The Ultimate App Making Course! Master Many Coding Skills!
The Ultimate App Making Course! Master Many Coding Skills!, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 527 lectures, based on 23 reviews, and has 11554 subscribers.
You will learn about Lay out a Webapp in a Logical Way Become an expert in Python and Java while learning core machine learning concepts Build a single-page app using React Router and Webpack Give your apps the power to recognize and classify images using the Keras framework Use Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript apps Learn how to incorporate Machine Learning models into Android Apps Fix bugs and Handle Errors Explore Pre-built models and get a sneak peek at TensorFlow Lite And More! This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who want to learn machine learning. or Intermediates who want to advance their data science skills. or Anyone who wants to use artificial intelligence while making apps. or Developers who want to learn about React and Redux. or Coders who want to learn to build web apps. or Coders who want to learn JavaScript. It is particularly useful for Beginners who want to learn machine learning. or Intermediates who want to advance their data science skills. or Anyone who wants to use artificial intelligence while making apps. or Developers who want to learn about React and Redux. or Coders who want to learn to build web apps. or Coders who want to learn JavaScript.
Enroll now: The Ultimate App Making Course! Master Many Coding Skills!
Title: The Ultimate App Making Course! Master Many Coding Skills!
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 527
Number of Published Lectures: 527
Number of Curriculum Items: 527
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 527
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Lay out a Webapp in a Logical Way
- Become an expert in Python and Java while learning core machine learning concepts
- Build a single-page app using React Router and Webpack
- Give your apps the power to recognize and classify images using the Keras framework
- Use Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Learn how to incorporate Machine Learning models into Android Apps
- Fix bugs and Handle Errors
- Explore Pre-built models and get a sneak peek at TensorFlow Lite
- And More!
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who want to learn machine learning.
- Intermediates who want to advance their data science skills.
- Anyone who wants to use artificial intelligence while making apps.
- Developers who want to learn about React and Redux.
- Coders who want to learn to build web apps.
- Coders who want to learn JavaScript.
Target Audiences
- Beginners who want to learn machine learning.
- Intermediates who want to advance their data science skills.
- Anyone who wants to use artificial intelligence while making apps.
- Developers who want to learn about React and Redux.
- Coders who want to learn to build web apps.
- Coders who want to learn JavaScript.
Do you want to learn to build beautiful, well-functioning web apps? Join web developer Chris Veillette in this course for beginners to start building web apps today.
Why React?
React is an efficient and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Many popular websites including Instagram, Facebook, Netflix, and Imgur use React.
You can build your own web apps! This course is full of practical examples. We teach you theory while also building real projects that you can put in your web development portfolio.
Learn TensorFlow, PyCharm, Java, Keras, and TensorFlow Lite. And so much more
Machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, and artificial intelligence are all around us, and they’re not going away. I will show you how to get a grasp on this ever-growing technology in this course.
This course was funded by a wildly successful Kickstarter!
With this course I will help you understand what machine learning is and compare it to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Together we will discover applications of machine learning and where we use machine learning daily.
You will learn how to analyze images with the Keras library. We’ll also take a look at TensorFlow Lite to:
Build an object-localization app
Build image/text classification
Build a text summarizer
This course is full of projects!
No experience? No problem
I’ll teach you all fundamentals of PyCharm, Python, TensorFlow. Even if you have coding knowledge, going back to the basics is the key to success as a programmer. We will build and run Python projects.
I teach through practical examples, follow-alongs, and over-the-shoulder tutorials. You won’t need to go anywhere else.
Build Models
By the end of this course, you will have tons of machine learning projects on your belt. You will know how to build complete computational models and train models to make predictions.
Also now included in these bundles are our extra courses. If you want to learn to use other programs such as Camtasia or Sketch, you get more content than what you paid for this way!
We really hope you decide to purchase this course and take your knowledge to the next level. Let’s get started.
Enroll now to join the community!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to React and JSX
Lecture 1: React and JSX Intro Part 1
Lecture 2: React and JSX Intro Part 2
Lecture 3: React and JSX Intro Part 3
Lecture 4: React and JSX Intro Part 4
Chapter 2: Components
Lecture 1: React Virtual Dom and Classes
Lecture 2: React es6 class webpack-dev-server
Lecture 3: React Components
Lecture 4: React Components Part 2
Lecture 5: React Components Validators
Chapter 3: States
Lecture 1: React States Part 1
Lecture 2: React States Part 2
Lecture 3: React States Part 3
Lecture 4: React States Part 4
Lecture 5: React States Part 5
Lecture 6: React State componentWillUnmount
Lecture 7: React State Webpack Hot Reloading
Chapter 4: Event Handling
Lecture 1: React Event Handling Part 1
Lecture 2: React Event Handling Part 2
Lecture 3: React Event Handling Part 3
Lecture 4: React Event Handling Part 4
Lecture 5: React Event Handling Part 5
Chapter 5: Routers
Lecture 1: React Props.children
Lecture 2: React Router
Lecture 3: React Router Direct URL
Lecture 4: React Router Wildcard
Lecture 5: React Router Indexroute
Lecture 6: React Router Profile
Lecture 7: React Router Nested Routes
Lecture 8: React Router User Profile
Lecture 9: React Router Redirects
Lecture 10: React Redirects
Lecture 11: React Router Profile
Lecture 12: React Router Back Button
Lecture 13: React Router Activeclassname
Lecture 14: React Router Active Inline Styles
Lecture 15: React Router Navlinks Components
Chapter 6: Refactoring
Lecture 1: React Slight Refactoring
Lecture 2: React Slight Refactoring (Cont'd)
Chapter 7: Product Components
Lecture 1: React Products Components Part 1
Lecture 2: React Products Components Part 2
Lecture 3: React Products Components Part 3
Lecture 4: React Products Components Part 4
Lecture 5: React Products Components Part 5
Lecture 6: React Products Components Part 6
Chapter 8: CSS
Lecture 1: React Basic CSS Framework
Lecture 2: React Basic CSS Framework (Cont'd)
Lecture 3: React CSS Modules
Lecture 4: React CSS Styling Part 1
Lecture 5: React CSS Styling Part 2
Lecture 6: React CSS Styling Part 3
Lecture 7: React CSS Styling Part 4
Lecture 8: React CSS Styling Part 5
Lecture 9: React CSS Styling Part 6
Lecture 10: React CSS Extract to Separate file
Lecture 11: React CSS Extract to Separate file (Cont'd)
Chapter 9: Redux
Lecture 1: Intro to Redux Part 1
Lecture 2: Intro to Redux Part 2
Lecture 3: Intro to Redux Part 3
Lecture 4: Intro to Redux Part 4
Lecture 5: Redux Store
Lecture 6: Redux Store (Cont'd)
Lecture 7: Redux Store Subscribe
Lecture 8: Redux Store Subscribe (Cont'd)
Lecture 9: Redux Combine Reducers
Chapter 10: Adding Redux to React
Lecture 1: Adding Redux To React Part 1
Lecture 2: Adding Redux To React Part 2
Lecture 3: Adding Redux To React Part 3
Lecture 4: Adding Redux To React Part 4
Lecture 5: Delete Names
Lecture 6: Babel and Spread Operators
Chapter 11: Profiles
Lecture 1: Action Creators
Lecture 2: Profile Page
Lecture 3: Dispatch and onEnter
Lecture 4: Refactor into Separate Files
Lecture 5: Refactor into Separate files (Cont'd)
Lecture 6: Product Page
Lecture 7: Product Profile Page
Chapter 12: createStore
Lecture 1: Initial State in createStore
Lecture 2: Initial State in createStore (Cont'd)
Lecture 3: Adding Generated Names with Faker
Chapter 13: Get Functions
Lecture 1: Fake Backend and Middleware
Lecture 2: Thunk Middleware
Lecture 3: Thunk Checking State
Lecture 4: Get Profile Part 1
Lecture 5: Get Profile Part 2
Lecture 6: Get Profile Part 3
Lecture 7: Get Profile Part 4
John Bura
Best Selling Instructor Web/App/Game Developer 1Mil Students -
Mammoth Interactive
Top-Rated Instructor, 3.3 Million+ Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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