How to Buy Your Dream Home
How to Buy Your Dream Home, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 67 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 11 reviews, and has 99 subscribers.
You will learn about Everything they need to buy a dream home from how much to purchase to after the closing. Tips on credit repair The best type of loan for them and the down payment Information about down payment assistance (the truth) and zero down programs How to get closing costs paid Learn what documents to prepare and put together Learn what to expect with negotiating the purchase price and tips for doing it well Learn all of the upfront costs that no one tells you Learn tips to get you through the loan process, closing process, and what to do after the loan closes This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to purchase their own home or Renters who are tired of renting or New families that want their own home to create memories or Everyone who has no idea how to begin the home buying process or Adults who want all of the home buying process in one place or US home buyers or Loan Processors new in the business or Real Estate Agents wanting to know the mortgage process or Sales Agents wanting to know the mortgage process It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to purchase their own home or Renters who are tired of renting or New families that want their own home to create memories or Everyone who has no idea how to begin the home buying process or Adults who want all of the home buying process in one place or US home buyers or Loan Processors new in the business or Real Estate Agents wanting to know the mortgage process or Sales Agents wanting to know the mortgage process.
Enroll now: How to Buy Your Dream Home
Title: How to Buy Your Dream Home
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 67
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 67
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 91
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 91
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Everything they need to buy a dream home from how much to purchase to after the closing.
- Tips on credit repair
- The best type of loan for them and the down payment
- Information about down payment assistance (the truth) and zero down programs
- How to get closing costs paid
- Learn what documents to prepare and put together
- Learn what to expect with negotiating the purchase price and tips for doing it well
- Learn all of the upfront costs that no one tells you
- Learn tips to get you through the loan process, closing process, and what to do after the loan closes
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to purchase their own home
- Renters who are tired of renting
- New families that want their own home to create memories
- Everyone who has no idea how to begin the home buying process
- Adults who want all of the home buying process in one place
- US home buyers
- Loan Processors new in the business
- Real Estate Agents wanting to know the mortgage process
- Sales Agents wanting to know the mortgage process
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to purchase their own home
- Renters who are tired of renting
- New families that want their own home to create memories
- Everyone who has no idea how to begin the home buying process
- Adults who want all of the home buying process in one place
- US home buyers
- Loan Processors new in the business
- Real Estate Agents wanting to know the mortgage process
- Sales Agents wanting to know the mortgage process
Do you dream of owning your own home? Now you have a clear cut, step-by-step learning process to teach you what you need so that you can prepare and strategize to make that happen. The first part of the program is the planning stage that will teach you how much you can purchase, what to save for down payment and closing costs, how to get down payment and closing costs, and so much more. Then you will continue to learn about Application and Preapproval to take you to the next step that allows you to begin looking for a home. After that, you can learn How to Negotiate and Understand the Purchase Process in its entirety as well as learn some pro tips that will save you money and time. We take it one step further and tell you some important tips for what to do after the closing.
What You Get!
Are you unsure how to begin, what it takes to get a MORTGAGE, how to get your DOWN PAYMENT, and just don’t know where to begin? We get you there with:
Step by step PDFS, videos, and audio lessons to teach you every step of the process.
BONUS: How to increase your income with a multi unit purchase
Worksheets that you help you determine how much you can afford and what your down payment will be.
Details on how your credit fits in, how to repair it, a $100 voucher toward set up for credit repair.
Assignements to help you stay organized and prepared.
Lessons on down payment assistance (the truth) and how to get closing costs paid, as well as information about zero down loans.
Understand the application process and preapproval and why a prequalification is not worth the paper it is written on.
Find out if you should pay off that collection and why the answer is typically NO.
Learn what documents to prepare and how to destress a loan with preparation.
Learn what to expect with negotiating your purchase and the best tips for doing it well.
Find out the entire loan process to prepare you to get through it easily.
Learn about the upfront costs that NO ONE tells you about.
Find out how to prepare for closing.
Understand what no one tells you about what to do after closing.
How This Will Help
A mortgage and home purchase is a tough, stressful process. I wish someone actually taught me the entire process back when I started out. It would have been smooth had I been prepared. Abe Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Not only are we giving you the six hours, we are giving you the axe, and the sharpening stone. Why? Because if I had this course at my disposal, my purchase and loan would have been so much less stressful.
When I began, I was a single mom and she was a young kid. I had a pretty stressful life. I worked full time and then some. I had a child to care for, cook for, clean for. Bills had to be paid. Things kept coming up that I had to handle. My job was stressful. Starting to sound familiar? Then, I also had to learn how to handle a mortgage and purchase. Every time I turned around, I had a new surprise adding to my already stressful life. So sit back, learn from the experts. Let us get you step-by step in the process, no surprises. Take your time. Don’t be in a hurry. Trust me, houses will always be there and there will always be one you love. Always.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I have no savings for down payment? We talk about down payment assistance programs, how to get closing costs paid, zero down loans, and tell you what your down payment will be if you do not qualify for these. There is no way to hit a target when you don’t know what it is. We tell you your down payment so that you can prepare.
What if my credit is not good?We talk about that. We even offer a voucher for a credit repair resource that we have found to be helpful for our clients. Remember it is all about preparation.
People keep saying interest rates are too high and I should wait. First, it will take you time to prepare. Secondly, interest rates change everyday. They go up and they go down. If you wait for them to go down, you may be waiting quite some time. However, if you buy what you can afford now, when they go down, refinancing into a lower rate will be an option. As a worst case scenario, learn and prepare now, so that when you want to pull the trigger, you are ready.
Isn’t this information available on the internet? Yes, we have looked everywhere. It is actually all over in separate pieces in different web sites. We put it all together in one place for you to learn from start to closing on your home.
I have a preapproval. Will this course help me in any way? Absolutely. It will help you throughout the loan and closing process and tell you what to expect along the way and what to do after you close.
Won’t my realtor tell me all of this? In my experience, the answer is no. You get bits and pieces from realtors and mortgage brokers. However, you won’t likely get what you need, but will get a ton of surprises along the way. Not with this course though. This course attempts to cover ALL bases.
Does this course guarantee that I will be able to buy a home? There is no way that anyone can guarantee that you can buy a home. That is completely up to you and how hard you work to get to that point. However, we do teach you everything you need to be prepared to buy one.
I don’t even know how to begin. How will this course take me to the point of buying a home when I don’t know where to start? I don’t even know how to begin. How will this course take me to the point of buying a home when I don’t know where to start?
Is this course only for US residents?It is create with US mortgage regulations and guidelines. There are many tips available within the course, but if you are not in the US, you will have to use your discretion as to what applies in your country.
Are the regulations up to date?They are up to date as of July 12,2019. When we see new updates to mortgage guidelines, we will create updates in the course. However, it is your responsibility to find out the laws in your state and city as well as to review the federal regulations once you select a loan originator.
We’ve left NOTHING OUT. We’ve taken every part of the process and put it in one place in step by step format
Nothing should ever hold you back from your dreams. Let us guide you from start to the keys to your dream home!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Why this course was created
Lecture 2: How to use this course
Chapter 2: Types of Loans Available
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is mortgage insurance?
Lecture 3: Conventional Loans & First Time Home Buyer
Lecture 4: FHA Loans
Lecture 5: USDA Loans
Lecture 6: VA Loans
Lecture 7: Putting it all Together
Chapter 3: Is Your Income Enough?
Lecture 1: Introduction to Income
Lecture 2: Income That Can Be Used
Lecture 3: BONUS Increase Your Income with Multi-Unit Property Purchase
Chapter 4: How much do you owe?
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Debts that report on your credit
Lecture 3: Debts paid by others
Lecture 4: How collections are calculated
Lecture 5: How student loans are calculated
Lecture 6: Other types of debt
Lecture 7: Tips for your credit report
Chapter 5: How much can you purchase
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 6: Down Payment and Closing Costs
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Calculate your down payment
Lecture 3: Alternate Ways to Get Down Payment
Lecture 4: Alternate Ways to Get Closing Costs
Lecture 5: Seller Paid Closing Costs
Chapter 7: Preapproval Process
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Application Process
Lecture 3: Documents needed
Lecture 4: Preapproval Process
Lecture 5: BONUS Refer/Eligible vs Approve/Eligible
Lecture 6: Your Loan Estimate
Lecture 7: How to compare loans
Lecture 8: Upfront Costs
Lecture 9: BONUS Paying off debts for your loan IMPORTANT
Chapter 8: Your Loan Professional
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why a loan originator is better
Lecture 3: How to select a loan originator
Lecture 4: What to expect from your loan originator
Chapter 9: Your Real Estate Agent
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to pick your real estate agent
Lecture 3: What to expect
Chapter 10: Your Purchase
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Special Tips for purchasing a manufactured home
Lecture 3: Negotiating purchase price from a loan perspective
Lecture 4: Documents to request from the seller to save money
Lecture 5: Best Practice for contract due dates
Chapter 11: Your Purchase Agreement
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Names on the contract
Lecture 3: Inspections required for your home
Lecture 4: Appraisal and Survey
Lecture 5: Manufactured Home Inspections
Lecture 6: HOA and COA tips
Chapter 12: What to Expect in the Loan Process
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Disclosures and esigns
Lecture 3: Loan Timeline
Lecture 4: BONUS What to do if your appraisal comes in LOW/HIGH
Lecture 5: What is underwriting
Chapter 13: Preparing for closing
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is closing
Lecture 3: When will I find out what my closing costs are
Lecture 4: What should I expect on closing day
Chapter 14: What to do after closing
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Paperwork to keep after closing
Lecture 3: Filing for homestead exemption
Laura Ray
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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