Options Masterclass-Learn how to create daily income
Options Masterclass-Learn how to create daily income, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.62, with 87 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 183 reviews, and has 6721 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how you can create a laptop lifestyle and no longer trade your time for money Learn what stock options are, the differences between buying and selling options, and how you can make money every day with limited risk Evaluate stocks to trade using easy to understand calculators provided for you Apply your learnings and spend only 15 minutes per day trading to create income Understand strategies to use to help reduce your risk Learn why everyone trading stocks should also be trading options on those stocks in order to produce consistent income and reduce risk This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to create consistent income for themselves with limited risk and without having to learn to read charts or stare at a computer screen every day. Content is designed to spend about 10 hours learning the basic concepts and will require about 15 minutes per day to implement. Trades can be implemented any time of the day between 9:30am EST and 4:00pm EST and you can do this anywhere in the world in the comfort of your own home with just a laptop and a wifi connection or This course is also for current traders who are looking to make better trading decisions or This course is for FOREX traders to learn additional strategies that may provide them with more consistent income from trading It is particularly useful for This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to create consistent income for themselves with limited risk and without having to learn to read charts or stare at a computer screen every day. Content is designed to spend about 10 hours learning the basic concepts and will require about 15 minutes per day to implement. Trades can be implemented any time of the day between 9:30am EST and 4:00pm EST and you can do this anywhere in the world in the comfort of your own home with just a laptop and a wifi connection or This course is also for current traders who are looking to make better trading decisions or This course is for FOREX traders to learn additional strategies that may provide them with more consistent income from trading.
Enroll now: Options Masterclass-Learn how to create daily income
Title: Options Masterclass-Learn how to create daily income
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.62
Number of Lectures: 87
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 87
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how you can create a laptop lifestyle and no longer trade your time for money
- Learn what stock options are, the differences between buying and selling options, and how you can make money every day with limited risk
- Evaluate stocks to trade using easy to understand calculators provided for you
- Apply your learnings and spend only 15 minutes per day trading to create income
- Understand strategies to use to help reduce your risk
- Learn why everyone trading stocks should also be trading options on those stocks in order to produce consistent income and reduce risk
Who Should Attend
- This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to create consistent income for themselves with limited risk and without having to learn to read charts or stare at a computer screen every day. Content is designed to spend about 10 hours learning the basic concepts and will require about 15 minutes per day to implement. Trades can be implemented any time of the day between 9:30am EST and 4:00pm EST and you can do this anywhere in the world in the comfort of your own home with just a laptop and a wifi connection
- This course is also for current traders who are looking to make better trading decisions
- This course is for FOREX traders to learn additional strategies that may provide them with more consistent income from trading
Target Audiences
- This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to create consistent income for themselves with limited risk and without having to learn to read charts or stare at a computer screen every day. Content is designed to spend about 10 hours learning the basic concepts and will require about 15 minutes per day to implement. Trades can be implemented any time of the day between 9:30am EST and 4:00pm EST and you can do this anywhere in the world in the comfort of your own home with just a laptop and a wifi connection
- This course is also for current traders who are looking to make better trading decisions
- This course is for FOREX traders to learn additional strategies that may provide them with more consistent income from trading
Are you stuck in a job you hate? Do you wish you had extra cash to do the things you want to do? Do you want more time freedom to spend time with the people you love? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this program is for you!
Do you want to be able to travel and still make money? Do you have 15 minutes per day that you can spend inputting your trades? Are you committed to learning the material, which will take less than 8 hours of your time? If you answered yes, this program is for you!
I’ve been trading in the markets since 1997 and I’ve made thousands of trades, some good, and some not so good. I’m here to share all my valuable experience with you to help you achieve the lifestyle you long for.
You don’t have to have any experience in the stock market. I will teach you everything to help you be successful. This course is geared toward beginners and includes 5 days of instruction with less than 2 hours per day. The course includes videos and corresponding powerpoints, as well as supporting tools that will help you be successfu.
I will teach you what options are and you will learn two easy to understand strategies that you can use right away to start creating daily income for yourself. Stop trading your time for money and start trading options instead!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Day 1
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Disclosure
Lecture 3: What You're Going to Learn
Lecture 4: My Qualifications
Lecture 5: What You Need to be Successful
Lecture 6: Benefits of Options Trading
Lecture 7: Financial Advisors
Lecture 8: The Importance of Managing Risk
Lecture 9: Fundamentals of Stocks and Bonds
Lecture 10: Options are Like Insurance
Lecture 11: How Insurance Companies Make Money
Lecture 12: How Casinos Make Money
Lecture 13: Where is the Market Going?
Lecture 14: Selling a put – Strategy 1 of 2
Lecture 15: Selling a Covered Call – Strategy 2 of 2
Lecture 16: Basic Definitions
Chapter 2: Day 2
Lecture 1: Review of what we’ve learned so far
Lecture 2: How delta helps us estimate likelihoods
Lecture 3: Focus on 5% likelihoods
Lecture 4: Walking through an example for TSLA
Lecture 5: Recapping selling a put
Lecture 6: The power of premium – TSLA $250 put example
Lecture 7: TSLA $50 put example
Lecture 8: You keep the premium no matter what happens
Lecture 9: Who are the players in the market
Lecture 10: Making incremental returns regardless of stock direction
Lecture 11: Worst case scenario
Lecture 12: How to choose which stock to trade
Lecture 13: Calculating intrinsic value
Lecture 14: Margin of Safety
Lecture 15: Setting Yourself up for Success
Lecture 16: Calculate rate of return
Lecture 17: Recap
Lecture 18: Selling a Covered Call
Lecture 19: Ability to exit the trade anytime
Chapter 3: Day 3
Lecture 1: Review of what we’ve learned so far (day3)
Lecture 2: FL example using 5 step process
Lecture 3: Step 1 – Look at the chart
Lecture 4: Technical analysis
Lecture 5: Gaps
Lecture 6: Support levels and stop orders
Lecture 7: Risk
Lecture 8: Step #2 of our 5 step process
Lecture 9: Step #3 calculate IV
Lecture 10: Step #4 options pricing
Lecture 11: Step 5 calculate rate of return
Lecture 12: What happens at expiration
Lecture 13: Risk if you have to buy the stock
Lecture 14: While you own your stock
Lecture 15: Dividends on stock
Lecture 16: Consider your trades
Lecture 17: NIO example
Lecture 18: NFLX example
Chapter 4: Day 4
Lecture 1: Review of what we’ve learned so far (day4)
Lecture 2: Can you see yourself implementing this to be successful?
Lecture 3: Practice, practice, practice
Lecture 4: Minimizing losses on stock
Lecture 5: Risk and stop losses
Lecture 6: Risk with owning stock
Lecture 7: MET example Step #1
Lecture 8: MET example Step #2
Lecture 9: MET example Step #3
Lecture 10: MET example Step #4
Lecture 11: MET example Step #5
Lecture 12: Understand the risk before you make the trade
Lecture 13: Ultimate considerations of the trades you make
Lecture 14: SEC Edgar site
Lecture 15: Jeffrey Sprecher insider trading
Lecture 16: Additional tools – Follow the Whales app
Lecture 17: Spending 15 mins/day with additional tools
Chapter 5: Day 5
Lecture 1: Review of what we’ve learned so far (day5)
Lecture 2: AAPL example Steps 1-5
Lecture 3: Volatility
Lecture 4: More Volatility and ROR – GME example
Lecture 5: GME more examples to practice
Lecture 6: Understand the risk
Lecture 7: How to set up your account
Lecture 8: Costs
Lecture 9: Trading Platform
Lecture 10: SIPC insurance
Lecture 11: Reports and customer service
Lecture 12: Account opening additional info
Lecture 13: Account types
Lecture 14: Info needed to open an account
Lecture 15: Funding an acocunt
Lecture 16: Tax consequences
Lecture 17: Bonus Material
Michelle Maccio
Pro Options Trader
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 15 votes
- 4 stars: 47 votes
- 5 stars: 111 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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