Turn Based Puzzle Game in Unreal With Blueprints & C++
Turn Based Puzzle Game in Unreal With Blueprints & C++, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 89 lectures, based on 21 reviews, and has 299 subscribers.
You will learn about How to Make a turn based puzzle game How to code games in Unreal Engine 5 Unreal Gameplay Frame Work Game Design Patterns How To Prototype with Blueprints Inside Unreal Engine Unreal Engine Ai behavior tree Best Practices' for converting a blueprint project to C++ How To Convert a project with Blueprints to C++ This course is ideal for individuals who are Unreal Engine Game Developers or Gameplay Programmers or Game Designers It is particularly useful for Unreal Engine Game Developers or Gameplay Programmers or Game Designers.
Enroll now: Turn Based Puzzle Game in Unreal With Blueprints & C++
Title: Turn Based Puzzle Game in Unreal With Blueprints & C++
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 89
Number of Published Lectures: 89
Number of Curriculum Items: 89
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 89
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to Make a turn based puzzle game
- How to code games in Unreal Engine 5
- Unreal Gameplay Frame Work
- Game Design Patterns
- How To Prototype with Blueprints Inside Unreal Engine
- Unreal Engine Ai behavior tree
- Best Practices' for converting a blueprint project to C++
- How To Convert a project with Blueprints to C++
Who Should Attend
- Unreal Engine Game Developers
- Gameplay Programmers
- Game Designers
Target Audiences
- Unreal Engine Game Developers
- Gameplay Programmers
- Game Designers
in this course we will create a turn based puzzle game like Lara Croft Go and Hitman Go . we will start by
– Understanding the different usage of blueprints vs C++ and which one is best to use
– Understanding Unreal Engine Gameplay Framework and how these foundation class can help and speed our gameplay programming . I will talk about the Actors , Pawn , Character , Player Controller , Game Mode
-Understanding the game programming design patterns how these blueprint solutions can help our code and make it more extendable and reliable
I will talk about 7 useful patterns that include Singleton , State , Observer , Component , Command , Flyweight , Object pool
– I will talk how we can approach this game design with power point slide show
– Create our player , Node , Enemies , AI , Game Mode , Widgets in blueprints and in the end you will have fun complete playable turn based puzzle game
– if you like to code in C++ then it’s time to Convert the project to C++ . What are the best practice’s to do that and my coding style .
the purpose of this game is to enhanced and develop unreal engine users how to understand the engine gameplay framework and how to solve your gameplay programming with these design patterns and learn to prototype first then convert to C++
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Welcome & Course Overview
Chapter 2: Setting Up The Project
Lecture 1: Project Files
Lecture 2: Blueprint VS C++
Chapter 3: Unreal Gameplay Frame Work
Lecture 1: 1.Intro To Unreal Gameplay Framework
Lecture 2: 2.Gameplay Frame Work Part1
Lecture 3: 2.Gameplay Framework Part2
Lecture 4: Unreal Engine Gameplay Framework
Chapter 4: Game Programming Design Patterns
Lecture 1: 0.Intro To Design Patterns
Lecture 2: Singleton Design Pattern
Lecture 3: State design pattern
Lecture 4: Observer design pattern
Lecture 5: Component design pattern
Lecture 6: Command design pattern
Lecture 7: Flyweight design pattern
Lecture 8: Object pool design pattern
Lecture 9: Game Programming Design Patterns Slides
Chapter 5: Setup Player Movement and Create the Node
Lecture 1: Player Movement Idea
Lecture 2: Create the Player Character & Controller
Lecture 3: Create the Animation Blueprint
Lecture 4: Create The Node Part1
Lecture 5: Create The Node Part2
Lecture 6: Player Movement Part1
Lecture 7: Player Movement Part2
Lecture 8: Player Movement Part3
Lecture 9: Player Movement Slide
Chapter 6: Create the pickups
Lecture 1: Create The Pickups
Lecture 2: Throwable Stone
Chapter 7: Create The Player Abilities
Lecture 1: Create The Fire Ability
Lecture 2: Teleport Ability
Lecture 3: Complete the player functions
Lecture 4: Throw Stone
Chapter 8: Create the Game Mode Functions & Widgets
Lecture 1: Create the Widgets
Lecture 2: Create the Game Mode Functions
Lecture 3: Complete the Widgets
Chapter 9: Create Khaimera Enemy
Lecture 1: Create The Base Enemy Class
Lecture 2: Create Khaimera Animation Blueprint
Lecture 3: Complete The Khaimera Blueprint
Lecture 4: Setting up the AI Logic
Lecture 5: Add Attack Collider
Chapter 10: Create the Turret
Lecture 1: Create the Turret Blueprint
Chapter 11: Create Revenant Enemy
Lecture 1: Create the Revenant Animation Blueprint
Lecture 2: Create the Revenant Blueprint Part 1
Lecture 3: Create the Revenant Blueprint Part 2
Chapter 12: Create Grux Enemy
Lecture 1: Create the Grux Animation Blueprint
Lecture 2: Create The Grux Blueprint
Lecture 3: Prepare The AI Logic
Lecture 4: Create The Patrolling
Lecture 5: Create The Increment Task and Hearing State
Lecture 6: Create The Attack State
Lecture 7: Add Attack Collider
Chapter 13: Blackout the Levels
Lecture 1: Block Out Map 1
Lecture 2: Block Out Map 2
Lecture 3: Play Test & Fix Code Part 1
Lecture 4: Play Test & Fix Code Part 2
Lecture 5: Play Test The Other Maps
Lecture 6: Fix Teleport Player
Lecture 7: Adding Trap Mechanic
Chapter 14: Convert the project to C++
Lecture 1: Coding Standers & My Code Style
Lecture 2: Create the class's part 1
Lecture 3: Create the class's part 2
Lecture 4: Create the AnimInstance Class's
Lecture 5: Create the Hero Class
Lecture 6: Create the Hero Input Part 1
Lecture 7: Create the Hero Input Part 2
Lecture 8: Complete the Hero Header File
Lecture 9: Create The Hero Functions Part 1
Lecture 10: Create The Hero Functions Part 2
Lecture 11: Create The Hero Functions Part 3
Lecture 12: Create The Hero Functions Part 4
Lecture 13: Create The Hero Functions Part 5
Lecture 14: Create The Turret
Lecture 15: Create The Patrol Path
Lecture 16: Create The Pickup Base
Lecture 17: Create The Throwable Stone
Lecture 18: Create The Base Node
Lecture 19: Create The Game Mode
Lecture 20: Create The Enemy Base Character Part 1
Lecture 21: Create The Enemy Base Character Part 2
Lecture 22: Create The Enemy Base Character Part 3
Lecture 23: Create The Enemy Base Character Part 4
Lecture 24: Create The Khiamera Attack AI Task
Lecture 25: Create The Grux AI Service
Lecture 26: Create The Find Patrol Path Task
Lecture 27: Create The Increment Index Task
Lecture 28: Create The Grux Attack Task
Osama Sedik Ahmed
Programmer, Game Developer, Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
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