Understanding The Internals Of The Unix Kernel Architecture
Understanding The Internals Of The Unix Kernel Architecture, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.15, with 107 lectures, based on 95 reviews, and has 3376 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand The Working Of Three Important Subsystems of Unix Kernel (O.S) – File Management System, Process Management System, Inter process Communication Learn the algorithms related to different system calls in the Unix Operating System This course is ideal for individuals who are Anybody who is interested in learning the Internals of the Unix Operating System It is particularly useful for Anybody who is interested in learning the Internals of the Unix Operating System.
Enroll now: Understanding The Internals Of The Unix Kernel Architecture
Title: Understanding The Internals Of The Unix Kernel Architecture
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.15
Number of Lectures: 107
Number of Published Lectures: 107
Number of Curriculum Items: 107
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 107
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand The Working Of Three Important Subsystems of Unix Kernel (O.S) – File Management System, Process Management System, Inter process Communication
- Learn the algorithms related to different system calls in the Unix Operating System
Who Should Attend
- Anybody who is interested in learning the Internals of the Unix Operating System
Target Audiences
- Anybody who is interested in learning the Internals of the Unix Operating System
Welcome to the course ‘Understanding the Internals of Unix Kernel Architecture‘
This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.
Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years.
Here in this course, We are covering the 3 Major subsystems of Unix Operating System:
The File Management Subsystem which deals about the internal representation of files
The Process Management Subsystem which talks about the structure of the process and various process control calls
The Inter process Communication talks about the signals, pipes, message queues and shared memory
The Algorithms of various important system calls will be explained here in this course
Here in this course, you will get to learn the Internal working of the Unix operating system. Though there are quite a few differences between a Linux operating system and the Unix operating system. Knowing The Internals of the Unix Operating system will help us to Understand The Working Of Linux Kernel Or at least start with Understanding the Linux Kernel.
There are assignments given in each section. The answers to the assignments are uploaded as a zip file. The assignments includes the following questions and answers:
Write a c program to implement your own malloc library function
Write a c program to implement your own free library function
Write a c program to implement your own realloc library function
Write a c program to implement your own ls (list) command
Write a c program to implement your own cp (copy) command
Write a c program to implement stat command
Write a c program to implement your own tee command
Write a c program to implement your own size command
Write a c program to implement your own touch command
Write a c program to implement your own fopen, fread, fwrite calls
Write a c program to implement a sample state machine
Write a c program to implement your own ps command
Write a c program to implement your own sleep command
Write a c program to implement your own shell
Write a c program to which demonstrates the functionality of daemons
Implement client server program using FIFO
Write a C program to demonstrate pipes using child and parent
Write a C program to demonstrate fifos
Implement client server program with message queues using semaphore
Write a program to demonstrate shared memory using semaphores
Please check the course overview, and If you are interested, Kindly take up the course.
Note: This course covers the internals of Unix Operating System. We are not dealing with command line usage of Unix/Linux Operating System. we have mapped the sample code flows for the system call algorithms
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Overview
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Overview of Unix Operating System
Lecture 1: Popularity of Unix O.S
Lecture 2: Architecture
Lecture 3: Users perspective
Lecture 4: Memory map of a c program
Lecture 5: Process control
Lecture 6: Building block primitives
Lecture 7: Operating system services
Lecture 8: Process execution modes
Lecture 9: Interrupts
Lecture 10: Exceptions
Lecture 11: Unix Kernel Architecture Design
Lecture 12: Exercise 1: Write a c program to implement your own malloc library function
Lecture 13: Exercise 2: Write a c program to implement your own free library function
Lecture 14: Exercise 3: Write a c program to implement your own realloc library function
Chapter 3: Internal Representation Of Files
Lecture 1: Directories
Lecture 2: Boot block
Lecture 3: Super block
Lecture 4: Inode list and Datablock list
Lecture 5: Inodes
Lecture 6: Direct and Indirect blocks part 1
Lecture 7: Direct and Indirect blocks part 2
Lecture 8: Directory structure
Lecture 9: The Namei Algorithm
Lecture 10: Free inodes and Remembered inodes
Chapter 4: File System
Lecture 1: File permissions
Lecture 2: Navigation
Lecture 3: Tables
Lecture 4: File Table and Inode Table
Lecture 5: User Area
Lecture 6: Process Table
Lecture 7: The Algorithm For Open System Call
Lecture 8: The Algorithm For Write System Call
Lecture 9: The Algorithm For Read System Call
Lecture 10: The Algorithm For Close System Call
Lecture 11: Dup System Call
Lecture 12: The Algorithm For Link System Call
Lecture 13: The Algorithm For Unlink System Call
Lecture 14: Exercise 1: Write a c program to implement your own ls (list) command
Lecture 15: Exercise 2: Write a c program to implement your own cp (copy) command
Lecture 16: Exercise 3: Write a c program to implement stat command
Lecture 17: Exercise 4:Write a c program to implement your own tee command
Lecture 18: Exercise 5: Write a c program to implement your own size command
Lecture 19: Exercise 6: Write a c program to implement your own touch command
Lecture 20: Exercise 7: Write a c program to implement your own fopen, fread, fwrite calls
Chapter 5: Structure Of Processes
Lecture 1: Process
Lecture 2: Process states and transitions
Lecture 3: The Process Table
Lecture 4: The User Area
Lecture 5: Physical Memory and Virtual Memory
Lecture 6: Regions
Lecture 7: The Kernel Layout
Lecture 8: The Context Of A Process Part 1
Lecture 9: The Context Of A Process Part 2
Lecture 10: Context Switch
Lecture 11: The System Call Table
Lecture 12: The Region Table Entry
Lecture 13: Exercise 1: Write a c program to implement a sample state machine
Chapter 6: Process Control
Lecture 1: The Algorithm For Fork System Call
Lecture 2: Inheritance of Child From Parent
Lecture 3: The VFork System Call
Lecture 4: The Process Termination
Lecture 5: The Algorithm For Wait System Call
Lecture 6: The Algorithm For Exec System Call
Lecture 7: Exercise 1: Write a c program to implement your own ps command
Lecture 8: Exercise 2: Write a c program to implement your own sleep command
Lecture 9: Exercise 3: Write a c program to implement your own shell
Lecture 10: Exercise 4: Write a c program to which demonstrates the functionality of daemons
Chapter 7: Inter process Communication
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Pipes
Lecture 3: Named and Unnamed Pipes
Lecture 4: The Algorithm For Pipe System Call
Lecture 5: Example: Pipes
Lecture 6: Introduction to Signals
Lecture 7: Classification of Signals
Lecture 8: Signal Algorithm
Lecture 9: Introduction To Message Queues
Lecture 10: The Msgget System Call
Lecture 11: The Algorithm for MsgSnd System Call
Lecture 12: The Algorithm for MsgRecv System Call
Lecture 13: The MsgCtl System Call
Lecture 14: Introduction To Shared Memory
Lecture 15: Shared Memory Header
Lecture 16: The Algorithm For Shmat System Call
Lecture 17: The Shmctl System Call
Lecture 18: Exercise 2: Implement client server program using FIFO
Lecture 19: Exercise 4: Write a C program to demonstrate pipes using child and parent
Lecture 20: Exercise 5: Write a C program to demonstrate fifos
Lecture 21: Exercise 6: Implement client server program with message queues using semaphore
Lecture 22: Exercise 7: Write a program to demonstrate shared memory using semaphores
Chapter 8: Explain the programs below:
Lecture 1: Question 1
Lecture 2: Question 2
Satish Venkatesh
Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 14 votes
- 3 stars: 25 votes
- 4 stars: 25 votes
- 5 stars: 23 votes
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