U&P AI – Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python
U&P AI – Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 72 lectures, based on 1148 reviews, and has 13899 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand every detail and build real stuff in NLP (NEW)Learn how some plugins use semantic search to generate source code (NEW)Building your vocabulary for any NLP model (NEW)Reducing Dimensions of your Vocabulary for Machine Learning Models (NEW)Feature Engineering and convert text to numerical values for machine learning models (NEW) Keyword search VS Semantic search (NEW)Similarity between documents (NEW)Dealing with WordNet (NEW)Search engines under the hood Tokenizing text data Converting words to their base forms using stemming Converting words to their base forms using lemmatization Dividing text data into chunks Dealing with corpuses Extracting document term matrix using the Bag of Words model Building a category predictor Constructing a gender identifier Building a sentiment analyzer Topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to understand NLP concepts and build some projects or Beginner python developers curios about NLP, this course is not for experienced data scientists It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to understand NLP concepts and build some projects or Beginner python developers curios about NLP, this course is not for experienced data scientists.
Enroll now: U&P AI – Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python
Title: U&P AI – Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 72
Number of Published Lectures: 72
Number of Curriculum Items: 72
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 72
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand every detail and build real stuff in NLP
- (NEW)Learn how some plugins use semantic search to generate source code
- (NEW)Building your vocabulary for any NLP model
- (NEW)Reducing Dimensions of your Vocabulary for Machine Learning Models
- (NEW)Feature Engineering and convert text to numerical values for machine learning models
- (NEW) Keyword search VS Semantic search
- (NEW)Similarity between documents
- (NEW)Dealing with WordNet
- (NEW)Search engines under the hood
- Tokenizing text data
- Converting words to their base forms using stemming
- Converting words to their base forms using lemmatization
- Dividing text data into chunks
- Dealing with corpuses
- Extracting document term matrix using the Bag of Words model
- Building a category predictor
- Constructing a gender identifier
- Building a sentiment analyzer
- Topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to understand NLP concepts and build some projects
- Beginner python developers curios about NLP, this course is not for experienced data scientists
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to understand NLP concepts and build some projects
- Beginner python developers curios about NLP, this course is not for experienced data scientists
This course is a part of a series of courses specialized in artificial intelligence :
Understand and Practice AI – (NLP)
This course is focusing on the NLP:
Learn key NLP concepts and intuition training to get you quickly up to speed with all things NLP.
I will give you the information in an optimal way, I will explain in the first video for example what is the concept, and why is it important, what is the problem that led to thinking about this concept and how can I use it (Understand the concept). In the next video, you will go to practice in a real-world project or in a simple problem using python (Practice).
The first thing you will see in the video is the input and the output of the practical section so you can understand everything and you can get a clear picture!
You will have all the resources at the end of this course, the full code, and some other useful links and articles.
In this course, we are going to learn about natural language processing. We will discuss various concepts such as tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization to process text. We will then discuss how to build a Bag of Words model and use it to classify text. We will see how to use machine learning to analyze the sentiment of a given sentence. We will then discuss topic modeling and implement a system to identify topics in a given document. We will start with simple problems in NLP such as Tokenization Text, Stemming, Lemmatization, Chunks, Bag of Words model. and we will build some real stuff such as :
Learning How to Represent the Meaning of Natural Language Text
Building a category predictor to predict the category of a given text document.
Constructing a gender identifier based on the name.
Building a sentiment analyzer used to determine whether a movie review is positive or negative.
Topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Feature Engineering
Dealing with corpora and WordNet
Dealing With your Vocabulary for any NLP and ML model
TIPS (for getting through the course):
Take handwritten notes. This will drastically increase your ability to retain the information.
Ask lots of questions on the discussion board. The more the better!
Realize that most exercises will take you days or weeks to complete.
Write code yourself, donβt just sit there and look at my code.
You don’t know anything about NLP? let’s break it down!
I am always available to answer your questions and help you along your data science journey. See you in class!
NOTICE that This course will be modified and I will add new content and new concepts from one time to another, so stay informed! π
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting an Idea of NLP and its Applications
Lecture 1: Note!
Lecture 2: Introduction to NLP
Lecture 3: By The End Of This Section
Lecture 4: Installation
Lecture 5: Tips
Lecture 6: U – Tokenization
Lecture 7: P – Tokenization
Lecture 8: U – Stemming
Lecture 9: P – Stemming
Lecture 10: U – Lemmatization
Lecture 11: P – Lemmatization
Lecture 12: U – Chunks
Lecture 13: P – Chunks
Lecture 14: U – Bag Of Words
Lecture 15: P – Bag Of Words
Lecture 16: U – Category Predictor
Lecture 17: P – Category Predictor
Lecture 18: U – Gender Identifier
Lecture 19: P – Gender Identifier
Lecture 20: U – Sentiment Analyzer
Lecture 21: P – Sentiment Analyzer
Lecture 22: U – Topic Modeling
Lecture 23: P – Topic Modeling
Lecture 24: Summary
Chapter 2: Feature Engineering
Lecture 1: Using Google Colab
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: One Hot Encoding
Lecture 4: Count Vectorizer
Lecture 5: N-grams
Lecture 6: Hash Vectorizing
Lecture 7: Word Embedding
Lecture 8: FastText
Chapter 3: Dealing with corpus and WordNet
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: In-built corpora
Lecture 3: External Corpora
Lecture 4: Corpuses & Frequency Distribution
Lecture 5: Frequency Distribution
Lecture 6: WordNet
Lecture 7: Wordnet with Hyponyms and Hypernyms
Lecture 8: The Average according to WordNet
Chapter 4: Create your Vocabulary for any NLP Model
Lecture 1: Putting the previous knowledge together
Lecture 2: Introduction and Challenges
Lecture 3: 1 – Building your Vocabulary
Lecture 4: 2 – Building your Vocabulary
Lecture 5: 3 – Building your Vocabulary
Lecture 6: 4 – Building your Vocabulary
Lecture 7: 5 – Building your Vocabulary
Lecture 8: Dot Product
Lecture 9: Similarity using Dot Product
Lecture 10: Reducing Dimensions of your Vocabulary using token improvement
Lecture 11: Reducing Dimensions of your Vocabulary using n-grams
Lecture 12: Reducing Dimensions of your Vocabulary using normalizing
Lecture 13: Reducing Dimensions of your Vocabulary using case normalization
Lecture 14: When to use stemming and lemmatization?
Lecture 15: Sentiment Analysis Overview
Lecture 16: Two approaches for sentiment analysis
Lecture 17: Sentiment Analysis using rule-based
Lecture 18: Sentiment Analysis using machine learning – 1
Lecture 19: Sentiment Analysis using machine learning – 2
Lecture 20: Summary
Chapter 5: Word2Vec in Detail and what is going on under the hood
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Bag of words in detail
Lecture 3: Vectorizing
Lecture 4: Vectorizing and Cosine Similarity
Lecture 5: Topic modeling in Detail
Lecture 6: Make your Vectors will more reflect the Meaning, or Topic, of the Document
Lecture 7: Sklearn in a short way
Lecture 8: Summary
Chapter 6: Find and Represent the Meaning or Topic of Natural Language Text
Lecture 1: Note!
Lecture 2: Keyword Search VS Semantic Search
Lecture 3: Problems in TI-IDF leads to Semantic Search
Lecture 4: Transform TF-IDF Vectors to Topic Vectors under the hood
Abdulhadi Darwish
Machine Learning Engineer and Software Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 12 votes
- 2 stars: 16 votes
- 3 stars: 29 votes
- 4 stars: 356 votes
- 5 stars: 735 votes
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