The Comprehensive Programming in R Course
The Comprehensive Programming in R Course, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 121 lectures, based on 260 reviews, and has 3348 subscribers.
You will learn about Acquire the skills needed to successfully develop general-purpose programming applications in the R environment Possess an in-depth understanding of the R programming environment and of the requirements for, and programming implications of, writing code using basic R objects: vectors, matrices, dataframes and lists. Understand the object-oriented characteristics of programming in R and know how to create S3 and S4 Class objects and functions that process these S3 and S4 objects. Know how to program mathematical functions, models and simulations in R. Know how to write R programs that effectively use and manipulate text and string variable objects. Know how to use the scan(), readline(), cat(), print() and readLines() functions in R for efficient data input and output and for effective user-prompting. Know how to 'tweak' R programs for maximum performance efficiency. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in writing computer applications that execute in the R environment. or The common objective of students is common objective is to write R applications for diverse domains and purposes. or Students may already be skilled programmers (in other languages) or they may be complete novices to R programming or to programming in general, or Undergraduate or graduate students looking to acquire marketable job skills prior to graduation. or Analytics professionals looking to acquire additional job skills. It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in writing computer applications that execute in the R environment. or The common objective of students is common objective is to write R applications for diverse domains and purposes. or Students may already be skilled programmers (in other languages) or they may be complete novices to R programming or to programming in general, or Undergraduate or graduate students looking to acquire marketable job skills prior to graduation. or Analytics professionals looking to acquire additional job skills.
Enroll now: The Comprehensive Programming in R Course
Title: The Comprehensive Programming in R Course
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 121
Number of Published Lectures: 120
Number of Curriculum Items: 121
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 120
Original Price: $159.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Acquire the skills needed to successfully develop general-purpose programming applications in the R environment
- Possess an in-depth understanding of the R programming environment and of the requirements for, and programming implications of, writing code using basic R objects: vectors, matrices, dataframes and lists.
- Understand the object-oriented characteristics of programming in R and know how to create S3 and S4 Class objects and functions that process these S3 and S4 objects.
- Know how to program mathematical functions, models and simulations in R.
- Know how to write R programs that effectively use and manipulate text and string variable objects.
- Know how to use the scan(), readline(), cat(), print() and readLines() functions in R for efficient data input and output and for effective user-prompting.
- Know how to 'tweak' R programs for maximum performance efficiency.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in writing computer applications that execute in the R environment.
- The common objective of students is common objective is to write R applications for diverse domains and purposes.
- Students may already be skilled programmers (in other languages) or they may be complete novices to R programming or to programming in general,
- Undergraduate or graduate students looking to acquire marketable job skills prior to graduation.
- Analytics professionals looking to acquire additional job skills.
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in writing computer applications that execute in the R environment.
- The common objective of students is common objective is to write R applications for diverse domains and purposes.
- Students may already be skilled programmers (in other languages) or they may be complete novices to R programming or to programming in general,
- Undergraduate or graduate students looking to acquire marketable job skills prior to graduation.
- Analytics professionals looking to acquire additional job skills.
The Comprehensive Programming in R Course is actually a combination of two R programming courses that together comprise a gentle, yet thorough introduction to the practice of general-purpose application development in the R environment. The original first course (Sections 1-8) consists of approximately 12 hours of video content and provides extensive example-based instruction on details for programming R data structures. The original second course (Sections 9-14), an additional 12 hours of video content, provides a comprehensive overview on the most important conceptual topics for writing efficient programs to execute in the unique R environment. Participants in this comprehensive course may already be skilled programmers (in other languages) or they may be complete novices to R programming or to programming in general, but their common objective is to write R applications for diverse domains and purposes. No statistical knowledge is necessary. These two courses, combined into one course here on Udemy, together comprise a thorough introduction to using the R environment and language for general-purpose application development.
The Comprehensive Programming in R Course (Sections 1-8) presents an detailed, in-depth overview of the R programming environment and of the nature and programming implications of basic R objects in the form of vectors, matrices, dataframes and lists. The Comprehensive Programming in R Course (Sections 9-14) then applies this understanding of these basic R object structures to instruct with respect to programming the structures; performing mathematical modeling and simulations; the specifics of object-oriented programming in R; input and output; string manipulation; and performance enhancement for computation speed and to optimize computer memory resources.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview of R
Lecture 1: Introduction to Comprehensive R Programming Course
Lecture 2: Introduction and Getting Started
Lecture 3: Getting Started and First R Session
Lecture 4: First R Session (part 2)
Lecture 5: First R Session (part 3)
Lecture 6: Matrices, Lists and Dataframes
Lecture 7: Introduction to Functions
Lecture 8: Functions and Default Arguments
Lecture 9: More Examples of Functions (part 1)
Lecture 10: More Functions Examples (part 2)
Lecture 11: More Functions Examples (part 3)
Lecture 12: More Functions Examples (part 4)
Lecture 13: More Functions Examples (part 5)
Lecture 14: More Functions Examples (part 6)
Chapter 2: What are Vector Data Structures in R ?
Lecture 1: Homemade t-test Exercise Solution
Lecture 2: Section 2 Exercise and Package Demonstrations
Lecture 3: Begin Discussion of Vectors
Lecture 4: More Examples of Vectors
Lecture 5: Common Vector Operations and More
Lecture 6: Findruns Example and Vectors Exercises
Chapter 3: More Discussion of Vector Data Structures
Lecture 1: Vector-Based Programming Exercise Solution (part 1)
Lecture 2: Vector Exercise Solution (part 2) and Begin General Vector Discussion
Lecture 3: Continue General Vector Discussion
Lecture 4: More General Vector Examples
Lecture 5: More on Vectors and Vector Equality
Lecture 6: Extended Vector Example and Exercise
Chapter 4: Finish Vectors and Begin Matrices
Lecture 1: Finish Vector Discussion
Lecture 2: Vector-Maker Exercise Solutions
Lecture 3: Begin Discussion of Matrices and Arrays
Lecture 4: Filtering Matrices and More Examples
Lecture 5: Still More Matrices Examples
Chapter 5: Finish Matrices and Begin Lists Discussion
Lecture 1: Min-Merge Vector Exercise Solutions
Lecture 2: Game of Craps Exercise Solution
Lecture 3: Naming Matrix Rows and Columns
Lecture 4: Lists: General List Operations
Lecture 5: Processing Text with Lists
Lecture 6: Applying Functions to Lists
Lecture 7: Vector and Matrix Exercise
Chapter 6: Continue Lists Discussion
Lecture 1: Review Programming Exercises
Lecture 2: Finish Programming Exercise Review and Begin Discussing Lists
Lecture 3: List Data Structures General Discussion (part 2)
Lecture 4: List Data Structures General Discussion (part 3)
Lecture 5: Lists Data Structures General Discussion (part 4)
Chapter 7: Details About Dataframe Data Structures
Lecture 1: Dataframe-Maker Exercise
Lecture 2: List-Maker Exercise; Begin General Dataframe Discussion
Lecture 3: Extracting Subdata Frames
Lecture 4: A Salary Survey Extended Example
Lecture 5: Merging Dataframes
Lecture 6: End Dataframes Discussion; Matrix Exercise
Chapter 8: More Matrix and List Examples
Lecture 1: Covariance Matrix Exercise Solution
Lecture 2: List Example: Tree Growth (part 1)
Lecture 3: List Example: Tree Growth (part 2)
Lecture 4: Factor Data Types
Lecture 5: Factors: tapply() and split() Functions
Lecture 6: Factor Levels versus Values
Lecture 7: Pascal's Triangle Exercise
Chapter 9: Programming in R Environments
Lecture 1: Pascal's Triangle Exercise Solution
Lecture 2: Begin Programming Structures
Lecture 3: Environment and Scope Issues
Lecture 4: Nesting Multiple Environments
Lecture 5: Referencing Variables in Other Frames
Lecture 6: Writing to Global Variables and Recursion
Lecture 7: Replacement and Anonymous Functions
Lecture 8: Sorting Programs Exercise
Chapter 10: Performing Math and Simulations
Lecture 1: Sorting Programs Exercise Solution (part 1)
Lecture 2: Sorting Programs Exercise Solution (part 2)
Lecture 3: Calculating a Probability
Lecture 4: Linear Algebra Operations
Lecture 5: Set Operations and Simulation
Lecture 6: Combinatorial Simulations (part 1)
Lecture 7: Combinatorial Simulations (part 2)
Lecture 8: Winning at Roulette Exercise
Chapter 11: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and S3 and S4 Classes
Lecture 1: Winning at Roulette Exercise solution
Lecture 2: Introduction to OOP in R
Lecture 3: OOP Example: lm() Function
Lecture 4: Writing S3 Classes
Lecture 5: Using Inheritance
Lecture 6: Compressing Matrices Example (part 1)
Lecture 7: Compressing Matrices Example (part 2)
Lecture 8: Writing S3 Classes Exercise
Lecture 9: Writing S4 Classes
Lecture 10: Implementing S4 Generic Functions
Lecture 11: Writing S4 Classes Exercise
Lecture 12: Live S3 and S4 Class Development
Lecture 13: Continue S3 Class Development
Lecture 14: Developing a Corresponding S4 Class
Chapter 12: Input and Output
Lecture 1: Writing S3 Classes Exercise Solution
Lecture 2: Writing S4 Classes Exercise Solution
Geoffrey Hubona, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of MIS and Data Analytics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 54 votes
- 4 stars: 89 votes
- 5 stars: 98 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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