TypeScript 5 for developers
TypeScript 5 for developers, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.31, with 115 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 515 reviews, and has 5713 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the TypeScript type system Learn how to install, configure and run TypeScript Use special TypeScript types like unknown, any, never Learn advanced JavaScript along the way Deeply understand advanced TypeScript features like Generics, Mapped types, Decorators Use ES modern syntax async/await, import/export Learn how to use TypeScript with classes and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) TypeScript with Express and React Practice special TypeScript types like Records, mapped types, optional, literal and other utility types Learn npm, async programming and the ES module system Learn about module bundlers like Webpack and ESbuild Build and consume a REST api with Express and React This course is ideal for individuals who are Programmers who want to exand their knowledge to Typescript or TypeScript devs who want to master it or Anyone who wants to practice NodeJs/React/Express programming It is particularly useful for Programmers who want to exand their knowledge to Typescript or TypeScript devs who want to master it or Anyone who wants to practice NodeJs/React/Express programming.
Enroll now: TypeScript 5 for developers
Title: TypeScript 5 for developers
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.31
Number of Lectures: 115
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 115
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 118
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 118
Original Price: $44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the TypeScript type system
- Learn how to install, configure and run TypeScript
- Use special TypeScript types like unknown, any, never
- Learn advanced JavaScript along the way
- Deeply understand advanced TypeScript features like Generics, Mapped types, Decorators
- Use ES modern syntax async/await, import/export
- Learn how to use TypeScript with classes and Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- TypeScript with Express and React
- Practice special TypeScript types like Records, mapped types, optional, literal and other utility types
- Learn npm, async programming and the ES module system
- Learn about module bundlers like Webpack and ESbuild
- Build and consume a REST api with Express and React
Who Should Attend
- Programmers who want to exand their knowledge to Typescript
- TypeScript devs who want to master it
- Anyone who wants to practice NodeJs/React/Express programming
Target Audiences
- Programmers who want to exand their knowledge to Typescript
- TypeScript devs who want to master it
- Anyone who wants to practice NodeJs/React/Express programming
TypeScriptis one of the most loved languages of the moment. How can you learn it properly and go beyond basic examples?
Typescripthas reinvented the way we code JavaScript, first of all by adding type safety, but also with many other great features like access modifiers, generics, interfaces, classes, decorators and many others.
Typescript combines the flexibility of modern JavaScript with the power of strongly typed languages like Java or C#, making it a great choice for your full stack app.
Welcome to my course, in which you will learn basic and advanced Typescriptand NodeJsby practice. We will not waste much time on presentations or reading the documentation, which you can do yourself, no course needed. Instead we will focus on codinga real, full stack application.
Typescript features covered:
Installation and and setup inside a npm project
Basic TypeScriptcompiler options like sourceDir and Target
Primitive types, build-in types, advanced types, utility types
Any vs unknown vs never
Objects, Interfaces and Classes
Type aliases, type narrowing optional values, type intersection
Enums and exhaustive enums in TypeScript
Abstract classes and inheritance
Generics and decorators – both old and new (version 2 and 3)
Advanced types like conditional types, literal types, mapped types
The Advanced TypeScript environment:
Understand how npm packages work by building and using your own npmpackage with TypeScript
Run and analyze TypeScriptcode on both NodeJsand Browser
Deeply understand how module bundlers like WebPackand EsBuildwork
Practice sessions with NodeJs, Express and React:
Build from scratch a CRUD application with Node, Expressand TypeScript– Rest API
Understand how Expressrouting works
Understand how Expressmiddleware works
Use ZODfor data validation inside a Node Expressapp
Deeply understand how module bundlers like WebPackand EsBuildwork
Build from scratch a UI app with React and TypeScript
Recap for React state, props and hooks
Understand how Reactcomponents work and how to pass data between child/parent components
Integrate the Express rest API with React
This course stands out with many advantagesand highlights:
Conciseand with deep respect for your time: only learn what you need. Most of the instructor typing is cut, focusing on why we write a certain way the code.
Unitary Typescript course theme – the same NodeJs application, so you don’t get bored and get a rewarding sense of completion
Experienced and programming active instructor:a great teacher never looses touch with the industry. This is especially true for software development, where the industry is so dynamic. This helps the instructor stay up to date with the best coding guidelines and present you the challenging parts, not the “hello world”
GitHub Code diffs –for each lecture – this way you can keep up and quickly get an overview of the lecture, in case you missed something
Great visuals – dark background, big font, 1080p resolution
Certificate of completion
The best way to learn is by exercise, so I’ll see you in class.
There will be code!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting started
Lecture 1: Welcome and how it works
Lecture 2: Let's connect!
Lecture 3: How to get help
Lecture 4: Course resources access
Lecture 5: Tools we will need
Lecture 6: TypeScript program lifecycle
Lecture 7: First TypeScript program
Lecture 8: Compiler options
Chapter 2: Introduction to types
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Primitive types
Lecture 3: Arrays and tuples
Lecture 4: Functions
Lecture 5: Any vs Unknown
Lecture 6: Type aliases
Lecture 7: Practice: simple app
Chapter 3: Working with types: basics
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Literal and Union types
Lecture 3: Type narrowing
Lecture 4: Optional values
Lecture 5: Type assertion
Lecture 6: Type intersection and Interfaces
Lecture 7: Enum
Lecture 8: Never
Chapter 4: OOP and classes
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Classes in TypeScript
Lecture 3: Inheritance
Lecture 4: Access modifiers
Lecture 5: Abstract classes
Lecture 6: TypeScript interfaces
Chapter 5: TypeScript Generics
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: What are Generics
Lecture 3: Popular generics
Lecture 4: Generic constraints
Lecture 5: Multiple types
Lecture 6: Generic classes
Lecture 7: Generic Interfaces and types
Chapter 6: Working with types – advanced
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Readonly and const
Lecture 3: Record and index signatures
Lecture 4: keyof vs Object.keys
Lecture 5: Conditional Types
Lecture 6: Infer
Lecture 7: Literal types
Lecture 8: Mapped types
Lecture 9: Utility types
Lecture 10: Types exercises
Lecture 11: Further reading
Chapter 7: Functions and asynchronous programming
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Function overloading
Lecture 3: This
Lecture 4: Async functions
Lecture 5: Promises
Lecture 6: Promise Types
Lecture 7: Further reading
Chapter 8: Modules and module bundling
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: JS modules
Lecture 3: JS imports
Lecture 4: TypeScript and npm
Lecture 5: Module resolution
Lecture 6: Module bundling intro
Lecture 7: TypeScript and Webpack setup
Lecture 8: Advanced webpack
Lecture 9: TypeScript and EsBuild
Lecture 10: Further reading: WebPack and EsBuild
Chapter 9: Tuning the TypeScript compiler
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Include and exclude
Lecture 3: Target and lib
Lecture 4: Strict checks
Lecture 5: Declaration and Source maps
Lecture 6: CLI options
Lecture 7: Further reading: The TypeScript compiler
Chapter 10: Creating an NPM package with TypeScript
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: Base package
Lecture 3: Npm package
Lecture 4: Using the TypeScript package
Lecture 5: Further reading
Chapter 11: TypeScript Decorators
Lecture 1: Section intro
Lecture 2: JS prototypes
Lecture 3: First Decorator – fields
Lecture 4: Class decorators
Lecture 5: Decorator factories
Lecture 6: Method decorators – arguments
Lecture 7: Method decorators – advanced
Lecture 8: Parameter decorators
Lecture 9: TypeScript 5 decorators intro
Lecture 10: TypeScript 5 class decorators
Alex Dan
Cloud Tech Lead, TypeScript Champion, active Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 14 votes
- 3 stars: 55 votes
- 4 stars: 157 votes
- 5 stars: 280 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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