The Complete SSL and TLS Guide: HTTP to HTTPS
The Complete SSL and TLS Guide: HTTP to HTTPS, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 112 lectures, based on 3697 reviews, and has 48025 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to install SSL/TLS Certificate on the web server What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS What is CA (Certificate Authority) and how chain of trust is built How TLS certificate is structured (subject name, issuer name, validity period, signature etc.) Let's Encrypt free certificates that are valid 90 days. Certbot ACME client for automatic certificate issuing and renewal Cloudflare reverse proxy with free SSL certificates CSR (Certificate Signing Request), domain validation and certificate installation Install and configure NGINX web server for SSL/TLS encryption This course is ideal for individuals who are Owners of any websites or DevOps Engineers or Web developers or Network Engineers or JavaScript developers It is particularly useful for Owners of any websites or DevOps Engineers or Web developers or Network Engineers or JavaScript developers.
Enroll now: The Complete SSL and TLS Guide: HTTP to HTTPS
Title: The Complete SSL and TLS Guide: HTTP to HTTPS
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 112
Number of Published Lectures: 112
Number of Curriculum Items: 112
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 112
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to install SSL/TLS Certificate on the web server
- What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS
- What is CA (Certificate Authority) and how chain of trust is built
- How TLS certificate is structured (subject name, issuer name, validity period, signature etc.)
- Let's Encrypt free certificates that are valid 90 days. Certbot ACME client for automatic certificate issuing and renewal
- Cloudflare reverse proxy with free SSL certificates
- CSR (Certificate Signing Request), domain validation and certificate installation
- Install and configure NGINX web server for SSL/TLS encryption
Who Should Attend
- Owners of any websites
- DevOps Engineers
- Web developers
- Network Engineers
- JavaScript developers
Target Audiences
- Owners of any websites
- DevOps Engineers
- Web developers
- Network Engineers
- JavaScript developers
This course is all about securing websites with SSL/TLS certificates.
Become a master of HTTPS, Let’s Encrypt, Cloudflare, NGINX and SSL/TLS Certificates.
This is the most complete practical SSL guidehere on Udemy that includes tons of practical activities. All practice exercises are performed on a real domain and real hosting and finally you will get production ready solution with HTTPS setup and redirection of HTTP to HTTPS. You can have zero knowledge about computer networks, encryption, configuration of web servers. All will be taught from scratch, from simple setup to complex solution. If you want to get deep knowledge of SSL and HTTPS this course is for you!
We will start by exploring basics of symmetric encryption algorithms like AES, asymmetric encryption RSA, hashing protocols MD5 and SHA. Also I will explain you fundamentals of computer networks, TCP/IP stack and for that we will use Wireshark traffic analyzer.
You will learn what is the structure of the SSL/TLS certificate. Also you will understand why CAs (Certificate Authorities) are needed and how chain of trust is built.
In practice sections we will perform multiple practice activities:
Buy a domain and configure DNS settings
Use Certbot ACME client to automatically obtain free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt
With help of OpenSSL generate RSA keys, self-signed certificates
Secure WordPress with Apache using SSL/TLS certificates
Create CSR (Certificate Signing Request) by OpenSSL and submit CSR to CA server
Configure Cloudflare for your domain and setup different SSL modes of operations
Install and configure NGINX web server for SSL/TLS certificates
Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS
Redirect all traffic using HTTP 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
With this course you will get lifetime-long access to 100 lectures and tens of practical exercises. After the course you will become a guru of SSL and TLS encryption and will be able easily obtain and install SSL certificates on your web servers.
You will also get 30-days money-back guarantee. No questions asked!
Don’t wait and join the course now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Let's get connected! Join the Learning Community
Chapter 2: Introduction to the HTTPS and TLS
Lecture 1: Section 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: Overview of researches dedicated to SSL, TLS and HTTPS
Lecture 3: Overview of the certificates of some popular websites
Lecture 4: Difference between HTTP and HTTPS
Lecture 5: Analyzing traffic using Wireshark
Lecture 6: TCP/IP stack by example
Lecture 7: Analyzing HTTP protocol using Wireshark
Lecture 8: Analyzing HTTPS and TLS using Wireshark
Chapter 3: Encryption and hashing overview
Lecture 1: Section 2 Introduction
Lecture 2: Symmetric Key Encryption
Lecture 3: Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithms
Lecture 4: Hashing Overview
Lecture 5: MD5 hashing algorithm
Lecture 6: SHA hashing algorithm and HMAC overview
Lecture 7: Asymmetric keys overview
Lecture 8: Encryption using asymmetric keys
Lecture 9: Signing data using assymmetric keys
Lecture 10: RSA Overview
Lecture 11: PKI – Public Key Infrastructure Overview
Lecture 12: Certificate overview
Chapter 4: RSA, Certificates and Chain of Trust
Lecture 1: Section 3 Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing OpenSSL
Lecture 3: Using OpenSSL for RSA keys generation
Lecture 4: Exploring certificate of Instagram
Lecture 5: Exploring certificate of Google
Lecture 6: Exploring certificate of Comodo
Lecture 7: Root CA and root certificates in the OS
Lecture 8: How Chain of Trust is built
Lecture 9: Verifying chain of certificates
Lecture 10: Verifying SSL certificate and certificates chain
Lecture 11: PKI, Chain of trust and certificates summary
Lecture 12: Certificate domain scopes
Chapter 5: SSL, TLS and HTTPS
Lecture 1: Section 4 Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to the SSL and TLS
Lecture 3: History and versions of the SSL and TLS
Lecture 4: Why RSA is not used for data encryption in HTTPS
Lecture 5: How TLS session is established
Lecture 6: Analyzing TLS session setup using Wireshark
Lecture 7: Overview of cipher suites
Lecture 8: Encryption key generation by the web browser
Lecture 9: Delivering encryption key using Diffie Hellman key exchange
Lecture 10: Diffie Hellman overview
Lecture 11: Modulus operation
Lecture 12: Diffie Hellman algorithm
Lecture 13: Elliptic Curve Cryptography Overview
Lecture 14: Point Addition on Elliptic Curve
Lecture 15: Multiple Point Addition
Lecture 16: Point Doubling and Optimization
Lecture 17: Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem
Lecture 18: Comparing formulas
Lecture 19: ECDHE – Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman Exchange
Lecture 20: Exploring ECDHE with ECDSA
Chapter 6: Launching TLS secured website with free domain and hosting
Lecture 1: Section 5 Introduction
Lecture 2: Free domains overview
Lecture 3: Setting up free domain and hosting using GitHub Pages
Lecture 4: Exploring TLS session with our website at – PART 1
Lecture 5: Exploring TLS session with our website at – PART 2
Chapter 7: Custom domain with free hosting
Lecture 1: Section 6 Introduction
Lecture 2: Planning next steps with Paid Domain
Lecture 3: Buying a domain
Lecture 4: Setting up free hosting
Lecture 5: Overview of the TLS settings at the free hosting
Lecture 6: OPTIONAL – Trying to install free Let's Encrypt TLS certificate on free hosting
Chapter 8: Free TLS certificate (Let's Encrypt) at paid hosting
Lecture 1: Section 7 Introduction
Lecture 2: VPS vs Dedicated Server
Lecture 3: Hosting Services Overview – PART 1
Lecture 4: Hosting Services Overview – PART 2
Lecture 5: Buying a droplet at DigitalOcean
Lecture 6: Launching WordPress website with HTTPS
Lecture 7: Exploring our brand new TLS Certificate
Lecture 8: Finishing WordPress installation
Lecture 9: Let's Encrypt and Certbot Overview
Lecture 10: Exploring TLS certificates via shell
Lecture 11: Exploring certbot configuration and testing renewal
Lecture 12: What we have got so far
Chapter 9: Cloudflare with free TLS certificate
Lecture 1: Section 8 Introduction
Lecture 2: Reverse Proxy and Cloudflare
Lecture 3: Overview of the current setup
Lecture 4: Moving our website to Cloudflare
Lecture 5: Exploring free TLS certificate from Cloudflare
Lecture 6: Exploring TLS settings at Cloudflare
Lecture 7: Cloudflare SSL Operation Modes
Lecture 8: Flexible SSL Operation Mode at Cloudflare
Lecture 9: Off SSL Operation Mode at Cloudflare
Chapter 10: Configuring NGINX web server and installing TLS certificate
Lecture 1: Section 9 Introduction
Lecture 2: Current Setup and planning next steps
Lecture 3: Installing Nginx web server
Lecture 4: Configuring Nginx web server
Bogdan Stashchuk | Software Engineer, MBA, PhD
Just keep learning – stashchuk
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 29 votes
- 2 stars: 62 votes
- 3 stars: 329 votes
- 4 stars: 1266 votes
- 5 stars: 2011 votes
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