Using Advanced iOS Frameworks and Techniques with Swift 3
Using Advanced iOS Frameworks and Techniques with Swift 3, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 39 lectures, based on 227 reviews, and has 1808 subscribers.
You will learn about leverage the power of multiple great frameworks like UIKit Dynamics or the Photos framework use Xcode live rendering to improve productivity deal with live photos access Web API's efficiently and structure and display the received data use UICollectionView to display information use UIPresentationControllers and custom transitions implement the peak and pop feature of 3D Touch add Today Extensions and Widgets to your Apps understand the concept of Protocol Oriented Programming and Value Types use the concept of Protocol Oriented Programming together with UIKit implement caching to reduce network traffic and loading times use CocoaPods to enhance projects with 3rd party framworks This course is ideal for individuals who are This iOS Development course is meant for developers who know their way around the basics of Swift and the Xcode IDE and want to improve their knowledge about very cool and helpful APIs and language features that will enhance the quality of their apps. This course if probably not for you, if you are just learning the basics of iOS Development. It is particularly useful for This iOS Development course is meant for developers who know their way around the basics of Swift and the Xcode IDE and want to improve their knowledge about very cool and helpful APIs and language features that will enhance the quality of their apps. This course if probably not for you, if you are just learning the basics of iOS Development.
Enroll now: Using Advanced iOS Frameworks and Techniques with Swift 3
Title: Using Advanced iOS Frameworks and Techniques with Swift 3
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 39
Number of Published Lectures: 39
Number of Curriculum Items: 39
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 39
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- leverage the power of multiple great frameworks like UIKit Dynamics or the Photos framework
- use Xcode live rendering to improve productivity
- deal with live photos
- access Web API's efficiently and structure and display the received data
- use UICollectionView to display information
- use UIPresentationControllers and custom transitions
- implement the peak and pop feature of 3D Touch
- add Today Extensions and Widgets to your Apps
- understand the concept of Protocol Oriented Programming and Value Types
- use the concept of Protocol Oriented Programming together with UIKit
- implement caching to reduce network traffic and loading times
- use CocoaPods to enhance projects with 3rd party framworks
Who Should Attend
- This iOS Development course is meant for developers who know their way around the basics of Swift and the Xcode IDE and want to improve their knowledge about very cool and helpful APIs and language features that will enhance the quality of their apps. This course if probably not for you, if you are just learning the basics of iOS Development.
Target Audiences
- This iOS Development course is meant for developers who know their way around the basics of Swift and the Xcode IDE and want to improve their knowledge about very cool and helpful APIs and language features that will enhance the quality of their apps. This course if probably not for you, if you are just learning the basics of iOS Development.
Learn about the coolest and most useful iOS frameworks and development techniques that will improve the quality and look of your Apps, enhance your productivity and make your customers so much happier.
Learn and Master the Coolest iOS Frameworks And Techniques in this Comprehensive Course
- Learn by realistic examples
- Understand protocol oriented programming with UIKit
- 3D Touch, Today Extensions and Widgets, Live Photos, and more
- Build a sliding menu with UIKit Dynamics
- Learn to download and present data from a web API
iOS Development Techniques that will make you a Pro
In this course I am presenting to you many of the coolest iOS frameworks and development techniques that will help you create better and more beautiful Apps. All projects are created in a way that will help you directly use your new knowledge in your own projects.
Knowing your way around important iOS frameworks can make the difference between winning or loosing in a job interview. Being able to understand the concepts that you are learning in this course will make it a lot easier for you to learn about other and new frameworks by yourself.
Content and Overview
You can use this course like a dictionary for the presented iOS Frameworks and techniques. Each section is self-contained and covers either a number of different development techniques or a specific framework.
Have a look at the different sections in the curriculum to get an idea about the frameworks and topics we are going to cover.
One demo project is going to accompany you in four sections. It is called MovieSelectr. By extending this demo App, you are going to learn how to access Web APIs, how to cache data, how to create custom transitions between ViewControllers, how to use 3D Touch, Today Extensions and a lot more.
I designed this Swift course to be easily understandable for any iOS Developer who has an intermediate knowledge about the Swift programming language and the Xcode IDE.
This course comes complete with working files and code samples, you’ll be able to work alongside the instructor and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome Message and Some Goodies to Start With
Lecture 1: Welcome: How to use this course most effectively
Lecture 2: Using CocoaPods
Lecture 3: Increase your Productivity with Xcode Shortcuts
Chapter 2: Live Rendering with Xcode and Subclassing
Lecture 1: See Live Rendering in Action
Lecture 2: IBInspectable: Changing Properties Directly in Interface Builder
Lecture 3: Adding the First Layers of our PieChart
Lecture 4: Finishing Everything Up: Adding Percentages
Chapter 3: UIKit Dynamics
Lecture 1: What are UIKit Dynamics?
Lecture 2: Basics: A Bouncing Ball
Lecture 3: Building a Sliding Menu I: Setting Up the Dynamics
Lecture 4: Building a Sliding Menu II: TableView and a Menu Delegate
Chapter 4: The iOS Photo Framework and Live Photos
Lecture 1: The Photos Framework
Lecture 2: Setting Up a CollectionView Based UI
Lecture 3: Requesting Permission to Access Photos
Lecture 4: Fetching Photos
Lecture 5: Playing Live Photos
Lecture 6: Extracting Metadata from Photo Assets
Chapter 5: Web APIs, TableViews and Caching
Lecture 1: What is MovieSelectr and How To Use the Next Sections.
Lecture 2: First Steps: Creating a Basic UI with a TableViewController
Lecture 3: Accessing the Web API and Creating a Movie Datamodel
Lecture 4: Structuring JSON Data
Lecture 5: Displaying Structured Data in a TableView
Lecture 6: Building a Cache and Displaying Images
Chapter 6: CollectionViews and Custom UIPresentationControllers
Lecture 1: A More Immersive Experience: Adding a UICollctionViewController
Lecture 2: Getting Started with UIPresentationController
Lecture 3: Creating a Custom Presentation Controller Class and UI
Lecture 4: Create a Custom Transition Animation
Lecture 5: Display Movie Information using the Presentation Controller
Chapter 7: 3D Touch – Peak and Pop
Lecture 1: Making the UI Ready for 3D Touch
Lecture 2: Preparing the ViewControllers for 3D Touch
Lecture 3: Adding Peak and Pop in Code
Chapter 8: Today Extensions and Widgets
Lecture 1: Adding a Today Extension to a Project
Lecture 2: A Cocoa Touch Framework: Sharing the Existing Code Base
Lecture 3: Setting up the Today Extensions UI
Lecture 4: Displaying Movie Data in Today Extension and Widget
Chapter 9: Protocol Oriented Programming (POP) and Value Types
Lecture 1: Value and Reference Types
Lecture 2: Meeting Protocols
Lecture 3: POP in Action
Lecture 4: Using POP Together with UIKit
Brian Advent
Software developer, educator and mathematician
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 31 votes
- 4 stars: 59 votes
- 5 stars: 128 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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