Unreal Engine 5: One Course Solution For Niagara VFX
Unreal Engine 5: One Course Solution For Niagara VFX, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.78, with 118 lectures, based on 1047 reviews, and has 10265 subscribers.
You will learn about Different usage of different niagara emitters and renderer Create different types of game ready VFX Create different master materials for VFX Bake out noise texture directly in Unreal Create multiple environment FX like dandelion, rain, water fall and etc Create attacking FX like energy strike, lightning hit and projectiles Create custom modules for custom particle behaviors Use blueprint to to program VFX behavior Use custom niagara module to create character disintegration Basic concepts behind niagara paramaters/namespaces/function/dynamic input This course is ideal for individuals who are Learners who would like to learn how to use Niagara to create VFX in Uneal Engine 5 or Learners who want to learn how to create VFX materials or Learners who want to know how to create VFX meshes or Learners who want to create environment FX It is particularly useful for Learners who would like to learn how to use Niagara to create VFX in Uneal Engine 5 or Learners who want to learn how to create VFX materials or Learners who want to know how to create VFX meshes or Learners who want to create environment FX.
Enroll now: Unreal Engine 5: One Course Solution For Niagara VFX
Title: Unreal Engine 5: One Course Solution For Niagara VFX
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.78
Number of Lectures: 118
Number of Published Lectures: 118
Number of Curriculum Items: 118
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 118
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Different usage of different niagara emitters and renderer
- Create different types of game ready VFX
- Create different master materials for VFX
- Bake out noise texture directly in Unreal
- Create multiple environment FX like dandelion, rain, water fall and etc
- Create attacking FX like energy strike, lightning hit and projectiles
- Create custom modules for custom particle behaviors
- Use blueprint to to program VFX behavior
- Use custom niagara module to create character disintegration
- Basic concepts behind niagara paramaters/namespaces/function/dynamic input
Who Should Attend
- Learners who would like to learn how to use Niagara to create VFX in Uneal Engine 5
- Learners who want to learn how to create VFX materials
- Learners who want to know how to create VFX meshes
- Learners who want to create environment FX
Target Audiences
- Learners who would like to learn how to use Niagara to create VFX in Uneal Engine 5
- Learners who want to learn how to create VFX materials
- Learners who want to know how to create VFX meshes
- Learners who want to create environment FX
Welcome to your unreal engine 5 one course solution for Niagara VFX, in this course ,you are gonna learn how to create different types of VFX like Portal FX, Rain FX, Projectile FX, Energy Strike, character disintegration, and much much more. And we’ll start from scratch.
In the first section, you are going to learn all the basic stuff that you need to know about Niagara for creating different VFX by creating dandelion FX and flame thrower. We are first going to cover the different emitter stages inside of Niagara, then start using the sprite renderer to help us to get more familiar with different Niagara modules.
With all the knowledge and skills we have, in the second section, we are going to create different types of VFX like portal FX, hit impact FX, butterfly FX, meteor attack, laser attack, energy strike, and projectile FX like blade slash and flying sword. We’ll begin with the portal FX and start modifying our master materials created in the last section to support more VFX features. Then, we’ll use blueprint to create a VFX spawner and use it to spawn this hit impact surface and hit impact body FX. After that, we’ll discuss the 3 most important states a VFX must have in order for it to be complete by creating this meteor attack. After that, we’ll go into blender and create a projectile mesh for our Niagara and use blueprint to help us spawn blade slash and flying sword.
In the third section, you’ll learn how to create follow the leader FX, rain FX, waterfall FX, different dissolving effect for texture, static mesh and skeletal mesh. We’ll start with all the basic concepts that you must know for creating a custom Niagara module, then with the knowledge on Niagara parameter, namespaces, we’ll create this follow the leader FX. Then with a little bit of vector math and some calculation in our own custom modules, we’re going to create a more advanced version of it. Then, with all we’ve learned, we’ll look into how to create rain FX, waterfall FX and dissolving FX for texture, static mesh and combine them with distance field to help us create dynamic character disintegration.
This is going to be the most comprehensive Niagara VFX course that you’ll ever find online, and after finishing it, you should be able to create any type of VFX that you like on your own.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Intro
Lecture 2: What Consists Of A Niagara VFX?
Lecture 3: Important Notes Before You Start
Lecture 4: Create A VFX Project
Lecture 5: The DemoRoom files are not working…
Lecture 6: How To Get Help?
Lecture 7: Material Hotkey Cheat Sheet
Chapter 2: Niagara Basic
Lecture 1: Niagara Basic Section Overview
Lecture 2: First Emitter
Lecture 3: Emitter Stage
Lecture 4: Simple Moving Sprite
Lecture 5: Shape Location
Lecture 6: Forces
Lecture 7: GPU Sprite
Lecture 8: First VFX Material
Lecture 9: Section Challenge: Create Floating Dandeline
Lecture 10: Share Task: Share Your Dandelion FX
Lecture 11: In case you can't find the fire texture pack…
Lecture 12: Sub UV Animation
Lecture 13: Start Of Flame Thrower: Create The Main Flame
Lecture 14: Smoke For Flame Thrower
Lecture 15: Section Challenge: Blue Flame And Ember
Lecture 16: My refraction socket is greyed out…
Lecture 17: Create Heat Distortion
Lecture 18: End Of Flame Thrower: Recap
Lecture 19: Share Task: Share Your Flame Thrower
Lecture 20: Mesh Renderer
Lecture 21: Custom Mesh
Lecture 22: Baking Texture In Unreal
Lecture 23: Draw Material To Render Target
Lecture 24: Ribbon Renderer
Lecture 25: Material Refresher: UV Manipulation
Lecture 26: Create Pan Distort Material
Lecture 27: VFXNamingHelper has issues…
Lecture 28: Create Perlin Noise
Lecture 29: Variation From Voronoi Noise
Lecture 30: Share Task: Share Your Noise Texture
Lecture 31: Section Warp Up
Chapter 3: Niagara Skill VFX
Lecture 1: Niagara Skill VFX Section Overview
Lecture 2: Set Up The Demo Room
Lecture 3: My Niagara preview is very different from what I see in level…
Lecture 4: Start Of Portall FX: Create The Outline Of Portal
Lecture 5: Depth Fade And SubUV Animation
Lecture 6: Center Rotating Particles
Lecture 7: Center Rotating Patterns
Lecture 8: Material Effect With Mesh Renderer
Lecture 9: End Of Portal FX: Background Details And Debris
Lecture 10: Fix The Missing Center Pattern
Lecture 11: Start Of Hit Impact: Create VFX Spawner
Lecture 12: Hit Impact Surface
Lecture 13: End Of Hit Impact: Section Challenge1 – Hit Impact Body
Lecture 14: Section Challenge2: Butterfly FX
Lecture 15: Share Task: Share What You Created
Lecture 16: Start Of Meteor Attack: Anticipation For Meteor Attack
Lecture 17: Meteor Shell Mesh
Lecture 18: Create Shell FX
Lecture 19: Climax For Meteor Attack
Lecture 20: End Of Meteor Attack: Dissipation For Meteor Attack
Lecture 21: Start Of Laser Attack: Create Laser Mesh
Lecture 22: Create Laser Core
Lecture 23: Laser Shell
Lecture 24: Laser Fire Pattern
Lecture 25: End Of Laser Attack: Decoration Particles
Lecture 26: Start Of Energy Strike: Custom Sprite Alignment
Lecture 27: Location Event
Lecture 28: Custom Rotator
Lecture 29: Dynamic Paramaters
Lecture 30: Section Challenge3: More Elements For Climax
Lecture 31: Section Challenge4: Cylinder FX
Lecture 32: End Of Energy Strike: Dissipation
Lecture 33: Share Task: Share Your Energy Strike
Lecture 34: Start Of Projectile FX: Blade Slash Mesh
Lecture 35: Linear Gradient
Lecture 36: BP Projectile Master
Lecture 37: Projectile VFX Spawner
Lecture 38: Blade Slash Variations
Lecture 39: Following Particles
Lecture 40: Ground Particles
Lecture 41: Section Challenge4: Muzzle And Hit Impact VFX
Lecture 42: End Of Projectile FX: Different VFX Meshes
Lecture 43: Section Wrap Up
Lecture 44: Optional Challenge: Create Your Own VFX
Chapter 4: Custom Niagara Module VFX
Lecture 1: Custom Niagara Module VFX Section Overview
Lecture 2: Custom Niagara Module 101
Lecture 3: Attributes Reader
Lecture 4: Follow The Leader Advanced
Lecture 5: Start Of Rain FX: Fresnel
Lecture 6: Liquid Master Dyn Param
Lecture 7: Main Rain Drops
Lecture 8: Generate Collision Event
Lecture 9: Section Challenge: Rain Splash Large
Lecture 10: Ripples
Lecture 11: Check Collision Normal
Lecture 12: End Of Rain FX: Custom Niagara Enums
Lecture 13: Share Task: Share Your Rain FX
Lecture 14: Start Of Waterfall FX: Waterfall Mesh
Vince Petrelli
Programmer/3D Artist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 31 votes
- 4 stars: 213 votes
- 5 stars: 799 votes
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