The Django Bible™ | Python for Web Developer
The Django Bible™ | Python for Web Developer, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 122 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 98 reviews, and has 7850 subscribers.
You will learn about Build any website you want ranging from online blog to e-commerce Python basics like data-types, loops, decision-makings, file handling, libraries, modules, date-times etc. Object oriented Programming and its features like: Inheritance, Polymorphism, Operator Overloading Learn Python and build core fundamental logic Learn about apps, templates, models & migrations, admin customization & more Learn by creating 6 web application Use Django as a back end for the websites Learn about client and server side programming This course is ideal for individuals who are Begineers who want to develop web apps or Python Developers looking to get into Web Development It is particularly useful for Begineers who want to develop web apps or Python Developers looking to get into Web Development.
Enroll now: The Django Bible™ | Python for Web Developer
Title: The Django Bible™ | Python for Web Developer
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 122
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 122
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 124
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 124
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build any website you want ranging from online blog to e-commerce
- Python basics like data-types, loops, decision-makings, file handling, libraries, modules, date-times etc.
- Object oriented Programming and its features like: Inheritance, Polymorphism, Operator Overloading
- Learn Python and build core fundamental logic
- Learn about apps, templates, models & migrations, admin customization & more
- Learn by creating 6 web application
- Use Django as a back end for the websites
- Learn about client and server side programming
Who Should Attend
- Begineers who want to develop web apps
- Python Developers looking to get into Web Development
Target Audiences
- Begineers who want to develop web apps
- Python Developers looking to get into Web Development
Have you ever wonder how to create a Web application but didn’t know where to start? Have you previously tried to learn Django but got fed up with impertinent course videos and poorly written tutorials?
Then, you ended up on the right course!
In this course, I will take you through the basics of python through Django basics and all the way of creating real-world web applications. Wouldn’t it be the craziest experience if you could build any web application after learning this single course?
What is Django and Why to use it?
Django is an open-source python web framework used for rapid development, pragmatic, maintainable, clean design, and secures websites. A web application framework is a toolkit of all components need for application development.
The main goal of the Django framework is to allow developers to focus on components of the application that are new instead of spending time on already developed components. It is fully featured than many other frameworks on the market. It takes care of a lot of hassle. involved in web development; enables users to focus on developing components needed for their application.
Choosing a language and framework because you used it on your last project — or because you are more familiar with it — is not the way to go.
Before starting a new software project, you want to evaluate which language and framework is the best fit for your desired outcomes. What matters most to you? Security, rapid development, scalability, versatility, support?
It’s better to make an informed choice before you begin your build rather than regretting it later (or worse “hacking” stuff into the project down the road because the stack you used doesn’t support it properly).
After years of experience with different technologies (including both mobile & web development), I believe Django offers a complete suite of features which no other web framework offer.
Content of the course:
A. Basic Python course Highlights:
Installing Python
Running Python Code
Number Data Types
Print Formatting
args/ kwargs
Built-in Functions
Debugging and Error Handling
External Modules
Object-Oriented Programming
Advanced Methods
and much more!
B. Django Overview:
Django project structure
Model View Controller
Django Apps
Django Admin
Django View And Template
Function-Based View
Django Forms
Model Relationships
CSS/HTML and many more
C. Project Overview:
Flight Tracker
Travelling Journal
Customer Resource Management (CRM)
Idea Peacher App
Book Upload Download
Course material is regularly updated to include all of the newest updates and information. Additionally, I have made this course downloadable, so you can work through the class offline, making it as convenientas possible for you!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to E-library: First Project
Lecture 3: Introduction to Idea Peacher App: Second Project
Lecture 4: Introduction to Travelling Guide App: Third Project
Chapter 2: Python Basics: Learning objects and data structures
Lecture 1: Install Python on Windows
Lecture 2: Download and setup Pycharm code editor on Windows
Lecture 3: Download Visual Studio code editor on Windows
Lecture 4: Install python on Linux Machine
Lecture 5: Download and setup Pycharm code editon on Linux (optional)
Lecture 6: How to read Python documentation
Lecture 7: Variables on Python
Lecture 8: Data Types: String, Set and Numbers
Lecture 9: Data Types: List, Dictionaty and Tuple
Lecture 10: Operators and Operands
Lecture 11: Logical Operators and Operations
Lecture 12: Comments and User Input
Lecture 13: Built-in Modules and Creating your own Modules
Lecture 14: Python "List" Data Structures
Lecture 15: Python "Dictionary" Data Structures
Lecture 16: Learn Strings and String Methods in detail
Lecture 17: String Formatting
Lecture 18: Python Indentation
Lecture 19: Python Conditionals: if…else statements
Lecture 20: Looping in Python: while Loops
Lecture 21: Looping in Python: for Loops
Lecture 22: User Defined Functions in Python
Lecture 23: Default Arguments in Python
Lecture 24: Anonymous/Lambda functions
Chapter 3: Advanced Python Programming
Lecture 1: Functional Programming: lambda, map and reduce
Lecture 2: Iterators in Python
Lecture 3: Generators in Python
Lecture 4: Decorators
Lecture 5: List and Dictionary Comprehensions
Lecture 6: Classes and Objects in Python
Lecture 7: Basic Inheritance in Python
Lecture 8: Multiple Inheritance in Python
Lecture 9: Polymorphism in Python
Lecture 10: Properties
Lecture 11: Operator Overloading in Python
Lecture 12: Exception Handling
Lecture 13: File Handling
Lecture 14: __name__ == "__main__"
Chapter 4: Python module for Web Developers
Lecture 1: Python "math" module
Lecture 2: Python "random" module
Lecture 3: Python "datetime" module
Lecture 4: Python "sqlite" module
Lecture 5: Python "collection" module
Lecture 6: Python "os" module
Chapter 5: Introduction to django 3
Lecture 1: Introduction to Web server
Lecture 2: Static vs Dynamic Websites
Lecture 3: Introduction to django
Lecture 4: What does django code looks like?
Lecture 5: Installing django
Lecture 6: Django Project Structure
Lecture 7: Selecting Proper Text Editor
Lecture 8: Creating apps
Lecture 9: Creating models
Lecture 10: Basic ORM on models (flight model)
Lecture 11: Refining our model (using Foreign Key)
Lecture 12: Rendering Templates
Lecture 13: Django Admin
Lecture 14: Take Flights one by one (Primary Key concepts)
Lecture 15: Templating Inheritance
Lecture 16: Many to Many Field (m:n relationships between classes)
Lecture 17: User Registration
Lecture 18: Login and Authentication
Lecture 19: Logout Implementation
Lecture 20: Introduction to Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
Lecture 21: ORM Theory: Foreign Key
Lecture 22: ORM Theory: Many To Many Field
Lecture 23: ORM Query Part 1
Lecture 24: ORM Query Part 2
Chapter 6: Django Upload/Download/Search features
Lecture 1: Django upload feature: setting up
Lecture 2: List all the data into the table: Basic ORM
Lecture 3: Implement search features in your webapp
Chapter 7: CRM project: Tracking all Customer Records (sales, quantity, amount) of Products
Lecture 1: Starting by creating model and sign up for user
Lecture 2: Implementing Login and Logout features
Lecture 3: Adding Product and Order models
Lecture 4: Home Page
Lecture 5: CRUD operation Part 1
Lecture 6: CRUD operation Part 2
Lecture 7: Implementing Python decorators for user level permissions 1
Lecture 8: Implementing Python decorators for user level permissions 2
Lecture 9: Testing groups/users for different users
Lecture 10: Django Admin for CRM
Chapter 8: E-library: First Webapp
Lecture 1: Intro to E-library
Lecture 2: Registering user
Lecture 3: Login and Logout user
Lecture 4: Making Two User: Reader and Author
Lecture 5: Creating models (database implementation)
Sachin Kafle
Founder of CSAMIN & Bit4Stack Tech Inc. [[Author, Teacher]]
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 40 votes
- 5 stars: 43 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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