Company Valuation & Financial Modeling
Company Valuation & Financial Modeling, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.46, with 159 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 4893 reviews, and has 21129 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a complete valuation model of any company Analyze the Annual Report of any company Build historical financial statements of any company Forecast future financial statements of any company Perform valuation analytics on any company Undertake sensitivity analysis of a valuation estimate This course is ideal for individuals who are Financial analysts or Business analysts or Venture capitalists or Private Equity professionals or Startup entrepreneurs or Equity Analysts or Finance Managers or Investment Bankers It is particularly useful for Financial analysts or Business analysts or Venture capitalists or Private Equity professionals or Startup entrepreneurs or Equity Analysts or Finance Managers or Investment Bankers.
Enroll now: Company Valuation & Financial Modeling
Title: Company Valuation & Financial Modeling
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.46
Number of Lectures: 159
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 142
Number of Curriculum Items: 160
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 142
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a complete valuation model of any company
- Analyze the Annual Report of any company
- Build historical financial statements of any company
- Forecast future financial statements of any company
- Perform valuation analytics on any company
- Undertake sensitivity analysis of a valuation estimate
Who Should Attend
- Financial analysts
- Business analysts
- Venture capitalists
- Private Equity professionals
- Startup entrepreneurs
- Equity Analysts
- Finance Managers
- Investment Bankers
Target Audiences
- Financial analysts
- Business analysts
- Venture capitalists
- Private Equity professionals
- Startup entrepreneurs
- Equity Analysts
- Finance Managers
- Investment Bankers
Hey, welcome to our very popular Company Valuation and Financial Modelingonline course.
We are glad to see you visit this course.
If only we could shake hands!
What is this course about?
In this course, we will teach you the comprehensive skills to undertake the valuation of any company.
We will illustrate the following broad content topics in great detail in this course:
1) Understanding the business model
2) Preparing the financial statements – income statement, balance sheet and cash flows statement
3) Forecasting the financial statements
4) Discounted Cash Flows based valuation techniques
5) Sensitivities of valuation estimates
It is a very comprehensive course that will teach you the complete skills to perform the valuation analysis of any company.
How is this course useful for YOUR purpose?
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This course will help you to stand in good stead for a potential Analyst profile in the following sectors:
Investment banking
Equity Research
Private Equity
Asset Management
Consulting / Advisory
Look, the Analyst profile is quite demanding in all of the above jobs.
So your employer will want you to be on ready to work on a real project on Day 1!
Our course does exactly that – we make you job ready for your professional work.
The course provides all the practical training to undertake the role of an analyst in the above sectors.
You can crack your upcoming interviews easily with the learning from this course.
You have lifetime access to the course once you enroll.
So even if you don’t plan to start now, you can still enroll and come back anytime later.
What makes this course different than others?
This course content is unique!
You will learn exactly what you are required to do in your daily work.
You get access to practical real life illustrations of all key skills to be a Analyst with Financial services firms
It is a completely hands-on course.
You need to carry out the illustrations in the course along with the instructor.
We provide you the same set up as the instructor.
All illustration spreadsheets can be downloaded at your end.
You will feel as if somebody is guiding you step by step in all illustrations.
It is a very practical on the job training for you.
You are going to love our instructor’s teaching style.
He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.
You will have practice assignments to test your learning from the course
The Practice Assignments are marked with varying difficulty levels – High, Medium and Low.
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Read what student Daniel Hughes had to say about this course-
“Valuable information, Clear explanations, Engaging delivery, Helpful practice activities, Accurate course description, Knowledgeable instructor”
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But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course!
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Start learning now.
See you inside the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the course
Lecture 1: Course overview
Chapter 2: Module 1: Valuation
Lecture 1: What will we learn in this module?
Lecture 2: What is valuation?
Lecture 3: Different schools of thought in valuation of companies
Lecture 4: Application of valuation analyst skills
Lecture 5: End of Module 1
Chapter 3: Module 2: Valuation framework
Lecture 1: What will we learn in this module?
Lecture 2: Valuation framework – Step 1 : Business model
Lecture 3: Valuation framework – Step 2: Historical financials
Lecture 4: Valuation framework – Step 3: Forecast financials
Lecture 5: Valuation framework – Step 4: Valuation technique
Lecture 6: Valuation framework – Step 5: Valuation sensitivity
Lecture 7: Valuation as an art and science
Lecture 8: Valuation in the context of a real company
Lecture 9: End of Module 2
Chapter 4: Module 3: Business model of a company
Lecture 1: What will we learn in this module?
Lecture 2: Business model – Products
Lecture 3: Business model – Costs
Lecture 4: Business model – Operations
Lecture 5: Business model – Financing
Lecture 6: Business model – Strategy
Lecture 7: Sources of information for capturing the business model of a company
Lecture 8: Downloading Walmart annual report
Lecture 9: Reading through Walmart annual report
Lecture 10: Walmart business model – Products
Lecture 11: Walmart business model – Cost
Lecture 12: Walmart business model – Operations
Lecture 13: Walmart business model – Financing
Lecture 14: Walmart business model – Strategy
Lecture 15: End of Module 3
Chapter 5: Module 4: Financial statements of a company
Lecture 1: What will we learn in this module?
Lecture 2: The three key financial statements of any company
Lecture 3: The typical structure of an income statement of a company
Lecture 4: The typical structure of a balance sheet of a company
Lecture 5: The typical structure of a cash flow statement of a company
Lecture 6: Sources of information of the historical financial statements
Lecture 7: Capturing Walmart's historical financial statements from Annual Report
Lecture 8: Download the excel template for this module
Lecture 9: Standardized income statements
Lecture 10: Understanding minority interests
Lecture 11: Standardized income statements – contd.
Lecture 12: Standardized balance sheet
Lecture 13: Capturing Walmart's income statement
Lecture 14: Capturing Walmart's balance sheet
Lecture 15: Conclusion
Lecture 16: End of Module 4
Chapter 6: Module 5A : Financial ratio analysis of a company
Lecture 1: What will we learn in this module?
Lecture 2: The five steps to forecasting the financial statements
Lecture 3: Download the excel template for this module
Lecture 4: Calculating revenue growth, COGS margin and SGA margin for Walmart
Lecture 5: Calculating depreciation rate and interest rate for Walmart
Lecture 6: Calculating effective tax rate and minority interests for Walmart
Lecture 7: Calculation of AR, Inventory, PPE and AR ratio for Walmart
Lecture 8: Cash flows statement in Walmart Annual Report
Lecture 9: Re-download the excel template for this module
Lecture 10: Calculating the borrowings and dividend payout ratio for Walmart
Lecture 11: End of Module 5A
Chapter 7: Module 5B: Extrapolating financial ratios of a company
Lecture 1: Extrapolating the Revenue growth rate for Walmart
Lecture 2: Extrapolating the COGS margin and SGA margin for Walmart
Lecture 3: Extrapolating the Depreciation rate for Walmart
Lecture 4: Extrapolating Interest rate, Effective Tax rate & Minority Interest for Walmart
Lecture 5: Extrapolating AR, Inventory, PPE and AP ratio for Walmart
Lecture 6: Extrapolating short term Borrowings for Walmart
Lecture 7: Extrapolating long term Borrowings for Walmart
Lecture 8: Extrapolating Dividends for Walmart
Lecture 9: End of Module 5B
Chapter 8: Module 5C: Forecasting the Income statement and Balance sheet of a company
Lecture 1: Forecasting future financial statements of a company
Lecture 2: Forecasting the Revenues for Walmart
Lecture 3: Forecasting COGS, Gross Profit and SGA for Walmart
Lecture 4: Forecasting Depreciation and EBIT for Walmart
Lecture 5: Forecasting Interest expense and EBT for Walmart
Lecture 6: Forecasting Taxes, Minority interests and Profits for Walmart
Lecture 7: Forecasting Inventory, AR and other Current assets for Walmart
Lecture 8: Lecture 79: Forecasting Fixed Assets, Goodwill and Other Long term Assets
Lecture 9: Forecasting short term Borrowings for Walmart
Lecture 10: Forecasting AP and other current liabilities for Walmart
Lecture 11: Forecasting Long term borrowings and other liabilities for Walmart
Lecture 12: Forecasting Minority interests for Walmart
Lecture 13: Forecasting Common Equity for Walmart
Lecture 14: Quick Recap of what we have learnt so far
Lecture 15: End of Module 5C
Lecture 16: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
Chapter 9: Module 5D: Forecasting the Cash Flows statement of a company
Lecture 1: Cash flows statement of any company
Lecture 2: Non-cash costs in Cash flow from Operations of Walmart
Lecture 3: Non operating expenses in Cash flow from Operations of Walmart
Lecture 4: Current operating liabilities in Cash flow from Operations of Walmart
Lecture 5: Current operating assets in Cash flow from Operations of Walmart
Lecture 6: Calculating Cash flow from Operations of Walmart
Lecture 7: Cash flow from Investments
Lecture 8: Capital expenditures for Cash flow from Investments of Walmart
Lecture 9: Calculating cash flow from Investments of Walmart
Ashish Agarwal
15+ years in Business & Finance, ex-McKinsey & ex-BlackRock
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 54 votes
- 2 stars: 91 votes
- 3 stars: 610 votes
- 4 stars: 1837 votes
- 5 stars: 2301 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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