MySQL for developers course,
Enroll now and start mastering MySQL.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to MySQL and Cloud Databases
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Relational Databases and MySQL?
Lecture 3: Relational Databases (Article)
Lecture 4: Install MySQL Database
Lecture 5: MySQL Workbench
Lecture 6: MySQL Database on Microsoft Azure
Lecture 7: MySQL MySQL Database on AWS
Lecture 8: Summary
Chapter 2: Schema, Users and Privileges in MySQL
Lecture 1: Create and Drop Databases
Lecture 2: Create Users
Lecture 3: Exercise : Create Database and User
Lecture 4: Summary
Chapter 3: Database Tables, Primary Keys and Foreign Keys in MySQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to The Chapter
Lecture 2: Database Tables
Lecture 3: Data Types in MySQL
Lecture 4: Primary Keys
Lecture 5: Constraints
Lecture 6: Exercise : Create Tables : Employees and Jobs
Lecture 7: Foreign Keys
Lecture 8: Exercise : Create Tables : Previous Experience
Lecture 9: Exercise : Import Data (Employees and Cities)
Lecture 10: Create table using Table Data Import Wizard
Lecture 11: Exercise : Primary and Foreign Keys For Status Table
Lecture 12: Export Data out of Database
Lecture 13: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Lecture 14: Summary
Chapter 4: Basic Select Statements in MySQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to The Chapter
Lecture 2: Select
Lecture 3: Exercise : Select
Lecture 4: Where
Lecture 5: Exercise : Where
Lecture 6: Order by
Lecture 7: Exercise : Order By
Lecture 8: And, Or, Not, Is Null
Lecture 9: Like and Wildcards
Lecture 10: Exercise : Like and Wildcards
Lecture 11: Summary
Chapter 5: Advanced Select Statements Techniques in MySQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to The Chapter
Lecture 2: Distinct
Lecture 3: In
Lecture 4: Between
Lecture 5: Exercise : Between and in
Lecture 6: Union Operator
Lecture 7: Exercise : Union Operator
Lecture 8: Case Statement
Lecture 9: Exercise : Case Statement
Lecture 10: Exists
Lecture 11: Subquery
Lecture 12: Exercise : Subquery
Lecture 13: Summary
Chapter 6: Aggregate Functions in MySQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to The Chapter
Lecture 2: Aggregate Functions – Min and Max
Lecture 3: Aggregate Functions – Count
Lecture 4: Exercise : Create Table Budget with Some Queries
Lecture 5: Aggregate Functions – Avg and Sum
Lecture 6: Group By
Lecture 7: Having
Lecture 8: Exercise : Aggregate Functions
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 7: Data Manipulation in MySQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to The Chapter
Lecture 2: DML and DDL
Lecture 3: Insert Into Statement
Lecture 4: Exercise : Insert Into Statement
Lecture 5: Cloning a Table
Lecture 6: Delete Statement
Lecture 7: Update Statement
Lecture 8: Exercise : Update Statement
Lecture 9: Exercise : Update Status of Employees
Lecture 10: Summary
Lecture 11: The Final Lecture
Chapter 8: Questions and Answers
Lecture 1: Part 1 (Questions 1 to 5)
Lecture 2: Part 2 (Questions 6 to 10)
Ahmad Mohey
Software Developer & DevOps Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 34 votes
- 4 stars: 74 votes
- 5 stars: 90 votes
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