Topic Modelling with PyCaret
Topic Modelling with PyCaret, available at $19.99, with 21 lectures, 3 quizzes, and has 2 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the basics of topic modelling, including what it is, how it works, and what types of data it can be used to analyze. Identify a dataset, and to discern the strengths and weaknesses of different sources of text data to solve a Topic Modelling problem Apply the PyCaret workflow to solve the Topic Modelling problem Learn how to interpret topic models and extract insights from them, including identifying important topics Derive insights from the inbuilt visualizations in the PyCaret Topic Modelling workflow to develop the solution to the original problem statement Understand how topic modelling can be used to support new product development, including identifying new market opportunities. Iterate on the PyCaret workflow to enhance the utility of the results of the PyCaret Topic Modelling package on the dataset This course is ideal for individuals who are Citizen data scientists: Individuals who are interested in data analysis and modelling, but who may not have a formal background in data science or statistics. or Nutraceutical industry professionals: Individuals who work in the nutraceutical industry, including product development, marketing, and research and development, and who want to learn how topic modelling can be used to analyze customer feedback, market trends, and product reviews. or Marketers: Individuals who work in marketing and want to learn how topic modelling can be used to analyze customer feedback, identify customer needs and preferences, and improve marketing campaigns. or Entrepreneurs: Individuals who are interested in starting their own nutraceutical business and want to learn how to use topic modelling to conduct market research and develop new products. or Students: Undergraduates or postgraduates who are studying data science, marketing, business, or related fields and who want to learn about the applications of topic modelling in the nutraceutical industry. or Researchers: Individuals who work in research and development in the nutraceutical industry and want to learn how to use topic modelling to analyze scientific literature and identify potential new areas of research. or Data analysts: Individuals who work with data and want to expand their skillset to include topic modelling as a tool for analyzing large datasets. It is particularly useful for Citizen data scientists: Individuals who are interested in data analysis and modelling, but who may not have a formal background in data science or statistics. or Nutraceutical industry professionals: Individuals who work in the nutraceutical industry, including product development, marketing, and research and development, and who want to learn how topic modelling can be used to analyze customer feedback, market trends, and product reviews. or Marketers: Individuals who work in marketing and want to learn how topic modelling can be used to analyze customer feedback, identify customer needs and preferences, and improve marketing campaigns. or Entrepreneurs: Individuals who are interested in starting their own nutraceutical business and want to learn how to use topic modelling to conduct market research and develop new products. or Students: Undergraduates or postgraduates who are studying data science, marketing, business, or related fields and who want to learn about the applications of topic modelling in the nutraceutical industry. or Researchers: Individuals who work in research and development in the nutraceutical industry and want to learn how to use topic modelling to analyze scientific literature and identify potential new areas of research. or Data analysts: Individuals who work with data and want to expand their skillset to include topic modelling as a tool for analyzing large datasets.
Enroll now: Topic Modelling with PyCaret
Title: Topic Modelling with PyCaret
Price: $19.99
Number of Lectures: 21
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 21
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 24
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 24
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the basics of topic modelling, including what it is, how it works, and what types of data it can be used to analyze.
- Identify a dataset, and to discern the strengths and weaknesses of different sources of text data to solve a Topic Modelling problem
- Apply the PyCaret workflow to solve the Topic Modelling problem
- Learn how to interpret topic models and extract insights from them, including identifying important topics
- Derive insights from the inbuilt visualizations in the PyCaret Topic Modelling workflow to develop the solution to the original problem statement
- Understand how topic modelling can be used to support new product development, including identifying new market opportunities.
- Iterate on the PyCaret workflow to enhance the utility of the results of the PyCaret Topic Modelling package on the dataset
Who Should Attend
- Citizen data scientists: Individuals who are interested in data analysis and modelling, but who may not have a formal background in data science or statistics.
- Nutraceutical industry professionals: Individuals who work in the nutraceutical industry, including product development, marketing, and research and development, and who want to learn how topic modelling can be used to analyze customer feedback, market trends, and product reviews.
- Marketers: Individuals who work in marketing and want to learn how topic modelling can be used to analyze customer feedback, identify customer needs and preferences, and improve marketing campaigns.
- Entrepreneurs: Individuals who are interested in starting their own nutraceutical business and want to learn how to use topic modelling to conduct market research and develop new products.
- Students: Undergraduates or postgraduates who are studying data science, marketing, business, or related fields and who want to learn about the applications of topic modelling in the nutraceutical industry.
- Researchers: Individuals who work in research and development in the nutraceutical industry and want to learn how to use topic modelling to analyze scientific literature and identify potential new areas of research.
- Data analysts: Individuals who work with data and want to expand their skillset to include topic modelling as a tool for analyzing large datasets.
Target Audiences
- Citizen data scientists: Individuals who are interested in data analysis and modelling, but who may not have a formal background in data science or statistics.
- Nutraceutical industry professionals: Individuals who work in the nutraceutical industry, including product development, marketing, and research and development, and who want to learn how topic modelling can be used to analyze customer feedback, market trends, and product reviews.
- Marketers: Individuals who work in marketing and want to learn how topic modelling can be used to analyze customer feedback, identify customer needs and preferences, and improve marketing campaigns.
- Entrepreneurs: Individuals who are interested in starting their own nutraceutical business and want to learn how to use topic modelling to conduct market research and develop new products.
- Students: Undergraduates or postgraduates who are studying data science, marketing, business, or related fields and who want to learn about the applications of topic modelling in the nutraceutical industry.
- Researchers: Individuals who work in research and development in the nutraceutical industry and want to learn how to use topic modelling to analyze scientific literature and identify potential new areas of research.
- Data analysts: Individuals who work with data and want to expand their skillset to include topic modelling as a tool for analyzing large datasets.
Topic modeling is a powerful technique that allows you to automatically identify the main topics present in a collection of text documents. It is widely used in various fields such as natural language processing, information retrieval, and digital humanities. With PyCaret, you can easily perform topic modeling on large datasets and uncover insights that would otherwise be difficult to discover.
Are you looking to learn more about Topic Modeling?
Our course on Topic Modelling using PyCaret is here to help.
Imagine, you are in charge of monitoring social media tweets about a high-potential product for your company. Imagine combing through thousands of reviews, coding them for their emotional charge, and categorizing them.
Now, topic modeling can help you do tasks like these remarkably quicker AND derive valuable insights from the exercise.
Topic Modelling with PyCaret
PyCaret is a low-code, open-source auto-machine learning library that makes the process of building and deploying machine learning models easy and efficient. With PyCaret, you can perform topic modeling with just a few lines of code, saving you time and effort.
You will learn how to use PyCaret to perform topic modeling on text data, including preprocessing, feature extraction, and model training. Next, we discuss how to evaluate the performance of your models and interpret the results.
What will you learn in this course?
This course focuses on learning about Topic Modelling, with a specific emphasis on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm.
The course covers the PyCaret workflow and highlights the significance of custom stop words. This is what you can expect to learn:
Topic Modelling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA): The course begins by introducing the concept of Topic Modelling, which automatically identifies latent topics within a collection of documents. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm assumes documents are generated from a mixture of topics. You will learn how it discovers these latent topics based on word distributions.
The Steps in the PyCaret Workflow: Next, the course moves on to explore the steps involved in the PyCaret workflow. PyCaret is a Python library that simplifies the end-to-end machine learning process. You will understand how to utilize PyCaret to streamline the topic modeling workflow and perform tasks like data preprocessing, model training, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation.
Importance of Custom Stop Words: Custom stop words play a crucial role in topic modeling. The course emphasizes their significance and explains how they can be used to improve the quality of topic extraction.
Application to Financial News Dataset: To apply the concepts and techniques learned, the course utilizes a financial news dataset. Financial news often contains specific terminology and domain-specific jargon, making it a challenging dataset for topic modeling. By experimenting with different custom stop words, you gain insights into the dataset and improve the accuracy and relevance of the extracted topics.
Visual Exploration with Word Clouds: As part of the course, you will also learn how to use visual aids, such as word clouds, to gain a quick overview of the dataset and visually explore its content. A word cloud is a visual representation of text data, where the size of each word corresponds to its frequency or importance within the dataset.
Using word clouds, you can generate a visual summary of the most common words or phrases in the dataset. By analyzing the word cloud, you can identify the prominent themes, topics, or frequently occurring terms. This provides a high-level understanding of the dataset’s content and helps in formulating initial insights or hypotheses.
Word clouds can be generated for individual topics extracted from the dataset. Each word cloud represents the most representative words associated with a specific topic.
By examining these word clouds, you can gain a visual understanding of the main themes within each topic and identify key terms that differentiate them.
Throughout the course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of topic modeling using LDA, learn the practical implementation of the PyCaret workflow, and explore the importance of custom stop words in improving topic extraction.
By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to perform topic modeling with PyCaret on your own projects and your own datasets, whether you’re working in the humanities or you work with tweet datasets and customer reviews.
Topic Modelling when combined with other ML and network analysis tools like community detection and sentiment analysis is so powerful that it can be used to inform new product development. You can also combine it with search insight tools like Ask the Public to derive specific insights into consumer trends.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to add Topic Modeling to your list of skill sets.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Topic Modelling
Lecture 1: Intuition behind Topic Modelling
Lecture 2: Datasets
Lecture 3: Topic Modelling Use Cases
Lecture 4: Introduction to Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Lecture 5: Limitations of LDA
Lecture 6: Comparing Topic Modelling across three different types of Datasets
Lecture 7: Evaluating the topic model: Topic Coherence
Chapter 2: PyCaret Workflow
Lecture 1: Overview of the PyCaret Workflow
Lecture 2: Install PyCaret, Load the Data, and Explore the dataset
Lecture 3: Step 1 in the PyCaret Workflow: Setup function
Lecture 4: Step 2 in the PyCaret Workflow: Create Model
Lecture 5: Step 3 in the PyCaret Workflow: Assign
Lecture 6: Step 4 in the PyCaret Workflow: Plot Model
Lecture 7: Step 5 in the Pycaret Workflow: Evaluate Model
Chapter 3: Applied Workflow with the Financial News Dataset
Lecture 1: Load the dataset
Lecture 2: Step 1 in the PyCaret Workflow: Setup Function
Lecture 3: Step 2 in the PyCaret Workflow: Create Function
Lecture 4: Step 3 in the PyCaret Workflow: Assign Function
Lecture 5: Step 4 in the PyCaret Workflow: Plot Model
Lecture 6: Step 5 in the PyCaret Workflow: Evaluate Model
Lecture 7: Save the model
DatOlympia Learning Solutions
DatOlympia: A Data Literacy Company
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