The Pandas Bootcamp | Data Analysis with Pandas Python3
The Pandas Bootcamp | Data Analysis with Pandas Python3, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.32, with 119 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 170 reviews, and has 24729 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the basics of Pandas, its data structures, and how to install it. Work with different types of data structures in Pandas. Use descriptive and inferential statistics methods to analyze data. Apply element-wise, row or column-wise, and table-wise function application on data. Reindex, sort, and iterate through data using Pandas. Use string methods for data cleaning and manipulation. Customize display options and data types in Pandas. Perform indexing and selecting operations based on labels, integers, or Boolean values. Use window functions such as rolling, expanding, and ewm for data analysis. Group data based on single or multiple columns, apply aggregation functions, and filter or transform data. Work with categorical data, perform methods such as reorder, remove, add, and rename categories, and visualize categorical data using Pandas. Visualize data using different types of plots such as line, bar, histogram, scatter, box, area, and heatmap. Read and write data in different formats such as CSV, Excel, and JSON using Pandas. Work with sparse data and understand its features. This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring data analysts who want to learn how to use Pandas for data analysis or Data scientists who want to add Pandas to their skillset or Business analysts who need to analyze data using Pandas or Programmers who want to learn about data manipulation and analysis using Python and Pandas or Anyone interested in learning about Pandas and data analysis with Python It is particularly useful for Aspiring data analysts who want to learn how to use Pandas for data analysis or Data scientists who want to add Pandas to their skillset or Business analysts who need to analyze data using Pandas or Programmers who want to learn about data manipulation and analysis using Python and Pandas or Anyone interested in learning about Pandas and data analysis with Python.
Enroll now: The Pandas Bootcamp | Data Analysis with Pandas Python3
Title: The Pandas Bootcamp | Data Analysis with Pandas Python3
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.32
Number of Lectures: 119
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 119
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 122
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 122
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the basics of Pandas, its data structures, and how to install it.
- Work with different types of data structures in Pandas.
- Use descriptive and inferential statistics methods to analyze data.
- Apply element-wise, row or column-wise, and table-wise function application on data.
- Reindex, sort, and iterate through data using Pandas.
- Use string methods for data cleaning and manipulation.
- Customize display options and data types in Pandas.
- Perform indexing and selecting operations based on labels, integers, or Boolean values.
- Use window functions such as rolling, expanding, and ewm for data analysis.
- Group data based on single or multiple columns, apply aggregation functions, and filter or transform data.
- Work with categorical data, perform methods such as reorder, remove, add, and rename categories, and visualize categorical data using Pandas.
- Visualize data using different types of plots such as line, bar, histogram, scatter, box, area, and heatmap.
- Read and write data in different formats such as CSV, Excel, and JSON using Pandas.
- Work with sparse data and understand its features.
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring data analysts who want to learn how to use Pandas for data analysis
- Data scientists who want to add Pandas to their skillset
- Business analysts who need to analyze data using Pandas
- Programmers who want to learn about data manipulation and analysis using Python and Pandas
- Anyone interested in learning about Pandas and data analysis with Python
Target Audiences
- Aspiring data analysts who want to learn how to use Pandas for data analysis
- Data scientists who want to add Pandas to their skillset
- Business analysts who need to analyze data using Pandas
- Programmers who want to learn about data manipulation and analysis using Python and Pandas
- Anyone interested in learning about Pandas and data analysis with Python
Introduction to The Pandas Bootcamp | Data Analysis with Pandas Python3
The “Introduction to The Pandas Bootcamp | Data Analysis with Pandas Python3” course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to use Pandas, the popular data manipulation library for Python.
This course covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of Pandas installation and data structures to more advanced topics such as window functions and visualization.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, this course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how to use Pandas to analyze and manipulate data efficiently.
Through practical programming examples, you will learn how to perform data cleaning and manipulation, aggregation, and grouping, as well as how to work with different data formats such as CSV, Excel, and JSON. By the end of the course, you will have gained the knowledge and skills necessary to work with large datasets and perform complex data analysis tasks using Pandas.
Instructors Experiences and Education:
Faisal Zamiris an experienced programmer and an expert in the field of computer science. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science and has over 7 years of experience working in schools, colleges, and university. Faisal is a highly skilled instructor who is passionate about teaching and mentoring students in the field of computer science.
As a programmer, Faisal has worked on various projects and has experience in multiple programming languages, including PHP, Java, and Python.
He has also worked on projects involving web development, software engineering, and database management. This broad range of experience has allowed Faisal to develop a deep understanding of the fundamentals of programming and the ability to teach complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.
As an instructor, Faisal has a proven track record of success. He has taught students of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and has a passion for helping students achieve their goals.
Faisal has a unique teaching style that combines theory with practical examples, which allows students to apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios.
Overall, Faisal Zamir is a skilled programmer and a talented instructor who is dedicated to helping students achieve their goals in the field of computer science. With his extensive experience and proven track record of success, students can trust that they are learning from an expert in the field.
What you will learn from Course Data Analysis with Pandas Python3
Understand the basics of Pandas, its data structures, and how to install it.
Work with different types of data structures in Pandas.
Use descriptive and inferential statistics methods to analyze data.
Apply element-wise, row or column-wise, and table-wise function application on data.
Reindex, sort, and iterate through data using Pandas.
Use string methods for data cleaning and manipulation.
Customize display options and data types in Pandas.
Perform indexing and selecting operations based on labels, integers, or Boolean values.
Use window functions such as rolling, expanding, and ewm for data analysis.
Group data based on single or multiple columns, apply aggregation functions, and filter or transform data.
Work with categorical data, perform methods such as reorder, remove, add, and rename categories, and visualize categorical data using Pandas.
Visualize data using different types of plots such as line, bar, histogram, scatter, box, area, and heatmap.
Read and write data in different formats such as CSV, Excel, and JSON using Pandas.
Work with sparse data and understand its features.
Outlines for Pandas Course for Data Science
Chapter 01
What is Pandas
Why need of Pandas
What we can do with Pandas
Pandas Installation
Pandas Basic Program
Chapter 02
Data Structures
Types of Data Structure
Chapter 03
Series different OperationS
Series Attributes
Series methods
Chapter 04
DataFrame different OperationS
DataFrame Attributes
DataFrame methods
Chapter 05
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics Methods & Programming Examples
Inferential statistics functions
Chapter 06
Function Application
Row or Column-wise
Table wise
Chapter 07
Reindexing Method with Programming Examples
Iteration Method with Programming Examples
Sorting Method with Programming Examples
Chapter 08
String Methods
Chapter 09
Customization Options
Customizing display options
Customizing data types
Customizing data cleaning and manipulation
Indexing & Selecting
Label-based or integer-based indexing
Boolean indexing
Based on a string (.query)
Chapter 10
Window Function
Rolling window
Expanding window
Exponentially Weighted window
Weighted window
Chapter 11
Groupby operations
Splitting Data
Appling function on that data
Combining the results
Operations on subset data
Chapter 12
Categorical Data
Methods used in Categorial Data
remove categories
add categories
rename categories
remove unused categories
Chapter 13
Line plot
Bar plot
Scatter plot
Box plot
Area plot
Density plot
Chapter 14
I/O Tools
Reading CSV
Writing CSV
Reading Excel
Writing CSV
Reading JSON
Writing CSV
Chapter 16
Date Time Functions
to datetime
date range
30-day money-back guarantee for The Pandas Bootcamp | Data Analysis with Pandas Python3
We are confident that The Pandas Bootcamp | Data Analysis with Pandas Python3 course will provide you with the skills and knowledge needed for successful data analysis using Pandas.
That’s why we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, giving you peace of mind as you embark on this learning journey.
With our expert instructors and a comprehensive curriculum, you’ll gain a solid understanding of data structures, descriptive statistics, function applications, customization options, and more.
Our course is designed for anyone looking to enhance their data analysis skills, including students, data analysts, business professionals, and aspiring data scientists. Join us today and take the first step towards becoming a proficient Pandas user!
Thank you
Faisal Zamir
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Chapter 01
Lecture 1: 01 Pandas Chapter 01 Outlines
Lecture 2: 02 What is Pandas
Lecture 3: 03 Where we can use Pandas
Lecture 4: 04 What we can do with Pandas
Lecture 5: 05 Pandas Installation
Lecture 6: 06 Pandas Basic Program
Chapter 2: Chapter 02
Lecture 1: 01 Pandas Chapter 02 Outlines
Lecture 2: 02 Series Data Structure
Lecture 3: 03 DataFrame Data Strcuture
Lecture 4: 04 Panel Data Structure
Chapter 3: Chapter 03
Lecture 1: 01 Chapter 03 Outlines for Pandas
Lecture 2: 02 Series Creation with 5 Methods
Lecture 3: 03 Indexing with Series
Lecture 4: 04 Slicing with Series
Lecture 5: 05 Arithmetics with Series
Lecture 6: 06 Comparision with Series
Lecture 7: 07 Aggregation with Series
Lecture 8: 08 Filtering with Series
Lecture 9: 09 All Attribues of Series
Lecture 10: 10 head method with Series
Lecture 11: 11 tail method with Series
Lecture 12: 12 describe method with Series
Lecture 13: 13 info method with Series
Lecture 14: 14 mean method with Series
Lecture 15: 15 sum method with Series
Lecture 16: 16 unique method with Series
Lecture 17: 17 value_counts method with Series
Lecture 18: 18 sort_values method with Series
Lecture 19: 19 apply method with Series
Lecture 20: 20 fillna method with Series
Lecture 21: 21 drop method with Series
Lecture 22: 22 concat method with Series
Chapter 4: Chapter 04
Lecture 1: 01 Chapter 04 Outlines for Pandas
Lecture 2: 02 Methods to create DataFrame
Lecture 3: 03 Select Add and Delete Column
Lecture 4: 04 Select Add Delete Row
Lecture 5: 05 Indexing and Slicing in DataFrame
Lecture 6: 06 Arithmetic Operation with DataFrame
Lecture 7: 07 Comparision Operations on DataFrame
Lecture 8: 08 Aggregation with DataFrame
Lecture 9: 09 Filtering in DataFrame
Lecture 10: 10 Missing Data Handling in DataFrame
Lecture 11: 11 Joining Method with DataFrame
Lecture 12: 12 Sorting in DataFrame
Lecture 13: 13 Attributes for DataFrame
Lecture 14: 14 Head and Tail method in DF
Lecture 15: 15 Describe and Info method with DF
Lecture 16: 16 sort_values method with DF
Lecture 17: 17 dropna Method with DF
Lecture 18: 18 fillna and merge method with DF
Lecture 19: 19 apply method with DF
Lecture 20: 20 Panel in Pandas
Chapter 5: Chapter 05
Lecture 1: 01 Chapter 05 Outlines
Lecture 2: 02 Descriptive Statistics in Pandas
Lecture 3: 03 Descriptive Methods in Pandas
Chapter 6: Chapter 06
Lecture 1: 01 Pandas Chapter 06 Outlines
Lecture 2: 02 Function Application in Pandas
Lecture 3: 03 Element Wise Application
Lecture 4: 04 Row or Column Wise Application
Lecture 5: 05 Table wise Application
Chapter 7: Chapter 07
Lecture 1: 01 Pandas Chapter 07 Outlines
Lecture 2: 02 Reindexing in Pandas
Lecture 3: 03 Iteration with items method
Lecture 4: 04 Iteration with iterrows method
Lecture 5: 05 Iteration with itertuples method
Lecture 6: 06 Iteration in Pandas
Lecture 7: 07 Sort Values in Pandas
Lecture 8: 08 Sort Index in Pandas
Lecture 9: 09 nlargest and nsmallest in Pandas
Chapter 8: Chapter 08
Lecture 1: 01 Pandas Chapter 08 Outlines
Lecture 2: 02 lower and upper method
Lecture 3: 03 title and capatilize method
Lecture 4: 04 swapecase method in Pandas
Lecture 5: 05 strip lstrip rstrip in pandas
Lecture 6: 06 join method in Pandas
Lecture 7: 07 replace method in Pandas
Lecture 8: 08 contains method in Pandas
Lecture 9: 09 startswith and endswith in Pandas
Lecture 10: 10 find and rfind in Pandas
Lecture 11: 11 count and len Method in Pandas
Chapter 9: Chapter 09
Lecture 1: 01 Pandas Chapter 09 Outline
Lecture 2: 02 Display Option in Pandas
Lecture 3: 03 Customizing Data Types
Lecture 4: 04 Data Cleaning
Lecture 5: 05 Label integer and boolean based indexing
Lecture 6: 06 Query Method in Pandas
Chapter 10: Chapter 10
Lecture 1: 01 Pandas Chapter 10 Outline
Lecture 2: 02 Rolling Window in Pandas
Lecture 3: 03 Rolling window functions in Pandas
Lecture 4: 04 Expending Window in Pandas
Faisal Zamir
Programmer -
Jafri Code
Programming and Web Instructor -
Pro Python Support
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 26 votes
- 4 stars: 54 votes
- 5 stars: 79 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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