The easiest way to learn design patterns
The easiest way to learn design patterns, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 3.78, with 126 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 9 reviews, and has 415 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn SOLID principles Learn the situations where design patterns are appropriate Learn how to implement individual design patterns in C# Learn how to apply design patterns in a real-life situation This course is ideal for individuals who are C# developers that want to learn how to solve problems more effectively It is particularly useful for C# developers that want to learn how to solve problems more effectively.
Enroll now: The easiest way to learn design patterns
Title: The easiest way to learn design patterns
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 3.78
Number of Lectures: 126
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 126
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 129
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 129
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn SOLID principles
- Learn the situations where design patterns are appropriate
- Learn how to implement individual design patterns in C#
- Learn how to apply design patterns in a real-life situation
Who Should Attend
- C# developers that want to learn how to solve problems more effectively
Target Audiences
- C# developers that want to learn how to solve problems more effectively
Design patters are something that you will need to get familiar with as a programmer who works with object oriented languages. And this is primarily because they represent well-defined solutions to common software development problems. So, instead of thinking through all the details of your solution, you can simply check if any of the existing design patterns can be used. You won’t have to reinvent the wheel.
The main problem with design patterns is that they are not necessarily easy to learn. Many developers, especially the ones who don’t have a lot of software-building experience, struggle with them. But if you do struggle with them, it may prevent you from getting a programming job at a reputable organization. After all, recruiting managers often ask questions about design patterns. Otherwise, not knowing design patterns will make you less effective as a software developer, which will slow down your career progress.
The main reason why design patterns are so hard to learn is because of the way they are normally taught. Usually, if you pick pretty much any course on design patterns or open pretty much any online article about them, it would provide a collection of design patterns that you would need to go through. You would then have to got through each of them, try your best to understand the principles behind it and only then try to figure out how to apply it in a real-life situation.
It’s a tedious process that doesn’t always bring about the right results. It’s not uncommon for software developers to memorize just a handful of design patterns that they have been using in their own projects. The remaining ones have been forgotten as soon as they’ve been learned. And it’s hard to figure out which design pattern applies in which situation if you only remember a handful of them.
This course provides a different approach. It uses a methodology that makes it easy to learn design patterns. So, you no longer have to brute-force your way through them. The process of effective learning is not about memorization. It’s about associations. You learn new things easily when you can clearly see how new facts related to your existing knowledge. And this is precisely the method that this course is built around.
You won’t have to brute-force your way into design patterns. In fact, you won’t even start with the design patterns. First, we will go through a list of common problems that software developers are required to solve. Those are the things that every software developer can associate with. Even if you haven’t faced a particular type of a problem yet, you will still be able to easily understand its description. For each of these problems, we will go through the design patterns that can solve it. And for each one of them, you will go through its core principle and the description of how it can solve this type of a problem. Only then you will be invited to examine this particular design pattern in detail, so you can understand how to implement it in your own code.
This structure of the course also makes it valuable as a reference source. Even when you don’t know or don’t remember design patterns, looking them up becomes easy. What you need to find is a description of the type of a problem you are trying to solve. And then you will be able to follow it to find the actual design patterns that you can apply to solve it.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: About the author and his mission
Lecture 2: Introduction to design pattern
Lecture 3: Course prerequisites
Chapter 2: SOLID principles
Lecture 1: Why SOLID principles are important
Lecture 2: Preparing the initial code
Lecture 3: Overview of the initial code
Lecture 4: Get started with single responsibility principle
Lecture 5: Single responsibility principle explained
Lecture 6: Get started with open closed principle
Lecture 7: Open closed principle explained
Lecture 8: Get started with Liskov substitution principle
Lecture 9: Liskov substitution principle explained
Lecture 10: Get started with interface segregation principle
Lecture 11: Interface segregation principle explained
Lecture 12: Get started with dependency inversion principle
Lecture 13: Dependency inversion principle explained
Lecture 14: SOLID principles summary
Chapter 3: The problems that design patterns are intended to solve
Lecture 1: Introduction to the section
Lecture 2: Not knowing what object implementations you'll need ahead of time
Lecture 3: Making several exact copies of a complex object
Lecture 4: Using many instances of an object while keeping code running smoothly
Lecture 5: Using the same single instance of an object throughout the application
Lecture 6: Third party components aren’t directly compatible with your code
Lecture 7: Adding new functionality to existing objects that cannot be modified
Lecture 8: Accessing complex back-end logic from the presentation layer
Lecture 9: User interface and business logic are developed separately
Lecture 10: Building a complex object hierarchy
Lecture 11: Implementing complex conditional logic
Lecture 12: Multiple object instances of different types need to be able to communicate with
Lecture 13: Multiple stages of processing are needed
Lecture 14: The system is controlled by complex combinations of inputs
Lecture 15: Ability to undo an action that has been applied
Lecture 16: Ability to traverse a collection without knowing its underlying structure
Lecture 17: Creating a family of related algorithms
Lecture 18: Summary of the problems design patterns are intended to solve
Chapter 4: Design patterns demonstrated in C#
Lecture 1: Introduction to design patterns
Lecture 2: Factory Method overview
Lecture 3: Factory Method example
Lecture 4: Factory Method explained
Lecture 5: Pros and cons of using Factory Method
Lecture 6: Abstract Factory overview
Lecture 7: Abstract Factory example
Lecture 8: Abstract Factory explained
Lecture 9: Pros and cons of using Abstract Factory
Lecture 10: Builder Overview
Lecture 11: Builder example
Lecture 12: Builder explained
Lecture 13: Pros and cons of using Builder
Lecture 14: Prototype overview
Lecture 15: Prototype example
Lecture 16: Prototype explained
Lecture 17: Pros and cons of using Prototype
Lecture 18: Singleton overview
Lecture 19: Singleton example
Lecture 20: Singleton explained
Lecture 21: Pros and cons of using Singleton
Lecture 22: Adapter overview
Lecture 23: Adapter example
Lecture 24: Adapter explained
Lecture 25: Pros and cons of using Adapter
Lecture 26: Bridge overview
Lecture 27: Bridge example
Lecture 28: Bridge explained
Lecture 29: Pros and cons of using Bridge
Lecture 30: Composite overview
Lecture 31: Composite example
Lecture 32: Composite explained
Lecture 33: Pros and cons of using Composite
Lecture 34: Decorator overview
Lecture 35: Decorator example
Lecture 36: Decorator explained
Lecture 37: Pros and cons of using Decorator
Lecture 38: Facade overview
Lecture 39: Facade example
Lecture 40: Facade explained
Lecture 41: Pros and cons of using Facade
Lecture 42: Flyweight overview
Lecture 43: Flyweight example
Lecture 44: Flyweight explained
Lecture 45: Pros and cons of using Flyweight
Lecture 46: Proxy overview
Lecture 47: Proxy example
Lecture 48: Proxy explained
Lecture 49: Pros and cons of using Proxy
Lecture 50: Chain of Responsibility overview
Lecture 51: Chain of Responsibility example
Lecture 52: Chain of Responsibility explained
Lecture 53: Pros and cons of using Chain of Responsibility
Lecture 54: Command overview
Lecture 55: Command example
Lecture 56: Command explained
Lecture 57: Pros and cons of using Command
Lecture 58: Iterator overview
Lecture 59: Iterator example
Fiodar Sazanavets
Full stack senior software developer specializing in .NET
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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