Web Software Development with Django | Game Store App
Web Software Development with Django | Game Store App, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 63 lectures, based on 12 reviews, and has 596 subscribers.
You will learn about Build medium size Django apps and deploy them to a cloud platform Design multi-user data models and database relationships Architect applications to accept payments and Facebook authentication Take user security into account when designing an app Master necessary Django tools, practice Git version control and Heroku Cloud Platform deployments Master industry tools to isolate dependencies and Python environments for your projects Become a much better developer This course is ideal for individuals who are Intermediate Python developers who want to quickly dive into the world of modern web software engineering or Developers who are looking for a sophisticated project for a career portfolio or Python developers who want to build more complex software than a To Do list or Developers interested to see and learn how to use Git and Heroku Cloud Platform or Python developers curious to integrate different web services like payments or Facebook into the web app or Developers who want to learn the complete software development process from an idea to a production ready app It is particularly useful for Intermediate Python developers who want to quickly dive into the world of modern web software engineering or Developers who are looking for a sophisticated project for a career portfolio or Python developers who want to build more complex software than a To Do list or Developers interested to see and learn how to use Git and Heroku Cloud Platform or Python developers curious to integrate different web services like payments or Facebook into the web app or Developers who want to learn the complete software development process from an idea to a production ready app.
Enroll now: Web Software Development with Django | Game Store App
Title: Web Software Development with Django | Game Store App
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Curriculum Items: 63
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build medium size Django apps and deploy them to a cloud platform
- Design multi-user data models and database relationships
- Architect applications to accept payments and Facebook authentication
- Take user security into account when designing an app
- Master necessary Django tools, practice Git version control and Heroku Cloud Platform deployments
- Master industry tools to isolate dependencies and Python environments for your projects
- Become a much better developer
Who Should Attend
- Intermediate Python developers who want to quickly dive into the world of modern web software engineering
- Developers who are looking for a sophisticated project for a career portfolio
- Python developers who want to build more complex software than a To Do list
- Developers interested to see and learn how to use Git and Heroku Cloud Platform
- Python developers curious to integrate different web services like payments or Facebook into the web app
- Developers who want to learn the complete software development process from an idea to a production ready app
Target Audiences
- Intermediate Python developers who want to quickly dive into the world of modern web software engineering
- Developers who are looking for a sophisticated project for a career portfolio
- Python developers who want to build more complex software than a To Do list
- Developers interested to see and learn how to use Git and Heroku Cloud Platform
- Python developers curious to integrate different web services like payments or Facebook into the web app
- Developers who want to learn the complete software development process from an idea to a production ready app
This course is a perfect entry point into the world of web software development. We will be focusing on Django web application framework and building a complete Game store web application with multi-user data model, payment functionality and Facebook authentication. The course project introduces the most important Django features and demonstrates how to use them practically. Not only will you learn how to build intermediate web apps but you will also start thinking as a professional software engineer taking into account security, app deployment, version control and dependency management. Moreover, the course will make you confident starting your own projects from scratch and you will be able to showcase the final work to potential employers.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and tools setup
Lecture 1: Introduction to the project
Lecture 2: Quick word about tools installation
Lecture 3: Development setup
Lecture 4: Virtual environment
Lecture 5: Django installation
Lecture 6: Installing tools for Windows
Chapter 2: Django project scaffolding
Lecture 1: Creating a project
Lecture 2: Creating an app
Lecture 3: Main project files
Lecture 4: Admin page
Lecture 5: Django shell
Chapter 3: Fundamental Django components
Lecture 1: Intro to models
Lecture 2: Models and Django shell
Lecture 3: Model details
Lecture 4: URLs
Lecture 5: View functions
Lecture 6: Models with views
Lecture 7: Basics of templates
Lecture 8: Static files
Lecture 9: Template extension Part 1
Lecture 10: Template extension Part 2
Lecture 11: Passing data to templates
Chapter 4: Application Deployment
Lecture 1: Getting started with Git
Lecture 2: Dependency isolation
Lecture 3: Intro to Heroku cloud platform
Lecture 4: Create a Heroku app
Lecture 5: Add deployment files
Lecture 6: Configure production server
Lecture 7: Provision cloud SQL database
Lecture 8: Deploy to Heroku cloud
Lecture 9: Apply cloud migrations
Lecture 10: Add .gitignore file
Chapter 5: Build authentication flow
Lecture 1: User models
Lecture 2: Login and logout templates
Lecture 3: Authentication implementation
Lecture 4: Access models via admin page
Lecture 5: Signup process
Lecture 6: Home page
Lecture 7: Transaction model
Lecture 8: Player base template
Lecture 9: New index page
Lecture 10: Implement login
Chapter 6: Publish new games
Lecture 1: Developer templates
Lecture 2: Developer dashboard
Lecture 3: Developer inventory
Lecture 4: Create a game
Lecture 5: Edit game page
Lecture 6: Delete a game
Lecture 7: Edit game parameters
Lecture 8: Game catalog
Chapter 7: Payment integration
Lecture 1: Intro to payments
Lecture 2: Payment implementation
Lecture 3: Payment success handler
Lecture 4: Cancel payment
Lecture 5: Access purchased games
Lecture 6: Implement game search
Chapter 8: Facebook authentication
Lecture 1: Facebook developer page
Lecture 2: Configure Facebook authentication
Lecture 3: Login with Facebook
Lecture 4: Notes about allowed URLs
Lecture 5: Facebook configuration in the cloud
Lecture 6: Production app validation
Lecture 7: Run production server
Aleksandr Romanov
Professional software engineer and entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
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