The Kotlin Language: Fundamentals and Basics
The Kotlin Language: Fundamentals and Basics, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 59 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 506 reviews, and has 15838 subscribers.
You will learn about Programming logic foundation, read and write Kotlin with condition and control Concept of OOPS in Kotlin, as other languages like Java, C++, PHP, C#, Scala, or Swift Use Intellij IDE, the popular Kotlin (and Java), for application development purpose. Create basic as well as professional Android apps using Kotlin, the new Java-based programming language developed by Jetbrains Understand how Kotlin integrates neatly with Java. How to use Kotlin for existing Android Apps and use it with Java. This course is ideal for individuals who are You should be eager to learn this awesome programming language! or You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch, heading towards intermediate and then to advanced topics. or Anyone who wants to use kotlin for existing and new Android Apps, get this for yourself. It is particularly useful for You should be eager to learn this awesome programming language! or You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch, heading towards intermediate and then to advanced topics. or Anyone who wants to use kotlin for existing and new Android Apps, get this for yourself.
Enroll now: The Kotlin Language: Fundamentals and Basics
Title: The Kotlin Language: Fundamentals and Basics
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 59
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 59
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Programming logic foundation, read and write Kotlin with condition and control
- Concept of OOPS in Kotlin, as other languages like Java, C++, PHP, C#, Scala, or Swift
- Use Intellij IDE, the popular Kotlin (and Java), for application development purpose.
- Create basic as well as professional Android apps using Kotlin, the new Java-based programming language developed by Jetbrains
- Understand how Kotlin integrates neatly with Java.
- How to use Kotlin for existing Android Apps and use it with Java.
Who Should Attend
- You should be eager to learn this awesome programming language!
- You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch, heading towards intermediate and then to advanced topics.
- Anyone who wants to use kotlin for existing and new Android Apps, get this for yourself.
Target Audiences
- You should be eager to learn this awesome programming language!
- You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch, heading towards intermediate and then to advanced topics.
- Anyone who wants to use kotlin for existing and new Android Apps, get this for yourself.
2024 Update: My Udemy courses are not being updated anymore.
I have joined Droidcon Academy and leading the platform. I will continue my passion for teaching by working with thousands of instructors and helping them create high-quality courses for you. Thank you for your enormous support.
>> Develop skills in Kotlin from scratch, the most beautiful modern programming language based on Java and now used for Android!
>> Expand your expertise as a Java/Android Developer and improve the quality of your code!
We begin with basics such that the beginners get a good grab over the language. There will be quizzes and coding challenges so that you test your learning.
Then we will get along with the intermediate level and create Android Apps and integrate Kotlin with Java.
The course goes on as:
Installation of the development environment
Understanding how program flow works in Kotlin.
Variables & Opertors.
Logic and making decision.
Binary and hexadecimal numbers.
Working with files.
OOPs in Kotlin.
Data Classes.
Collections and types of collections: List, Arrays, Map and Set
Lambdas and High Level Function
Multi Processing.Information hiding principles and generics.
At last, get started with your first Kotlin Android App.
Give us the review and feedback to improve the course.
Once you understand the concept of OOPs explained here for Kotlin, this basic paradigm being same for all other languages, you can master others too!
(Java, PHP, C#, C++)
This course will be shaped as you want it to be. There will be more contents based on your reviews and feedback. Help this start reach heights with your valuable opinions.
Get in now and be the part!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Kotlin Overview
Lecture 1: Kotlin Overview. Is Java Dead?
Chapter 2: Software Installation
Lecture 1: Kotlin Setup for Windows: Installing Java JDK
Lecture 2: Kotlin Setup for Windows: Install INTELLIJ IDEA
Lecture 3: Kotlin Setup for Mac OSX: Installing Java JDK
Lecture 4: Kotlin Setup for MacOSX: Install INTELLIJ IDEA
Chapter 3: Your First App in Kotlin
Lecture 1: Writing your first Kotlin Code: Hello World
Lecture 2: Hello World: How it internally works?
Chapter 4: Kotlin Basics and Syntax
Lecture 1: Comments in Kotlin
Lecture 2: Variable and Data Types Overview
Lecture 3: Overview of Functions, Classes and String Interpolation
Lecture 4: More on Functions, Classes and String Interpolation
Chapter 5: Getting Started with Kotlin
Lecture 1: Using REPL for Kotlin Programming
Lecture 2: Overview of Data Types: Variables and Constants
Lecture 3: Let's Explore Data Types in Intellij IDEA
Lecture 4: String Templates: Concept of Interpolation
Lecture 5: Ranges
Chapter 6: Conditional Statements and Expressions
Lecture 1: IF as Expression
Lecture 2: WHEN as Expression
Chapter 7: Iterators or Loops
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: FOR Loop
Lecture 3: WHILE Loop
Lecture 4: DO WHILE Loop
Chapter 8: Loop Control Statements
Lecture 1: BREAK Statements with Labeled FOR Loop
Lecture 2: CONTINUE Statements with Labeled FOR Loop
Chapter 9: Functions
Lecture 1: Functions Basics and Syntax
Lecture 2: Functions as Expressions
Lecture 3: Interoperability: How Kotlin Code is Compiled?
Lecture 4: Interoperability: How to call Kotlin functions from Java File and vice-versa
Lecture 5: Default Functions: Using @JvmOverloads for Interoperability
Lecture 6: Named Parameters
Lecture 7: Extension Functions
Lecture 8: Infix Function
Lecture 9: Tailrec Function: Use Recursion in Optimised way
Chapter 10: Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: Class Definition, init Block, Properties and Primary Constructor
Lecture 2: Secondary Constructor
Lecture 3: Inheritance Explained
Lecture 4: Demo: Inheritance with Example
Lecture 5: Overriding Properties and Methods
Lecture 6: Role of Primary and Secondary Constructors in Inheritance
Chapter 11: Object Oriented Programming Continues
Lecture 1: Visibility Modifiers: Public, Protected, Internal and Private
Lecture 2: Abstract Classes, Methods and Properties
Lecture 3: Interface
Lecture 4: Data Class
Chapter 12: Companion Object
Lecture 1: 'object' declaration: Alternative to Static in Java
Lecture 2: Companion Object
Chapter 13: Lambdas and High Level Functions: Kotlin as a Functional Language
Lecture 1: Lambdas and High Level Functions
Lecture 2: More on Lambdas and High Level Functions
Lecture 3: Closures
Lecture 4: "it" The Implicit Name for Single Parameter in Lambda
Lecture 5: "with" and "apply"
Chapter 14: Collections: List, Map Arrays and Sets
Lecture 1: Arrays In Kotlin and Introduction to Collections
Lecture 2: List and ArrayList: Mutable and Immutable
Lecture 3: Map and HashMap
Lecture 4: Set and HashSet
Chapter 15: Checking out Practical Usage of Lambdas: in Collections
Lecture 1: Using Lambdas with Collections: Filtering and Sorting
Lecture 2: Predicates: all, any, count and find methods
Chapter 16: Start Developing Android Apps using Kotlin
Lecture 1: Android Studio Setup for Kotlin
Lecture 2: Create and Run Your First Android App using Kotlin
Chapter 17: Conclusion
Lecture 1: What Next?
Sriyank Siddhartha
Developer and Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 83 votes
- 4 stars: 188 votes
- 5 stars: 217 votes
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