Ultimate Seaborn: Data Visualization with Python Seaborn
Ultimate Seaborn: Data Visualization with Python Seaborn, available at $44.99, with 45 lectures, 3 quizzes, and has 8 subscribers.
You will learn about Ask the right questions about the data using summary statistics and Visual Exploratory Data analysis to gain accelerated insight into the data Generate distribution, categorical, relational and regression plots to learn more about the variables in the dataset Display maximum information using not only color, size and shape, but the power of multiples Leverage the power of multiples, and apply aesthetic abilities functionally for effective data storytelling Develop an intuition behind some automated visualization libraries like Autoviz to replicate the workflow for your own dataset This course is ideal for individuals who are For anyone looking to elevate their data visualization abilities with just a few lines of code to produce attractive visualizations or Python developers looking to gain fluency with a visualization library or Anyone looking to learn the basics of statistical data visualization or Data storytellers looking to expand to using Seaborn for its high-level interface allowing one to plot attractive, information-rich plots with just a few lines of code or Data analysts looking to learn and apply visual exploratory data analysis or For rapid prototyping and exploration It is particularly useful for For anyone looking to elevate their data visualization abilities with just a few lines of code to produce attractive visualizations or Python developers looking to gain fluency with a visualization library or Anyone looking to learn the basics of statistical data visualization or Data storytellers looking to expand to using Seaborn for its high-level interface allowing one to plot attractive, information-rich plots with just a few lines of code or Data analysts looking to learn and apply visual exploratory data analysis or For rapid prototyping and exploration.
Enroll now: Ultimate Seaborn: Data Visualization with Python Seaborn
Title: Ultimate Seaborn: Data Visualization with Python Seaborn
Price: $44.99
Number of Lectures: 45
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 45
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 48
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 48
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Ask the right questions about the data using summary statistics and Visual Exploratory Data analysis to gain accelerated insight into the data
- Generate distribution, categorical, relational and regression plots to learn more about the variables in the dataset
- Display maximum information using not only color, size and shape, but the power of multiples
- Leverage the power of multiples, and apply aesthetic abilities functionally for effective data storytelling
- Develop an intuition behind some automated visualization libraries like Autoviz to replicate the workflow for your own dataset
Who Should Attend
- For anyone looking to elevate their data visualization abilities with just a few lines of code to produce attractive visualizations
- Python developers looking to gain fluency with a visualization library
- Anyone looking to learn the basics of statistical data visualization
- Data storytellers looking to expand to using Seaborn for its high-level interface allowing one to plot attractive, information-rich plots with just a few lines of code
- Data analysts looking to learn and apply visual exploratory data analysis
- For rapid prototyping and exploration
Target Audiences
- For anyone looking to elevate their data visualization abilities with just a few lines of code to produce attractive visualizations
- Python developers looking to gain fluency with a visualization library
- Anyone looking to learn the basics of statistical data visualization
- Data storytellers looking to expand to using Seaborn for its high-level interface allowing one to plot attractive, information-rich plots with just a few lines of code
- Data analysts looking to learn and apply visual exploratory data analysis
- For rapid prototyping and exploration
Are you interested in learning how to create beautiful and informative data visualizations using Python? Look no further than this comprehensive course on Seaborn!
With over seven hours of content, this course is designed for beginners who are looking to learn the principles underlying data visualization.
Whether you’re a student, a data analyst, or a business professional, this course will give you the skills you need to create stunning visualizations that will bring your data to life.
One of the major benefits of this course is that we use inbuilt datasets, so you don’t have to worry about downloading data or running into issues with libraries like pip. This means you can focus on the content and the learning experience, without getting bogged down by technical issues.
In this course, you’ll learn:
The principles of data visualization and the importance of choosing the right chart for your data
How to work with different types of variables (categorical, quantitative, and temporal) and how to create charts that are appropriate for each type
The basics of Seaborn and how to use this powerful library to create stunning visualizations in Python by leveraging its opinionated defaults
How to create different types of charts, including bar plots, line plots, scatter plots, heatmaps, and more
How to customize your visualizations to make them more informative and engaging
By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills you need to create stunning data visualizations that will impress your colleagues and stakeholders. Whether you’re working on a research project, building a business dashboard, or simply exploring data for fun, this course will help you take your visualizations to the next level.
Seaborn is the perfect library for a beginner in Data Science.
Generally, new learners start with Matplotlib and spends a time learning syntax. With Seaborn, you can generate publication-quality figures in under two lines of code.
Here are four reasons why.
Reason 1: High-level plotting interface
Seaborn is a high-level plotting interface that simplifies plotting for beginners.
The Python Seaborn library is often learned AFTER a user has studied Matplotlib.
However, learning Seaborn first instead could accelerate picking up an intuition in working with different types of data.
This is because the bulk of constructing a plot has been integrated into Seaborn’s high-level plotting interface – so you don’t have to construct the plot from scratch and can focus instead on communicating maximum information about the variables in your dataset.
You can then leverage “opinionated defaults” in Seaborn…
Seaborn uses semantic tenets like color, size, and style to communicate information in a functional manner (not just aesthetic).
Seaborn does this by inferring the datatype and then making smart choices: such as choosing the right color palette to display numerical information or categorical information.
Reason 2: Wide and long-form dataframes
Seaborn can be easily used for both wide and long form dataframes. The course contains a portion on transforming data from wide to long-form data to better leverage Seaborn’s plotting functionalities using Python Pandas.
Reason 3: Inbuilt datasets
We use Google Colab together with Seaborn’s inbuilt datasets.
Sometimes, beginners get frustrated trying to import data, and clean data before being able to explore the dataset.
Seaborn’s inbuilt datasets like the Tips dataset, and the Iris and Penguins datasets contain a mix of categorical and continuous numerical variables allowing for an exploration of the distribution, categorical, regression, and relational plots, together with the plotting of multiples and facet plots.
A level of familiarity with the datasets (and a commitment to explore and practice with different datasets) can ease a complete beginner into rapidly exploring a previously unseen dataset.
Reason 4: Aesthetically pleasing production quality plots
Seaborn’s plots are built to be aesthetically pleasing through the use of its color palettes, themes, styles etc. Seaborn is the library where a complete beginner can begin producing production-ready plots almost immediately after completion of the course.
The course contains a combination of code walkthroughs which show the user how to enhance a plot + high-level thinking and an intuition to convey relevant information, depending on the decision-maker and stakeholders and the purpose of the visualization.
The course is delivered on Google Colab and uses a range of inbuilt datasets from Seaborn. The course also includes a presentation on Autoviz, an automated data visualization library.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Roadmap to the Course and Section 1
Lecture 2: Introduction to Seaborn!
Lecture 3: What is Semantic Mapping
Lecture 4: Introduction to Multiples: Conditional Multiples and Pairwise relationships
Lecture 5: Seaborn's inbuilt datasets
Lecture 6: The Intuition behind Visual EDA: Autoviz
Chapter 2: Introduction to Python Pandas
Lecture 1: Pandas Part I: Using Seaborn's datasets
Lecture 2: Pandas Part II: Using Seaborn's datasets
Lecture 3: Pandas Part III: Using Seaborn's datasets
Lecture 4: Pandas Melt
Chapter 3: Visualizing Distributions
Lecture 1: Introduction to Histograms
Lecture 2: Displot: Visualising Histograms
Lecture 3: Introduction to KDE plots
Lecture 4: KDE, Bivariate KDE, and Overlaying a KDE over a histogram
Lecture 5: Introduction to Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF)
Lecture 6: ECDF
Lecture 7: Displot
Lecture 8: Jointplot and JointGrid
Lecture 9: Pairplot and Pairgrid
Chapter 4: Visualizing Relationships between Variables
Lecture 1: Scatterplot
Lecture 2: Relplot
Lecture 3: Correlation Plot Example 1
Lecture 4: Correlation Plot
Lecture 5: Regplot and LMPlot
Lecture 6: Jointplot and Pairplot
Chapter 5: Visualizing Categorical Variables
Lecture 1: An introduction to categorical distributions
Lecture 2: Demonstration: Box, boxen and violin plots
Lecture 3: An introduction to categorical scatterplots
Lecture 4: Demonstration: Strip and Swarmplots
Lecture 5: An introduction to categorical estimate plots
Lecture 6: Demonstration: pointplot, barplot and countplot
Chapter 6: Visualizing Multiples: Delving deeper into Pairplot
Lecture 1: Pairplot
Chapter 7: Plot Aesthetics
Lecture 1: Set the style with set_style()
Lecture 2: Alter and Despine plots in Seaborn
Lecture 3: Set the context for the plot using set_context()
Chapter 8: Bonus: Data Visualization with Altair
Lecture 1: Altair Line Chart
Lecture 2: Altair Histogram
Lecture 3: Altair Boxplot
Lecture 4: Altair Scatterplots
Lecture 5: Altair Bubbleplots
Lecture 6: Altair Scatterplots with Tooltip
Lecture 7: Altair Bar charts
Lecture 8: Altair Bar charts (facted)
Lecture 9: Altair Bar charts (stacked)
Lecture 10: Altair Bar charts (sorted)
DatOlympia Learning Solutions
DatOlympia: A Data Literacy Company
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Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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