The Mac Terminal Course for Beginners
The Mac Terminal Course for Beginners, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.59, with 62 lectures, based on 850 reviews, and has 4517 subscribers.
You will learn about Move within different directories from anywhere to anywhere Use the manual with ease Create any kind of files, copy, delete or rename files or folders Combine commands together Redirect the output of any command into different files Introduction to create your own commands Change the ownership of files and foolders And much more… This course is ideal for individuals who are Any Mac user who is not yet familiar with the terminal or Terminal users who have basic skills but want to get better at it or Programmers, developers or software engineers needing to learn the Terminal. or Students looking for an engaging and highly interactive approach to Terminal training It is particularly useful for Any Mac user who is not yet familiar with the terminal or Terminal users who have basic skills but want to get better at it or Programmers, developers or software engineers needing to learn the Terminal. or Students looking for an engaging and highly interactive approach to Terminal training.
Enroll now: The Mac Terminal Course for Beginners
Title: The Mac Terminal Course for Beginners
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.59
Number of Lectures: 62
Number of Published Lectures: 62
Number of Curriculum Items: 62
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 62
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Move within different directories from anywhere to anywhere
- Use the manual with ease
- Create any kind of files, copy, delete or rename files or folders
- Combine commands together
- Redirect the output of any command into different files
- Introduction to create your own commands
- Change the ownership of files and foolders
- And much more…
Who Should Attend
- Any Mac user who is not yet familiar with the terminal
- Terminal users who have basic skills but want to get better at it
- Programmers, developers or software engineers needing to learn the Terminal.
- Students looking for an engaging and highly interactive approach to Terminal training
Target Audiences
- Any Mac user who is not yet familiar with the terminal
- Terminal users who have basic skills but want to get better at it
- Programmers, developers or software engineers needing to learn the Terminal.
- Students looking for an engaging and highly interactive approach to Terminal training
*** Course access includes Homework exercises solved in detailed Video Lessons and 1-on-1 instructor support ***
You can finally understand and use the your Terminal.
Whether you’re starting from square one or trying to get better with the Command Line on the Mac, this is the right place to be. This course explain the command line using a Mac, remember also that all the commands are the same in any Linux system.
Everything is explained at a slow pace and thoroughly to make sure you can follow everything.
This course will give you a clear understanding of how your Terminal works. While most Terminal courses focus on a list of commands I will let you understand how it works with real world examples designed to make you independent.
For those who want to go to the next Level, You will also find an introduction to Bash Shell Scripting
By the end of the course you’ll be writing terminal commands with ease allowing you to:
Get any information about any files or folders in your mac
Use the manual with ease
Move within different directories from anywhere to anywhere
Open any kind of file with the proper application
Create any kind of files, copy, delete or rename files or folders
Redirect the output of any command into different files
Combine commands together
Find anything in your system and search any file with different options
Customize your shell
Understand the permission system
Change the ownership of files or folders, and change the group ownership
Create Shell Scripts
and much more…
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Basic Informations
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Locate The Terminal
Lecture 3: Terminal Settings
Lecture 4: First Fundamental Commands
Lecture 5: Terminal Overview
Lecture 6: Pdf for the Lessons
Chapter 2: KNOW your files and folders
Lecture 1: Basic Commands
Lecture 2: Organization of files in MacLinux Systems
Lecture 3: Ls -L. Understand the Terminal Output
Lecture 4: Ls Command Options
Lecture 5: Ls and File Command
Lecture 6: More Useful Commands
Lecture 7: The Manual
Lecture 8: Tab Completion
Lecture 9: Exercises Section 2
Lecture 10: Solutions Exercises Section 2
Chapter 3: ACCESS your files and folders
Lecture 1: Change Directory: cd
Lecture 2: Text files: Less, More, Cat.
Lecture 3: Any file: Open, xdg-open
Lecture 4: BONUS: Shortcuts
Lecture 5: Exercises Section 3
Lecture 6: Solutions Exercises Section 3
Chapter 4: CREATE/EDIT your files and folders
Lecture 1: Create files: Touch
Lecture 2: Edit text files: Nano
Lecture 3: Rename and move files: mv
Lecture 4: Copy and remove Files: cp, rm
Lecture 5: Star Sign: *
Lecture 6: Directories
Lecture 7: Redirect text content
Lecture 8: Exercises Section 4
Lecture 9: Solution Exercises Section 4
Chapter 5: Permissions and Ownership
Lecture 1: Super User: Sudo
Lecture 2: Change Ownership: Chown-Chgrp
Lecture 3: Change Ownership to folders
Lecture 4: NEW! Change Permission: Chmod
Lecture 5: Exercises Section 5
Lecture 6: Solution Exercises Section 5
Chapter 6: Advanced Topics
Lecture 1: Pipe
Lecture 2: Find inside your computer: Find
Lecture 3: Find in Text: Grep
Lecture 4: Alias Commands
Lecture 5: NEW! Variables
Lecture 6: NEW! Read From Input: Read
Lecture 7: NEW! Execute Files: ./
Lecture 8: NEW! Location of Commands: Which
Lecture 9: NEW! Expand Command: $()
Lecture 10: UNIX Login file ( IMPORTANT )
Lecture 11: Exercises Section 6
Lecture 12: Solution Exercises Section 6
Lecture 13: Bonus Lectures. Secure Your Knowledge and Skills Now.
Chapter 7: Bonus Section: Introduction to Shell Scripting
Lecture 1: Intro to Shell Scripting
Lecture 2: Execute
Lecture 3: The First Script
Lecture 4: Editors and Read
Lecture 5: Script Open
Lecture 6: Arithmetic Expressions
Lecture 7: IF Conditions
Lecture 8: Else
Lecture 9: IF on Strings
Lecture 10: For Loops
Chapter 8: Conclusion!
Lecture 1: Conclusion!
Chapter 9: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 1: Bonus Lectures :A Subject for Super-Programmers
Francesco Santi
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 54 votes
- 4 stars: 253 votes
- 5 stars: 525 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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