Invest in Stocks Like a Pro Investor by a Pro Investor!
Invest in Stocks Like a Pro Investor by a Pro Investor!, available at $129.99, has an average rating of 4.47, with 110 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 2208 reviews, and has 24802 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to pick stocks by using easy to understand methodologies that professional investors at the top hedge funds and mutual funds use. How to come up with mutual fund investment ideas (longs – meaning buys) using an easy to understand top down and bottoms up research process. How to come up with hedge fund investment ideas (longs and shorts) using an easy to understand top down and bottoms up research process. Use templates and helpful methodologies created by Professor Haroun when he worked in the hedge fund industry to help you get a job, get promoted and pick stocks. The templates are all included in the course as well as Professor Haroun's easy to understand 8 step investment framework process. Identify crucial catalysts (timed events) in order to know when the optimal time is to buy or short a stock. Know exactly what a hedge fund is, the different hedge fund strategies, what it is like to work at a hedge fund, the pros and cons of working at a hedge fund, what shorting a stock really means, how hedge funds are structured and the who/what/where/why/when/how of the top hedge funds. Know exactly what a mutual fund is, the different mutual fund strategies, what it is like to work at a mutual fund, the pros and cons of working at a mutual fund, how mutual funds are structured and the who/what/where/why/when/how of the top mutual funds. Choose what buy side job you are most passionate about (mutual funds or hedge funds). Understand how investment banks (the 'Sell Side') can help you be more successful in a hedge fund or mutual fund career. Create easy to understand 1 page templates on why a stock is a buy or a short that you can use to help you come up with investment ideas. You can also impress your boss, clients, colleagues and potential clients or potential boss! Analyze and understand an income statement (even if you have no experience with income statements). Analyze and understand a balance sheet (even if you have no experience with balance sheets). Analyze and understand a cash flow statement (even if you have no experience with cash flow statements). We will do an extremely in depth professional investment analysis of LinkedIn using the investment methodologies used in this course (you will also have many exercises to complete that will help you understand modeling, financial statements and how to value companies). Understand and use modeling best practices so you can create financial models. Know where to get data in order to build a financial model (in depth understanding of identifying and using/navigating the best free websites and sources to build your financial model)! Create a financial model (projecting the future) for an income statement. Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a balance sheet. Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a cash flow statement. Understand valuation best practices so you can create target prices based on your financial models. How to use Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and how to create the Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Terminal values in order to pick target prices. How to use P/E in order to pick target prices. How to use P/R in order to pick target prices. Other valuation methodologies, including EV/Sales, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/FCF, etc. Come up with a target price based on an average of several different valuation methodologies. Know the differences with how hedge funds and mutual funds value and model companies. Analyze the total addressable market for a company you are doing research on. Analyze financial statements using profitability ratios: Gross Margin (Cost of Goods Sold / Revenue), Operating Margin (EBITDA/ Revenue), Net Profit Margin (Net Income / Revenue), Return on Assets (Net Income / Assets) and Return on Equity (Net Income / Equity). Analyze financial statements using debt and inventory formulas: Debt to Assets (Total Liabilities/ Total Assets), Debt to Equity (Total Liabilities/ Total Equity), Interest Coverage Ratio (EBITDA / Interest) and Inventory Days on Hand (Inventory / Cost of Good Sold) * 365. Analyze and compare companies using the following formulas: Price / Earnings, PEG (P/E / Growth), Price / Revenue, EV/EBITDA, EV/Sales, Price/Free Cash Flow and Price / Book. How to interview management teams and tell if they are lying (based on training I received from 25 year CIA and FBI veterans). How to keep you and your family safe by discussing important compliance rules in the mutual fund and hedge fund industry. How to ace the mutual fund interview so you can get hired. How to ace the hedge fund interview so you can get hired. How to keep your boss happy at a hedge fund so you have a much better chance of getting promoted. How to keep your boss happy at a mutual fund so you have a much better chance of getting promoted. Politics to be aware of at a hedge fund. Politics to be aware of at a mutual fund. Excellent tips/secrets on how to get promoted at a hedge fund. Excellent tips/secrets on how to get promoted at a mutual fund. What is the role of a successful portfolio manager at a hedge fund? What is the role of a successful portfolio manager at a mutual fund? This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in learning how to pick stocks the easy way – like the pros do (assuming you have no finance and accounting background. You will learn the easy way how to pick stocks like professional investors do at mutual funds or at hedge funds). or Anyone interested in working at a hedge fund as an analyst. or Anyone interested in working at a mutual fund as an analyst. or Anyone that already works at a hedge fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager). or Anyone that already works at a mutual fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager). or Anyone that is interested in learning about the hedge fund and mutual fund industries and how they pick stocks. It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in learning how to pick stocks the easy way – like the pros do (assuming you have no finance and accounting background. You will learn the easy way how to pick stocks like professional investors do at mutual funds or at hedge funds). or Anyone interested in working at a hedge fund as an analyst. or Anyone interested in working at a mutual fund as an analyst. or Anyone that already works at a hedge fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager). or Anyone that already works at a mutual fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager). or Anyone that is interested in learning about the hedge fund and mutual fund industries and how they pick stocks.
Enroll now: Invest in Stocks Like a Pro Investor by a Pro Investor!
Title: Invest in Stocks Like a Pro Investor by a Pro Investor!
Price: $129.99
Average Rating: 4.47
Number of Lectures: 110
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 115
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 108
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to pick stocks by using easy to understand methodologies that professional investors at the top hedge funds and mutual funds use.
- How to come up with mutual fund investment ideas (longs – meaning buys) using an easy to understand top down and bottoms up research process.
- How to come up with hedge fund investment ideas (longs and shorts) using an easy to understand top down and bottoms up research process.
- Use templates and helpful methodologies created by Professor Haroun when he worked in the hedge fund industry to help you get a job, get promoted and pick stocks. The templates are all included in the course as well as Professor Haroun's easy to understand 8 step investment framework process.
- Identify crucial catalysts (timed events) in order to know when the optimal time is to buy or short a stock.
- Know exactly what a hedge fund is, the different hedge fund strategies, what it is like to work at a hedge fund, the pros and cons of working at a hedge fund, what shorting a stock really means, how hedge funds are structured and the who/what/where/why/when/how of the top hedge funds.
- Know exactly what a mutual fund is, the different mutual fund strategies, what it is like to work at a mutual fund, the pros and cons of working at a mutual fund, how mutual funds are structured and the who/what/where/why/when/how of the top mutual funds.
- Choose what buy side job you are most passionate about (mutual funds or hedge funds).
- Understand how investment banks (the 'Sell Side') can help you be more successful in a hedge fund or mutual fund career.
- Create easy to understand 1 page templates on why a stock is a buy or a short that you can use to help you come up with investment ideas. You can also impress your boss, clients, colleagues and potential clients or potential boss!
- Analyze and understand an income statement (even if you have no experience with income statements).
- Analyze and understand a balance sheet (even if you have no experience with balance sheets).
- Analyze and understand a cash flow statement (even if you have no experience with cash flow statements).
- We will do an extremely in depth professional investment analysis of LinkedIn using the investment methodologies used in this course (you will also have many exercises to complete that will help you understand modeling, financial statements and how to value companies).
- Understand and use modeling best practices so you can create financial models.
- Know where to get data in order to build a financial model (in depth understanding of identifying and using/navigating the best free websites and sources to build your financial model)!
- Create a financial model (projecting the future) for an income statement.
- Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a balance sheet.
- Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a cash flow statement.
- Understand valuation best practices so you can create target prices based on your financial models.
- How to use Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and how to create the Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Terminal values in order to pick target prices.
- How to use P/E in order to pick target prices.
- How to use P/R in order to pick target prices.
- Other valuation methodologies, including EV/Sales, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/FCF, etc.
- Come up with a target price based on an average of several different valuation methodologies.
- Know the differences with how hedge funds and mutual funds value and model companies.
- Analyze the total addressable market for a company you are doing research on.
- Analyze financial statements using profitability ratios: Gross Margin (Cost of Goods Sold / Revenue), Operating Margin (EBITDA/ Revenue), Net Profit Margin (Net Income / Revenue), Return on Assets (Net Income / Assets) and Return on Equity (Net Income / Equity).
- Analyze financial statements using debt and inventory formulas: Debt to Assets (Total Liabilities/ Total Assets), Debt to Equity (Total Liabilities/ Total Equity), Interest Coverage Ratio (EBITDA / Interest) and Inventory Days on Hand (Inventory / Cost of Good Sold) * 365.
- Analyze and compare companies using the following formulas: Price / Earnings, PEG (P/E / Growth), Price / Revenue, EV/EBITDA, EV/Sales, Price/Free Cash Flow and Price / Book.
- How to interview management teams and tell if they are lying (based on training I received from 25 year CIA and FBI veterans).
- How to keep you and your family safe by discussing important compliance rules in the mutual fund and hedge fund industry.
- How to ace the mutual fund interview so you can get hired.
- How to ace the hedge fund interview so you can get hired.
- How to keep your boss happy at a hedge fund so you have a much better chance of getting promoted.
- How to keep your boss happy at a mutual fund so you have a much better chance of getting promoted.
- Politics to be aware of at a hedge fund.
- Politics to be aware of at a mutual fund.
- Excellent tips/secrets on how to get promoted at a hedge fund.
- Excellent tips/secrets on how to get promoted at a mutual fund.
- What is the role of a successful portfolio manager at a hedge fund?
- What is the role of a successful portfolio manager at a mutual fund?
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in learning how to pick stocks the easy way – like the pros do (assuming you have no finance and accounting background. You will learn the easy way how to pick stocks like professional investors do at mutual funds or at hedge funds).
- Anyone interested in working at a hedge fund as an analyst.
- Anyone interested in working at a mutual fund as an analyst.
- Anyone that already works at a hedge fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager).
- Anyone that already works at a mutual fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager).
- Anyone that is interested in learning about the hedge fund and mutual fund industries and how they pick stocks.
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in learning how to pick stocks the easy way – like the pros do (assuming you have no finance and accounting background. You will learn the easy way how to pick stocks like professional investors do at mutual funds or at hedge funds).
- Anyone interested in working at a hedge fund as an analyst.
- Anyone interested in working at a mutual fund as an analyst.
- Anyone that already works at a hedge fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager).
- Anyone that already works at a mutual fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager).
- Anyone that is interested in learning about the hedge fund and mutual fund industries and how they pick stocks.
** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: “Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education.” ** He is the author of the best selling business course on Udemy this year called ‘An Entire MBA in 1 Course’
There are 100 lessons in this course to help you understand how to pick stocks like professional investors do at mutual funds and hedge funds (even if you have no stock picking, accounting or finance experience)! Also, if you want to work or be successful at a hedge fund or at a mutual fund, this course will tell you how to get a job, get promoted and how to excel at mutual funds and hedge funds.
Professor Chris Haroun has been profiled in Forbes Magazine and Business Insider and has raised and managed over $1bn in his finance career. He loves teaching students about real world practical concepts with no theory.
Professor Haroun has more than 20 years of finance analyst experience in several different finance sectors, including 5 years at Goldman Sachs, 8 years in the hedge fund industry at firms that include hedge fund giant Citadel and his own firm, 7 years in the venture capital industry (a venture firm he started had a private investment years ago in Facebook) and 4 years in the finance/tech industry at Accenture where he worked on the merger of Bank of America and Nations Bank as well as setting up an offshore bank for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. His finance work experience has been all over the world in countries that include the United States, England, Scotland, Canada, Japan, China, India and France. He has taught students in more that 160 countries and he is a well known business author of many books. His popular business book: ‘101 Crucial Lessons They Don’t Teach You in Business School’ was written up in Forbes Magazine as “1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now.”
Professor Haroun also has an MBA from Columbia University where he majored in Finance.
After taking this course, students should be able to understand how to pick stocks like a professional investor at a mutual fund or hedge fund as well as how to get a job, get promoted and how to excel at mutual funds and hedge funds.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and What is the Buy Side (Meaning Hedge Funds or Mutual Funds)?
Lecture 1: Thank You Message from Chris
Lecture 2: Course Introduction & Who is this Course For?
Lecture 3: What is the Relationship Between the Buy Side and the Sell Side?
Lecture 4: Practice Activity: Decide What Buy Side Role You Are Most Passionate About
Lecture 5: Practice Activity Results Analysis: Congratulations!
Lecture 6: How to Ask me Questions Live on my Weekly Webcast (Includes Zoom)
Chapter 2: Hedge Funds Overview
Lecture 1: Hedge Funds Introduction
Lecture 2: A Day in the Life of a Hedge Fund Analyst
Lecture 3: Pros and Cons of Working at a Hedge Fund
Lecture 4: Other Hedge Fund Strategies (Event Driven, Computer Trading etc.)
Chapter 3: Mutual Funds Overview
Lecture 1: Mutual Funds Introduction
Lecture 2: A Day in the Life of a Mutual Fund Analyst
Lecture 3: Pros and Cons of Working at a Mutual Fund
Chapter 4: What is a Buy Side Research Process?
Lecture 1: Research Process Introduction
Lecture 2: 8 Step Research Process
Lecture 3: Completing an Investment Idea Template
Lecture 4: Differences Between the Research Process at a Hedge Fund and at a Mutual Fun
Chapter 5: Catalysts
Lecture 1: What is an Investment Catalyst and Why is it Important?
Lecture 2: Catalysts for Hedge Funds
Lecture 3: Catalysts for Mutual Funds
Chapter 6: Coming Up with Hedge Fund Investment Ideas
Lecture 1: Introduction to Coming Up with Hedge Fund Long (Buy) and Short Ideas.
Lecture 2: Top Down Versus Bottoms Up Hedge Fund Investment Ideas & Themes
Lecture 3: How to Create and Pitch Hedge Fund Long Ideas
Lecture 4: How to Create and Pitch Hedge Fund Short Ideas + Exercise
Lecture 5: Analyzing Technicals and Stop Losses
Lecture 6: Hedge Fund Idea Templates (Use these to impress your boss or potential boss)
Chapter 7: Coming Up with Mutual Fund Investment Ideas
Lecture 1: Introduction to Coming Up with Mutual Fund Long (Buy) Ideas.
Lecture 2: How to Create and Pitch Mutual Fund Long (Buy) Ideas
Lecture 3: Long Only Mutual Fund Template (Use this to Impress your Boss/Potential Boss)
Chapter 8: Accounting Part 1 of 3: Income Statement Analysis
Lecture 1: Why is the Income Statement Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals
Lecture 2: Income Statement Explanation
Lecture 3: Income Statement Example and Analysis
Lecture 4: Income Statement Analysis Exercise
Lecture 5: Income Statement Analysis Exercise Answers Explanations
Chapter 9: Accounting Part 2 of 3: Balance Sheet Analysis
Lecture 1: Why is the Balance Sheet Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals
Lecture 2: Balance Sheet Explanation
Lecture 3: Balance Sheet Example and Analysis
Lecture 4: Balance Sheet Analysis Exercise
Lecture 5: Balance Sheet Analysis Exercise Answer Explanations
Chapter 10: Accounting Part 3 of 3: Cash Flow Statement Analysis
Lecture 1: Why is the Cash Flow Statement Important+How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals
Lecture 2: Cash Flow Statement Explanation
Lecture 3: Cash Flow Statement Example and Analysis
Lecture 4: Cash Flow Statement Analysis Exercise
Lecture 5: Cash Flow Statement Analysis Exercise Answer Explanations
Lecture 6: Financial Statement Analysis Conclusion (How All 3 Statements Are Related)
Chapter 11: Financial Modeling Part 1 of 4: Introduction and Best Practices
Lecture 1: Why is Financial Modeling Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals
Lecture 2: Financial Modeling Best Practices
Chapter 12: Financial Modeling Part 2 of 4: Where Do I Get Historical Data From?
Lecture 1: Why is Investor Relations+SEC.Gov Important & How Can It Help Me Build Models?
Lecture 2: Introduction to Investor Relations (A Great Model Data Source)
Lecture 3: Introduction to (Another Great Model Data Source)
Lecture 4: Yahoo Finance (Another Great Model Data Source)
Lecture 5: What is the Quarterly Earnings Call & Why Is It Important for Modeling Purposes?
Chapter 13: Financial Modeling Part 3 of 4: Case Study: Building a Model for LinkedIn
Lecture 1: Case Study Introduction and What You Will Learn in this Section
Lecture 2: Qualitative Analysis on LinkedIn (Also..Please Be Mindful of Compliance Rules)
Lecture 3: What is the Total Addressable Market for LinkedIn and Why is this Important?
Lecture 4: LinkedIn Model Introduction
Lecture 5: LinkedIn Model Discussion in More Detail (Historical Data Only)
Lecture 6: Forecasting the LinkedIn Model
Chapter 14: Financial Modeling Part 4 of 4: Financial Model Exercise
Lecture 1: Financial Modeling Exercises Introduction
Lecture 2: Financial Modeling Exercise
Lecture 3: Modeling Exercise Answer Explanations
Chapter 15: Valuation Part 1 of 6: Introduction and Best Practices
Lecture 1: Introduction to Valuation
Lecture 2: More Detail on Growth Versus Value and P/E + P/R + DCF Overview
Lecture 3: 25 Valuation and Modeling Best Practices
Chapter 16: Valuation Part 2 of 6: Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
Lecture 1: What is DCF, Why is it Important and How Does it Work?
Lecture 2: Calculating the Terminal Value
Lecture 3: Calculating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
Lecture 4: DCF Example
Lecture 5: DCF Exercise
Lecture 6: DCF Exercise Answer Explanations Part 1 of 2
Lecture 7: DCF Exercise Answer Explanations Part 2 of 2
Chapter 17: Valuation Part 3 of 6: Price to Revenue
Lecture 1: What is Price / Revenue and Why Do We Need to Base a Target Price on this Ratio?
Lecture 2: Price to Revenue Example
Lecture 3: Price to Revenue Valuation Exercise
Lecture 4: Price to Revenue Exercise Answer Explanations
Chapter 18: Valuation Part 4 of 6: Price to Earnings & Additional Valuation Methodologies
Lecture 1: Introduction to P/E and Why it Matters
Lecture 2: Price to Earnings Example
Chris Haroun | 1.5 Million Students | #1 Best Selling Business & Finance Prof.
Finance, Business, AI, Excel and Public Speaking Courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 16 votes
- 2 stars: 31 votes
- 3 stars: 163 votes
- 4 stars: 681 votes
- 5 stars: 1317 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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