Working with WebSockets in Go (Golang)
Working with WebSockets in Go (Golang), available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.68, with 86 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 371 reviews, and has 7622 subscribers.
You will learn about How to work with Websockets in Go (Golang) How to build a real-time, responsive application using websockets How to connect to third party services like Pusher, and how to use our own self-hosted Pusher-compatible service How to build a real-time server monitoring web application How to schedule periodic events in Go How to write tests for websocket handlers The basics of building a secure web application in Go How to send SMS messages with Go using Twilio This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who want to make their web applications faster and more responsive. or Developers who are familiar with Go, and want to learn how to build highly responsive web applications It is particularly useful for Developers who want to make their web applications faster and more responsive. or Developers who are familiar with Go, and want to learn how to build highly responsive web applications.
Enroll now: Working with WebSockets in Go (Golang)
Title: Working with WebSockets in Go (Golang)
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.68
Number of Lectures: 86
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 89
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 89
Original Price: $69.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to work with Websockets in Go (Golang)
- How to build a real-time, responsive application using websockets
- How to connect to third party services like Pusher, and how to use our own self-hosted Pusher-compatible service
- How to build a real-time server monitoring web application
- How to schedule periodic events in Go
- How to write tests for websocket handlers
- The basics of building a secure web application in Go
- How to send SMS messages with Go using Twilio
Who Should Attend
- Developers who want to make their web applications faster and more responsive.
- Developers who are familiar with Go, and want to learn how to build highly responsive web applications
Target Audiences
- Developers who want to make their web applications faster and more responsive.
- Developers who are familiar with Go, and want to learn how to build highly responsive web applications
WebSockets are a technology that allows developers to build highly interactive, extremely fast web applications. Since WebSockets are supported by all modern browsers, and have been for years now, there is no reason why they cannot be implemented on any modern web application. This course will show you how to work with WebSockets with Go.
We will work with two kinds of WebSocket technologies: first, with simple calls directly from our web application to all connected browsers, where all functionality is handled by our application. The web application we’ll build is a simple chat application, which will allow users to chat back and forth, and will show the list of connected users, updated in real time.
Next, we’ll take advantage of a Pusher compatible server (or Pusher itself, if you prefer) and use that server as a message broker between our web application and all connected clients.
I am a firm believer that learning how to use a particular technology works best when applying it to a real-world situation. All too often, tutorials and courses over simplify what they are trying to teach, and create an artificial environment where things are so simple that what is being taught looks easy enough, but you immediately run into problems when trying to implement it on a more complex project. So, to implement and learn about WebSockets and Pusher, we’ll build a web application which monitors remote servers and hosts, and notifies us in real-time when a service goes down or comes back up again. We will send notifications in real time using WebSockets (which will update the appropriate content on the pages being viewed by all connected clients), by email, and, as a bonus, we’ll also learn how to send notifications using text messages (SMS) with Twilio.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: About me
Lecture 3: Installing Go
Lecture 4: Installing an IDE
Chapter 2: Our First Project: Chat
Lecture 1: What are we going to build?
Lecture 2: Setting up a simple application
Lecture 3: Creating a handler to "upgrade" a connection to websockets
Lecture 4: Connecting to the websocket endpoint
Lecture 5: Adding additional socket event handlers
Lecture 6: Improving our WS endpoint, and setting up go outines
Lecture 7: Listing all users
Lecture 8: Fixing a problem with disappearing users
Lecture 9: One minor fix
Lecture 10: Sending messages
Lecture 11: Cleaning things up
Lecture 12: What if the server goes away? Reconnecting painlessly
Lecture 13: Adding server status indicator
Chapter 3: Project II: Vigilate, a server monitoring system
Lecture 1: What are we going to build?
Lecture 2: Install Postgres and a Postgres Client
Lecture 3: Installing the starter project's source code
Lecture 4: Fixing a typo in the config.yml
Lecture 5: Connecting to Pusher
Lecture 6: Pushing an event to the client
Chapter 4: Setting up our Application
Lecture 1: Setting up some database tables
Lecture 2: Setting up models
Lecture 3: Creating forms for our hosts
Lecture 4: Adding form validation, and setting up a handler for posting data
Lecture 5: Passing data to our host form
Lecture 6: Inserting a host into the database
Lecture 7: Getting and and updating a host
Lecture 8: Modifying the post handler for hosts to update
Lecture 9: Getting all hosts and displaying on page
Lecture 10: Adding services to a host 1
Lecture 11: Adding services to a host 2
Lecture 12: Adding services to a host 3
Lecture 13: Adding services to a host 4
Lecture 14: Database functions to add/remove a service from host
Lecture 15: Listing host services in a more intelligent way
Lecture 16: Listing all services on overview page
Lecture 17: Showing service status counts on overview page
Lecture 18: List all services by status
Lecture 19: Updates for Go 1.16
Lecture 20: Adding service status to the host page
Lecture 21: Making things a bit more visually appealing
Lecture 22: Manually Testing a host service 1
Lecture 23: Manually Testing a host service 2
Lecture 24: Manually testing a host service 3
Lecture 25: Manually testing a host service 4
Lecture 26: Manually testing a host service 5
Chapter 5: Monitoring Services
Lecture 1: Setting up a schedule to monitor services
Lecture 2: An Aside: Updating the chi router
Lecture 3: Monitoring part 2
Lecture 4: Monitoring part 3
Lecture 5: Monitoring part 4
Lecture 6: Monitoring part 5
Lecture 7: Monitoring part 6
Lecture 8: Monitoring part 7
Lecture 9: Monitoring part 8
Chapter 6: Implementing Websockets on Vigilate
Lecture 1: Pushing monitoring start/stop events to client
Lecture 2: Setting up a local server to monitor
Lecture 3: Running service checks
Lecture 4: Pushing events on host service status change
Lecture 5: Updating service status count in real time
Lecture 6: Cleaning up our code
Lecture 7: Updating tables on the host page when status changes
Lecture 8: Exercise: Update Overview sub-pages
Lecture 9: Solution to exercise
Lecture 10: Displaying the monitoring schedule
Lecture 11: Updating the schedule page in real time
Lecture 12: Turning services on and off in real-time
Lecture 13: Pushing events after a manual check
Lecture 14: Saving and displaying events
Lecture 15: Cleaning things up
Lecture 16: Sending an event to a private channel
Lecture 17: Installing Mailhog on a Mac
Lecture 18: Installing Mailhog on Windows
Lecture 19: Sending notifications via email
Lecture 20: Sending notifications via text (SMS)
Lecture 21: Setting up a Twilio Account
Lecture 22: Writing the code to send SMS messages
Chapter 7: Monitoring Additional Services
Lecture 1: Setting up two new services
Lecture 2: Monitoring HTTPS services
Lecture 3: Monitoring SSL certificates
Chapter 8: Writing Tests
Lecture 1: Handler Tests
Lecture 2: Websocket Tests (the wrong way)
Lecture 3: Websocket Tests (the right way)
Trevor Sawler
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 24 votes
- 4 stars: 97 votes
- 5 stars: 234 votes
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