Unreal Engine 5 PCG: Procedural Content Generation (English)
Unreal Engine 5 PCG: Procedural Content Generation (English), available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.36, with 151 lectures, based on 22 reviews, and has 327 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn Procedural Content Generation (PCG) in Unreal Engine 5.4 Create game environments quickly, automatically, and accurately Building Generator Manage PCG Graph in the most efficient way Create points on any mesh Path Spline and Closed Spline Create custom PCG nodes Optimize performance This course is ideal for individuals who are For those who want to create game environments quickly and accurately or For those who want to learn PCG in the latest version of Unreal Engine or For those who want to learn the new features of Unreal Engine 5.4 It is particularly useful for For those who want to create game environments quickly and accurately or For those who want to learn PCG in the latest version of Unreal Engine or For those who want to learn the new features of Unreal Engine 5.4.
Enroll now: Unreal Engine 5 PCG: Procedural Content Generation (English)
Title: Unreal Engine 5 PCG: Procedural Content Generation (English)
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.36
Number of Lectures: 151
Number of Published Lectures: 151
Number of Curriculum Items: 151
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 151
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn Procedural Content Generation (PCG) in Unreal Engine 5.4
- Create game environments quickly, automatically, and accurately
- Building Generator
- Manage PCG Graph in the most efficient way
- Create points on any mesh
- Path Spline and Closed Spline
- Create custom PCG nodes
- Optimize performance
Who Should Attend
- For those who want to create game environments quickly and accurately
- For those who want to learn PCG in the latest version of Unreal Engine
- For those who want to learn the new features of Unreal Engine 5.4
Target Audiences
- For those who want to create game environments quickly and accurately
- For those who want to learn PCG in the latest version of Unreal Engine
- For those who want to learn the new features of Unreal Engine 5.4
This is the English version of the course “Unreal Engine 5.4 PCG – Tạo Môi Trường Game bằng PCG“.
So, what is PCGor Procedural Content Generation?
Imagine you want to add trees to a level, you have to determine the quantity, the spacingbetween the trees, etc. This is very time-consuming if done manually. But with PCG, you can do it quicklyand accurately.
In the initial sections:
Get familiar with the PCG framework
Learn how to use the nodesin the PCG Graph
Use the Surface Sampler node to create randompoints
Use the Static Mesh Spawner node to create meshesfrom points
In the “Rock” section, you will add rocks to the level. When the level has various objects like rocks and trees, you will define how they interactwith each other. For instance, if a rock and a tree overlap, you will decide whether to removethe rock or the tree.
In the “Mesh Sampler” section, instead of creating points on the landscape surface, you will learn how to create points on any static mesh. For example, I will use the Mesh Sampler node to create mushrooms on tree logs.
Besides the existing/native PCG nodes, you will learn how to create new PCG nodes to suit your needs.
From an initial point, you can create surrounding points. For example, each tree stump can have branches or tree logs around it.
You might like the “Building” section. You will learn how to create a tool for generating buildings. Since a building has many parts, I have broken the section into multiple lectures for each part. You will learn various use cases of the nodes from the previous sections. You can learn and apply a lot after completing this section.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Setup Project
Lecture 1: Section: Setup Project
Lecture 2: Unreal Engine 5.4
Lecture 3: Create Project
Lecture 4: Third Person Template
Lecture 5: Create Level
Lecture 6: Plugin
Chapter 2: Tree
Lecture 1: Section: Tree
Lecture 2: PCG Graph
Lecture 3: Surface Sampler
Lecture 4: Static Mesh Spawner
Lecture 5: Multiple Static Mesh
Lecture 6: Transform Point
Chapter 3: Rock
Lecture 1: Section: Rock
Lecture 2: PCG Rock
Lecture 3: Self Pruning
Lecture 4: Bound Modifier
Lecture 5: Difference
Lecture 6: Node Order
Chapter 4: Foliage
Lecture 1: Section: Foliage
Lecture 2: PCG Foliage
Lecture 3: Difference
Chapter 5: Parameter
Lecture 1: Scale Multiplier
Lecture 2: Mesh
Lecture 3: Mesh and Weight
Lecture 4: Amount and Looseness
Lecture 5: Graph Instance
Chapter 6: Path Spline
Lecture 1: Section: Path Spline
Lecture 2: Spline Actor
Lecture 3: Spline Sampler
Lecture 4: Projection
Lecture 5: Difference
Lecture 6: Multiple Spline
Lecture 7: Steepness
Chapter 7: Mesh Sampler
Lecture 1: Section: Mesh Sampler
Lecture 2: Asset
Lecture 3: Get Actor Data
Lecture 4: Bound Modifier
Lecture 5: Mesh Sampler
Lecture 6: Normal To Density
Lecture 7: Select Points
Lecture 8: Subgraph
Lecture 9: Difference
Chapter 8: Close Spline
Lecture 1: Spline Actor
Lecture 2: PCG Spline
Lecture 3: Difference
Chapter 9: Custom PCG Node
Lecture 1: Section: Custom PCG Node
Lecture 2: Setup PCG Node
Lecture 3: Point Data
Lecture 4: Split 2 Arrays
Lecture 5: Construct Point Data
Lecture 6: Construct Data Collection
Lecture 7: Test PCG Node
Lecture 8: Node Title Override
Lecture 9: Ratio
Chapter 10: Tree Stump
Lecture 1: Section: Tree Stump
Lecture 2: PCG Tree Stump
Lecture 3: Create Points Grid
Lecture 4: Tree Log with Mushrooms
Lecture 5: Subgraph Tree Stump
Lecture 6: Subgraph Loop
Lecture 7: Blueprint Actor for PCG
Lecture 8: Change Tree Stump Mesh
Lecture 9: Get Actor Property
Lecture 10: Tree Branch Asset
Lecture 11: Add Tree Branch
Lecture 12: Set Bound for each Mesh
Lecture 13: Set Bound Tree Stump
Lecture 14: Mesh Sampler 1
Lecture 15: Mesh Sampler 2
Lecture 16: Set Bound for Tree
Lecture 17: Difference
Lecture 18: Difference and Self Pruning
Lecture 19: Tree Stump Blueprint Property
Lecture 20: Named Reroute Node
Lecture 21: Data Asset
Chapter 11: Building
Lecture 1: Sample project for the "Building" section
Lecture 2: Section: Building
Lecture 3: Blueprint Actor Building
Lecture 4: Spline Sampler
Lecture 5: Floor Scale
Lecture 6: Floor Offset
Lecture 7: Wall Offset
Lecture 8: Difference Minimum
Lecture 9: Wall Offset Adjustment
Lecture 10: Multiple Floor 1
Lecture 11: Multiple Floor 2
Lecture 12: Multiple Floor 3
Lecture 13: Points Grid
Lecture 14: Corner 1
Brandon Vox
Game Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
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