Unity 5 Multiplayer InGame Mail Messaging
Unity 5 Multiplayer InGame Mail Messaging, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 59 lectures, based on 10 reviews, and has 457 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a professional mail system in Unity setup a database layer to store and retrieve mail messages setup a backend layer to act as the middleman between the database and Unity have Unity interact with the server to retrieve and send messages Create an in-game mail user interface authenticating and registering users. This course is ideal for individuals who are game enthusiasts. or computer scientists or software engineers or graphic designers or cool teenagers or cool dads and moms It is particularly useful for game enthusiasts. or computer scientists or software engineers or graphic designers or cool teenagers or cool dads and moms.
Enroll now: Unity 5 Multiplayer InGame Mail Messaging
Title: Unity 5 Multiplayer InGame Mail Messaging
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 59
Number of Published Lectures: 59
Number of Curriculum Items: 59
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 59
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a professional mail system in Unity
- setup a database layer to store and retrieve mail messages
- setup a backend layer to act as the middleman between the database and Unity
- have Unity interact with the server to retrieve and send messages
- Create an in-game mail user interface
- authenticating and registering users.
Who Should Attend
- game enthusiasts.
- computer scientists
- software engineers
- graphic designers
- cool teenagers
- cool dads and moms
Target Audiences
- game enthusiasts.
- computer scientists
- software engineers
- graphic designers
- cool teenagers
- cool dads and moms
Important: all software used are FREE to download and use on PC, LINUX and MAC computers (no need to pay, cheers!)
In this course you will learn how to use Unity3D to build a professional multiplayer mail inbox.
The majority of online multiplayer games use a mail system where players can send and receive emails within the game. The game becomes more engaging as players can trade items and send virtual money to eachother.
All the great games out there are using it, look at Star Wars, or World of Warcraft or MineCraft. That’s exactly what you will be making by taking this course.
We will start by designing the data layer using MySQL and PHP. The database will be able to store and retrieve a huge amount of in-game mail, which is something that Unity cannot do on its own.
Then we will use Unity to design the mailbox user interface to read incoming mail as well as compose and send mail to other players.
Finally, we will integrate all of it inside a real working multiplayer game so that we can have live players walk to the mailbox and access the mail messages.
This course provides all the necessary assets for you. The only tool we use in this course is Unity 3D, and it’s completely free to use. No need to spend extra money.
This course is easy to follow along since all the steps are shown to you in the video lectures, so you can’t possibly miss a step.
Please join the course now. You’ve got nothing to lose because if i don’t deliver, you’ll get a full refund. I’ll see you in the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Overview ad Instructor Greetings
Lecture 1: Instructor greetings and course overview
Lecture 2: Download the Unity project and open the scene
Chapter 2: Authentication System
Lecture 1: How to play the game server and client and test them
Lecture 2: Overview of the scene assets and resources
Lecture 3: Designing the Login user interface in Unity
Lecture 4: Designing the registration UI
Lecture 5: Connecting the authentication UI to the code
Lecture 6: Swapping between Registration panel and login panel
Lecture 7: Adding a feedback message field
Lecture 8: Overview of the Authentication system
Lecture 9: Installing mySql and Php on MAC and Windows the easy way
Lecture 10: Installing the mySql editor
Lecture 11: Create the SQL database and user table
Lecture 12: Inserting new users using the mysql editor
Lecture 13: Download Php text editors MAC and Windows
Lecture 14: Connect the php script to mySql database
Lecture 15: Programming the database login script
Lecture 16: Loging user connecting Unity login to database
Lecture 17: Programming the registration in Unity
Lecture 18: Triggering the user registration from Unity
Lecture 19: Creating a serializable json user object in Unity
Lecture 20: Refactoring the request endpoints
Lecture 21: Launching the game client after successful login and registration
Lecture 22: Testing Game Host and Client Login
Lecture 23: Hide password fields and add user ID to User
Chapter 3: Mailing System
Lecture 1: Designing the inbox model
Lecture 2: Adding the mail scroll symbols on the flags
Lecture 3: Programming the wind flag movement
Lecture 4: Adding Mouse events to the inbox
Lecture 5: Testing the player to inbox range
Lecture 6: Overview of the mail data layer
Lecture 7: Creating the mail database table
Lecture 8: Inserting dummy email messages in the database
Lecture 9: Programming the PHP code to retrieve a player emails
Lecture 10: Creating the Mail Message class
Lecture 11: Retrieving a email from the SQL backend into Unity
Lecture 12: Retrieving multiple mail messages from the database
Lecture 13: Parsing the json response in Unity
Lecture 14: Designing the Inbox container interface
Lecture 15: UI design of the inbox left side
Lecture 16: Working on the inbox UI right container and scroll view
Lecture 17: Designing the mail message entry boxes
Lecture 18: Spawning the inbox mail entries programmatically
Lecture 19: Displaying the correct mail fields
Lecture 20: Storing each mail variables in the mail entry
Lecture 21: Designing the mail message details UI
Lecture 22: Programming the click event on each mail messages
Lecture 23: Writing code to remove mail entries on Compose click
Lecture 24: Refreshing the inbox mail messages
Lecture 25: Writing the code to send message to server in Unity
Lecture 26: Add the From To recipient field
Lecture 27: Writing the URL request to save email message in database
Lecture 28: Writing the PHP code to save a mail message to the database
Lecture 29: Testing the new message saving into the database
Lecture 30: Writing code to retrieve Sent messages
Lecture 31: Writing the PHP code to retrieve sent emails from Database
Lecture 32: Programming the closing of the inbox panel
Lecture 33: Clicking on the mailbox prefab to open the inbox interface
Chapter 4: BONUS
Lecture 1: BONUS
Yohann Taieb
Apps Games Unity iOS Android Apple Watch TV Development
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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