Train Object Detection Models & build Android Applications
Train Object Detection Models & build Android Applications, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 145 lectures, based on 56 reviews, and has 296 subscribers.
You will learn about Train object detection models on custom datasets for Android Applications Use existing object detection models in Android with both images and videos Learn about tflite (TensorFlow lite) models integration in Android App Development Use YOLO models in Android with images and live camera footage Test and optimize trained object detection model for Android devices Collect and annotate datasets for training object detection models Use SSD Mobilenet models in Android with images and live camera footage Use Efficient Det models in Android with images and live camera footage Convert object detection model into tensorflow lite formats Learn about object detection and it's applications in Android app development Build Android Applications using both Java and kotlin This course is ideal for individuals who are Someone want to train custom Object Detection models and build mobile applications or Android App Developers want to learn smart Machine Learning based Android Development or Students who have basic knowledge of Android app development and want to build smart machine learning based Android Applications or Students who want to learn use of existing object detection models in Android (YOLO, EfficientDet, mobileNet) or Machine Learning Engineers want to use their existing object detection model in Android App Development It is particularly useful for Someone want to train custom Object Detection models and build mobile applications or Android App Developers want to learn smart Machine Learning based Android Development or Students who have basic knowledge of Android app development and want to build smart machine learning based Android Applications or Students who want to learn use of existing object detection models in Android (YOLO, EfficientDet, mobileNet) or Machine Learning Engineers want to use their existing object detection model in Android App Development.
Enroll now: Train Object Detection Models & build Android Applications
Title: Train Object Detection Models & build Android Applications
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 145
Number of Published Lectures: 106
Number of Curriculum Items: 151
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 112
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Train object detection models on custom datasets for Android Applications
- Use existing object detection models in Android with both images and videos
- Learn about tflite (TensorFlow lite) models integration in Android App Development
- Use YOLO models in Android with images and live camera footage
- Test and optimize trained object detection model for Android devices
- Collect and annotate datasets for training object detection models
- Use SSD Mobilenet models in Android with images and live camera footage
- Use Efficient Det models in Android with images and live camera footage
- Convert object detection model into tensorflow lite formats
- Learn about object detection and it's applications in Android app development
- Build Android Applications using both Java and kotlin
Who Should Attend
- Someone want to train custom Object Detection models and build mobile applications
- Android App Developers want to learn smart Machine Learning based Android Development
- Students who have basic knowledge of Android app development and want to build smart machine learning based Android Applications
- Students who want to learn use of existing object detection models in Android (YOLO, EfficientDet, mobileNet)
- Machine Learning Engineers want to use their existing object detection model in Android App Development
Target Audiences
- Someone want to train custom Object Detection models and build mobile applications
- Android App Developers want to learn smart Machine Learning based Android Development
- Students who have basic knowledge of Android app development and want to build smart machine learning based Android Applications
- Students who want to learn use of existing object detection models in Android (YOLO, EfficientDet, mobileNet)
- Machine Learning Engineers want to use their existing object detection model in Android App Development
If you want to train custom object detection models for Android and iOS then welcome to this course.
In this course, you will learn to
Train your custom object detection models for Android and IOS
Use those models in Android (Java/Kotlin) with images and live camera footage
Use existing object detection models like YOLO, EfficientDet, and MobileNet models in Android (Java/Kotlin)
The Android app development section of this course is for both javaand kotlinprogramming languages.
So after completing this course you will be able to
Collect datasets for training object detection models
Annotate datasets using different tools
Train object detection models on custom datasets for Android and IOS ( TensorFlow object detection )
Convert object detection models into tflite/ Tensorflow lite format
Use those converted models in Android (Java/Kotlin) with images and live camera footage
Use existing object detection models in Android (Java/Kotlin) like YOLO v4, SSD EfficientDet Models, and SSD MobileNet Models
Ready to use Resources
The course comes with ready-to-use codes which means if you have a trained object detection model then
You can take complete android (Java/Kotlin) application codes from course resources
Replace the object detection model with your custom model
And use it for your custom use case
and if you want to use existing object detection models in Android for your custom use cases then
you can take complete android (Java/Kotlin) application codes from course resources
and customize it as per your needs
What is there for IOS developers(Object Detection IOS)
So apart from Android App Development, If you want to train custom object detection models for IOS applications then you can also take this course but the integration of object detection models in IOS applications is not included in this course
Object Detection
Object detection is a computer vision technique that allows us to identify and locate objects in an image or video.
Use Cases & Applications
Video surveillance
Crowd counting
Anomaly detection (i.e. in industries like agriculture, and health care)
Self-driving cars
Course Curriculum
The course is divided into several sections
Data collection and Annotation
In this section, we will cover the basics of dataset collection and annotation and then
We will learn to collect the dataset for training an object detection model
After that, we will learn to annotate that dataset using Roboflow and other such tools
Training Object Detection Model / Tensorflow Object Detection
We will learn to train an object detection model using the dataset we collected and annotated.
Testing and Conversion
After training the model we will test it to check model performance and accuracy
Then we will convert it into tflite / Tensorflow lite format so that we can use it in mobile applications.
Android App Development (Object Detection Android)
After model training and conversion, we will learn to use that model inside Android applications (Java/Kotlin) with both
Live camera footage / Real-Time Object Detection
Object Detection with Images (Object Detection Android App Development)
So firstly we will build an Android (Java/Kotlin) application where
users can choose images from the gallery or capture images using the camera
and then those images will be passed to our custom object detection model
and then based on the results returned by the model we will draw rectangles around detected objects.
Object Detection with live camera footage (Object Detection Android App Development)
Secondly, we will build an Android (Java/Kotlin) application in which
we will display the live camera footage using camera 2 API
and then we will pass frames of live camera footage to our object detection model
and draw rectangles around the detected objects in real-time
Existing Object Detection Models (Object Detection Android App Development)
We will learn to use existing object detection models inside Android (Java/Kotlin) Applications with both images and live camera footage. So in that section, we explore three popular families of object detection models and use them inside Android (Java/Kotlin) Applications.
SSD MobileNet Models
Efficient Det Models
YOLO Models
SSD MobileNet Models
In this section, we will learn to use SSD MobileNet Models in Android (Java/Kotlin) with both images and live camera footage.
Firstly we will learn about the structure of MobileNet models and then we will use two popular MobileNet models in Android (Java/Kotlin) which are
SSD MobileNet V1
SSD MobileNet v3
Efficient Det Models
In this section, we will learn to use EfficientDet Models in Android (Java/Kotlin) with both images and live camera footage.
Firstly we will learn about the structure of EfficientDet models and then we will use two popular EfficientDet models in Android (Java/Kotlin) which are
EfficientDet Lite0
EfficientDet Lite1
EfficientDet Lite2
EfficientDet Lite3
YOLO Models / YOLO object detection
In this section
we will learn to use the latest YOLOV4 model in Android (Java/Kotlin) with both images and live camera footage
We will also cover the YOLO model structure and how input and outputs are handled in YOLO effectively
We will handle the integration of both the regular YOLOV4 model and the tiny YOLOv4 model in Android with both images and live camera footage.
So a complete YOLO object detection package for android app development.
Sign up today, and look forwards to:
HD 1080p video content.
Training custom object detection models
Building fully-fledged Android ( Java / Kotlin ) applications using different object detection models.
All the knowledge you need to start building Object Detection-based Android ( Java / Kotlin ) application you want
$1000+ Source codes of Android ( Java / Kotlin ) Applications.
REMEMBER… I’m so confident that you’ll love this course and you will also get a 30-day money-back guarantee from udemy. So it’s a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risks and EVERYTHING to gain.
So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world’s best Object Detection course.
Who this course is for:
Anyone who wants to train object detection models for Android App Development (Java/Kotlin)
Anyone who wants to use object detection models in Android App Development (Java/Kotlin) with images and live camera footage
Beginner Android developer with very little knowledge of android app development
An Intermediate Android app developer wanted to build a powerful Machine Learning-based application for Android (Java/Kotlin)
Experienced Android (Java/Kotlin) app developers wanted to use Machine Learning models inside their applications.
Machine Learning experts want to use their object detection models in Android App Development (Java/Kotlin)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What is Object Detection
Lecture 2: How an Object Detection Model is Trained
Lecture 3: What is there for IOS developers
Lecture 4: What is there for Machine Learning Engineers
Chapter 2: Dataset Collection and Annotation for Object Detection
Lecture 1: Dataset Collection Basics
Lecture 2: Data Annotation Basics
Lecture 3: Collecting dataset for training Object Detection model
Lecture 4: Course Resources
Lecture 5: Tools for data annotation
Lecture 6: Annotating dataset for training object detection model
Lecture 7: Dataset version management and export formats
Chapter 3: Training Custom Object Detection models
Lecture 1: Introduction to the section
Lecture 2: What is Tensorflow lite
Lecture 3: What is Google Colab!
Lecture 4: Change Structure of Annotated dataset for model training
Lecture 5: Model Training Notebook and Uploading Dataset
Lecture 6: Importing Libraries and Loading Annotated Dataset
Lecture 7: Training Custom Object Detection Model
Lecture 8: Object Detection Model Evaluation Basics
Lecture 9: Testing Our Custom Object Detection Model
Lecture 10: Converting Object Detection Model Into Tensorflow Lite
Lecture 11: Improving Object Detection Models
Chapter 4: App Development
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Chapter 5: Java: Image Picker Section
Lecture 1: Creating new Android Studio Project
Lecture 2: Capturing Images using Camera inside our Android Application
Lecture 3: Choosing Images from Gallery inside our Android Application
Lecture 4: Overview
Chapter 6: Kotlin: Image Picker Section
Lecture 1: Creating new Android Studio Project
Lecture 2: Capturing Images using Camera inside our Android Application
Lecture 3: Choosing Images from Gallery inside our Android Application
Lecture 4: Overview
Chapter 7: Java: Object Detection with Images for Android App Development
Lecture 1: Importing Starter Application Code for Object Detection With Images
Lecture 2: Adding libraries for Performing Object Detection
Lecture 3: Loading Object Detection Models in Android
Lecture 4: Passing Input Images to Object Detection Models and Getting Outputs
Lecture 5: Getting Names, Confidence and Location of Detected Object In Android
Lecture 6: Drawing Rectangles Around Detected Objects In Android
Lecture 7: Drawing Names Of Detected Object On Images
Lecture 8: Object Detection With Images Overview
Chapter 8: Kotlin: Object Detection with Images for Android App Development
Lecture 1: Importing Starter Application Code for Object Detection With Images
Lecture 2: Adding libraries for Performing Object Detection
Lecture 3: Loading Object Detection Models in Android
Lecture 4: Passing Input Images to Object Detection Models and Getting Outputs
Lecture 5: Getting Names, Confidence and Location of Detected Object In Android
Lecture 6: Drawing Rectangles Around Detected Objects In Android
Lecture 7: Drawing Names Of Detected Object On Images
Lecture 8: Making Text and Rectangle Size Dynamic
Lecture 9: Handling Rotation Of Camera Images In Android
Lecture 10: Object Detection With Images Overview
Chapter 9: Java: Object Detection with Live Camera Footage / Real Time Object Detection
Lecture 1: Setting up the Android Studio project
Lecture 2: Real Time Object Detection Android Application Demo
Lecture 3: Displaying live camera footage inside Android App
Lecture 4: Getting frames of live camera footage as bitmaps in Android
Lecture 5: Performing object detection in Android with Live Camera Footage
Lecture 6: Drawing Rectangles Around Detected Objects In Android
Chapter 10: Kotlin: Object Detection with Live Camera Footage / Real Time Object Detection
Lecture 1: Setting up the Android Studio project
Lecture 2: Real Time Object Detection Android Application Demo
Lecture 3: Displaying live camera footage inside Android App
Lecture 4: Getting frames of live camera footage as bitmaps in Android
Lecture 5: Performing object detection with frames of live camera footage
Lecture 6: Drawing Rectangles Around Detected Objects in Realtime
Chapter 11: Pretrained Object Detection Models
Lecture 1: Types of Object Detection Models
Chapter 12: Java: Using EfficientDet Models for Object Detection in Android App Development
Lecture 1: EfficientDet Models Introduction
Lecture 2: Using EfficientDet Models with Images in Android
Lecture 3: Images Android Application Code Explanation
Lecture 4: Using EfficientDet Models with Live Camera Footage in Android
Lecture 5: Testing EfficientDet Lite0 model with live camera footage in Android
Lecture 6: Testing EfficientDet Lite3 model with live camera footage in Android
Lecture 7: Handling Efficient Det Models with live camera footage in Android
Chapter 13: Kotlin: Using EfficientDet Models for Object Detection in Android
Lecture 1: EfficientDet Models Introduction
Lecture 2: Using EfficientDet Models with Images in Android
Lecture 3: Images Android Application Code Explanation
Lecture 4: Using EfficientDet Models with Live Camera Footage in Android
Lecture 5: Testing EfficientDet Lite0 model with live camera footage in Android
Lecture 6: Testing EfficientDet Lite3 model with live camera footage in Android
Lecture 7: Handling Efficient Det Models with live camera footage in Android
Chapter 14: Java: Using SSD MobileNet Models for Object Detection in Android Apps
Lecture 1: SSD MobileNet Model Introduction
Lecture 2: Using SSD MobileNet V1 model with Images in Android
Lecture 3: Using SSD MobileNet V3 model with Images in Android
Lecture 4: Images Application Code Explanation
Mobile ML Academy by Hamza Asif
ML & AI based Flutter, Android, IOS & React Native Courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 28 votes
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