Unreal Engine 4 Game Develop: Battle Royale with Blueprint
Unreal Engine 4 Game Develop: Battle Royale with Blueprint, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 217 lectures, based on 383 reviews, and has 2306 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a shooting game. Develop using Unreal Engine 4. Learn to program using blueprints. Learn how to build a quality set of blueprint object frameworks. Learn how to create complex UI's. No programming experience at all is required to learn this course. Those who already have experience in game development will further enhance their development skills. This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to learn game development. or People with no or some programming experience. or Programmers, designers, game makers. It is particularly useful for People who want to learn game development. or People with no or some programming experience. or Programmers, designers, game makers.
Enroll now: Unreal Engine 4 Game Develop: Battle Royale with Blueprint
Title: Unreal Engine 4 Game Develop: Battle Royale with Blueprint
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 217
Number of Published Lectures: 217
Number of Curriculum Items: 217
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 217
Original Price: $139.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a shooting game.
- Develop using Unreal Engine 4.
- Learn to program using blueprints.
- Learn how to build a quality set of blueprint object frameworks.
- Learn how to create complex UI's.
- No programming experience at all is required to learn this course.
- Those who already have experience in game development will further enhance their development skills.
Who Should Attend
- People who want to learn game development.
- People with no or some programming experience.
- Programmers, designers, game makers.
Target Audiences
- People who want to learn game development.
- People with no or some programming experience.
- Programmers, designers, game makers.
Hi everyone, I’m Big Cat.
About the Content
This course is a complete set of tutorials for the Battle Royale type of game. The features are so huge that they were not shown in the promo video to show all the features. For example, the bullets fired all have a downward effect and reduce the flight speed based on the distance. All features are made as detailed as possible.
The course is now fully completed, and you can view the course outline to learn all the contents of this set of courses.
About Blueprint
All content in this set of courses is implemented using blueprints. You’ll see a set of blueprint projects with a clear structure and clean nodes, and it’s time to really understand the greatness of blueprints.
If you develop in C++ at work, this won’t stop you from watching my course in the slightest. Because every function in a blueprint can be found in C++, learning blueprints can still help you with your C++ development.
Write at the end
I did all the work on this course by myself, including blueprint development, lecture writing, video recording, audio recording, captioning, video editing, and even the Green-Screen technology at the beginning of the promo. Every detail was tweaked over and over again to give you as perfect an experience as possible. It’s tough to produce a go-to course. I know there are still many things I didn’t get right, like my English accent, and I hope you can understand more. Of course, you can contact me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I see them.
I’m Big Cat.
Full Course List
Section1: Preparatory Work (4 lessons)
Download and install the Unreal Engine.
Create game projects and import resources.
Section2: Basic Knowledge (4 lessons)
A basic understanding of the Unreal Engine.
Section3: Project Setting (4 lessons)
Gameplay framework build.
Complete the input settings.
Section4: Animation BlendSpace (10 lessons)
Learn what Animation BlendSpace is.
Create animated BlendSpace with characters standing, crouching, prone, aiming, and parachuting.
Section5: Animation AimOffset (7 lessons)
Learn what Animation AimOffset is.
Create animated offset aiming for characters standing, crouching, prone, and aiming.
Section6: Animation Blueprint (15 lessons)
Learn what Animation Blueprint is.
Make character animation state machines that contain all the states of the characters.
Learn to use an animation graph.
Produce logic functions related to animation.
Section7: Animation Montage (6 lessons)
Learn what Animation Montage is.
Create an animated montage of equipment and take-back weapons.
Create an animated montage of changing magazines and bullets.
Create a montage of shooting animations.
Create an animation montage of using objects.
Section8: Character base features (14 lessons)
Set up character components.
Create mouse control functions.
Create the character movement function and its effect on the movement speed.
Create a pose switch.
Section9: Character fashion (6 lessons)
Build character fashion skeleton model components
Material masking.
Character Avatar system. (Avatar means change of fashion, am I using the right word?)
Section10: Item DataTables (5 lessons)
Creation of Weapons DataTable, Ammo DataTable, Weapons Accessories DataTable, Equipment DataTable, Medicine DataTable.
Section11: Item System (2 lessons)
Item System Framework Explained.
Creating an item base class.
Section12: Pickup Object (8 lessons)
Create pickup object base classes.
Create pickup objects for items, weapons, Weapons Accessories, ammo, equipment, health items, energy items, and fashion.
Section13: Item Object (9 lessons)
Create weapon item objects, including skeletal functions, weapon accessories functions, sound components, and particle components.
Create ammo, equipment, use type, and fashion item objects.
Section14: Item Generation System (9 lessons)
Explain item generation rules.
Creating probability-related data tables.
Making logic for generating items.
Calculating where to display items.
Section15: Data Storage (2 lessons)
Data Storage Frameworks.
Create data-related variables.
Section16: Pickup and Discard Items (30 lessons)
Character Avatar logic made.
Pickup and Discard item logic flow explained.
Make Pickup and Discard item related functions.
Weapon switching functions.
Section17: Weapon features (21 lessons)
Weapon aiming features, including direct aim and open scope aiming.
Fire features, including fire animation, magazine change, bullet change, screen shake, and crosshair deflection.
Bullet functions, including bullet drop logic and a bullet hole.
Section18: InventroyUI (20 lessons)
Basic knowledge of UI production explained.
UI construction and logic production.
Display 3D characters in the UI, and synchronize all costumes.
UI drag and drop function.
Section19: MainUI (9 lessons)
Making the Crosshairs UI.
Making the ActionTips UI.
Making the MessageTips UI.
Creating the UserInfo UI.
Creating the Countdown UI.
Creating the Directions UI.
Section20: Objects used (6 lessons)
Create an inventory UI progress bar.
Creating a circular progress bar.
Make a usage logic.
Making Energy Restoration Logic.
Section21: Parachute (9 lessons)
Making a skydiving UI.
Making the Aircraft Actor.
Produced the free fall flight function.
Produced the parachute flight function.
Section22: Safe Zone (4 lessons)
Make the display function.
Random position logic explanation.
Create a continuous zoom function.
Move characters in and out to trigger related functions.
Section23: Airdrop (4 lessons)
Airdrop plane flight.
Airdrop boxes.
The items in the airdrop.
Section24: Bombing Zone (3 lessons)
Blast points.
Bombing zones.
Execution logic.
Section25: Map UI (9 lessons)
Big map and small map interface building.
Big map move and zoom.
Small map movement logic.
Map UV creation and interpretation.
Display of Safe Zones, Bombing Zones, and Flight Route Maps.
Section26: Final Map (2 lessons)
Adaptation-related logic to the final map.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Preparatory Work
Lecture 1: Content introduction
Lecture 2: Engine Download & Installation
Lecture 3: Resource Download
Lecture 4: Create Project
Lecture 5: Resources
Chapter 2: Basic Knowledge
Lecture 1: Editor interface
Lecture 2: Play the Game
Lecture 3: Important Element
Lecture 4: Gameplay Framework
Chapter 3: Project Setting
Lecture 1: Gameplay framework build
Lecture 2: Input Settings explained
Lecture 3: Setting input keys
Lecture 4: Setting Near Clip Plane
Chapter 4: Animation BlendSpace
Lecture 1: Animation BlendSpace explanation
Lecture 2: Unarmed Standing Moving BlendSpace
Lecture 3: Unarmed Crouching Moving BlendSpace
Lecture 4: Unarmed Prone Moving BlendSpace
Lecture 5: Armed Standing Moving BlendSpace
Lecture 6: Armed Crouching Moving BlendSpace
Lecture 7: Armed Prone Moving BlendSpace
Lecture 8: Armed Standing Aiming Moving BlendSpace
Lecture 9: Armed Crouching Aiming Moving BlendSpace
Lecture 10: Parachute BlendSpace
Chapter 5: Animation AimOffset
Lecture 1: AimOffset Explained
Lecture 2: Unarmed Standing AimOffset
Lecture 3: Unarmed Crouch AimOffset
Lecture 4: Armed Standing AimOffset
Lecture 5: Armed Standing Aiming AimOffset
Lecture 6: Armed Crouching AimOffset
Lecture 7: Armed Crouching Aiming AimOffset
Chapter 6: Animation Blueprint
Lecture 1: AnimBlueprint Explained
Lecture 2: Creating Character state variables
Lecture 3: State Machine: Unarmed
Lecture 4: State Machine: Armed
Lecture 5: State Machine: Armed to Unarmed
Lecture 6: State Machine: Aiming
Lecture 7: State Machine: Skydive
Lecture 8: State Machine: Jump
Lecture 9: State Machine: Death
Lecture 10: AnimGraph: Logic Production
Lecture 11: AnimGraph: Testing
Lecture 12: Event Graph: Creating Variables in Character
Lecture 13: Event Graph: Set direct access variables
Lecture 14: Event Graph: Calculation of relevant variables
Lecture 15: Event Graph: Set AimOffset variables
Chapter 7: Animation Montage
Lecture 1: Animation Montage Explained
Lecture 2: Equip animation montage
Lecture 3: Take back animation montage
Lecture 4: Magazine & Bullet Change animation montage
Lecture 5: Shooting related animation montage
Lecture 6: Using an Object related animation montage
Chapter 8: Character Base Functionality
Lecture 1: Setting up character default components
Lecture 2: Create Camera
Lecture 3: Mouse Control Function
Lecture 4: Character Movement: Basic functionality
Lecture 5: Character Movement: Velocity smoothing
Lecture 6: Mouse view: Free view
Lecture 7: Mouse view: Adapted character movement
Lecture 8: Pose switch: Switching functions
Lecture 9: Pose switch: Switch limit
Lecture 10: Mouse view: Pitch Angle Limit
Lecture 11: Pose switch: Affects camera position
Lecture 12: Movement speed: Different movement speeds
Lecture 13: Movement speed: Posture affects movement speed
Lecture 14: Movement speed: Movement speed test
Chapter 9: Character Fashion
Lecture 1: Creating sub-skeletal models
Lecture 2: Preparation of Datas
Lecture 3: Replace skeletal models
Lecture 4: Special logic for bodysuits
Lecture 5: Skin Mask
Lecture 6: Default underwear wear
Chapter 10: Making DataTables
Lecture 1: Making Weapons DataTable
Lecture 2: Making Ammo DataTable
Lecture 3: Making Weapons Accessories DataTable
Lecture 4: Making Equipment DataTable
Lecture 5: Making Health DataTables
Chapter 11: Item System
Lecture 1: Item Framework explained
Lecture 2: Item Base class
Chapter 12: Pickup Objects
Lecture 1: Pickup Base class
Lecture 2: Weapon Pickup Object
Lecture 3: Weapon Accessories Pickup Object
Lecture 4: Ammo Pickup Object
Lecture 5: Equipment Pickup Object
Lecture 6: Health Pickup Object
Lecture 7: Boost Pickup Object
Lecture 8: Fashion Pickup Object
Chapter 13: Item Object
Lecture 1: Weapon Skeletal Socket
Bigcat NIU
Software Engineer 软件工程师
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 22 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 37 votes
- 4 stars: 77 votes
- 5 stars: 236 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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