The Python Developer Essentials Immersive Bootcamp
The Python Developer Essentials Immersive Bootcamp, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.36, with 80 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 2838 reviews, and has 228651 subscribers.
You will learn about How to Program with Python and write a clean code The core Python concepts needed to become A Dev Professional Understand of how Python works behind the scenes Variables, Representing Data Types, and using Math Syntax and Recognize Code Blocks Understanding and Analyzing Errors Built-In Functions and Methods User-Defined and Anonymous Functions Structure all Data with Built-In Data Structures Flows Control for Programs Object-Oriented Programming Different types of Modules Handle Files using Python How to practice Python and building projects for tasks Get the Instructor QA support This course is ideal for individuals who are New developers and Engineers or Absolute Beginners in Python or Programming and software development engineering newbies or Developers and Engineers who know other programming language but are new to python or Anyone who wants to master modern Python 3.9.1 the right way without wasting time It is particularly useful for New developers and Engineers or Absolute Beginners in Python or Programming and software development engineering newbies or Developers and Engineers who know other programming language but are new to python or Anyone who wants to master modern Python 3.9.1 the right way without wasting time.
Enroll now: The Python Developer Essentials Immersive Bootcamp
Title: The Python Developer Essentials Immersive Bootcamp
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.36
Number of Lectures: 80
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 80
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to Program with Python and write a clean code
- The core Python concepts needed to become A Dev Professional
- Understand of how Python works behind the scenes
- Variables, Representing Data Types, and using Math
- Syntax and Recognize Code Blocks
- Understanding and Analyzing Errors
- Built-In Functions and Methods
- User-Defined and Anonymous Functions
- Structure all Data with Built-In Data Structures
- Flows Control for Programs
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Different types of Modules
- Handle Files using Python
- How to practice Python and building projects for tasks
- Get the Instructor QA support
Who Should Attend
- New developers and Engineers
- Absolute Beginners in Python
- Programming and software development engineering newbies
- Developers and Engineers who know other programming language but are new to python
- Anyone who wants to master modern Python 3.9.1 the right way without wasting time
Target Audiences
- New developers and Engineers
- Absolute Beginners in Python
- Programming and software development engineering newbies
- Developers and Engineers who know other programming language but are new to python
- Anyone who wants to master modern Python 3.9.1 the right way without wasting time
Hello and welcome to The Python Developer Essentials Immersive Bootcamp for 2024
Learn the skills you need to become a Professional Certified Python Developer with this Complete Training Course.
Embark on an exciting journey into the world of programming with our comprehensive Python Developer Essentials course. This beginner-friendly course meticulously guides you through the fundamentals of Python programming, equipping you with the essential skills to create your own powerful programs.
Uncover the Essentials of Python Programming
Delve into the core concepts of Python, including:
Data Types and Variables: Master the building blocks of programs by understanding the different data types, such as integers, strings, and booleans, and how to store them in variables.
Operators and Expressions: Unravel the power of operators to manipulate data and construct sophisticated expressions.
Control Flow Statements: Learn how to control the flow of your programs using conditional statements like if-else and looping constructs like for and while loops.
Functions: Discover the power of functions to modularize your code, enhance reusability, and promote code organization.
Modules and Packages: Explore the concept of modules and packages to organize your code, share functionality, and leverage external libraries.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Grasp the principles of OOP, including classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism, to create maintainable and extensible code.
Hands-on Learning and Practical Applications
Reinforce your understanding through hands-on coding exercises and real-world examples. You’ll learn to:
Write your first Python programs: Craft simple programs to grasp the basic syntax and structure of Python programming.
Manipulate data: Utilize data types, operators, and expressions to perform operations on data.
Control program flow: Implement conditional statements and loops to control the execution of your programs based on specific conditions.
Design and implement functions: Create reusable functions to enhance code organization and modularity.
Utilize modules and packages: Import and utilize modules and packages to access external functionality and organize your code.
Apply OOP principles: Design and implement classes and objects to create maintainable and extensible code.
Empower Yourself with Python Programming Skills
By completing this Python Basics course, you’ll acquire the foundational skills to confidently navigate the world of Python programming. You’ll be equipped to:
Solve programming problems: Apply your newfound knowledge to tackle programming challenges and solve computational problems.
Automate tasks: Create scripts and programs to automate repetitive tasks, saving time and effort.
Develop web applications: Build interactive web applications using Python frameworks like Django and Flask.
Analyze data: Utilize Python libraries like NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib to analyze and visualize data.
Explore machine learning: Explore the field of machine learning using Python libraries like scikit-learn.
Contribute to open-source projects: Engage in open-source projects to collaborate with experienced developers and gain real-world experience.
Unleash your creativity and problem-solving skills with Python programming. Enroll today and embark on a fulfilling journey into the world of software development!
So, what are you waiting for, enroll now to go through an Immersive Training of the most popular Programming Language on the market, Python.
Become A Python Guru in no time!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Installing and Verifying Python
Lecture 3: Working with VS Code for Python
Chapter 2: Variables, Data Types, Printing and Getting classes
Lecture 1: Basic data types theory
Lecture 2: Variables and Assignments theory
Lecture 3: Multiple assignments theory
Lecture 4: Naming variables theory
Lecture 5: Printing values to the screen theory
Lecture 6: Getting class type theory
Lecture 7: Variables and Assignments hands-on
Lecture 8: Multiple assignments hands-on
Lecture 9: Assign one Value to many variables hands-on
Lecture 10: Printing values to the screen hands-on
Lecture 11: Getting class type hands-on
Chapter 3: Math Operations
Lecture 1: Math operations theory
Lecture 2: Math Orders theory
Lecture 3: Math operations hands-on
Lecture 4: Math Orders hands-on
Chapter 4: Comments and White Spaces
Lecture 1: Comments theory
Lecture 2: White Spaces theory
Lecture 3: Comments hands-on
Lecture 4: White Spaces hands-on
Chapter 5: Errors
Lecture 1: Error Types Theory
Lecture 2: Error Types hands-on
Chapter 6: Functions
Lecture 1: Function types theory
Lecture 2: Functions built-in theory
Lecture 3: User defined functions theory
Lecture 4: Functions built-in hands-on
Lecture 5: User defined functions hands-on
Lecture 6: Calling many times hands-on
Lecture 7: Pass many arguments
Lecture 8: Return many values
Lecture 9: Anonymous Lambda
Lecture 10: Scope in Python
Chapter 7: Structured Data in Python
Lecture 1: Lists theory
Lecture 2: Tuples theory
Lecture 3: Sets theory
Lecture 4: Dictionaries theory
Lecture 5: Create a list, change and insert
Lecture 6: Add and extend a list
Lecture 7: Delete and clear list items
Lecture 8: Create a Tuple, No change
Lecture 9: Accessing tuples and ranges
Lecture 10: Concatenate and delete tuples
Lecture 11: Create a set and get len
Lecture 12: Sets type and constructor to empty
Lecture 13: No Accessing for set items
Lecture 14: Adding items to a set
Lecture 15: Removing and clearing sets
Lecture 16: Creating dictionaries
Lecture 17: Dictionary len and type
Lecture 18: Dictionary all about accessing
Lecture 19: Dictionary all about updating values
Lecture 20: Adding one or many items in dictionary
Lecture 21: Deleting dictionary items and clearing
Chapter 8: Comparison, Logic, Additional, and Conditional Statements
Lecture 1: Comparison operators theory
Lecture 2: Logical operator theory
Lecture 3: Conditional theory
Lecture 4: Comparison operators hands-on
Lecture 5: Logical operator hands-on
Lecture 6: Additional operators
Lecture 7: Conditional Statements hands-on
Chapter 9: Loops: Repeating and Iterating
Lecture 1: While loops theory
Lecture 2: For loops theory
Lecture 3: The while loop in python hands-on
Lecture 4: The for loop hands-on
Lecture 5: for range break
Chapter 10: Working with Classes
Lecture 1: Classes theory
Lecture 2: Classes and Objects Hands-On
Lecture 3: Objects Modifications
Lecture 4: Class Methods and Constructors
Lecture 5: Inheritance from other classes Hands-on
Chapter 11: Modules: Organize Programs and Save time
Lecture 1: modules theory
Lecture 2: Understand all about Modules
Chapter 12: Working with Files
Lecture 1: Files Handling theory
Lecture 2: Reading Files
Lecture 3: Writing to Files
Lecture 4: Deleting Files
Chapter 13: Further learning and practicing
Lecture 1: Further learning, practicing and your next steps
Lecture 2: Bonus lecture
Ahmed El Mohandes
Expert Software Engineer | Sr. Data Science & ML Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 47 votes
- 2 stars: 68 votes
- 3 stars: 423 votes
- 4 stars: 1034 votes
- 5 stars: 1266 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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