The HTML & CSS Bootcamp 2024 Edition
The HTML & CSS Bootcamp 2024 Edition, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.77, with 318 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 2719 reviews, and has 17675 subscribers.
You will learn about Master HTML & CSS and build massive real-world projects, with no prior knowledge needed! How to write well-structured and semantic HTML documents Master tricky CSS concepts including the cascade, inheritance, and specificity Work with CSS animations, transitions, pseudo-elements, gradients, and more Get practice with dozens of exercises, quizzes, and challenges Design beautiful websites from the ground up that look good on all screen sizes Build reusable components, work with CSS variables, and write modern and clean CSS code This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn how to create their own stunning, professional websites or Complete beginners with no experience or Students with some HTML & CSS experience looking to level up their skills It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn how to create their own stunning, professional websites or Complete beginners with no experience or Students with some HTML & CSS experience looking to level up their skills.
Enroll now: The HTML & CSS Bootcamp 2024 Edition
Title: The HTML & CSS Bootcamp 2024 Edition
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.77
Number of Lectures: 318
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 318
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 321
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 321
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master HTML & CSS and build massive real-world projects, with no prior knowledge needed!
- How to write well-structured and semantic HTML documents
- Master tricky CSS concepts including the cascade, inheritance, and specificity
- Work with CSS animations, transitions, pseudo-elements, gradients, and more
- Get practice with dozens of exercises, quizzes, and challenges
- Design beautiful websites from the ground up that look good on all screen sizes
- Build reusable components, work with CSS variables, and write modern and clean CSS code
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn how to create their own stunning, professional websites
- Complete beginners with no experience
- Students with some HTML & CSS experience looking to level up their skills
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn how to create their own stunning, professional websites
- Complete beginners with no experience
- Students with some HTML & CSS experience looking to level up their skills
**Brand new HTML & CSS course, just released in February 2023**
** Check out the promo video to see the beautiful, responsive projects we build in this course! **
This course will teach you everything you need to know about HTML, CSS, and web design to build your own stunning websites from scratch. Instead of just watching me code, you’ll learn how to structure and build any website you can think of.
My background is in teaching in-person bootcamp programs around the world, where I work directly with students to help them learn web development and change careers. This course is based on all my experience in the classroom. Unlike most Udemy courses, this course includes dozens of exercises and challengeswhich ask you to recreate components, build layouts, and practice HTML and CSS. Practice is the most important tool I have to help you learn, and this course includes lots of it!
This course covers a huge amount of information, but it’s designed to be approachable for complete beginners and intermediate developers alike.
We start with the basics of HTML: structuring documents, creating text elements, tables, and forms. Then we learn about semantic markup and creating accessible webpages
Next, we cover the basics of CSS: working with selectors, color systems, and styling text elements.
From there, we cover critical CSS concepts including the box model, specificity, the cascade, and CSS units.
Next you’ll learn all about backgrounds, gradients, filters, positioning elements, working with transitions and transformations, and many other more intermediate CSS properties.
We then spend nearly 10 hours learning how to create complex CSS layouts using Flexbox and CSS Grid. We then build multiple projects with complicated layouts.
You’ll learn how to build responsive layouts that look good on all screen sizes, from large desktops to tablets and mobile devices.
Finally, we wrap up the course with our massive final project that we build together from scratch. This project combines everything we’ve learned in the course into one huge website built with thousands of lines of HTML & CSS. Check out the promo video to learn more about the final project.
This course includes:
Over 37 hours of high quality videos
Downloadable assets, starter coder, and solutions for all sections
Dozens of exercises, challenges, and quizzes
Downloadable slides and cheatsheets, including beautiful diagrams and syntax references
Included support in the course Q&A forums
Access to our exclusive discord community with thousands of students
About me (your instructor)
I’m a teacher with extensive real-world teaching experience. I’ve taught thousands of students how to code at my in-person coding bootcamps around the globe. My graduates work at companies including Google, Tesla, Apple, Airbnb, and pretty much any big company you can name. My in-person teaching background informs the online experiences I create for students. Unlike most Udemy instructors, I’ve actually taught this material in a classroom full of students for nearly a decade. I know what works and what doesn’t work!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome & Curriculum Overview
Lecture 2: Join Our Chat Community
Lecture 3: Important Note On Leaving Feedback!
Lecture 4: A First Taste of HTML & CSS
Lecture 5: How The Web Works
Lecture 6: The Roles of HTML, CSS, and JS
Lecture 7: Installing The Tools We Need
Lecture 8: Configuring VSCode
Lecture 9: Important Note On The Course Exercises
Chapter 2: HTML Basics
Lecture 1: Introducing HTML
Lecture 2: The Basic HTML Workflow
Lecture 3: The Paragraph Element
Lecture 4: Mozilla Developer Network
Lecture 5: Chrome Developer Tools
Lecture 6: Document Structure
Lecture 7: Creating HTML Comments
Lecture 8: Creating Headings
Lecture 9: HTML Basics Exercise
Chapter 3: More HTML
Lecture 1: Working With HTML Lists
Lecture 2: The Em, Strong, B, and I Elements
Lecture 3: Nesting Elements
Lecture 4: Superscript and Subscript
Lecture 5: Inline Vs. Block Elements
Lecture 6: Creating Links
Lecture 7: Other Types of Links
Lecture 8: Creating Images
Lecture 9: Pasta Recipe Exercise
Chapter 4: Working With Forms
Lecture 1: Creating Text Inputs and Buttons
Lecture 2: The Form Element
Lecture 3: Name and Placeholder Attributes
Lecture 4: Properly Labelling Form Controls
Lecture 5: Other Types of Inputs
Lecture 6: Checkboxes, Textareas, and Range Inputs
Lecture 7: Selects and Radio Button Groupings
Lecture 8: Course Landing Page Form Exercise
Chapter 5: Other Elements
Lecture 1: Spans
Lecture 2: Divs
Lecture 3: Tables
Lecture 4: Semantic Markup
Lecture 5: Semantic Elements
Chapter 6: CSS Basics
Lecture 1: Getting Our Starter Code
Lecture 2: Working Within Inline Styles
Lecture 3: Writing Internal Styles
Lecture 4: External Styles: The Best Way To Write Styles
Lecture 5: Quick Note on Codepen
Lecture 6: Anatomy of CSS
Lecture 7: The Element Selector
Lecture 8: CSS Basics Exercise
Chapter 7: The World of CSS Colors
Lecture 1: Working with background-color
Lecture 2: Quick Tip: MDN & Comments
Lecture 3: Named Colors
Lecture 4: Understanding RGB Colors
Lecture 5: Hexadecimal Colors
Lecture 6: RGBA Colors and Opacity
Lecture 7: Colors Quiz
Lecture 8: CSS Inheritance
Lecture 9: CSS Colors Exercise
Chapter 8: Styling Text
Lecture 1: Changing Fonts with Font-Family
Lecture 2: Font-size, font-weight, and font-style
Lecture 3: Changing Text Alignment
Lecture 4: Line-height, letter-spacing, and word-spacing
Lecture 5: Adding Custom Fonts With Google Fonts
Lecture 6: Styling Text Exercise
Lecture 7: Creating Text Shadows
Lecture 8: Our First Mini Project: Cantilever
Chapter 9: More Text Styling
Lecture 1: Text-transform & text-decoration
Lecture 2: The ID Selector
Lecture 3: The Class Selector
Lecture 4: Styling Lists
Lecture 5: Styling Links and :hover Pseudo-Class
Lecture 6: The Font Shorthand Property
Lecture 7: Leafy Seadragon Exercise
Chapter 10: Selectors Pt. 1
Lecture 1: The Universal Selector
Lecture 2: The Attribute Selector
Lecture 3: Grouping Selectors
Lecture 4: Descendant & Child Combinators
Lecture 5: Compound Selectors
Lecture 6: CSS Selectors Exercise
Chapter 11: The Box Model
Lecture 1: Introducing The Box Model
Lecture 2: Working With Borders
Lecture 3: Width, Height, and Percentages
Lecture 4: Adding Padding to Elements
Lecture 5: Working With Margins
Lecture 6: The Alternate Box Model
Lecture 7: The Display Property
Lecture 8: Display: None
Lecture 9: Negative Margin & Margin Auto
Lecture 10: Margin Collapsing: WTF?
Colt Steele
Developer and Bootcamp Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 67 votes
- 4 stars: 545 votes
- 5 stars: 2093 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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