Working with React and Go (Golang)
Working with React and Go (Golang), available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.66, with 124 lectures, based on 1283 reviews, and has 10733 subscribers.
You will learn about Build amazing single page applications with React JS Build reusable, composable components in React Build a REST API in Go that handles JSON requests, and serves JSON responses Build an API in Go that handles GraphQL requests This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who are somewhat familiar with Go & JavaScript It is particularly useful for Developers who are somewhat familiar with Go & JavaScript.
Enroll now: Working with React and Go (Golang)
Title: Working with React and Go (Golang)
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.66
Number of Lectures: 124
Number of Published Lectures: 124
Number of Curriculum Items: 124
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 124
Original Price: $69.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build amazing single page applications with React JS
- Build reusable, composable components in React
- Build a REST API in Go that handles JSON requests, and serves JSON responses
- Build an API in Go that handles GraphQL requests
Who Should Attend
- Developers who are somewhat familiar with Go & JavaScript
Target Audiences
- Developers who are somewhat familiar with Go & JavaScript
React and Go are something of a match made in heaven. React is the world’s most popular JavaScript library for building Single Page Applications, and Go is uniquely well-suited for building REST back ends. That is what this course is all about.
This course has been completely re-done, for React version 18 and React Router version 6. The old version of this course is still available at the end of the new one, with each section marked as “Legacy.” I’ll remove it in a month or so, just to give people who have already started a chance to finish that version, if they so desire.
Learn how to develop and deploy a fast, secure web application built using the most popular and in-demand JavaScript front end (React), with one of the most popular and powerful programming languages for the back end (Go).
React is an open-source, front end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. React is maintained by Facebook and a community of developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. React is the most popular front-end JavaScript library in the field of web development, and is used by many well-known organizations, including Netflix, Instagram, and the New York Times. With React, we build fast, interactive user interfaces.
Go is a modern, type safe, compiled, and extremely fast programming language. It it is ideally suited for building safe, scalable, incredibly fast REST APIs and web applications, and is also used by large corporations around the wold, including Netflix, Instagram, American Express, and the New York Times.
If you were paying attention, you might have noticed some overlap there — the same large companies using React are also using Go. There is a reason for that, and we will be exploring that reason in this course.
In this course we will go over the core fundamentals of React, including the React life cycle, components, functional components, props, state, and more. We will also cover calling a remote API (both one we build, and a 3rd party API), and much more.
In the first part of the course, we’ll build a simple application using both React class componentand Functional Components with hooks. Although hooks and functions appear to the the future for React, there are literally millions of lines of code out there built using classes, so it’s important to know how to work with React using both classes and functions & hooks.
In the second project for this course, we’ll build a Single Page Web Application (SPA) with a React front end and a Go back end API, where we will cover receiving requests on the back end, both as JSON and as GraphQL, and returning that response as JSON.
In order to secure access to authenticated users for certain parts of our site, we will also explore how to generate and use JSON Web Tokens (JWT), including refresh tokens.
This course is not intended for absolute beginners. I expect that you have some experience in JavaScript and Go, and a good knowledge of HTML.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Notice for existing students
Lecture 3: A bit about me
Lecture 4: Asking for help
Lecture 5: Mistakes. We all make them.
Chapter 2: Setting up our development environment
Lecture 1: Installing Node
Lecture 2: Installing Go
Lecture 3: Installing Visual Studio Code
Lecture 4: Installing Docker
Chapter 3: Getting Started with React
Lecture 1: How React works
Lecture 2: Hello world with React using Classes
Lecture 3: Hello world with React using functional components
Lecture 4: Styling Components
Lecture 5: Using Bootstrap CSS
Lecture 6: Using props: passing data to components
Lecture 7: React and State I
Lecture 8: React and State II
Lecture 9: React and State III
Lecture 10: React and State IV
Lecture 11: React and State V
Lecture 12: Intercepting form submissions with onSubmit()
Lecture 13: handleSubmit() continued
Lecture 14: Ref: using references in React
Lecture 15: References with components: forwardRef()
Lecture 16: Class Lifecycle
Chapter 4: Getting started with our main project: Go Watch a Movie
Lecture 1: Getting started with our project
Lecture 2: Setting up the application layout
Lecture 3: Getting started with React Router v6
Lecture 4: Configuring React Router
Lecture 5: Using React Router's Link
Lecture 6: Working on the Movies component
Lecture 7: Routing from the Movies component to individual movies
Lecture 8: Displaying an individual movie
Chapter 5: Setting up User Login
Lecture 1: Working on the Login button
Lecture 2: Creating the login form
Lecture 3: Giving the Login component access to setJWT
Lecture 4: Adding error messages and redirects to the Login component
Lecture 5: Logging out
Chapter 6: Getting started with our Back End API
Lecture 1: Starting the back end API
Lecture 2: Adding handlers and routes to our API
Lecture 3: Installing a routing package
Lecture 4: Adding a route to our handlers
Lecture 5: Returning JSON from our API
Lecture 6: Returning a list of movies as JSON
Lecture 7: Connecting the front end to the back end API
Lecture 8: Enabling CORS middleware
Lecture 9: Enabling React's proxy to the back end API
Chapter 7: Connecting to Postgres
Lecture 1: Setting up our database using Docker
Lecture 2: Getting started connecting our API to Postgres
Lecture 3: Installing a database driver and connecting to Postgres
Lecture 4: Setting up a database repository I
Lecture 5: Setting up a database repository II
Lecture 6: Improving the allMovies handler to use our database
Chapter 8: Working with JSON
Lecture 1: Setting up utils.go and a writeJSON helper function
Lecture 2: Adding a readJSON helper function
Lecture 3: Adding an errorJSON helper function
Lecture 4: Using our errorJSON helper function
Chapter 9: Authentication with JWT
Lecture 1: Installing a JWT package
Lecture 2: Generating tokens
Lecture 3: Setting default values for JWT tokens
Lecture 4: Creating a handler to generate a JWT
Lecture 5: Trying out our handler
Lecture 6: Generate refresh token cookie
Lecture 7: Reading a JSON payload in the authenticate handler
Lecture 8: Looking up a user by email
Lecture 9: Validating a password
Lecture 10: Updating the Login component on the front end
Lecture 11: Refresh tokens I
Lecture 12: Refresh tokens II
Lecture 13: Refresh tokens III
Lecture 14: Refresh tokens IV
Lecture 15: Refresh tokens V
Lecture 16: Protecting routes using JWT tokens
Lecture 17: Authentication middleware
Lecture 18: Adding our middleware to routes
Lecture 19: Trying our our protected routes
Chapter 10: Create/Read/Update/Delete for our Movie Catalogue
Lecture 1: Starting on the Add/Edit movie component
Lecture 2: Creating a select component
Lecture 3: Creating a checkbox component
Lecture 4: Using our input controls to create the edit movie form
Lecture 5: Continuing to work on the EditMovie component
Lecture 6: Getting a movie and Genres from the database
Lecture 7: Creating handlers to get movies for public and admin
Lecture 8: Displaying a movie to the public on the front end
Lecture 9: Getting started with showing genres on the Add/Edit movie component
Lecture 10: Adding checkboxes for genres to the front end form
Lecture 11: Enabling checkbox clicks on the EditMovie component
Lecture 12: Validation I
Lecture 13: Validation II
Lecture 14: Creating a database method to insert a movie
Trevor Sawler
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 13 votes
- 3 stars: 52 votes
- 4 stars: 342 votes
- 5 stars: 870 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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