Visual Studio Code – Master the Complete VS Code environment
Visual Studio Code – Master the Complete VS Code environment, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4, with 47 lectures, based on 19 reviews, and has 132 subscribers.
You will learn about Visual Studio Code The most Powerful code editor How to Customize Visual Studio Code Write code more quickly Install and configure VSCode Use VSCode for Python Use VSCode for SASS Use VSCode for Node js Use VSCode for React Use VSCode for Angular Use VSCode for Vue Source control with Git/Github into Visual Studio Code Generate code faster and more efficiently with Snippets Customize Visual Studio Code with shortcuts, themes, extensions, snippets, and more This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner web developers or web developers or beginner html or beginner css or beginner html and css or beginner web designers or web designers or beginner front end developers or front end developers or beginner back end developers or back end developers or beginner JavaScript developers or JavaScript developers or beginner React or beginner React js or Node js or beginner js or python It is particularly useful for Beginner web developers or web developers or beginner html or beginner css or beginner html and css or beginner web designers or web designers or beginner front end developers or front end developers or beginner back end developers or back end developers or beginner JavaScript developers or JavaScript developers or beginner React or beginner React js or Node js or beginner js or python.
Enroll now: Visual Studio Code – Master the Complete VS Code environment
Title: Visual Studio Code – Master the Complete VS Code environment
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 47
Number of Published Lectures: 47
Number of Curriculum Items: 47
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 47
Original Price: €104.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Visual Studio Code The most Powerful code editor
- How to Customize Visual Studio Code
- Write code more quickly
- Install and configure VSCode
- Use VSCode for Python
- Use VSCode for SASS
- Use VSCode for Node js
- Use VSCode for React
- Use VSCode for Angular
- Use VSCode for Vue
- Source control with Git/Github into Visual Studio Code
- Generate code faster and more efficiently with Snippets
- Customize Visual Studio Code with shortcuts, themes, extensions, snippets, and more
Who Should Attend
- Beginner web developers
- web developers
- beginner html
- beginner css
- beginner html and css
- beginner web designers
- web designers
- beginner front end developers
- front end developers
- beginner back end developers
- back end developers
- beginner JavaScript developers
- JavaScript developers
- beginner React
- beginner React js
- Node js
- beginner js
- python
Target Audiences
- Beginner web developers
- web developers
- beginner html
- beginner css
- beginner html and css
- beginner web designers
- web designers
- beginner front end developers
- front end developers
- beginner back end developers
- back end developers
- beginner JavaScript developers
- JavaScript developers
- beginner React
- beginner React js
- Node js
- beginner js
- python
Why learn Visual Studio Code aka VS Code?
VS code is at the moment the most popular code / text editor on the market and it is FREEEE!
The fact that it is so popular means that it also has a insane amount of updates and Extensions which will speed up your coding!
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go) and runtimes (such as .NET and Unity).
What will you learn in this course?
Become a faster Developer
Gain fundamental skills of coding
Establish solid abilities with the command line
Increase Productivity
Understand why VS Code is the best choice today
Learn how to install VS Code
Become orientated to VS Code’s environment
Learn VS Code short-cut keys
Gain the ability to adjust VS Code’s interface
Learn how to Create files, folders, and workspaces
Essential VS Code Extensions
Connect git version controlrepositories with VS Code
Use VS Code for your git workflow process
Gain insight into writing code with VS Code
Learn to duplicate and move lines of code
Gain the ability to access VS Code documentation
Understand the command palette
Learn to use the mini-map and breadcrumbs
Gain insight into adjusting preferences
Learn how to Create Code Snippets
Learn error in VS Code
Learn debugging within VS Code for React Angular and Vue
Learn to create markdown documentsin VS Code
Acquire the ability to find and install VS Code extensions
PC or Mac
Internet connection
Basic web development knowledge is useful but not required.
Optional but recommended a Second Screen (old monitor, large Smart Phone, Tablet)
Who this course is for:
Web programmers and designers who want to use the best editor
New web developers looking for the best tools.
Experienced programmers who want to switch to VSCode
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 2: Course Overview
Chapter 2: Getting Stated with VS Code
Lecture 1: What is Visual Studio Code & Why us it?
Lecture 2: Download and Install VS Code on Mac & PC
Chapter 3: The UI (Uses Interface)
Lecture 1: Basic UI Orientation
Lecture 2: Creating / Opening / Editing / Deleting Project Folders and Files
Lecture 3: Save and Auto Save
Lecture 4: Changing the Display Language
Lecture 5: Grid System – Splitting up the Editor
Lecture 6: Mini Map, Word Wrap, Zoom and Font Size
Lecture 7: Updates
Chapter 4: Increase Productivity
Lecture 1: IntelliSense
Lecture 2: Emmet HTML & CSS Shortcuts
Lecture 3: Optional Download Emmet
Lecture 4: Find and Replace
Lecture 5: Navigate the Code
Chapter 5: Visual Studio Code Extension
Lecture 1: VS Code Extensions
Lecture 2: Essential Extensions
Lecture 3: Optional Extensions
Lecture 4: Environmental or Specific Extensions
Chapter 6: Higher Productivity – Snippets
Lecture 1: Using Snippets and Costume Snippets
Chapter 7: VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac & PC
Lecture 1: Essential Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 2: Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 3: MacOS Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 4: Linux Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 5: Create you own Keyboard Shortcuts & New File Extension
Lecture 6: Import other Keymap extensions
Chapter 8: Customizing VS Code
Lecture 1: VS Code own Color Themes
Lecture 2: Extensions for Custom Themes and Icons
Lecture 3: Customizing your own Theme
Chapter 9: The Terminal
Lecture 1: The Integrated Terminal
Chapter 10: Settings Sync
Lecture 1: Sync up VS Code with different work spaces
Chapter 11: Setting up Node.js & npm in VS Code
Lecture 1: What is Node.js
Lecture 2: Setting up Node.js and npm on PC
Lecture 3: Setting up Node.js and npm Mac
Chapter 12: Using React in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 1: What is React
Lecture 2: Setting up React
Chapter 13: Using Angular in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 1: What is Angluar?
Lecture 2: Setting up Angular
Lecture 3: Installing Angular on Mac issue
Chapter 14: Using Vue in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 1: What is Vues?
Lecture 2: Setting up Vue
Chapter 15: Using Python in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 1: What is Python
Lecture 2: Setting up Python
Chapter 16: Update Install Bootstrap in to Visual Studio Code
Lecture 1: Install Bootstrap Extension
Chapter 17: UPDATE: Visual Studio Code HTML Boilerplate Shortcut Key FIX
Lecture 1: Visual Studio Code HTML Boilerplate Shortcut Key FIX
Chapter 18: Bonus Section !
Lecture 1: What's Next?
Norbert B. Menyhart
"Knowledge is Power" Acquire Knowledge by Learning!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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