Using gRPC in Microservices Communication with .Net 5
Using gRPC in Microservices Communication with .Net 5, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 92 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 219 reviews, and has 2310 subscribers.
You will learn about gRPC in Microservices with .Net 5 Working with Protocol Buffers using proto3 Language and apply google well-known types gRPC Method Types, RPC life cycles – Unary, Server streaming, Client streaming, Bidirectional streaming Develop Protocol Buffer File (protobuf file) for gRPC Contract-First API Development Building a high-performance gRPC Inter-service Communication with .Net 5 Communication between backend microservices with gRPC and AspNet 5 Background tasks with Worker Service Projects in AspNet Core 5 Manage long running service apps with AspNet Core Worker Service template Consuming a scoped gRPC services in a background task with Worker Service Projects in AspNet Core 5 Implementation of e-commerce logic with only gRPC communication – Product, ShoppingCart and Discount gRPC services Consuming gRPC Server Microservices from Product and ShoppingCart Worker Service in a background task Secure the gRPC services with standalone Identity Server microservices with OAuth 2.0 and JWT token ProductGrpc Server Expose CRUD operations with gRPC Using Entity Framework Core 5 In-Memory Database with Code-First Approach Develop Realworld Inter-Service Communication Use Case with Product, ShoppingCart and Discount gRPC services and Consumes from Worker Services Use gRPC to implement a fast and distributed microservices systems Create Client Console Application for Consuming Grpc Microservices Generate Products with ProductFactory class in Product Worker Service Application Logging and Exception Handling with Grpc Server Application Authenticate gRPC Services with IdentityServer4 Protect ShoppingCartGrpc Method with OAuth 2.0 and JWT Bearer Token This course is ideal for individuals who are .Net developers who interested in gRPC and Microservices It is particularly useful for .Net developers who interested in gRPC and Microservices.
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Title: Using gRPC in Microservices Communication with .Net 5
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 92
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 92
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 93
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 93
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- gRPC in Microservices with .Net 5
- Working with Protocol Buffers using proto3 Language and apply google well-known types
- gRPC Method Types, RPC life cycles – Unary, Server streaming, Client streaming, Bidirectional streaming
- Develop Protocol Buffer File (protobuf file) for gRPC Contract-First API Development
- Building a high-performance gRPC Inter-service Communication with .Net 5
- Communication between backend microservices with gRPC and AspNet 5
- Background tasks with Worker Service Projects in AspNet Core 5
- Manage long running service apps with AspNet Core Worker Service template
- Consuming a scoped gRPC services in a background task with Worker Service Projects in AspNet Core 5
- Implementation of e-commerce logic with only gRPC communication – Product, ShoppingCart and Discount gRPC services
- Consuming gRPC Server Microservices from Product and ShoppingCart Worker Service in a background task
- Secure the gRPC services with standalone Identity Server microservices with OAuth 2.0 and JWT token
- ProductGrpc Server Expose CRUD operations with gRPC
- Using Entity Framework Core 5 In-Memory Database with Code-First Approach
- Develop Realworld Inter-Service Communication Use Case with Product, ShoppingCart and Discount gRPC services and Consumes from Worker Services
- Use gRPC to implement a fast and distributed microservices systems
- Create Client Console Application for Consuming Grpc Microservices
- Generate Products with ProductFactory class in Product Worker Service Application
- Logging and Exception Handling with Grpc Server Application
- Authenticate gRPC Services with IdentityServer4 Protect ShoppingCartGrpc Method with OAuth 2.0 and JWT Bearer Token
Who Should Attend
- .Net developers who interested in gRPC and Microservices
Target Audiences
- .Net developers who interested in gRPC and Microservices
You will learn how to Build a high-performance gRPC Inter-service Communication between backend microservices with .Net 5 and AspNet 5.
Microservices are modern distributed systems so with gRPC in ASP.NET 5, we will develop high-performance, cross-platform applications for building distributed systems and APIs. It’s an ideal choice for communication between backend microservices, internal network applications, or iot devices and services. With the release of ASP.NET 5, Microsoft has added first-class support for creating gRPC services with Asp.Net 5.
This course will led you get started building, developing and managing gRPCservers and clients on distributedmicroservices architecture.
Overall Architecture of Course Project
We can design that we will have 6 microserviceswhich we are going to develop one by one.
We will use Worker Servicesand Asp.Net 5 Grpc Applicationsto build client and server gRPC components defining proto service definitioncontracts.
We will implement realworld e-commerce use case with only gRPC communication. We will have 3 gRPC server applications which are Product— ShoppingCartand DiscountgRPC services. And we will have 2 worker services which are Productand ShoppingCart Worker Service. Worker services will be client and perform operations over the gRPC server applications. And we will secure the gRPC services with standalone Identity Server microservices with OAuth 2.0 and JWTtoken.
ProductGrpc Server Application
First of all, we are going to develop ProductGrpcproject. This will be Asp.Net gRPC server web application and expose apis for Product Crud operations.
Product Worker Service
After that, we are going to develop Product Worker Service project for consumingProductGrpc services. This product worker service project will be the client of ProductGrpc application and generate products and insert bulk product records into Product database by using client streaming gRPC proto services of ProductGrpc application. This operation will be in a time interval and looping as a service application.
ShoppingCartGrpc Server Application
After that, we are going to develop ShoppingCartGrpc project. This will be Asp.Net gRPC server web application and expose apis for SC and SC items operations. The grpc services will be create shopping cart and add or remove item into shopping cart.
ShoppingCart Worker Service
After that, we are going to develop ShoppingCart Worker Service project for consuming ShoppingCartGrpc services. This ShoppingCart worker service project will be the client of both ProductGrpc and ShoppingCartGrpc application. This worker service will read the products from ProductGrpc and create sc and add product items into sc by using gRPC proto services of ProductGrpc and ShoppingCartGrpc application. This operation will be in a time interval and looping as a service application.
DiscountGrpc Server Application
When adding product item into SC, it will retrieve the discount value and calculate the final price of product. This communication also will be gRPC call with SCGrpc and DiscountGrpc application.
Identity Server
Also, we are going to develop centralized standalone Authentication Serverwith implementing IdentityServer4package and the name of microservice is Identity Server.
Identity Server4 is an open source framework which implements OpenId Connect and OAuth2protocols for .Net Core.
With IdentityServer, we can provide protect our ShoppingCart gRPC services with OAuth 2.0 and JWT tokens. SC Worker will get the token before send request to ShoppingCart Grpc server application.
By the end of this course, you will have a practical understanding of how to use gRPC to implement a fast and distributed microservices systems.And Also you’ll learn how to secure protected grpc services with IdentityServer in a microservices architecture.
Is this course for you?
This course is very practical, about 90%+ of the lessons will involve you coding along with me on this project. If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning by doing, then this course is definitely for you.
Tools you need for this course
In this course all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio 2019 as a code editor. You can of course use any code editor you like and any Operating system you like as long as it’s Windows or Mac.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Prerequisites and Source Code
Lecture 3: What is gRPC ?
Lecture 4: How gRPC works ?
Lecture 5: Working with Protocol Buffers
Lecture 6: gRPC Method Types – RPC life cycles
Lecture 7: gRPC Development Workflow
Lecture 8: Advantages of gRPC
Lecture 9: gRPC vs REST
Lecture 10: gRPC usage of Microservices Communication
Lecture 11: Example of gRPC in Microservices Communication
Lecture 12: gRPC with .NET
Lecture 13: gRPC performance in .NET 5
Chapter 2: HelloWorld gRPC with Asp.Net 5
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Asp.Net Core Empty Web Project For HelloWorld Grpc
Lecture 3: Developing hello.proto Protocol Buffer File (protobuf file) for gRPC Contract
Lecture 4: Implementing gRPC Service Class which Inherits from gRPC generated service
Lecture 5: Configure gRPC Service with Registering Asp.Net Dependecy Injection
Lecture 6: Run the Application as exposing gRPC Services
Lecture 7: Create GrpcHelloWorldClient Client Application for gRPC Server
Lecture 8: Consume Grpc HelloService API From Client Console Application with GrpcChannel
Lecture 9: Scaffolding gRPC Server with gRPC Template of Visual Studio
Lecture 10: Create GrpcGreeterClient Client Application for gRPC Server
Lecture 11: Consume Grpc GreeterService API From Client Console Application with GrpcChannel
Lecture 12: Testing gRPC Services with gRPCurl command-line tool interaction
Lecture 13: Service discovery using gRPC reflection with gRPCurl command-line tool
Chapter 3: Building Product Grpc Microservices for Exposing Product CRUD APIs
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Product Grpc Microservices Project in Grpc Microservices Solution
Lecture 3: Set Product Grpc Microservices Database with Entity Framework In-Memory Database
Lecture 4: Seeding In-Memory Database with Entity Framework for ProductGrpc Microservice
Lecture 5: Developing product.proto ProtoBuf file for Exposing Crud Services in Product Grp
Lecture 6: Generate Proto Service Class from Product proto File in Product Grpc Microsrvice
Lecture 7: Developing ProductService class to Implement Grpc Proto Service Methods
Lecture 8: Create Client Console Application for Consuming Product Grpc Microservices
Lecture 9: Consume GetProductAsync Product Grpc Server Method from Client Console App
Lecture 10: Developing ProductService-GetAllProducts Server Stream Method of Product Grpc
Lecture 11: Consume GetAllProducts Product Server Stream Method from Client Console App
Lecture 12: Refactoring GetAllProducts Server Stream Method with C# 9 Features in Client
Lecture 13: Developing ProductService-AddProduct Server Method of Product Grpc Microservices
Lecture 14: Implementing AutoMapper into ProductService Class of Product Grpc Microservices
Lecture 15: Consume AddProductAsync Server Method from Client Console Application
Lecture 16: Developing ProductService-UpdateProductAsync-DeleteProductAsync Server Method
Lecture 17: Exception Handling in gRPC Service Methods of Product Grpc Microservices
Lecture 18: Logging in gRPC Service Methods of Product Grpc Microservices
Lecture 19: Consume UpdateProductAsync-DeleteProductAsync Server Method from Client Console
Lecture 20: Developing ProductService-InsertBulkProduct Client Stream Server Method
Lecture 21: Consume Client Stream InsertBulkProduct Server Method from Client Console App
Chapter 4: Building Product Worker Service for Generate and Insert Product into ProductGrpc
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Product Worker Service Project in Grpc Microservices Solution
Lecture 3: Add Connected Service Proto to Product Worker Service Project for Consuming Prod
Lecture 4: Set Configuration with appsettings.json file into Product Worker Service Project
Lecture 5: Consume Product Grpc Server Method From Product Worker Client Application
Lecture 6: Focus on Big Picture and Product Worker Add Products to Product Grpc Server
Lecture 7: Generate Products with ProductFactory class in Product Worker Service App
Lecture 8: Logging in Product Worker Service Client Application and Product Grpc Server App
Chapter 5: Building Shopping Cart Grpc Server Application for Storing Products into Cart
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Shopping Cart Grpc Microservices Project in Grpc Microservices Solution
Lecture 3: Set Shopping Cart Grpc Microservices Database with Entity Framework In-Memory Db
Lecture 4: Seeding In-Memory Database with Entity Framework Core for ShoppingCartGrpc
Lecture 5: Developing product.proto ProtoBuf file for Exposng Crud Services in ShoppingCart
Lecture 6: Generate Proto Service Class from ShoppingCart proto File in ShoppingCart Grpc
Lecture 7: Developing ShoppingCartService class to Implement Grpc Proto Service Methods
Lecture 8: Implementing AutoMapper into ShoppingCartService Class of ShoppingCart Grpc
Lecture 9: Developing ShoppingCartService class to Implement Grpc Proto Service Methods
Lecture 10: Developing AddItemIntoShoppingCart Client Stream Server Method
Chapter 6: Building Discount Grpc Microservice Inter-Service Communication
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Discount Grpc Microservices Project in Grpc Microservices Solution
Lecture 3: Developing Discount Grpc Microservices Data Model and Context Objects
Lecture 4: Developing discount.proto ProtoBuf file for Exposing Get Discount Services
Lecture 5: Generate Proto Service Class from Discount proto File in Discount Grpc
Lecture 6: Developing DiscountService class to Implement Grpc Proto Service Methods
Lecture 7: Consuming Discount Grpc Service From Shopping Cart Grpc Microservice
Lecture 8: Consuming Discount Grpc Service From Shopping Cart Grpc Microservice Part 2
Lecture 9: Register Discount Grpc Client and Discount Service into the ShoppingCart DI
Chapter 7: Building ShoppingCart Worker Service for Retrieve Products and Add to SC
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create ShoppingCart Worker Service Project in Grpc Microservices Solution
Lecture 3: Add Connected Services Proto to ShoppingCart Worker Service Project
Lecture 4: Set Configuration with appsettings.json file into ShoppingCart Worker Service
Lecture 5: Consume Product and ShoppingCart Grpc Server Method From ShoppingCart Worker
Lecture 6: Big Picture-ShoppingCart Worker – Get Products and Add Items to SC with stream
Lecture 7: Running All Grpc Server Microservices with Product and ShoppingCart WorkerServce
Chapter 8: Authenticate gRPC Services with IdentityServer4 Protect ShoppingCartGrpc Method
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Building IdentityServer4 Authentication Microservices for Securing ShoppingCart
Lecture 3: Building IdentityServer4 Authentication Microservices for Securing ShoppingCart2
Lecture 4: Configure IdentityServer4 with Adding Config Class for Clients, Resources, Scope
Lecture 5: Securing ShoppingCart Grpc Services with IdentityServer4 OAuth 2.0 and JWT
Lecture 6: Testing to Access ShoppingCart Grpc Services without Token
Lecture 7: Get Token From IS4 and Make Grpc Call to ShoppingCart Grpc Services with JWT
Lecture 8: Set Token to Grpc Header when Call to ShoppingCart Grpc Services
Lecture 9: Run Entire Applications and See the Big Picture in Your Local
Mehmet Ozkaya
Software Architect | Microservices | .NET | AWS | Azure
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 26 votes
- 4 stars: 76 votes
- 5 stars: 103 votes
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