Time Series: Mastering Time Series Forecasting using Python
Time Series: Mastering Time Series Forecasting using Python, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.42, with 123 lectures, based on 53 reviews, and has 592 subscribers.
You will learn about • Learn the basics of Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. • Learn basics of Data Analysis Techniques and to Handle Time Series Forecasting. • Learn to implement the basics of Data Visualization Techniques using Matplotlib • Learn to Evaluate and Analyze Time Series Forecasting Parameters i.e., Seasonality, Trend, and Stationarity etc. • Learn to compute and visualize the auto correlation, mean over time, standard deviation and gaussian noise in time series datasets. • Learn to evaluate applied machine learning in Time Series Forecasting • Learn to implement Machine Learning Techniques for Time Series Forecasting i.e., Auto Regression, ARIMA, Auto ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX • Learn basics of RNN Models i.e., GRU, LSTM, BiLSTM • Learn to model LSTM, Stacked LSTM, BiLSTM and Stacked BiLSTM models for time series forecasting. • Learn the impact of Overfitting, Underfitting, Bias and Variance on the performance of RNN Models • Learn how to implement ML and RNN Models with three state-of-the-art projects. • And much more… This course is ideal for individuals who are • People who want to advance their skills in machine learning and deep learning. or • People who want to master relation of data science with time series analysis. or • People who want to implement time series parameters and evaluate their impact on it. or • People who want to implement machine learning algorithms for time series forecasting. or • Individuals who are passionate about RNNs specially, LSTM, Stacked LSTM, BiLSTM and Stacked BiLSTM Models. or • Machine Learning Practitioners. or • Research Scholars. or • Data Scientists. It is particularly useful for • People who want to advance their skills in machine learning and deep learning. or • People who want to master relation of data science with time series analysis. or • People who want to implement time series parameters and evaluate their impact on it. or • People who want to implement machine learning algorithms for time series forecasting. or • Individuals who are passionate about RNNs specially, LSTM, Stacked LSTM, BiLSTM and Stacked BiLSTM Models. or • Machine Learning Practitioners. or • Research Scholars. or • Data Scientists.
Enroll now: Time Series: Mastering Time Series Forecasting using Python
Title: Time Series: Mastering Time Series Forecasting using Python
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.42
Number of Lectures: 123
Number of Published Lectures: 123
Number of Curriculum Items: 123
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 123
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- • Learn the basics of Time Series Analysis and Forecasting.
- • Learn basics of Data Analysis Techniques and to Handle Time Series Forecasting.
- • Learn to implement the basics of Data Visualization Techniques using Matplotlib
- • Learn to Evaluate and Analyze Time Series Forecasting Parameters i.e., Seasonality, Trend, and Stationarity etc.
- • Learn to compute and visualize the auto correlation, mean over time, standard deviation and gaussian noise in time series datasets.
- • Learn to evaluate applied machine learning in Time Series Forecasting
- • Learn to implement Machine Learning Techniques for Time Series Forecasting i.e., Auto Regression, ARIMA, Auto ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX
- • Learn basics of RNN Models i.e., GRU, LSTM, BiLSTM
- • Learn to model LSTM, Stacked LSTM, BiLSTM and Stacked BiLSTM models for time series forecasting.
- • Learn the impact of Overfitting, Underfitting, Bias and Variance on the performance of RNN Models
- • Learn how to implement ML and RNN Models with three state-of-the-art projects.
- • And much more…
Who Should Attend
- • People who want to advance their skills in machine learning and deep learning.
- • People who want to master relation of data science with time series analysis.
- • People who want to implement time series parameters and evaluate their impact on it.
- • People who want to implement machine learning algorithms for time series forecasting.
- • Individuals who are passionate about RNNs specially, LSTM, Stacked LSTM, BiLSTM and Stacked BiLSTM Models.
- • Machine Learning Practitioners.
- • Research Scholars.
- • Data Scientists.
Target Audiences
- • People who want to advance their skills in machine learning and deep learning.
- • People who want to master relation of data science with time series analysis.
- • People who want to implement time series parameters and evaluate their impact on it.
- • People who want to implement machine learning algorithms for time series forecasting.
- • Individuals who are passionate about RNNs specially, LSTM, Stacked LSTM, BiLSTM and Stacked BiLSTM Models.
- • Machine Learning Practitioners.
- • Research Scholars.
- • Data Scientists.
Ever wondered how weather predictions are made?
Curious about estimating the global population in 2050?
What if you could predict the expected lifespan of our universe from your laptop at home?
It’s all possible through the art of Time Series Forecasting, utilizing cutting-edge and robust Machine Learning and Deep Learning models.
You may have searched for many relevant courses, but this one stands out!
This course is an all-encompassing package for beginners, designed to teach time series, data analysis, and forecasting methods from the ground up. Each module is packed with engaging content and a practical approach, accompanied by concise theoretical concepts. At the end of each module, you’ll be given hands-on exercises or quizzes, with solutions available in the following video.
We’ll start with the theoretical concepts of time series analysis, offering an overview of its features, real-world examples, data collection mechanisms, and its applications. You’ll learn the fundamental benchmark steps for time series forecasting.
This comprehensive package will equip you with the skills to perform basic to advanced data analysis and visualization for time series data using Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Python will be our programming language of choice, and we’ll teach it from elementary to advanced levels, ensuring you can implement any machine learning concept.
This course serves as your guide to leveraging the power of Python for evaluating time series datasets, considering factors like seasonality, trend, noise, autocorrelation, mean over time, correlation, and stationarity. You’ll also master feature engineering, crucial for effective data handling in your forecasting models. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be prepared to apply Machine Learning and RNNs Models to test, train, and evaluate your forecasts.
You’ll gain a deep understanding of essential concepts in applied machine learning, including Auto-Regression, Moving Average, ARIMA, Auto-ARIMA, SARIMA, Auto-SARIMA, and SARIMAX for time series forecasting. Additionally, we’ll comprehensively compare the performance of these models.
Machine learning ranks among the hottest jobs on Glassdoor, with machine learning engineers earning an average salary of over $110,000 in the United States, according to Indeed. Machine Learning offers a rewarding career, allowing you to tackle some of the world’s most intriguing problems.
In the RNNs Module, you’ll delve into building GRU, LSTM, Stacked LSTM, BiLSTM, and Stacked BiLSTM models. We’ll explore practical concepts like underfitting, overfitting, bias, variance, dropout, the role of dense layers, the impact of batch sizes, and the performance of various activation functions in multi-layer RNN models. Each concept of Recursive Neural Networks (RNNs) will be explained theoretically and implemented using Python.
Designed for beginners with minimal programming experience, or even those new to Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and RNNs, this comprehensive course rivals others in the field, typically costing thousands of dollars. With over 12 hours of HD video lectures divided into more than 120 videos, along with detailed code notebooks for every topic, it’s one of the most comprehensive courses on Time Series Forecasting with Machine Learning and RNNs on Udemy!
What Sets This Course Apart?
This course not only teaches you the role and impact of time series analysis but also how to apply ML and build RNNs. You’ll understand the training process, the significance of overfitting and underfitting, and gain mastery over Python.
This course is:
Easy to understand
Expressive and self-explanatory
To the point
Practical, with live coding
A comprehensive package with three in-depth projects covering the course’s entire content
Thorough, covering the most advanced RNN models by renowned data scientists
Teaching Is Our Passion:
We emphasize online tutorials that encourage learning by doing. This course takes a practical approach to time series forecasting, using RNNs and Machine Learning Algorithms like ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX. It includes three projects in the final module, allowing you to experiment and gain practical experience with real-world datasets on Birthrates, Stock Exchange, and COVID-19. We’ve worked tirelessly to ensure you grasp the concepts clearly. Our goal is to give you a solid foundation in the basics before delving into more complex concepts. The course materials include high-quality video content, course notes, meaningful materials, handouts, and evaluation exercises. You can also reach out to our friendly team for any queries.
Course Content:
We’ll teach you how to program with Python and use it for data visualization, data manipulation, and RNNs. Topics covered include:
Packages Installation
Basic Data Manipulation in Time Series using Python
Data Processing for Time Series Forecasting using Python
Machine Learning in Time Series Forecasting using Python
Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series using Python
Project 1: COVID-19 Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms
Project 2: Microsoft Corporation Stock Prediction using RNNs
Project 3: Birthrate Forecasting using RNNs with Advanced Data Analysis, and much more
Enroll in the course and become a time series forecasting expert today!
Who Should Take This Course:
Individuals looking to advance their skills in machine learning and deep learning
Those interested in the relationship between data science and time series analysis
People seeking to implement time series parameters and assess their impact
Individuals interested in implementing machine learning algorithms for time series forecasting
Enthusiasts passionate about RNNs, particularly LSTM, Stacked LSTM, BiLSTM, and Stacked BiLSTM Models
Machine Learning Practitioners
Research Scholars
Data Scientists
What You’ll Learn:
Concepts, principles, and theories of time series forecasting and its parameters
Evaluation of machine learning models
Model and implementation of RNN models for time series forecasting
Why This Course:
Easy to understand and practical with live coding
Comprehensive package with three in-depth projects
Covers advanced RNN models by renowned data scientists
Emphasizes learning by doing
Provides a solid foundation in the basics before delving into complex concepts
Unlock the world of time series forecasting with Python and machine learning today!
List of Keywords:
Time Series Forecasting
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Stacked LSTM
Stock Prediction
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Data Manipulation
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Instructor
Lecture 2: Course Introduction
Lecture 3: Request for Your Honest Review
Lecture 4: Links for the Course's Materials and Codes
Chapter 2: Motivation and Overview of Time Series Analysis
Lecture 1: Links for the Course's Materials and Codes
Lecture 2: Time Series Introduction and Motivation
Lecture 3: Features of Time Series
Lecture 4: Types of Time Series Data
Lecture 5: Stages For Time Series Forecasting
Lecture 6: Data Manipulation Motivation
Lecture 7: Data Processing for Time Series Motivation
Lecture 8: Machine Learning Motivation
Lecture 9: RNN Motivation
Lecture 10: Projects to be Covered
Chapter 3: Basics of Data Manipulation in Time Series
Lecture 1: Links for the Course's Materials and Codes
Lecture 2: Module Overview
Lecture 3: Packages Installation
Lecture 4: Overview of Basic Plotting and Visualization
Lecture 5: Overview of Time Series Parameters
Lecture 6: Dependencies Installation and Dataset Overview
Lecture 7: Data Manipulation in Python
Lecture 8: Data Slicing and Indexing
Lecture 9: Basic Data Visualization with Single Time Series Feature
Lecture 10: Data Visualization with Multiple Time Series Feature
Lecture 11: Data Visualization with Customized Features Selection
Lecture 12: Area Plots in Data Analysis
Lecture 13: Histogram with Single Feature
Lecture 14: Histogram Multiple Features
Lecture 15: Pie Charts
Lecture 16: Time Series Parameters
Lecture 17: Quiz Video
Lecture 18: Quiz Solution
Chapter 4: Data Processing for Timeseries Forecasting
Lecture 1: Links for the Course's Materials and Codes
Lecture 2: Module Overview
Lecture 3: Dataset Significance
Lecture 4: Dataset Overview
Lecture 5: Dataset Manipulation
Lecture 6: Data Preprocessing
Lecture 7: RVT Models
Lecture 8: Automatic Time Series Decomposition
Lecture 9: Trend using Moving Average Filter
Lecture 10: Seasonality Comparison
Lecture 11: Resampling
Lecture 12: Noise in Time Series
Lecture 13: Feature Engineering
Lecture 14: Stationarity in Time Series
Lecture 15: Handling Non- Stationarity in Time Series
Lecture 16: Quiz
Lecture 17: Quiz Solution
Chapter 5: Machine Learning in Time Series Forecasting
Lecture 1: Links for the Course's Materials and Codes
Lecture 2: Section Overview
Lecture 3: Data Prepration
Lecture 4: Auto Correlation and Partial Correlation
Lecture 5: Data Splitting
Lecture 6: AutoRegression
Lecture 7: AutoRegression in Python
Lecture 8: Moving Average and ARMA
Lecture 9: ARIMA
Lecture 10: ARIMA in Python
Lecture 11: AutoArima in Python
Lecture 12: SARIMA
Lecture 13: SARIMA in Python
Lecture 14: AutoSARIMA in Python
Lecture 15: Future Predictions using SARIMA
Lecture 16: Quiz
Lecture 17: Quiz Solution
Chapter 6: Recurrent Neural Networks in Time Series Forecasting
Lecture 1: Links for the Course's Materials and Codes
Lecture 2: Module Overview
Lecture 3: Important Parameters
Lecture 4: LSTM Models
Lecture 5: BiLSTM Models
Lecture 6: GRU Models
Lecture 7: Concept of Underfitting and Overfitting
Lecture 8: Model for Underfitting and Overfitting
Lecture 9: Model Evaluation for Underfitting and Overfitting
Lecture 10: DataSet Prepration and Scaling
Lecture 11: Dataset Reshaping
Lecture 12: LSTM Implementation on Dataset
Lecture 13: Time Series Forecasting (TSF) using LSTM
Lecture 14: Graph for TSF using LSTM
Lecture 15: LSTM Parameter Change and Stacked LSTM
Lecture 16: Bi-LSTM for Time Series Forecasting
Lecture 17: Quiz
Lecture 18: Quiz Solution
Chapter 7: Project 1 COVID-19 Positive Cases Prediction using Machine Learning Algorith
Lecture 1: Links for the Course's Materials and Codes
Lecture 2: Project Overview
Lecture 3: Dataset Overview
Lecture 4: Dataset Correlation
Lecture 5: Shape and NULL Check
Lecture 6: Dataset Index
Lecture 7: Visualize the Data
Lecture 8: Area Plot
Lecture 9: Autocorrelation, Std. Deviation and Mean
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 25 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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