The SQL MicroDegree 2022: From SQL Basics To MySQL Mastery
The SQL MicroDegree 2022: From SQL Basics To MySQL Mastery, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.67, with 86 lectures, based on 725 reviews, and has 37980 subscribers.
You will learn about Boost your resume by learning the in-demand SQL skill Start using MySQL – the #1 Database Management System Adopt professionally tested SQL best practices Become a proficient MySQL Workbench user Know how to answer specific business questions by using SQL’s aggregate functions Become a proficient SQL user by writing flawless and efficient queries Handle complex SQL joins with ease Prepare for SQL developer, Database administrator, Business Analyst, and Business Intelligence job opportunities Create, design, and operate with SQL databases This course is ideal for individuals who are Complete SQL Beginners and Data Analyst Aspirants or People interested in SQL development and Business Analysis or Job Seekers Who Want To Leverage Their SQL Skills It is particularly useful for Complete SQL Beginners and Data Analyst Aspirants or People interested in SQL development and Business Analysis or Job Seekers Who Want To Leverage Their SQL Skills.
Enroll now: The SQL MicroDegree 2022: From SQL Basics To MySQL Mastery
Title: The SQL MicroDegree 2022: From SQL Basics To MySQL Mastery
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.67
Number of Lectures: 86
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Boost your resume by learning the in-demand SQL skill
- Start using MySQL – the #1 Database Management System
- Adopt professionally tested SQL best practices
- Become a proficient MySQL Workbench user
- Know how to answer specific business questions by using SQL’s aggregate functions
- Become a proficient SQL user by writing flawless and efficient queries
- Handle complex SQL joins with ease
- Prepare for SQL developer, Database administrator, Business Analyst, and Business Intelligence job opportunities
- Create, design, and operate with SQL databases
Who Should Attend
- Complete SQL Beginners and Data Analyst Aspirants
- People interested in SQL development and Business Analysis
- Job Seekers Who Want To Leverage Their SQL Skills
Target Audiences
- Complete SQL Beginners and Data Analyst Aspirants
- People interested in SQL development and Business Analysis
- Job Seekers Who Want To Leverage Their SQL Skills
Learn SQL from absolute scratch!
SQL is not an optional skill anymore but a necessity. It’s not crucial for data analysts but also for CS graduates who are looking for a job. Learning SQL is one of the fastest ways to improve your career possibilities as it is one of the most sought-after tech skills! Do you know that MySQL is the most preferred SQL interpreter out there? What you learn in this course would be enough to get yourself eligible for new career options. We will start from the very basics of SQL and gradually progress into teaching you everything you need to know about it. Step by step. With no steps skipped. This course is for you if you are tired of SQL courses that are too brief, too simple, or too complicated.
What Will You Learn?
Learn the ins and outs of SQL syntax
Generate reports using sales and user data
Analyze data using Aggregate Functions
Run complex queries using MySQL logical operators and string functions
Write all the common SQL joins
Creating, Modifying and Deleting Tables in a Database (DDL)
Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data from Tables (DML)
Why Should You Choose This Course?
Easy to understand
Time-efficient and concise
Shows how SQL can be crucial for data analytics and business intelligence
Taught in MySQL – The most popular SQL database management system.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction To SQL
Lecture 3: Installing MySQL
Lecture 4: Workbench Overview
Lecture 5: Extracting RAR files
Lecture 6: Errors & Difficulties?
Lecture 7: Creating SQL databases
Lecture 8: Tables, Views, Stored Procedure & Functions
Lecture 9: Give Me A Minute!
Chapter 2: Accessing Data From A Single Table
Lecture 1: The SELECT Statement
Lecture 2: The SELECT Clause
Lecture 3: Task 1
Lecture 4: The WHERE Clause
Lecture 5: Task 2
Lecture 6: AND, OR & NOT Operators
Lecture 7: Task 3
Lecture 8: The IN Operator
Lecture 9: Task 4
Lecture 10: The BETWEEN Operator
Lecture 11: Task 5
Lecture 12: The LIKE Operator
Lecture 13: Task 6
Lecture 14: The REGEXP Operator
Lecture 15: Task 7
Lecture 16: The NULL Operator
Lecture 17: Task 8
Lecture 18: The ORDER BY Clause
Lecture 19: Task 9
Lecture 20: The LIMIT Clause
Lecture 21: Task 10
Chapter 3: Accessing Data From A Multiple Tables
Lecture 1: Inner JOIN
Lecture 2: Task 11
Lecture 3: JOIN Data From Multiple Databases
Lecture 4: Self JOIN
Lecture 5: JOIN Data From Multiple Tables
Lecture 6: Task 12
Lecture 7: Writing A Compound JOIN Statement
Lecture 8: Syntax For Implicit JOIN
Lecture 9: OUTER JOIN
Lecture 10: OUTER JOIN To Combine Multiple Tables
Lecture 11: Task 13
Lecture 12: The USING Clause
Lecture 13: Task 14
Lecture 14: Natural JOIN
Lecture 15: Cross JOIN
Lecture 16: Task 15
Lecture 17: UNION
Lecture 18: Task 16
Chapter 4: Insert, Update & Delete Data
Lecture 1: What Are Column Attributes?
Lecture 2: Inserting A Row
Lecture 3: Inserting Multiple Rows
Lecture 4: Task 17
Lecture 5: Inserting Hierarchical Rows
Lecture 6: Creating A Copy Of The Table
Lecture 7: Updating A Single Row
Lecture 8: Updating Multiple Rows
Lecture 9: Subqueries
Lecture 10: Task 18
Lecture 11: Deleting A Row
Chapter 5: Summarizing Data In SQL
Lecture 1: Aggregate Functions I
Lecture 2: Aggregate Functions II
Lecture 3: The GROUP BY Clause
Lecture 4: HAVING Clause
Lecture 5: ROLL UP Operator
Chapter 6: Complex Queries
Lecture 1: Restore Your Databases
Lecture 2: Writing A Sub-Query
Lecture 3: The IN Operator
Lecture 4: The ALL Operator
Lecture 5: The ANY Operator
Lecture 6: Correlated Subqueries
Lecture 7: Subqueries inside SELECT
Lecture 8: Subqueries inside FROM
Chapter 7: Essential MySQL Functions
Lecture 1: Numeric Functions
Lecture 2: String Functions
Lecture 3: Data & Time Functions
Lecture 4: Date Time Formatting
Lecture 5: Operations With Date & Time
Lecture 7: Using IF in SQL
Lecture 8: The CASE Operator
Lecture 9: Let's Talk!
Chapter 8: Views
Lecture 1: How To Create Views?
Lecture 2: Saving, Updating & Altering Views
Chapter 9: Stored Procedures
Lecture 1: Creating Stored Procedures
Lecture 2: Creating Stored Procedures Inside MySQL
Lecture 3: Dropping Stored Procedures
Abhishek Pughazh
I'm a Python Freelancer, creating cool stuff.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 70 votes
- 4 stars: 267 votes
- 5 stars: 377 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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