The Ultimate T-SQL and Microsoft SQL Server Bootcamp
The Ultimate T-SQL and Microsoft SQL Server Bootcamp, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 74 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 29 reviews, and has 364 subscribers.
You will learn about Individuals who are new to SQL and want to learn the fundamentals of working with databases and writing SQL queries. Data analysts who want to leverage SQL for data extraction, manipulation, and analysis BI professionals who need to work with databases and SQL to extract and manipulate data, create datasets, and build reports for business analysis Individuals who want to understand databases, SQL, and data management to better utilize and analyze data for their business operations. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Database developers and administrators or Database Developers who want to sharpen their SQL skills or Application Developers looking to increase SQL Syntax knowledge It is particularly useful for Beginner Database developers and administrators or Database Developers who want to sharpen their SQL skills or Application Developers looking to increase SQL Syntax knowledge.
Enroll now: The Ultimate T-SQL and Microsoft SQL Server Bootcamp
Title: The Ultimate T-SQL and Microsoft SQL Server Bootcamp
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 74
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 91
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Original Price: $94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Individuals who are new to SQL and want to learn the fundamentals of working with databases and writing SQL queries.
- Data analysts who want to leverage SQL for data extraction, manipulation, and analysis
- BI professionals who need to work with databases and SQL to extract and manipulate data, create datasets, and build reports for business analysis
- Individuals who want to understand databases, SQL, and data management to better utilize and analyze data for their business operations.
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Database developers and administrators
- Database Developers who want to sharpen their SQL skills
- Application Developers looking to increase SQL Syntax knowledge
Target Audiences
- Beginner Database developers and administrators
- Database Developers who want to sharpen their SQL skills
- Application Developers looking to increase SQL Syntax knowledge
The Ultimate T-SQL and Microsoft SQL Server Bootcampis a comprehensive course designed for individuals who want to gain expertise in managing and utilizing Microsoft SQL Serverand Transact-SQL.
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system widely used to store, manage, and retrieve data. T-SQLis the programming language used to interact with SQL Server and to write code to create, manage, and query databases. T-SQL is a powerful language that enables developers and database administrators to create complex queries, automate tasks, and optimize database performance.
In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of T-SQL syntax, including creating, managing, and querying databases. Students will work with hands-on exercises, case studies, and real-world scenarios throughout the course to develop practical SQL Server and T-SQL skills. They will learn to design and implement complex database structures, write efficient queries, and optimize database performance.
Learning Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is important for several reasons:
Data Management: T-SQL is the primary language for managing and manipulating data in Microsoft SQL Server, one of the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS). By learning T-SQL, you can create and manage databases, define objects (such as tables, views, and stored procedures), and perform various data manipulation tasks.
Querying and Retrieving Data: T-SQL is essential for querying and retrieving data from a SQL Server database. It provides a rich syntax and functions for filtering, sorting, aggregating, and joining data from one or more database tables. Whether you’re a developer, analyst, or data scientist, proficiency in T-SQL allows you to extract the correct information efficiently and accurately.
Data Analysis and Reporting: T-SQL enables you to perform complex data analysis tasks within SQL Server. You can use T-SQL to write advanced queries that involve grouping, subqueries, window functions, and common table expressions. With this knowledge, you can extract meaningful insights from your data, generate reports, and support decision-making processes.
Database Development: T-SQL is crucial for developing and maintaining database applications. Whether you’re building a web application, enterprise software, or any system that relies on a SQL Server backend, you need T-SQL skills to design and optimize database schema, write efficient queries, and implement business logic using stored procedures, functions, and triggers.
Performance Optimization: Understanding T-SQL is vital for optimizing the performance of your database applications. By analyzing query execution plans, identifying bottlenecks, and applying T-SQL techniques such as proper indexing, query tuning, and normalization, you can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of your database operations.
Database Administration: If you work as a database administrator (DBA), T-SQL is a fundamental skill. It allows you to manage database security, configure database settings, monitor performance, and automate administrative tasks using SQL Server Agent jobs and maintenance plans.
Career Opportunities: Proficiency in T-SQL opens up various career opportunities. Many organizations rely on SQL Server for data management needs and seek professionals who can effectively work with the technology. Jobs such as database developer, data analyst, database administrator, business intelligence developer, and data engineer often require strong T-SQL skills.
In summary, learning T-SQL is essential for effective data management, querying and retrieving data, data analysis, database development, performance optimization, and database administration, and it expands your career prospects in data management and analysis.
Upon completing this course, students will comprehensively understand SQL Server and T-SQL. They will be equipped with practical skills to design, manage, and optimize SQL Server databases.
This course is ideal for IT professionals, data analysts, developers, or anyone who wants to enhance their data management skills.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Essential Questions
Lecture 1: What is Microsoft SQL Server?
Lecture 2: What is SQL?
Lecture 3: Why Learn SQL?
Lecture 4: What Alternatives are There?
Chapter 3: Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Install SQL Server – Windows
Lecture 2: Install SQL Server (Docker) – Mac / Linux
Lecture 3: SQL Management Studio
Lecture 4: Install Azure Data Studio
Chapter 4: Database Setup
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Setup AdventureWorks Database
Lecture 3: Explore Database Structure
Chapter 5: Introduction to Data Definition Language
Lecture 1: Create Database with SQL Commands
Lecture 2: Drop Database with SQL Commands
Lecture 3: Create and Drop Tables with SQL Commands
Lecture 4: Alter Tables and Add Relationships
Lecture 5: Unique and Default Constraints
Lecture 6: Drop Columns and Constraints
Lecture 7: Clean Up
Lecture 8: Reference Script
Chapter 6: Reading Data
Lecture 1: Getting Started SELECT Queries
Lecture 2: Filtering and Sorting Data
Lecture 3: Filtering with Wild Cards
Lecture 4: Aliasing Columns
Lecture 5: Combine multiple tables with JOINs (Part 1)
Lecture 6: Combine multiple tables with JOINs (Part 2)
Lecture 7: Combine multiple tables with JOINs (Part 3)
Lecture 8: UNION and UNION ALL
Lecture 9: Distinct vs. Group By
Lecture 10: Aggregate Functions – Part 1
Lecture 11: Aggregate Functions – Part 2
Lecture 12: String Manipulation
Lecture 13: String Manipulation Functions
Lecture 14: Export data as Excel Report
Lecture 15: Reference Script
Chapter 7: More Read Query Concepts
Lecture 1: Using Subqueries
Lecture 2: Using Common Table Expressions
Lecture 3: Window Functions
Lecture 4: Demo: Aggregate Window Functions
Lecture 5: Demo: Ranking Window Functions
Lecture 6: Demo: Window Value Functions
Lecture 7: ISNULL and COALESCE
Chapter 8: Inserting Data
Lecture 1: Full INSERT
Lecture 2: Partial INSERT
Lecture 3: Inserting Related Data
Lecture 4: Select Into
Lecture 5: Review Full Script
Chapter 9: Update and Delete Operations
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: UPDATE Statement
Lecture 3: DELETE Statement
Lecture 4: CASCADE on Delete Statement
Chapter 10: Designing and Creating Views and Functions
Lecture 1: Creating Views
Lecture 2: Managing Views
Lecture 3: Variables
Lecture 4: Scalar Functions
Lecture 5: Table Valued Functions
Chapter 11: Control-of-flow statements
Lecture 1: BEGIN..END
Lecture 2: IF/ELSE statements
Lecture 3: WHILE statements
Lecture 4: BREAK
Lecture 5: CASE
Chapter 12: Designing and Implementing T-SQL Routines
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Stored procedures
Lecture 3: Triggers
Lecture 4: Cursors
Chapter 13: Managing Transactions and Concurrency
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Understanding Transactions
Lecture 3: Types of Transactions
Lecture 4: Basic Locking
Lecture 5: Simulating Locking and Blocking
Lecture 6: Transaction Isolation Levels
Lecture 7: Lesson Summary
Chapter 14: Assignments
Trevoir Williams
Certified Trainer • Top-Rated Instructor • 450,000+ Students -
Emar Morrison
I.T Professional, Content Creator & Investor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 18 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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