Blockchain For Business + Finance Professionals- NEW
Blockchain For Business + Finance Professionals- NEW, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 56 lectures, based on 59 reviews, and has 294 subscribers.
You will learn about Business applications of blockchain technology Get a Clear Idea why blockchain is referred to as the “internet of money” A very clear understanding of what blockchain and is its potential global impact Get a solid fundamental understanding of blockchain with detailed explanations of “mining”, decentralized consensus, ,Smart Contract, Cryptography Understnad the Opportunities in the Blockchain from the Business Angle A Clear Idea about important blockchain projects and crypto-assets A Solid and to-the-point overview of ICO Project the potential impact of blockchain on many sectors like finance, consumer & retail, media, transportation & logistics, technology Get Idea how large corporations are already implementing blockchain technology like Facebook, Alibaba, Amazon etc Identify potential new tech leaders and how blockchain can impact the current tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook Keep up-to-date with the latest important projects shaping up the emerging third generation of blockchain technology Have a clear and realistic view on the current state of blockchain technology with its issues, limitations and potential solutions This course is ideal for individuals who are Any Bankers and other financial professionals interest in Finance and emerging technologies or Any individual from Software Development or Business executives and managers interested in the potential impact of blockchain on their industry or Entrepreneurs who are looking for more innovation within the Blockchain Space or Entrepreneurs want to boost their existing business models and Boost their ideas with the power of blockchain or Legal and accounting professionals interested in the new market opportunities blockchain, distributed ledger technology and crypto-assets or Government officials, regulators and other public sector professionals who want to understand thoroughly and keep up-to-date with the latest advancements in a technology with high potential impact on business, the economy and society as a whole or Legal professionals interested to participate in shaping the legal and regulatory framework around blockchain and crypto-assets or Any Student from College with any degree background or Any individual who is working on Blockchain or Any working professional interested in Blockchain to upgrade their skills and knowledge or Students preparing for their successful future careers It is particularly useful for Any Bankers and other financial professionals interest in Finance and emerging technologies or Any individual from Software Development or Business executives and managers interested in the potential impact of blockchain on their industry or Entrepreneurs who are looking for more innovation within the Blockchain Space or Entrepreneurs want to boost their existing business models and Boost their ideas with the power of blockchain or Legal and accounting professionals interested in the new market opportunities blockchain, distributed ledger technology and crypto-assets or Government officials, regulators and other public sector professionals who want to understand thoroughly and keep up-to-date with the latest advancements in a technology with high potential impact on business, the economy and society as a whole or Legal professionals interested to participate in shaping the legal and regulatory framework around blockchain and crypto-assets or Any Student from College with any degree background or Any individual who is working on Blockchain or Any working professional interested in Blockchain to upgrade their skills and knowledge or Students preparing for their successful future careers.
Enroll now: Blockchain For Business + Finance Professionals- NEW
Title: Blockchain For Business + Finance Professionals- NEW
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 56
Number of Published Lectures: 53
Number of Curriculum Items: 56
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 53
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Business applications of blockchain technology
- Get a Clear Idea why blockchain is referred to as the “internet of money”
- A very clear understanding of what blockchain and is its potential global impact
- Get a solid fundamental understanding of blockchain with detailed explanations of “mining”, decentralized consensus, ,Smart Contract, Cryptography
- Understnad the Opportunities in the Blockchain from the Business Angle
- A Clear Idea about important blockchain projects and crypto-assets
- A Solid and to-the-point overview of ICO
- Project the potential impact of blockchain on many sectors like finance, consumer & retail, media, transportation & logistics, technology
- Get Idea how large corporations are already implementing blockchain technology like Facebook, Alibaba, Amazon etc
- Identify potential new tech leaders and how blockchain can impact the current tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook
- Keep up-to-date with the latest important projects shaping up the emerging third generation of blockchain technology
- Have a clear and realistic view on the current state of blockchain technology with its issues, limitations and potential solutions
Who Should Attend
- Any Bankers and other financial professionals interest in Finance and emerging technologies
- Any individual from Software Development
- Business executives and managers interested in the potential impact of blockchain on their industry
- Entrepreneurs who are looking for more innovation within the Blockchain Space
- Entrepreneurs want to boost their existing business models and Boost their ideas with the power of blockchain
- Legal and accounting professionals interested in the new market opportunities blockchain, distributed ledger technology and crypto-assets
- Government officials, regulators and other public sector professionals who want to understand thoroughly and keep up-to-date with the latest advancements in a technology with high potential impact on business, the economy and society as a whole
- Legal professionals interested to participate in shaping the legal and regulatory framework around blockchain and crypto-assets
- Any Student from College with any degree background
- Any individual who is working on Blockchain
- Any working professional interested in Blockchain to upgrade their skills and knowledge
- Students preparing for their successful future careers
Target Audiences
- Any Bankers and other financial professionals interest in Finance and emerging technologies
- Any individual from Software Development
- Business executives and managers interested in the potential impact of blockchain on their industry
- Entrepreneurs who are looking for more innovation within the Blockchain Space
- Entrepreneurs want to boost their existing business models and Boost their ideas with the power of blockchain
- Legal and accounting professionals interested in the new market opportunities blockchain, distributed ledger technology and crypto-assets
- Government officials, regulators and other public sector professionals who want to understand thoroughly and keep up-to-date with the latest advancements in a technology with high potential impact on business, the economy and society as a whole
- Legal professionals interested to participate in shaping the legal and regulatory framework around blockchain and crypto-assets
- Any Student from College with any degree background
- Any individual who is working on Blockchain
- Any working professional interested in Blockchain to upgrade their skills and knowledge
- Students preparing for their successful future careers
“Blockchain is the NEXT Internet. Block Chain will revolutionize Business, Healthcare, Finance, Banking, Development”
– BBC News
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We are not going to show you how to write code. But we are going to explain everything else, which is relevant and important to know about blockchain.
Blockchain offers the storage of records of transaction data through distributed networks. It retains the full history of transactions, which makes them verifiable and independently auditable. It also enables peer-to-peer transfer of value, potentially eliminating the need for intermediaries. In addition, event triggered programmable contracts, also known as smart contracts, can be stored and executed on Blockchain.
What this Blockchain technology is so powerful ?
Blockchain has several intrinsic features which allows it to record and transfer value over the internet in a peer-to-peer manner:
Irreversibility: This technology prevents double spending, fraud, abuse, and manipulation of transactions because it contains certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made that cannot be altered without altering the entire chain.
No intermediary: It allows any two parties to transact directly with each other, without any trusted third party.
Near real time: It enables near real time settlement of recorded transactions, removing friction, and reducing risk.
Censorship resistant:Crypto economics ensures that Blockchain continues pumping out new blocks and that blocks are not being reverted or altered.
Distributed ledger:The peer-to-peer distributed network records a public history of transactions, making Blockchain distributed and highly available.
There are several specific use cases where the Blockchain technology can prove to be useful for the Finance Function. Some of these are listed below:
Budgeting and Forecasting
Intercompany reconciliations
Financial Audit
Vendor Management
Shareholder Voting
Who can take this course?
Any person with interest in Finance and emerging technologies
Any individual from Software Development
Any Student from College with any degree background
Any individual who is working on Blockchain
Any working professional interested in Blockchain to upgrade their skills and knowledge
Non-IT finance professionals
Management accountants
Public accountants
Internal auditors
What should students must know before taking the course?
Basic terms of Technology
Basic terms of Finance
Business Workflows
What will students gain after completing the course?
Advanced Concepts in Blockchain
Implementation of Blockchain
Cryptocurrencies – How, What and When
Next Generation Blockchain Technologies
Financial Use Cases in Blockchain – Deep Dive
Blockchain Frameworks
How to transform to a blockchain Startup – Success Stories of implementation
In fact, in 2018 global blockchain survey, 84% of organizations reported that they were working with blockchain. When combined with AI, the internet of things (IoT), and intelligent automation, blockchain can play a central role in moving finance organizations toward the future they envision—one in which routine tasks are completed without a second thought, giving finance professionals time to focus on strategy and operations.
Today, most finance organizations are held back by inefficiencies. They spend inordinate amounts of time sifting through and manipulating data that is often either inconsistent or located in several disconnected systems—just to retrieve answers to basic questions.
Legacy systems can be far more powerful when combined with blockchain, which can bring business users closer to a single, trusted source of truth.
Blockchain can pave the way for this future. The technology promises other benefits, as well: Internet-connected devices seamlessly uploading data, and artificial intelligence (AI) systems tapping into historical records and proactively suggesting actions that finance professionals can use to bring their company to the next level in their digital transformation.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Curriculum Overview in Details
Lecture 2: What should students know before taking the course
Chapter 2: Introduction to Blochain and Cryptocurrency
Lecture 1: 1. Financial Assets and Blockchain
Lecture 2: 2. Distributed Ledger – Introduction
Lecture 3: 3. Distributed Ledger Technology – Advanced Concepts
Lecture 4: 4. Distributed Ledger Technology – Potential for Financial Applications
Lecture 5: 5. How to develop Financial DLT
Lecture 6: 6. Blockchain Principles
Lecture 7: 7. Blockchain Business Rules and Definitions
Lecture 8: 8. Transaction Processing Rules in Blockchain
Lecture 9: 9. Blockchain Technology Stack
Lecture 10: 10. Architecting a Scalable Blockchain
Lecture 11: 11. Blockchain Generation
Lecture 12: 12. Smart Contract Fundamentals
Lecture 13: 13. Challenges to Blockchain Technology
Lecture 14: 14. Introduction to Cryptocurrencies
Lecture 15: 15. Blockchain – The new Digital Technology
Lecture 16: 16. Blockchain Technology – Financial Use Cases Introduction
Chapter 3: Advanced Blockchain Concepts
Lecture 1: 17. Blocks Fundamentals
Lecture 2: 18. Blocks Advanced
Lecture 3: 19. Consensus
Lecture 4: 20. Mining
Lecture 5: 21. Distributed Databases
Lecture 6: 22. Ethereum – Smart Contract
Lecture 7: 23. Introduction to Ethereum
Lecture 8: 24.Blockchain Enables Security
Chapter 4: Cryptocurrencies
Lecture 1: 25. First Blockchain – Bitcoin Fundamentals
Lecture 2: 26. First Blockchain – Bitcoin Advanced
Lecture 3: 27. Evolution of Cryptocurrencies
Lecture 4: 28. Alt coins and How to mine coins
Lecture 5: 29. Brief on ICO's
Chapter 5: Blockchain Frameworks
Lecture 1: 30. Blockchain Frameworks – Ethereum, Hyperledger and Bitcoin
Chapter 6: Blockchain Implementation
Lecture 1: 31. Blockchain as a Financial System
Lecture 2: 32. Blockchain for Provenance tracking
Lecture 3: 33. Blockchain for Asset keeping
Lecture 4: 34. Blockchain for Multiparty Systems
Lecture 5: 35. Blockchain for asset management
Chapter 7: Use Cases in Financial Services
Lecture 1: 36. Introduction to Financial Use Cases
Lecture 2: 37. Financial Use Cases – Advanced
Lecture 3: 38. Use Case Payments
Lecture 4: 39. Use Case P&C Insurance
Lecture 5: 40. Use Case Syndicated Loan
Lecture 6: 41. Use Case Trade Finance
Lecture 7: 42. CoCo Bonds
Lecture 8: 43. Investment Management – Compliance
Lecture 9: 44. Investment Management – Proxy Voting
Lecture 10: 45. Asset Rehypothecation
Lecture 11: 46. Equity Post Trade
Lecture 12: 47. Inclusive Finance
Chapter 8: Next Generation Blockchain Technologies
Lecture 1: 48. Next Generation Blockchain Technologies
Chapter 9: Startups in Fintech Space
Lecture 1: 49. Startup Story
Lecture 2: 50. Blockchain – Learnings and Challenges
Lecture 3: 51. Success Story
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 13 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
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