Unreal Engine 4 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course
Unreal Engine 4 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.79, with 100 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 3715 reviews, and has 24543 subscribers.
You will learn about How to program in Unreal Engine with C++. How to create a complete UE4 game from start to finish. Those with no experience in Unreal Engine will master Unreal. Combat, adventure game mechanics, platforms, game saving/loading and menu design. Those already experienced in game development will further expand their skills. Those who already develop in another engine such as Unity will master Unreal. This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring game developers. or Those wanting to enter the games industry as a game programmer. or Indie game developers who want to create their own games. or Anyone who wants a COMPLETE game in their portfolio! It is particularly useful for Aspiring game developers. or Those wanting to enter the games industry as a game programmer. or Indie game developers who want to create their own games. or Anyone who wants a COMPLETE game in their portfolio!.
Enroll now: Unreal Engine 4 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course
Title: Unreal Engine 4 C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.79
Number of Lectures: 100
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 100
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 101
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 101
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to program in Unreal Engine with C++.
- How to create a complete UE4 game from start to finish.
- Those with no experience in Unreal Engine will master Unreal.
- Combat, adventure game mechanics, platforms, game saving/loading and menu design.
- Those already experienced in game development will further expand their skills.
- Those who already develop in another engine such as Unity will master Unreal.
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring game developers.
- Those wanting to enter the games industry as a game programmer.
- Indie game developers who want to create their own games.
- Anyone who wants a COMPLETE game in their portfolio!
Target Audiences
- Aspiring game developers.
- Those wanting to enter the games industry as a game programmer.
- Indie game developers who want to create their own games.
- Anyone who wants a COMPLETE game in their portfolio!
NOTE: This course is in Unreal Engine 4!
In this series, you will learn Unreal Engine C++ programming from the basics all the way up to packaging a complete video game. You will learn all of the following and more:
Object, Actor, Pawn and Character creation, and the differences between these classes
Coding a complete character class, complete with animations and user input
Finding a nearly endless selection of free assets and how to download and use them for your game
Enemy movement and behavior
Combat with melee weapons
Picking up and equipping items
Damage, Hit Points and Death
HUD elements including Health and Stamina Bars as well as Icons
How to create menus, including a Pause menu
Saving and Loading game data even after turning off the computer or exiting the game
Switching levels in game
Floating platforms using interpolation
Timers for delays in game logic
Trigger volumes, pressure switches, and doors
Bombs, explosives and hazards
Logging and drawing spheres for debug purposes
Using C++ concepts applied to game development
Much much more!
This is a C++ course and some basic knowledge of the C++ (or a similar language) is needed. Knowledge of variables, functions, classes, inheritance, and object-oriented programming is needed to have the best experience.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Download UE4, and Intro to the Engine
Lecture 1: Installing Unreal Engine and the Unreal Community
Lecture 2: The Viewport
Lecture 3: Editor Overview
Lecture 4: The Level Blueprint
Lecture 5: Creating Blueprints
Chapter 3: Intro to Unreal Engine C++
Lecture 1: C++ Refresher and UE4 Hierarchy
Lecture 2: Class Creation in Unreal Engine
Lecture 3: Reflection and Garbage Collection
Lecture 4: Creating a UObject
Lecture 5: Using UObject in Blueprints
Chapter 4: The Actor Class
Lecture 1: Actors and Actor Components
Lecture 2: Position Vectors
Lecture 3: The FVector
Lecture 4: FVector (continued)
Lecture 5: FVector (continued)
Lecture 6: Intro to Collision
Lecture 7: Collision (continued)
Lecture 8: Sweeping
Lecture 9: Local vs World Offset
Lecture 10: Force and Torque
Lecture 11: Random Numbers
Lecture 12: The Sine Function
Lecture 13: Deleting Classes
Chapter 5: The Pawn Class
Lecture 1: The Pawn Class
Lecture 2: Pawn Movement Input
Lecture 3: Pawn Movement Input (continued)
Lecture 4: Pawn Movement Input (continued)
Lecture 5: Pawn Movement Component
Lecture 6: Pawn Movement Component (continued)
Lecture 7: Pawn Camera Rotation
Lecture 8: Environment Assets
Chapter 6: The Character Class
Lecture 1: Character Assets
Lecture 2: Character Assets (continued)
Lecture 3: The Character Class
Lecture 4: The Character Class (continued)
Lecture 5: The Character Class (continued)
Lecture 6: The Character Class (continued)
Lecture 7: The Animation Blueprint
Lecture 8: The Animation Blueprint (continued)
Lecture 9: The Animation Blueprint (continued)
Chapter 7: Gameplay Mechanics
Lecture 1: Floor Switch
Lecture 2: Floor Switch (continued)
Lecture 3: Floor Switch (continued)
Lecture 4: Spawn Volume
Lecture 5: Spawn Volume (continued)
Lecture 6: Floating Platform
Lecture 7: Pickups
Lecture 8: Pickups (continued)
Lecture 9: Pickups (continued)
Lecture 10: HUD (Heads Up Display)
Lecture 11: HUD (continued)
Lecture 12: HUD (continued)
Lecture 13: HUD (continued)
Lecture 14: HUD (continued)
Lecture 15: HUD (continued)
Lecture 16: HUD (continued)
Lecture 17: Arrays and Debug Spheres
Chapter 8: Combat
Lecture 1: Attaching to Sockets
Lecture 2: Weapon Equipping
Lecture 3: Weapon Equipping (continued)
Lecture 4: Switching Blendspaces
Lecture 5: Anim Montages (Attack!)
Lecture 6: Anim Montages (continued)
Lecture 7: Anim Montages (continued)
Lecture 8: Enemy Combat
Lecture 9: Enemy Combat (continued)
Lecture 10: Enemy Combat (continued)
Lecture 11: Enemy Combat (continued)
Lecture 12: Console Controller Input
Lecture 13: Combat Mechanics
Lecture 14: Combat Mechanics (continued)
Lecture 15: Combat Mechanics (continued)
Lecture 16: Combat Mechanics (continued)
Lecture 17: Interpolating to the Enemy
Lecture 18: Enemy Attack Delay
Lecture 19: Damage and Death
Lecture 20: Enemy Health Bar
Lecture 21: Fine Tuning Character Death
Lecture 22: Fine Tuning Character Death (continued)
Lecture 23: Refining Pickups
Lecture 24: Refining Sprinting
Lecture 25: Extending the Enemy Class
Lecture 26: Extending the Enemy Class (continued)
Lecture 27: Refining Gameplay
Lecture 28: Refining Gameplay (continued)
Lecture 29: Weapon Trails
Lecture 30: Spawn Volume Improved
Chapter 9: Level Changing and Saving the Game
Lecture 1: Changing Levels in Game
Lecture 2: Saving the Game
Lecture 3: Saving the Weapon
Stephen Ulibarri
Engineer, Programmer, Game Developer, Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 25 votes
- 2 stars: 41 votes
- 3 stars: 234 votes
- 4 stars: 1114 votes
- 5 stars: 2301 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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