Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance
Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance, available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.48, with 417 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 1954 reviews, and has 20130 subscribers.
You will learn about Build automated Crypto Trading Bots with Python, Binance and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Spot Trading and Futures Trading Create powerful and unique Crypto Trading Strategies Rigorous Testing of Strategies: Backtesting, Forward Testing and live Testing (Paper Trading) Deep Dive into the Binance API (Spot & Futures) API Trading with Binance and many other Exchanges (Coinbase, Kraken & co.) Truly Data-driven Trading and Investing Margin Trading (Leverage) Understand Trading: Order Types, Commissions, Bid-Ask-Spread, Slippage, Liquidation, etc. Load Historical Market Data (Price, Volume and more) from Crypto Spot & Futures Markets Get programmatic access to many Crypto Exchanges with the CCXT Library Python Coding and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in a way that everybody understands it Coding with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn Fully automate and schedule your Trades on a virtual Server in the AWS Cloud Stream high-frequency real-time Cryptocurrency Data Understand, analyze, control and limit Trading Costs This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who want to start with Cryptocurrencies and want to do it right straight way (avoiding common mistakes). or Cryptorcurreny Traders and Investors who want to professionalize and automate their Business. or Cryptorcurreny Traders and Investors tired of relying on simple strategies, chance and hope. or Finance & Investment Professionals who want to step into Data-driven Finance. or Data Scientists and Machine Learning Professionals with an interest in Trading and Cryptos. It is particularly useful for Beginners who want to start with Cryptocurrencies and want to do it right straight way (avoiding common mistakes). or Cryptorcurreny Traders and Investors who want to professionalize and automate their Business. or Cryptorcurreny Traders and Investors tired of relying on simple strategies, chance and hope. or Finance & Investment Professionals who want to step into Data-driven Finance. or Data Scientists and Machine Learning Professionals with an interest in Trading and Cryptos.
Enroll now: Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance
Title: Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.48
Number of Lectures: 417
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 417
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 421
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 421
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build automated Crypto Trading Bots with Python, Binance and Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Spot Trading and Futures Trading
- Create powerful and unique Crypto Trading Strategies
- Rigorous Testing of Strategies: Backtesting, Forward Testing and live Testing (Paper Trading)
- Deep Dive into the Binance API (Spot & Futures)
- API Trading with Binance and many other Exchanges (Coinbase, Kraken & co.)
- Truly Data-driven Trading and Investing
- Margin Trading (Leverage)
- Understand Trading: Order Types, Commissions, Bid-Ask-Spread, Slippage, Liquidation, etc.
- Load Historical Market Data (Price, Volume and more) from Crypto Spot & Futures Markets
- Get programmatic access to many Crypto Exchanges with the CCXT Library
- Python Coding and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in a way that everybody understands it
- Coding with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn
- Fully automate and schedule your Trades on a virtual Server in the AWS Cloud
- Stream high-frequency real-time Cryptocurrency Data
- Understand, analyze, control and limit Trading Costs
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who want to start with Cryptocurrencies and want to do it right straight way (avoiding common mistakes).
- Cryptorcurreny Traders and Investors who want to professionalize and automate their Business.
- Cryptorcurreny Traders and Investors tired of relying on simple strategies, chance and hope.
- Finance & Investment Professionals who want to step into Data-driven Finance.
- Data Scientists and Machine Learning Professionals with an interest in Trading and Cryptos.
Target Audiences
- Beginners who want to start with Cryptocurrencies and want to do it right straight way (avoiding common mistakes).
- Cryptorcurreny Traders and Investors who want to professionalize and automate their Business.
- Cryptorcurreny Traders and Investors tired of relying on simple strategies, chance and hope.
- Finance & Investment Professionals who want to step into Data-driven Finance.
- Data Scientists and Machine Learning Professionals with an interest in Trading and Cryptos.
Welcome to the most comprehensive Algorithmic Trading Course for Cryptocurrencies.It´s the first 100% Data-driven Crypto Trading Course!
Learn how some of the most successful Crypto Traders and Investors make Profits.
In this rigorous but yet practical Course, we will leave nothing to chance, hope, vagueness, or pure intuition! And it´s the most detailed course on the Binance API. Other Exchanges like Coinbase, Kraken, KuCoin, KuCoin Futures, OKEx, Bybit & co. are supported as well!
So what´s the ultimate goal of this course? Creating powerful and fully automated Crypto Trading Bots for Spot Trading and Futures Trading.
The course is structured in five Parts:
Part 1: Fundamentals of Trading, Binance, and Python for Finance
Trading vs Investing
Spot vs. Derivates (Futures) Trading
What you should know about Cryptocurrencies as an Asset Class
Trading 101: Market Orders, Limit Orders, Commissions, Spreads, Slippage, Market Depth, and more
Binance Overview and the Binance API
Financial Data Analysis with Python and Pandas
Part 2: Automated Crypto Spot Trading
Long-only Strategies
Enhanced Buy-and-Hold Strategies
Backtesting, Optimization, and Forward Testing of Trading Strategies
Implementing and automating Trades
Creating fully automated Trading Bots in the Cloud (AWS)
Real Trading and Paper Trading
Part 3: Automated Crypto Futures Trading
Futures and perpetual Futures
Long-Short Futures Trading Strategies
Margin Trading (Leverage)
Real Trading and Paper Trading with the Binance Futures API
Part 4: API Trading with other Exchanges
Getting programmatic access with the CCXT Library
Trading with CCXT and Binance
Trading with CCXT and FTX
more examples to come…
Part 5 (Appendix): A Python Crash Course (optional)
Everything you need to know about Python Coding for this Course – no more, no less
What else should you know about me and the course?
The course shows how to do things right. But equally important, it highlights the most commonly made mistakes in (Crypto) Trading. There is hardly any other business where beginners make so many mistakes. Why is that? A lack of skills, expertise, and experience. And: Overconfidence and overreliance on intuition. As a finance professional with an extensive academic background (MSc in Finance, CFA) my clear message is: For Trading and Investing, intuition and common sense are not your best friends. Very often, the most intuitive solution is not the correct solution!
This course is “not only” a crypto trading course but also an in-depth Python Course that goes beyond what you can typically see in other courses. Create Software with Python and run it in real-time on a virtual Server (AWS)!
What are you waiting for? Join now!
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you in the Course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Welcome and Introduction
Lecture 2: Did you know…? (a Sneak Preview on Crypto Trading)
Lecture 3: How to get the best out of this course
Lecture 4: Student FAQ
Lecture 5: *** LEGAL DISCLAIMER (MUST READ!) ***
Lecture 6: Course Overview
Chapter 2: +++ PART 1: Fundamentals of Trading, Binance and Python for Finance +++
Lecture 1: PART 1 Overview
Lecture 2: Downloads for PART 1 ***Updated August 2023***
Chapter 3: Introduction to (Algorithmic) Trading, Cryptocurrencies and Binance
Lecture 1: Investing vs. (Algorithmic) Trading
Lecture 2: Asset Classes, Money and (Crypto-) Currencies
Lecture 3: What is a Stable Coin?
Lecture 4: Why Trading Cryptocurrencies?
Lecture 5: Why using Binance?
Lecture 6: Alternative Exchanges (Bybit, Kraken, etc.)
Lecture 7: Spot Trading vs. Derivatives (Futures) Trading (Part 1)
Lecture 8: Spot Trading vs. Derivatives (Futures) Trading (Part 2)
Lecture 9: [Article] Algorithmic Trading 101 and how to start
Chapter 4: Cryptocurrency Trading and Investing with Binance A-Z: a Deep Introduction
Lecture 1: and Binance.US at a first glance
Lecture 2: How to get a 10% Discount on Trading Commissions
Lecture 3: Registration and Identity Verification
Lecture 4: How to instantly buy your first Cryptos
Lecture 5: Deposits and Withdrawals (Part 1)
Lecture 6: Deposits and Withdrawals (Part 2)
Lecture 7: The first Spot Trade (buy Bitcoin)
Lecture 8: Trade Analysis and Trading Fees/Commissions
Lecture 9: Another Spot Trade (sell Bitcoin)
Lecture 10: Limit Orders vs. Market Orders
Lecture 11: Take-Profit Orders
Lecture 12: Stop-Loss Orders
Lecture 13: The Order Book
Lecture 14: Bid-Ask-Spread and Slippage
Lecture 15: Total Costs of a Trade (visible vs. hidden Costs)
Lecture 16: Liquidity and Market Depth
Lecture 17: Introduction to Charting and Technical Indicators
Chapter 5: Installing Python and Jupyter Notebooks
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Download and Install Anaconda
Lecture 3: How to open Jupyter Notebooks
Lecture 4: How to work with Jupyter Notebooks
Lecture 5: Tips for Python Beginners
Chapter 6: Excursus: How to avoid and debug Coding Errors (don´t skip!)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Test your debugging skills!
Lecture 3: Major reasons for Coding Errors
Lecture 4: The most commonly made Errors at a glance
Lecture 5: Omitting cells, changing the sequence and more
Lecture 6: IndexErrors
Lecture 7: Indentation Errors
Lecture 8: Misuse of function names and keywords
Lecture 9: TypeErrors and ValueErrors
Lecture 10: Getting help on
Lecture 11: How to traceback more complex Errors
Lecture 12: Problems with the Python Installation
Lecture 13: External Factors and Issues
Lecture 14: Errors related to the course content (Transcription Errors)
Lecture 15: Summary and Debugging Flow-Chart
Chapter 7: Trading with Python and the Binance API – an Introduction
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: ***Important Notice (August 2023 Update)***
Lecture 3: Getting the API Key & other Preparations
Lecture 4: Commands to install required packages
Lecture 5: How to install the Binance API Wrapper
Lecture 6: Connecting to the API/Server
Lecture 7: Troubleshooting
Lecture 8: Important notice for Binance.US users (Part 1)
Lecture 9: Retrieving general account/system Info (Part 1)
Lecture 10: Retrieving general account/system Info (Part 2)
Lecture 11: Getting (current) Market Data
Lecture 12: How to load Historical Price & Volume Data (Part 1)
Lecture 13: How to load Historical Price & Volume Data (Part 2)
Lecture 14: Excursus: Loading Historical Data (csv) from the Website
Lecture 15: Streaming real-time Market Data (Part 1)
Lecture 16: Running a Python Script
Lecture 17: Important notice for Binance.US users (Part 2)
Lecture 18: Streaming real-time Market Data (Part 2)
Lecture 19: Streaming and collecting real-time Candles
Lecture 20: Placing a Test Order
Lecture 21: The Binance Spot Test Network
Lecture 22: ***Important Notice (August 2023 Update)***
Lecture 23: Creating a Connection to the Spot Testnet
Lecture 24: Spot Testnet API – Overview
Lecture 25: Placing a Market Buy Order
Lecture 26: Placing a Market Sell Order
Lecture 27: Placing Limit Orders
Lecture 28: Reporting: Getting all (historical) Orders and Trades
Lecture 29: How to create & run a first (simple) Trading Bot
Lecture 30: Homework: Running the Trading Bot in a Python Script
Chapter 8: Financial Data Analysis with Python and Pandas – a (deep) Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview
Lecture 2: Installing and importing required Libraries/Packages
Lecture 3: Loading Financial Data from the Web
Lecture 4: Initial Inspection and Visualization
Lecture 5: [Article] Loading Data into Pandas – advanced topics
Lecture 6: Normalizing Time Series to a Base Value (100)
Lecture 7: Coding Challenge #1
Alexander Hagmann
Data Scientist | Finance Professional | Entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 31 votes
- 2 stars: 30 votes
- 3 stars: 112 votes
- 4 stars: 489 votes
- 5 stars: 1292 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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