Zero to Hero Java SpringBoot & JPA Mastery with Real Project
Zero to Hero Java SpringBoot & JPA Mastery with Real Project, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 96 lectures, based on 150 reviews, and has 7537 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn different concepts Spring Framework and RESTful webservices You will learn about different design patterns like Singleton, Prototype, Factory, MVC, Adapter etc You will learn to create production ready application in a layered architecture You will learn about Aspect Oriented Programming, profiles, error handling, logging You will learn about ORM and Spring data JPA(Java Persistence API) and ORM Entity Relationship You will learn about Swagger API documentation You will learn to solve code quality issues using Sonar Scan tool You will learn application Monitoring using Actuator You will learn about maven build management tool You will learn about debugging techniques for multi layer application You will learn to test REST API with Postman client You will learn to upgrade springboot 2 to springboot version 3 You will about real world uses of SpringData JPA findBy, countBy, existsBy, deleteBy queries. This course is ideal for individuals who are Any Java Developer who wants to learn Springboot and start building IT industry grade application It is particularly useful for Any Java Developer who wants to learn Springboot and start building IT industry grade application.
Enroll now: Zero to Hero Java SpringBoot & JPA Mastery with Real Project
Title: Zero to Hero Java SpringBoot & JPA Mastery with Real Project
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 96
Number of Published Lectures: 96
Number of Curriculum Items: 96
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 96
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn different concepts Spring Framework and RESTful webservices
- You will learn about different design patterns like Singleton, Prototype, Factory, MVC, Adapter etc
- You will learn to create production ready application in a layered architecture
- You will learn about Aspect Oriented Programming, profiles, error handling, logging
- You will learn about ORM and Spring data JPA(Java Persistence API) and ORM Entity Relationship
- You will learn about Swagger API documentation
- You will learn to solve code quality issues using Sonar Scan tool
- You will learn application Monitoring using Actuator
- You will learn about maven build management tool
- You will learn about debugging techniques for multi layer application
- You will learn to test REST API with Postman client
- You will learn to upgrade springboot 2 to springboot version 3
- You will about real world uses of SpringData JPA findBy, countBy, existsBy, deleteBy queries.
Who Should Attend
- Any Java Developer who wants to learn Springboot and start building IT industry grade application
Target Audiences
- Any Java Developer who wants to learn Springboot and start building IT industry grade application
This course will make you experience how projects are developed in software companies using modern stacks like Java, Spring, SpringBoot, Hibernate, Spring Data JPA and Restful webservices.
In this course you will be understanding how different technology and its components work together to build a real world application which end users are able to use in real life. It will be a Property Management System.
You will about real world uses of SpringData JPA findBy, countBy, existsBy, deleteBy queries.
We will also learn to relate different concepts with real world examples. In this course we will learn the following:
We will learn different concepts Spring Framework and RESTful webservices
We will learn about different design patterns like Singleton, Prototype, Factory, MVC, Adapter etc
We will learn to create production ready application in a layered architecture
We will learn about profiles, error handling, logging
We will learn about ORM and Spring data JPA(Java Persistence API)
We will learn about Entity Relationship in Spring Data JPA
We will implement Swagger API documentation
We will also learn to implement application health monitoring
We will learn to solve code quality issues using Sonar Scan tool
We will learn about maven build management tool
We will learn about debugging techniques for multi layer application
We will learn to test application with Postman client
We will cover all this topics with the help examples and hands-on coding
We will develop a real world project which you can use it for yourself
We will upgrade springboot 2 to springboot version 3
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction Setup and Concept Building
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: About your Instructor
Lecture 3: Software Installation
Lecture 4: Generating Springboot starter project
Lecture 5: Very Important note before you move forward in the course
Lecture 6: Walkthrough of Springboot starter project files and folders
Lecture 7: Introduction to Spring Framework and SpringBoot
Lecture 8: RESTful webservices Http methods Status code SpringBoot Annotation
Lecture 9: MVC Design Pattern Part-1
Lecture 10: MVC Design Pattern Part-2
Lecture 11: Understanding and Creating DTO
Lecture 12: Understanding RESTful webservice with practical example
Lecture 13: Understanding RequestParam annotation with practical code example
Lecture 14: Undesrtanding PathVariable annotation with practical code example
Lecture 15: Undesrtanding Post Put Delete annotation and ResponseEntity with practical code
Chapter 2: Layered Architecture, ORM Framework and Creating new property API
Lecture 1: Save new property Post endpoint
Lecture 2: Creating Service layer Dependency Injection Autowired Singleton Prototype
Lecture 3: Understanding Layered Architecture and Need for different database in DTAP
Lecture 4: Overview of Hibernate ORM Framework and JPA specification
Lecture 5: Understanding how ORM framework like Hibernate work and different hibernate
Lecture 6: Working on Entity class and understanding different JPA annotation
Lecture 7: Saving Property in DB with PropertyRepository
Lecture 8: MVC pattern
Lecture 9: Added PropertyConverter for DTO to Entity
Lecture 10: Sending back the new entity along with status using ResponseEntity
Chapter 3: GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE operation on properties
Lecture 1: Get All Properties
Lecture 2: PutMapping and full update of a property
Lecture 3: Partial update of price or Description using patch operation
Lecture 4: Delete property by property id and Delete mapping
Chapter 4: Spring Profiles and Configuration Properties
Lecture 1: Understanding about Spring Profiles
Lecture 2: Implementing Spring Profile with Different DB config for DTAP
Lecture 3: Testing Profile configuration for different environment database
Lecture 4: Reading custom config properties inside Java class
Chapter 5: Git and Github
Lecture 1: Setting up Git and Github for our local project
Lecture 2: Committing and Pushing our local code changes to Github server
Lecture 3: Connecting Intellij Editor with Github
Lecture 4: Important Git operations that Developer must know
Chapter 6: User Login and Registration and Sonar Analysis
Lecture 1: Underrstanding User Login and Registration
Lecture 2: Creating UserEntity and UserRepository
Lecture 3: Creating UserService Interface and DTO
Lecture 4: Working on UserService Impl
Lecture 5: Working on User Converter layer
Lecture 6: Completing the User Registration flow
Lecture 7: Test User Registration Functionality
Lecture 8: JsonIgnore and JsonInclude Annotation
Lecture 9: Sonar Analysis and Git commit
Lecture 10: FindBy and JPQL queries
Lecture 11: Creating Login REST API endpoint and integrate with service layer
Lecture 12: Testing User Login Functionality
Chapter 7: AOP and Error handling
Lecture 1: What is Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)
Lecture 2: Creating the Error Model
Lecture 3: Creating Custom Exception class
Lecture 4: Creating Custom AOP Exception Handler
Lecture 5: Throw Custom Exception for Invalid login
Lecture 6: Testing the Invalid Login Attempt
Lecture 7: Avoid duplicate user registration with same email
Lecture 8: Testing duplicate registration and committing code to Github
Lecture 9: Adding Field Level Validation Annotation
Lecture 10: Custom Handler for field level error handler
Lecture 11: Enabling Field level Validation with @Valid annotation
Chapter 8: Logging with Logback and Pull Request process
Lecture 1: Overview of Logging and Logging Levels
Lecture 2: Adding logback xml configuration and logger statements
Lecture 3: Testing Logging with different profiles and committing code to github
Lecture 4: Raising Pull Request for code review
Chapter 9: Swagger Automatic API Documentation
Lecture 1: Understanding about Swagger API documentation
Lecture 2: Configuring Swagger Documentation
Lecture 3: Exploring Swagger JSON from Consumers Point of View
Lecture 4: Exploring Swagger UI and accessing different API endpoints
Lecture 5: Enriching Swagger Documentation with extra Annotation
Lecture 6: Produces and Consumes application json
Chapter 10: Application Health Monitoring
Lecture 1: Monitoring with Springboot Actuator
Lecture 2: Enabling web and jmx endpoints for monitoring
Chapter 11: Different types of Entity Relationship
Lecture 1: Understanding Relationship in SpringData JPA
Lecture 2: Adding ManyToOne relationship in Property
Lecture 3: Get the User from DB and Set to the Property entity
Lecture 4: Save multiple Property belonging to one user
Lecture 5: Updating Controller Service Repository
Lecture 6: Testing the Get All properties for One User
Lecture 7: FetchType Eager VS FetchType Lazy
Lecture 8: One to One Relationship
Lecture 9: Creating Repository and Updating Logic in DTO and Service for Saving Address
Lecture 10: Testing One To One relationship
Chapter 12: Upgrading SpringBoot Version 2 to Version 3
Lecture 1: Why should we upgrade to SpringBoot 3
Lecture 2: Upgrading Java 8 to Java 17
Lecture 3: Upgrade pom to Springboot 3 and replace the javax imports
Lecture 4: Upgrade Swagger 2 to Springdoc-openapi
Lecture 5: Fixing logback and SLF4J with Springboot 3
Lecture 6: Springboot 3 and MySQL database config fixes
Ranjan Pandey
Software Professional with 14+ years of experience in IT
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 50 votes
- 5 stars: 82 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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