Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints: First Person Shooter (FPS)
Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints: First Person Shooter (FPS), available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.71, with 63 lectures, based on 991 reviews, and has 8746 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a first person character with movement mechanics and animation Weapons and combat with effects including sounds and particle systems Create hostile enemy drones, with AI that pursues and attacks the player Make a challenging timed game with a goal to clear the area of dangerous drones Game Mode and HUD with countdown timers, health bars, announcements, game states and score Implement Health, ammo pickups and more This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is ideal if you want to make your own video games in UE5. or It's perfect if you're a beginner with no game development experience or Or if you have experience in other engines such as Unity. It is particularly useful for This course is ideal if you want to make your own video games in UE5. or It's perfect if you're a beginner with no game development experience or Or if you have experience in other engines such as Unity.
Enroll now: Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints: First Person Shooter (FPS)
Title: Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints: First Person Shooter (FPS)
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.71
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Curriculum Items: 63
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a first person character with movement mechanics and animation
- Weapons and combat with effects including sounds and particle systems
- Create hostile enemy drones, with AI that pursues and attacks the player
- Make a challenging timed game with a goal to clear the area of dangerous drones
- Game Mode and HUD with countdown timers, health bars, announcements, game states and score
- Implement Health, ammo pickups and more
Who Should Attend
- This course is ideal if you want to make your own video games in UE5.
- It's perfect if you're a beginner with no game development experience
- Or if you have experience in other engines such as Unity.
Target Audiences
- This course is ideal if you want to make your own video games in UE5.
- It's perfect if you're a beginner with no game development experience
- Or if you have experience in other engines such as Unity.
Ready to create a game in the amazing world of Unreal Engine 5?
Make an awesome first person shooter game, where players will be spawned into a level with a handful of dangerous drones and tasked with destroying them to clear the zone!
Your game will have it all! You’ll create a first person shooter character, with movement mechanics and animation. Attach weapons and combat with effects including sounds and particle systems.
Then you get to create hostile enemy drones with pathfinding. Finally adding Game Mode and HUD with countdown timers, health bars, announcements, game states and score. Oh and it wouldn’t be a FPS game without health and ammo pickups, so you’ll learn that too!
You’ll be doing all of this in Blueprints, so you won’t need experience in programming or C++. We’ll walk you through the new Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) interface. And you’ll learn best practises for setting up Blueprints and creating game logic.
All of the assets are provided, but you’ll make the actual game yourself from scratch!
You’ll get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced with modelling and coding, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.
All students have access to the Q&A forums where our Instructors, Teaching Assistants and Community are ready to help answer your questions and cheer on your success.
This course is ideal if you want to make your own video games in UE5, are a beginner with no game development experience or if you have experience in other engines such as Unity.
So dive into the amazing world of UE5 now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Setup
Lecture 1: Welcome To The Course
Lecture 2: Getting Started
Lecture 3: Downloading Assets
Lecture 4: Shooter Level
Lecture 5: Night Sky
Lecture 6: Duplicate Objects
Lecture 7: Organizing Assets
Lecture 8: Community & Support
Lecture 9: Editor Overview
Lecture 10: Placing Actors
Lecture 11: Object Hierarchy
Chapter 2: Character Movement
Lecture 1: Section Intro – Character Movement
Lecture 2: Creating The Character
Lecture 3: Adding A Camera
Lecture 4: Character Movement
Lecture 5: Controller Input
Lecture 6: Jumping
Lecture 7: Animation Blueprint
Lecture 8: Animation State Machines
Chapter 3: The Weapon
Lecture 1: Section Intro – The Weapon
Lecture 2: Attaching The Weapon
Lecture 3: Aiming
Lecture 4: Aim Animations
Lecture 5: Muzzle Flash
Lecture 6: Single Shot Burst
Lecture 7: Firing Sound
Lecture 8: Fire Animation
Lecture 9: Aim Fire Animation
Lecture 10: Blueprint Functions
Lecture 11: Weapon Line Trace
Chapter 4: The Drone
Lecture 1: Section Intro – The Drone
Lecture 2: The Drone Pawn
Lecture 3: Exploding the Drone
Lecture 4: Overlap Events
Lecture 5: Chasing The Player
Lecture 6: Explode On Contact
Lecture 7: Orient To Movement
Lecture 8: Patrol Points
Lecture 9: Patrolling
Lecture 10: Controlling Overlaps
Chapter 5: Combat
Lecture 1: Section Intro – Combat
Lecture 2: Crosshairs
Lecture 3: Damage
Lecture 4: Macros
Lecture 5: Character Health Bar
Lecture 6: Getting Hurt
Lecture 7: Automatic Fire
Lecture 8: Ammo
Lecture 9: Ammo Pickups
Lecture 10: Aggro When Shot
Lecture 11: Health Pickups
Lecture 12: Change Drone Lights
Chapter 6: The Game Mode
Lecture 1: Section Intro – The Game Mode
Lecture 2: The Game Mode
Lecture 3: Drones Remaining
Lecture 4: Session States
Lecture 5: Warmup State
Lecture 6: In Progress State
Lecture 7: Time Format
Lecture 8: Player Won
Lecture 9: Player Died
Lecture 10: Finishing The Game
Chapter 7: Continuing Your Game Dev Journey
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
GameDev.tv Team
Learn to Make and Sell Games -
Stephen Ulibarri
Engineer, Programmer, Game Developer, Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 44 votes
- 4 stars: 208 votes
- 5 stars: 724 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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