Unreal Engine 5.2 : Exploring Lyra for Game Development
Unreal Engine 5.2 : Exploring Lyra for Game Development, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.38, with 89 lectures, based on 172 reviews, and has 1189 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn Modern Game Development techniques in Unreal Engine 5.2 using the Free Sample Game Lyra as a Framework from the Epic Marketplace. Understand and Learn Gameplay Ability Framework in Lyra with the Shooter game and Start creating new Character Skills like Archer and Melee Using the Modular Game Programming and Game Feature Plugins to Develop, Maintain and Extend the Games Learn to use Reusable techniques from Lyra and Free Marketplace assets to considerably speed up the development time Learn to create Visually Stunning Virtual worlds using Unreal Engine 5.2 using Procedural techniques. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Unreal Engine Developers who wants a Quickstart in Lyra and Unreal Engine 5.2 or Beginner to Intermediate level Unreal Engine Game developers who wants to get exposure to the Modern modular Gameplay approaches and looking for some insights into the Gameplay Ability System. or Anyone who is interested in Game Development and beginning their journey with Unreal Engine, who is looking for directions about the future of Game Development or Environment Artists who wants to test and demonstrate their Environment with quick gameplay actions or Students interested in Metaverse projects to build virtual worlds and gameplay actions It is particularly useful for Beginner Unreal Engine Developers who wants a Quickstart in Lyra and Unreal Engine 5.2 or Beginner to Intermediate level Unreal Engine Game developers who wants to get exposure to the Modern modular Gameplay approaches and looking for some insights into the Gameplay Ability System. or Anyone who is interested in Game Development and beginning their journey with Unreal Engine, who is looking for directions about the future of Game Development or Environment Artists who wants to test and demonstrate their Environment with quick gameplay actions or Students interested in Metaverse projects to build virtual worlds and gameplay actions.
Enroll now: Unreal Engine 5.2 : Exploring Lyra for Game Development
Title: Unreal Engine 5.2 : Exploring Lyra for Game Development
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.38
Number of Lectures: 89
Number of Published Lectures: 89
Number of Curriculum Items: 89
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 89
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn Modern Game Development techniques in Unreal Engine 5.2 using the Free Sample Game Lyra as a Framework from the Epic Marketplace.
- Understand and Learn Gameplay Ability Framework in Lyra with the Shooter game and Start creating new Character Skills like Archer and Melee
- Using the Modular Game Programming and Game Feature Plugins to Develop, Maintain and Extend the Games
- Learn to use Reusable techniques from Lyra and Free Marketplace assets to considerably speed up the development time
- Learn to create Visually Stunning Virtual worlds using Unreal Engine 5.2 using Procedural techniques.
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Unreal Engine Developers who wants a Quickstart in Lyra and Unreal Engine 5.2
- Beginner to Intermediate level Unreal Engine Game developers who wants to get exposure to the Modern modular Gameplay approaches and looking for some insights into the Gameplay Ability System.
- Anyone who is interested in Game Development and beginning their journey with Unreal Engine, who is looking for directions about the future of Game Development
- Environment Artists who wants to test and demonstrate their Environment with quick gameplay actions
- Students interested in Metaverse projects to build virtual worlds and gameplay actions
Target Audiences
- Beginner Unreal Engine Developers who wants a Quickstart in Lyra and Unreal Engine 5.2
- Beginner to Intermediate level Unreal Engine Game developers who wants to get exposure to the Modern modular Gameplay approaches and looking for some insights into the Gameplay Ability System.
- Anyone who is interested in Game Development and beginning their journey with Unreal Engine, who is looking for directions about the future of Game Development
- Environment Artists who wants to test and demonstrate their Environment with quick gameplay actions
- Students interested in Metaverse projects to build virtual worlds and gameplay actions
In this Course, you will learn Modern Game Development approaches using Unreal Engine 5.2 and Lyra Sample Project as a Gameplay Ability System Framework. Only Free assets from the Marketplace will be used throughout this course. Any reference to the Paid assets are just for reference and a better suggestion and completely optional.
This course will be “To the Point” and no time will be wasted. We will be exploring the different features in Lyra and How we can use them in modern game development projects. In this course, we will cover the development of a Combat game using the reusable features in Lyra. We will start with the understanding of the Lyra Framework features and the concepts of Gameplay Ability System. Then gradually start making modifications and add more features to build our own unique games. We will be using the Market place Characters and Metahumans in this course.
We will do some customization to the Lyra gameplay with changes to the Blueprint and C++. We will also create a photo realistic open world Jungle environment using Procedural tools. We will then extend the Lyra Features and add Archer and Melee Abilities. We will then deep dive into the implementation of some of the Lyra Components and explore the blueprints.
We will start the course very light with Basic concepts of Lyra and slowly start using the Lyra features to develop the game. Modular game development approach is followed. The course is targeted for Beginner to Intermediate level Unreal Engine game developers. We wont cover the Unreal Engine concepts from the scratch, but focus more towards using Lyra in Unreal Engine.
By the end of this course , you will get a good understanding of using the Lyra Framework in Unreal Engine 5.2.
This course will be a good foundation to develop your own virtual worlds for the metaverse and get ready for the Next generation game development.
This Course will continue to grow with a lot more features added on a regular basis. You will get lifetime course updates for free.
You can Join our Discord Channel for any queries about the Course and for the Support.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Introduction Updates
Lecture 3: How to get Help ?
Lecture 4: Different Aspects of Game Development
Lecture 5: Introduction to Procedural game Development
Lecture 6: Course Structure
Lecture 7: Course Prerequisite
Chapter 2: Lyra and Gameplay Ability System Concepts
Lecture 1: Introduction to Gameplay Ability System
Lecture 2: Introduction to Lyra
Lecture 3: Lyra Installation
Lecture 4: Lyra Experience Walkthrough
Lecture 5: Lyra Character Features
Lecture 6: Enhanced Input System in Lyra
Lecture 7: Lyra Gameplay Character Abilities
Lecture 8: Lyra Weapon Abilities
Lecture 9: Ability Activation
Lecture 10: Gameplay Effects
Lecture 11: Gameplay Tags
Lecture 12: Gameplay Ability System – Walkthrough
Lecture 13: Data Assets
Lecture 14: Unreal Engine Fundamentals
Lecture 15: Introduction to Game Feature Plugin
Lecture 16: Shooter Core Game Feature Plugin
Lecture 17: Shooter Core Experience
Lecture 18: Shooter Core Experience – Pawn Data
Lecture 19: Lyra User Facing Experience Definition
Lecture 20: Weapons
Lecture 21: Lyra User Interface
Lecture 22: Lyra Gameplay Messages
Lecture 23: Feedback Time
Chapter 3: Developing a Combat Game
Lecture 1: Lyra Playground
Lecture 2: Player Vs Enemies
Lecture 3: Replace Mannequin
Lecture 4: Hero and the Guards
Lecture 5: Creating a Metahuman Character
Lecture 6: Metahuman as Hero
Lecture 7: Customizing Lyra Player Start
Lecture 8: Artificial Intelligence and Shooter Bots
Lecture 9: Artificial Intelligence and Melee Bots – Make the Character spawn Unarmed
Lecture 10: Artificial Intelligence and Melee Bots – Behavior Tree Creation
Lecture 11: Artificial Intelligence and Melee Bots – Setup Paragon Asset Khaimera
Lecture 12: Artificial Intelligence and Melee Bots – Create Melee Gameplay Ability
Lecture 13: Artificial Intelligence and Melee Bots – Behavior Tree Creation ( Continued )
Lecture 14: Artificial Intelligence and Melee Bots – Configuring Behavior Tree
Lecture 15: Environment Creation – Landscape Material
Lecture 16: Environment Creation – Procedural Spruce Forest
Lecture 17: Environment Creation – Ultra Dynamic Sky and Weather
Lecture 18: Environment Creation – Configuring the Combat Experience
Lecture 19: Environment Creation – Configuring the Combat Experience – Contd
Lecture 20: Configuring a Jump Pad
Lecture 21: Configuring a Teleporter
Lecture 22: Lyra Front End Menu
Chapter 4: Performance Optimization
Lecture 1: Improving the FPS (Frames Per Second)
Chapter 5: Lyra – Deep Dive
Lecture 1: Grenade – Gameplay Ability
Lecture 2: Grenade – Blueprint
Lecture 3: Grenade – Gameplay Cue – Detonate
Lecture 4: Grenade – Cooldown UI Widget
Chapter 6: Extending Lyra – Adding new Character Abilities
Lecture 1: Archer Ability – Creating Bow and Arrow in Blender
Lecture 2: Archer Ability – Creating Animation Layer
Lecture 3: Archer Ability – Creating the Gameplay Ability
Lecture 4: Correction
Lecture 5: Archer Ability – Creating the Gameplay Ability (Contd)
Lecture 6: Archer Ability – Creating the Gameplay Ability (Contd)
Lecture 7: Archer Ability – Creating the Gameplay Ability (Contd)
Lecture 8: Melee Ability – Sword and Shield
Lecture 9: Vault Ability – Creating a Vault Ability using Motion Warping
Chapter 7: Multiplayer Gaming
Lecture 1: Introduction to Multiplayer Gaming
Chapter 8: How-To
Lecture 1: How to implement Spawn Effect for the Marketplace Characters
Lecture 2: How to create a New Gameplay Feature Plugin
Lecture 3: How to create Gameplay Ability Walk
Lecture 4: Light a Scene | Anim Style | Level Teleporter | FrontEnd Level Configuration
Lecture 5: First Person Camera mode
Lecture 6: Packaging and Custom EXE name
Lecture 7: Procedural Music using Metasound system
Lecture 8: Spawn Enemy Dynamically during Gameplay
Lecture 9: Lyra Interaction System and Inventory
Lecture 10: Custom Authentication for Multiplayer
Lecture 11: Drop Weapon Ability
Chapter 9: Mini Project 1 (Custom Animated Characters with Modified Gameplay)
Lecture 1: Adding Custom Enemy Character with animations and Dual Weapon Handling
Lecture 2: Adding Gameplay Logic
Lecture 3: Feedback Time
Chapter 10: References
Lecture 1: Lyra Reference Sheet
Chapter 11: Section 11: Unreal Engine 5.3 Directions
Lecture 1: Changes
Chapter 12: (New) Lyra from Scratch in Unreal Engine 5.3 – (OnGoing)
Lecture 1: Creating a New Game Feature Plugin
Lecture 2: Lyra Health Attributes
Lecture 3: New Health and Mana Attributes
Lecture 4: GameplayEffect – Instant -Infinite -HasDuration
Lecture 5: GameplayEffect – SetByCaller
Braveior Studios
Instructor at Udemy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 45 votes
- 5 stars: 108 votes
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