The Complete Web Development Bootcamp
The Complete Web Development Bootcamp, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.87, with 395 lectures, based on 624 reviews, and has 6516 subscribers.
You will learn about How to create full stack web application with frontend, backend and database parts and build and run all of the services using Docker with auto reload features How to build Single Page Applications using React and use different React Components, state, props and React hooks such as useState and useEffect Connect frontend application written in React with backend application written in Python by making REST API requests using axios package in the React app Understand what is API and how it works, which API methods exists and how to correctly design API endpoints for various resources Use Python Flask for building backend API service and create different endpoints with corresponding view function, utilize internal and external Python modules Master full stack web development workflow by using JavaScript, Python, Docker, React, NPM, MongoDB, Postman, Git, GitHub and other tools This course is ideal for individuals who are Web developers or Frontend developers or Backend developers or Full stack developers It is particularly useful for Web developers or Frontend developers or Backend developers or Full stack developers.
Enroll now: The Complete Web Development Bootcamp
Title: The Complete Web Development Bootcamp
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.87
Number of Lectures: 395
Number of Published Lectures: 395
Number of Curriculum Items: 395
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 395
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to create full stack web application with frontend, backend and database parts and build and run all of the services using Docker with auto reload features
- How to build Single Page Applications using React and use different React Components, state, props and React hooks such as useState and useEffect
- Connect frontend application written in React with backend application written in Python by making REST API requests using axios package in the React app
- Understand what is API and how it works, which API methods exists and how to correctly design API endpoints for various resources
- Use Python Flask for building backend API service and create different endpoints with corresponding view function, utilize internal and external Python modules
- Master full stack web development workflow by using JavaScript, Python, Docker, React, NPM, MongoDB, Postman, Git, GitHub and other tools
Who Should Attend
- Web developers
- Frontend developers
- Backend developers
- Full stack developers
Target Audiences
- Web developers
- Frontend developers
- Backend developers
- Full stack developers
This is the React and Python Flask Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. It is a practical course where you will start building real application from the first lecture. Application will consist of the frontend and backend parts. The frontend will be built using JavaScript React. The backend API will be built using Python Flask.
The practical full stack web development bootcamp includes: JavaScript, React, Python, Flask, API, Git and VS Code
During the creation of the frontend app you will perform the following practical tasks:
Initialize a React app using create-react-app
Create different React Components
Use useEffect and useState React hooks
Adjust favicon.ico in the frontend app
Create and insert an svg logo
Making API request to the Unsplash API
Using React props and state
While making an API app you will perform the following practical tasks:
Create a Python virtual environment using pipenv
Install and use Python packages such as Flask, dotenv and Requests
Creating Flask routes
Making external API calls from the Flask app
Accepting requests from the clients
You will also learn how to use following applications:
Visual Studio Code
Git and GitHub
With this course you will get lifetime-long access to more than 100 lectures and tens of practical exercises. After the course you will become a full stack web developer with practical knowledge about JavaScript React and Python Flask.
You will also get 30-days money-back guarantee. No questions asked!
Don’t wait and join the course now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Let's get connected! Join the Learning Community
Lecture 3: ☝️Grab HOW-TO-GUIDE☝️
Lecture 4: Course Project Files Overview
Lecture 5: Course project GitHub Repository
Chapter 2: Introduction to the Web Development
Lecture 1: Frontend vs Backend
Chapter 3: PROJECT START – Initial frontend app Overview
Lecture 1: Supplementary sections
Lecture 2: Installing Visual Studio Code
Lecture 3: Visual Studio Code Setup
Lecture 4: Overview of the initial Application version
Lecture 5: How to create new React Application
Lecture 6: Installing Node along with NPM and NPX
Chapter 4: Creating React application and how React works
Lecture 1: BEGIN – Creating React Application using create-react-app
Lecture 2: Starting React Application
Lecture 3: Structure of the Frontend app
Lecture 4: Reinstalling npm dependencies
Lecture 5: Creating and serving optimized build of the Frontend app
Lecture 6: Basic Frontend Application Implementation Steps
Lecture 7: Cleaning up default React application
Lecture 8: How React works and what is JSX
Lecture 9: React Functional Components
Chapter 5: Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository
Lecture 1: Installing and Configuring Git
Lecture 2: END – Creating first commit
Lecture 3: BEGIN and END – Adding eslintcache file to the gitignore
Lecture 4: Publishing repository to the GitHub
Chapter 6: React props and creation of the Header and Search components
Lecture 1: BEGIN and END – Changing Favicon
Lecture 2: BEGIN – Creating Header component
Lecture 3: END – What are React props
Lecture 4: BEGIN – Plan for creation of the Search component
Lecture 5: Creating Search component with input form
Lecture 6: Styling Search component
Lecture 7: Submission of the search form
Lecture 8: Controlled Search component
Lecture 9: END – Search Component Summary
Lecture 10: Disabling GitLens blame annotations feature
Chapter 7: Making Unsplash API requests
Lecture 1: BEGIN – Creating account at Unsplash and registering new App
Lecture 2: Adding local file with Environment Variables
Lecture 3: How to make Unsplash API request and what is URL
Lecture 4: END – Making first API request for random photo
Lecture 5: Analyzing API requests and responses
Lecture 6: BEGIN – CHALLENGE – Clear search input
Lecture 7: END – CHALLENGE SOLUTION – Clear search input
Chapter 8: Configuring ESLint and Prettier in the frontend app
Lecture 1: BEGIN – What is code formatter
Lecture 2: What is linter
Lecture 3: Configure ESLint validation
Lecture 4: Installing and enabling Prettier ESLint Plugin
Lecture 5: Adjusting Prettier configuration
Lecture 6: Enabling ESLint errors fixing on File Save
Lecture 7: END – Adding NPM linting scripts
Lecture 8: BEGIN and END – Fixing all linting errors
Lecture 9: BEGIN and END – Changing editor tabSize in VS Code
Lecture 10: ESLint with Prettier setup Summary
Chapter 9: Saving images in the state and deleting them in the UI
Lecture 1: BEGIN – Planning next steps in building frontend app
Lecture 2: Saving images in the state
Lecture 3: END – State in React is updated asynchronously
Lecture 4: BEGIN – Adding React Developer Tools Chrome extension
Lecture 5: Creating ImageCard component
Lecture 6: Adding props to the ImageCard component
Lecture 7: Displaying all images in the UI using map method
Lecture 8: Adjust layout of the image cards
Lecture 9: END – Adding delete images functionality
Chapter 10: Adding SVG logo and Welcome component
Lecture 1: BEGIN – Creating SVG logo from text
Lecture 2: END – Editing SVG logo
Lecture 3: BEGIN and END – Adding Welcome component
Lecture 4: Basic frontend app Summary
Lecture 5: Basic frontend app codebase review
Lecture 6: BEGIN and END – Updating create-react-app application
Chapter 11: REST API and HTTP Methods
Lecture 1: Which problems API does solve
Lecture 2: Client-server communication
Lecture 3: REST API
Lecture 4: URL is unique resource identifier
Lecture 5: Requests and Responses
Lecture 6: Analyzing requests and responses in our Frontend app
Lecture 7: HTTP Methods Overview
Lecture 8: CRUD Operations
Lecture 9: Idempotent HTTP Methods
Lecture 10: HTTP Response Status Codes
Lecture 11: Most common Success and Redirect HTTP status codes
Lecture 12: Most common Client and Server Error status codes
Lecture 13: REST API and HTTP methods Summary
Chapter 12: API Service Overview and Python installation
Lecture 1: Frontend and API services Overview
Lecture 2: Installing Python, Pip and Pipenv on MacOS
Lecture 3: Installing Python, Pip and Pipenv on Windows
Lecture 4: Python Flask API Implementation Steps
Chapter 13: Creating Python Virtual Environment for api application using pipenv
Lecture 1: BEGIN – Creating api folder and running basic Python app
Lecture 2: Creating Python virtualenv and installing Flask
Bogdan Stashchuk | Software Engineer, MBA, PhD
Just keep learning – stashchuk
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 46 votes
- 4 stars: 153 votes
- 5 stars: 416 votes
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