Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter
Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter, available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.78, with 246 lectures, 14 quizzes, based on 3054 reviews, and has 27656 subscribers.
You will learn about Connecting players across the internet with matchmaking sessions Creating a plugin to convert any Unreal Engine project to multiplayer Program multiplayer matchmaking in Unreal Engine Learn replication techniques for fast-paced, competitive shooter games Optimize network code by minimizing bandwidth and maximizing performance Lag compensation techniques for multiplayer including client-side prediction and server-side rewind Multiple weapons including pistols, SMGs, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launcher, grenade launchers, and throwing grenades Pickups including shields, health, speed buffs, jump buffs, and ammo pickups Crouching, aiming, jumping, strafing, reloading, and throwing, all in multiplayer Working HUD with health and shield bars, ammo count, score and defeats, and game timers Custom game modes, custom match states, and use of the core classes used in multiplayer Learn how the Game Mode, Game State, Player State, Player Controller, Pawn, Character, and Actor classes work in multiplayer Create your own subsystem to manage online sessions Learn about the Unreal Engine Online Subsystem and use it to program multiplayer games using any online service such as Steam Display announcements including: Who eliminated who, who won the game, winning teams, countdown timers Custom Match States: Fly around in the warmup stage, display winners in the cooldown stage This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who wish to make multiplayer games or Those who wish to convert their existing projects to multiplayer or Those who want to make a competitive multiplayer game or Those who wish to learn about multiplayer gameplay programming or Those who wish to learn about optimization of multiplayer games or Those who wish to learn about lag compensation techniques used by AAA shooter games or Those who wish to learn Unreal Engine's multiplayer code base so they can make any multiplayer game they want It is particularly useful for Those who wish to make multiplayer games or Those who wish to convert their existing projects to multiplayer or Those who want to make a competitive multiplayer game or Those who wish to learn about multiplayer gameplay programming or Those who wish to learn about optimization of multiplayer games or Those who wish to learn about lag compensation techniques used by AAA shooter games or Those who wish to learn Unreal Engine's multiplayer code base so they can make any multiplayer game they want.
Enroll now: Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter
Title: Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.78
Number of Lectures: 246
Number of Quizzes: 14
Number of Published Lectures: 244
Number of Published Quizzes: 14
Number of Curriculum Items: 260
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 258
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Connecting players across the internet with matchmaking sessions
- Creating a plugin to convert any Unreal Engine project to multiplayer
- Program multiplayer matchmaking in Unreal Engine
- Learn replication techniques for fast-paced, competitive shooter games
- Optimize network code by minimizing bandwidth and maximizing performance
- Lag compensation techniques for multiplayer including client-side prediction and server-side rewind
- Multiple weapons including pistols, SMGs, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launcher, grenade launchers, and throwing grenades
- Pickups including shields, health, speed buffs, jump buffs, and ammo pickups
- Crouching, aiming, jumping, strafing, reloading, and throwing, all in multiplayer
- Working HUD with health and shield bars, ammo count, score and defeats, and game timers
- Custom game modes, custom match states, and use of the core classes used in multiplayer
- Learn how the Game Mode, Game State, Player State, Player Controller, Pawn, Character, and Actor classes work in multiplayer
- Create your own subsystem to manage online sessions
- Learn about the Unreal Engine Online Subsystem and use it to program multiplayer games using any online service such as Steam
- Display announcements including: Who eliminated who, who won the game, winning teams, countdown timers
- Custom Match States: Fly around in the warmup stage, display winners in the cooldown stage
Who Should Attend
- Those who wish to make multiplayer games
- Those who wish to convert their existing projects to multiplayer
- Those who want to make a competitive multiplayer game
- Those who wish to learn about multiplayer gameplay programming
- Those who wish to learn about optimization of multiplayer games
- Those who wish to learn about lag compensation techniques used by AAA shooter games
- Those who wish to learn Unreal Engine's multiplayer code base so they can make any multiplayer game they want
Target Audiences
- Those who wish to make multiplayer games
- Those who wish to convert their existing projects to multiplayer
- Those who want to make a competitive multiplayer game
- Those who wish to learn about multiplayer gameplay programming
- Those who wish to learn about optimization of multiplayer games
- Those who wish to learn about lag compensation techniques used by AAA shooter games
- Those who wish to learn Unreal Engine's multiplayer code base so they can make any multiplayer game they want
Over 64 hours of content!
Learn all about Unreal Engine multiplayer in this fully comprehensive C++ course. From scratch, we create a complete multiplayer shooter game, capable of creating and joining game sessions and connecting many players across the internet. We’ll create our very own custom plugin that can be added to any Unreal Engine project to easily turn it into a multiplayer game.
We learn how to optimize our game for the best performance, as competitive shooters require the highest performance possible. We’ll implement lag compensation techniques such as client-side prediction and server-side rewind, so the game performs smoothly even in the presence of high lag!
We learn how to use the proper game classes for each multiplayer mechanic. Custom match states, warmup/cooldown match timers, Elim announcements, HUD with health, shields, ammo and grenades, and more! We keep all important functionality on the server, to prevent cheating, and learn the proper way to use the Player Controller, Game Mode, Game State, Player State, Character and Game Instance classes.
We make assault rifles, pistols, submachine guns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, sniper rifles and throwing grenades! All functional in multiplayer, optimized for best performance.
After this course, you’ll be able to create any multiplayer game you want. If you can do a fast-paced shooter well, you can do any game, because fast-paced, competitive games require the best performance possible.
This course assumes that you have knowledge of C++ programming basics. Knowledge of variables, classes, inheritance, and object-oriented programming is recommended to have the best experience in this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: About this Course
Chapter 2: Creating a Multiplayer Plugin
Lecture 1: Multiplayer Concepts
Lecture 2: Testing Multiplayer
Lecture 3: LAN Connection
Lecture 4: Online Subsystem
Lecture 5: Online Sessions
Lecture 6: Configure For Steam
Lecture 7: Accessing the Online Subsystem
Lecture 8: Creating a Session
Lecture 9: Setup for Joining Game Sessions
Lecture 10: Steam Regions
Lecture 11: Joining the Session
Lecture 12: Creating a Plugin
Lecture 13: Creating our Own Subsystem
Lecture 14: Session Interface Delegates
Lecture 15: The Menu Class
Lecture 16: Accessing our Subsystem
Lecture 17: Notes on OnLevelRemovedFromWorld
Lecture 18: Create Session
Lecture 19: Callbacks to our Subsystem Functions
Lecture 20: More Subsystem Delegates
Lecture 21: Session Settings
Lecture 22: Join Sessions from the Menu
Lecture 23: Tracking Incoming Players
Lecture 24: Optional Challenge: Implement StartSession
Lecture 25: Path to Lobby
Lecture 26: Polishing the Menu Subsystem
Chapter 3: Project Creation
Lecture 1: On Unreal Engine Versions
Lecture 2: Project Creation
Lecture 3: What to Add to DefaultEngine.ini
Lecture 4: Testing an Online Session
Lecture 5: Assets
Lecture 6: Retargeting Animations is Easier in 5.4
Lecture 7: Retargeting Animations
Lecture 8: Blaster Character
Lecture 9: Camera and Spring Arm
Lecture 10: Character Movement
Lecture 11: Animation Blueprint
Lecture 12: Seamless Travel and Lobby
Lecture 13: Network Role
Lecture 14: Optional Challenge: Show the Player Name
Chapter 4: The Weapon
Lecture 1: Weapon Class
Lecture 2: Pickup Widget
Lecture 3: Variable Replication
Lecture 4: Equipping Weapons
Lecture 5: Remote Procedure Calls
Lecture 6: Equipped Animation Pose
Lecture 7: Crouching
Lecture 8: Aiming
Lecture 9: Running Blendspace
Lecture 10: Leaning and Strafing
Lecture 11: Idle and Jumps
Lecture 12: Crouch Walking
Lecture 13: Aim Walking
Lecture 14: Aim Offsets
Lecture 15: Applying Aim Offsets
Lecture 16: Pitch in Multiplayer
Lecture 17: Using our Aim Offsets
Lecture 18: FABRIK IK
Lecture 19: Turning in Place
Lecture 20: Rotate Root Bone
Lecture 21: Net Update Frequency
Lecture 22: Crouch Unequipped
Lecture 23: Rotating Running Animations
Lecture 24: Footstep and Jump Sounds
Lecture 25: Optional Challenge: Crouch Footstep Sounds
Chapter 5: Firing Weapons
Lecture 1: Projectile Weapon Class
Lecture 2: Fire Montage
Lecture 3: Fire Weapon Effects
Lecture 4: Fire Effects in Multiplayer
Lecture 5: The Hit Target
Lecture 6: Spawning the Projectile
Lecture 7: Projectile Movement Component
Lecture 8: Projectile Tracer
Lecture 9: Replicating the Hit Target
Lecture 10: Projectile Hit Events
Lecture 11: Bullet Shells
Lecture 12: Shell Physics
Chapter 6: Weapon Aim Mechanics
Lecture 1: Optional Challenge: Add random rotation to the bullet shells
Lecture 2: Blaster HUD and Player Controller
Lecture 3: Drawing the Crosshairs
Lecture 4: Crosshair Spread
Lecture 5: Correcting the Weapon Rotation
Lecture 6: Zoom While Aiming
Lecture 7: Shrink Crosshairs when Aiming
Lecture 8: Change Crosshairs Color
Lecture 9: Extending the Trace Start
Lecture 10: Hitting the Character
Lecture 11: Smooth Rotation for Proxies
Stephen Ulibarri
Engineer, Programmer, Game Developer, Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 24 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 75 votes
- 4 stars: 580 votes
- 5 stars: 2360 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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