The Complete NFT Web Development Course – Zero To Expert
The Complete NFT Web Development Course – Zero To Expert, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 248 lectures, based on 1663 reviews, and has 26314 subscribers.
You will learn about Code along and develop an impressive NFT Marketplace Example from scratch for your portfolio Learn how to develop professional Web Applications and NFTs with modern Tools & Libraries Including React, Truffle, Mocha, Web3, Bootstrap and much more Get interview-ready by understanding how Solidity and the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) really works under the hood Object-oriented programming: constructor functions, contract and classes, interfaces, abstract contracts (virtual and override), inheritance, and hash tables Professional Blockchain techniques working with the Ethereum network and Web3 for debugging, deployment, and compiling with Remix IDE Ethereum. How to write code with templated models (Interface contracts) and clearly document your thought process Build Multiple Applications from Scratch including gain from tons of examples, exercises, and assignments. Interact with an online community of thousands of developers and practice team and communication oriented professional soft skills This course is ideal for individuals who are Take this course if want to learn how to build an NFT Marketplace from scratch with modern Web Development Technology or Take this course if you already know Solidity and are looking for a course to clearly go over advanced topics. This course includes expert topics! or Take this course if you want to get started with programming: Solidity & Javascript are awesome and very interesting first languages! or Take this course if are interested in working on a blockchain project in the future and entering the industry or Take this course if you want to develop impressive portfolio projects that you can breakdown for employable prospects with a clear and powerful understanding It is particularly useful for Take this course if want to learn how to build an NFT Marketplace from scratch with modern Web Development Technology or Take this course if you already know Solidity and are looking for a course to clearly go over advanced topics. This course includes expert topics! or Take this course if you want to get started with programming: Solidity & Javascript are awesome and very interesting first languages! or Take this course if are interested in working on a blockchain project in the future and entering the industry or Take this course if you want to develop impressive portfolio projects that you can breakdown for employable prospects with a clear and powerful understanding.
Enroll now: The Complete NFT Web Development Course – Zero To Expert
Title: The Complete NFT Web Development Course – Zero To Expert
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 248
Number of Published Lectures: 248
Number of Curriculum Items: 248
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 248
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Code along and develop an impressive NFT Marketplace Example from scratch for your portfolio
- Learn how to develop professional Web Applications and NFTs with modern Tools & Libraries Including React, Truffle, Mocha, Web3, Bootstrap and much more
- Get interview-ready by understanding how Solidity and the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) really works under the hood
- Object-oriented programming: constructor functions, contract and classes, interfaces, abstract contracts (virtual and override), inheritance, and hash tables
- Professional Blockchain techniques working with the Ethereum network and Web3 for debugging, deployment, and compiling with Remix IDE Ethereum.
- How to write code with templated models (Interface contracts) and clearly document your thought process
- Build Multiple Applications from Scratch including gain from tons of examples, exercises, and assignments.
- Interact with an online community of thousands of developers and practice team and communication oriented professional soft skills
Who Should Attend
- Take this course if want to learn how to build an NFT Marketplace from scratch with modern Web Development Technology
- Take this course if you already know Solidity and are looking for a course to clearly go over advanced topics. This course includes expert topics!
- Take this course if you want to get started with programming: Solidity & Javascript are awesome and very interesting first languages!
- Take this course if are interested in working on a blockchain project in the future and entering the industry
- Take this course if you want to develop impressive portfolio projects that you can breakdown for employable prospects with a clear and powerful understanding
Target Audiences
- Take this course if want to learn how to build an NFT Marketplace from scratch with modern Web Development Technology
- Take this course if you already know Solidity and are looking for a course to clearly go over advanced topics. This course includes expert topics!
- Take this course if you want to get started with programming: Solidity & Javascript are awesome and very interesting first languages!
- Take this course if are interested in working on a blockchain project in the future and entering the industry
- Take this course if you want to develop impressive portfolio projects that you can breakdown for employable prospects with a clear and powerful understanding
The Complete NFT Web Development Course – Zero To Expert
Learn how to build an NFT Marketplace – Solidity And React – Truffle + Web3 for NFTs (Non-Fungible-Tokens) – Blockchain
Become a Complete NFT Web Developer by learning the best in demand skills taught by renown engineer and full stack developer Clarian North. Join in early on an exciting technology implementing global changes to multiple industries and businesses.
This course is designed with the latest NFT tools including the Solidity Compiler, Truffle, and Web3 Patterns in 2022 as well as teaches the very latest Web Development techniques and version of React with both hooks and class components!
Join a live online school and community of mentors and developers for supportive NFT discussions, debugging, hackathons and more! Level up with a curriculum by an instructor who has worked and consulted in the tech and entertainment industry for top brands and SF valley from Solana to NEAR and independent projects which have gone viral all over the world.
This course is also flexible and you can move through sections at different paces depending on your entry skill level: The “beginner” path (full course for total NFT beginners into programming and web development) and the “experienced path” (condensed version for those enrolled with prior web development and programming experience) – you are free to choose the path which serves your goals and time requirements the most! 🙂
NFTs are changing the way the world does business as part of the most disruptive technology (blockchain) since the very early days of the internet and you can build and learn how to use them in order to shape the future of modern digital art, gaming, and web applications.
This course teaches you how to build an NFT Marketplace in-depth, from total scratch as well as some of the most modern and best employable tools out there for Web Development. We code along step by step by diving into all the key industry standard fundamentals, discover an impressive sum of techniques and examples as well as expose you to advanced concepts and the best practices and proper conventions along the way.
You will be provided with clear and deep dives into theory, project case studies and many examples, including tons of assignments and exercises and build an impressive Web Application Portfolio of Projects for interviews that most other online resources right now are seriously lacking – We put the most hours in to get the most out of it 🙂
This is the most complete NFT and Web Development focused course on Udemy. It’s an all-in-one topic by topic focused approach that will take you from the very fundamentals of Smart Contracts and programming, all the way to building an impressive and functional final project fully compliant with industry standards.
Welcome to “The Complete NFT Web Development Course!”
This course will teach you NFT coding and Web Development in a clear project driven way, adhering to employable skill expectation and the best practices you need. You will learn all the key fundamentals as well as advanced concepts and related topics to turn you into a Web Developer that can build NFT oriented Websites as well as non related Blockchain Applications.
This is a long course because we deep dive into everything you need to know and learn to build an NFT marketplace with smart contracts for minting and transferring tokens and so much more!
No matter if you know nothing about NFTs or if you already got some basic Web Developer knowledge(not required – the flexibility on how to navigate through the course is included inside), you will get tons of useful NFT and Smart Contract information and knowledge out of this course!
Our goal with this course is to teach you the working skills you need to build your own NFT Marketplace like OpenSea, get a job in the blockchain space, or innovate the world at your own choosing with your new found powers. With these skills you can apply for both Web Development (Front End) & Blockchain (Smart Contract) jobs, use it in your own projects or simply enhance your portfolio as a developer – whatever your goal is: This course will take you there!
The world is shifting more and more towards learning and working at home. This is an opportunity for you to start learning the most in demand skills, showcase those NFT development skills, and gain the experiences you need to develop your passion into something real.
This is the definitive NFT Web Developer course. After completing the final project, you will have extensively gone through the following tools and technologies:
What’s in this course?
• Introductions to the key NFT tools you need including: Solidity, Javascript, React, Truffle & Web3
• All the core basics: How Smart Contracts work (ERC165 ERC20 and erC721) and how to implement with the best practices.
• Web Development under the hood: JSON & API Calls, The EVM – Ethereum Virtual Machine & Ethereum Provider,
• Working with events and state to build scalable applications
• Gain a deep knowledge of how NFTs work under the hood from Enumerating, Metadata, Minting, Transferring and more.
• Building Website & Application Fundamentals: HTML, CSS, Javascript including Bootstrap Styling & Material Design
• React Hooks & Class Components!
• Reading Documents and Implementing Libraries like Web3
• How to debug Applications for NFT Blockchain Interaction and API Calls.
• Styling Applications with “Bootstrap Components” and “CSS Modules”
• Writing Smart Contracts and Building Interfaces of The ERC 721 Standard (NFTs)
• Sending Http requests & handling transitional States + Responses
• Handling forms and state updates
• Migrating and Updating NFT Smart Contracts with Truffle
• Learn Solidity Fundamentals and Advanced Smart Contract Creation Techniques
• An in-depth understanding of Truffle Console
• Developing a Local Environment for building an NFT Marketplace
• Implementing Authentication
• Complete Suite Unit Testing With Mocha
• Learning Modern JavaScript and promises including Async-Await & Axios
• Building Advanced CSS including Animations
• Build a landing page and a Weather Application thousands of cities and an NFT Marketplace all from scratch!!
• And so much more – scroll through our full curriculum to see the full breakdown of lessons and projects!
This course is a focused employable bootcamp into building Web Development for NFTs and beyond!
And in case if you are wondering if you need any experience to get started –
You do not need any web development or programming knowledge to get started!
This course requires zero prior knowledge to get started! Some basic web development skills including Javascript along with Solidity would definitely move you through the course at a much faster pace than others, however, this course includes introductory sections (they are purely optional) so that we all move through the key lessons together regardless of our skill level!
Please see the full curriculum, the free preview videos and whenever you’re ready…
Looking forward to seeing you in the lessons!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: What Is An NFT (A Cultural Introduction)
Lecture 1: Overview – Getting Started With NFTs
Lecture 2: What Is An NFT As An Artform & Collectible
Lecture 3: What Are Some Examples of NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens)
Lecture 4: Technically Defining What Is An NFT
Lecture 5: The Internet Of Assets (The World in Web3)
Lecture 6: Join Our Online School (Developers & Mentors)
Lecture 7: Exercise: Meet The Community
Chapter 2: The Ethereum Virtual Machine – EVM – (NFT Technology Under The Hood)
Lecture 1: What Is A Virtual Machine (Basic Introduction)
Lecture 2: What Are Smart Contracts – Ethereum & Solidity
Lecture 3: Optional – Advanced – Introduction to Opcodes for the EVM
Lecture 4: How Contract Storage Works With Ethereum Smart Contracts
Lecture 5: Optional – Advanced – Opcodes Allow The EVM To Compute Almost Anything
Lecture 6: Review – What Is The EVM
Chapter 3: What Is an NFT Marketplace (Introduction)
Lecture 1: What Is An NFT Marketplace (Formal Definition)
Lecture 2: Introduction To Our KryptoBirdz Marketplace Concept
Lecture 3: What Is OpenSea (Introduction)
Lecture 4: What is an NFT Collections & Collectibles (KryptoBirdz Example)
Lecture 5: Minting & Trading NFTs (KryptoBirdz Example)
Lecture 6: Exercise – Practice With A NFT Marketplace
Lecture 7: What is Algorithmically Generated NFT Art
Lecture 8: Review on NFTs & Next Steps
Chapter 4: What is the ERC721 NFT Standard
Lecture 1: Overview – The Standardizaion of NFT Smart Contracts
Lecture 2: NFT & Gaming Introduction (CryptoKitties Example)
Lecture 3: What Real Problems Do Non Fungible Tokens Actually Solve (Besides Cool Games)
Lecture 4: Formally defining what is an ERC721 Token
Lecture 5: ERC721 By Example (BalanceOf Function)
Lecture 6: EIP – The Ethereum Improvement Proposal
Lecture 7: Review – What is the ERC721 Token Contract
Lecture 8: Exercise – Meet a Web3 Community and Ask A Question
Chapter 5: Optional – Crash Course Solidity (Programming For Complete Beginners) Part I
Lecture 1: Overview – Getting Started With Programming
Lecture 3: How To Code Along In These Sections – Remix Ethereum IDE Introduction
Lecture 4: Quick Note On The Upcoming Crash Course Section
Lecture 5: What Is Solidity (As A Coding Language)
Lecture 6: Pragma Solidity (How To Select Compiler Versions)
Lecture 7: Creating Smart Contracts In Solidity
Lecture 8: What are Variables & Datatypes in Solidity
Lecture 9: Deploying Your Very First Smart Contract Token
Lecture 10: Visibility keywords in Solidity
Lecture 11: Exercise – Solidity Visibility Challenge
Lecture 12: Solution – Solidity Visibility Challenge
Chapter 6: Optional – Crash Course Solidity (Programming For Complete Beginners) Part II
Lecture 1: Important Note
Lecture 2: What is a Constructor in Solidity
Lecture 3: What is Mapping in Solidity
Lecture 4: Exericse – Write A Mapping
Lecture 5: Solution – Write A Mapping
Lecture 6: What Are Events in Solidity
Lecture 7: The Mint Token Function Signature
Lecture 8: Conditional Logic & Error Handling in Solidity
Lecture 9: Updating Token Balances & the += Operator
Lecture 10: Exercise – Write A Send Token Function
Lecture 11: Solution – Write A Send Token Function
Lecture 12: Deploy Your First Mintable Token Contract
Chapter 7: Optional – Extra Solidity Practice For Beginners & Glossary
Lecture 1: Overview – How To Go Through This Optional Coding Section
Lecture 3: General Introduction To Variables & Types
Lecture 4: Introduction To Booleans, Integers, & Strings
Lecture 5: Writing Solidity Variables
Lecture 6: Exercise write Variables
Lecture 7: Solution – Write Variables
Lecture 8: Introduction To Decision Making – If Statements in Solidity
Lecture 9: How To Write If Statements in Solidity
Lecture 10: Solution – Write An Airdrop If Statement In Solidity
Lecture 11: Arrays in Solidity – Pop Push & Length Methods
Lecture 12: Arrays in Solidity – Delete
Lecture 13: Exercise – Maintain a Compact Array
Lecture 14: Solution – Maintain a Compact Array
Lecture 15: What Are Abstract Contracts in Solidity
Chapter 8: How To Set up A Development Environment For NFTs
Lecture 1: Overview – Setting Up The NFT Development Environment
Lecture 2: What Is MetaMask
Lecture 3: What Is A Terminal
Lecture 4: What Is A Terminal Part II
Lecture 5: What Is Node.js Part I
Lecture 6: What Is Node.js Part II
Lecture 7: What Is NPM Basics
Lecture 8: How To Install Ganache
Lecture 9: How To Use Ganache
Lecture 10: Connecting MetaMask To Ganache
Lecture 11: How To Work With Truffle
Lecture 12: Git Clone The Starter Project (+ Introduction To Github)
Lecture 13: Download Your First Text Editor (VSC)
Lecture 14: Getting Started with Visual Studio Code (Customizations & Workflow)
Chapter 9: Set Up NFT Project Configuration & Architecture
Lecture 1: Overview – Configuring The NFT Environment Setup
Lecture 3: What Is The Package.json File
Lecture 4: What is JSON (Examples)
Lecture 5: NFT Project Dependency Overview
Lecture 6: Package.json vs Package-lock-json
Lecture 7: The Index.js FIle
Lecture 8: The Index.html File
Lecture 9: Adding Projects Folders & Architecture Setup
Clarian North
Renowned figure turned instructor -
Media Training Worldwide Digital
A Full-Service Online Training Company
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 45 votes
- 2 stars: 53 votes
- 3 stars: 195 votes
- 4 stars: 473 votes
- 5 stars: 897 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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