Practical Accounts Training A
Practical Accounts Training A, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.1, with 127 lectures, based on 1218 reviews, and has 29756 subscribers.
You will learn about 1. Identify and Interpret business documents 2. Record 80 types of Transactions, including Year End Adjustments 3. Identify and Interpret 95 Periodic & Year End Reports 4. Verify & Reconcile 95 Periodic & Year End Reports 5. Present and Explain 95 Periodic & Year End Reports 6. Develop a deeper Appreciation and Understanding of Accounting This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who completed or undertaking a Theory Accounts or Bookkeeping Course It is particularly useful for Those who completed or undertaking a Theory Accounts or Bookkeeping Course .
Enroll now: Practical Accounts Training A
Title: Practical Accounts Training A
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 127
Number of Published Lectures: 127
Number of Curriculum Items: 127
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 127
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 1. Identify and Interpret business documents
- 2. Record 80 types of Transactions, including Year End Adjustments
- 3. Identify and Interpret 95 Periodic & Year End Reports
- 4. Verify & Reconcile 95 Periodic & Year End Reports
- 5. Present and Explain 95 Periodic & Year End Reports
- 6. Develop a deeper Appreciation and Understanding of Accounting
Who Should Attend
- Those who completed or undertaking a Theory Accounts or Bookkeeping Course
Target Audiences
- Those who completed or undertaking a Theory Accounts or Bookkeeping Course
This course is structured on the robust Practice Procedures used in Accounting Firms.
It empowers the newly qualified with skills, and a competitive advantage when job hunting.
It provides a good understanding of how softwares work.
Its just the Recording of 80 Document Types & 15 Period Reports are Automated.
It cuts the training time into a fraction. We all need to save time.
Its Not only Mobile & Computerised Accounting,but Practical & Technical KnowledgeisAcquired
The course comprises of:
- A Practical Accounts Training SW on Google Play & App Store, Bought Separately
- Recorded Videos
- On Screen Guides
- Live Online Lectures
- Practice Documents
- A 34 Periodic Tasks Checklist
- A Year End Reports Checklist
- 90 Periodic and Year End Reports
The Lectures and Recorded Videos cover the following:
- Objectives and App Overview
- Tax Return and COA
- Recording Basics
- Start Features and Settings
- Miscellaneous Facilities
- Receipts & Refund Recording
- Purchases & Refund Recording
- Fixed Assets Recording
- Payments Recording
- Loans & Credit Card Recording
- Creditors Facilities
- Debtors Facilities
- Opening & Pre-Vat Recording
- Post Vat & Reconciliation
- Period Reports including a Vat Return
On Completion, Trainees are able to:
- Identify and Interpret 80 types business documents
- Record 80 types of Transactions
- Identify and Interpret 15 Periodic Reports
- Verify & Reconcile 15 Periodic Reports
- Present and Explain 15 Periodic Reports
- Develop a deeper Appreciation and Understanding of Accounting
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: 1.1 Objectives and Detailed Course Outline
Lecture 2: 1.2 Accounting App Overview
Chapter 2: 2. Tax Return and Chart of Accounts
Lecture 1: 2.1 Tax Return Overview & App Extract
Lecture 2: 2.2 Tax Return and Profit & Loss Account
Lecture 3: 2.3 Tax Return and Balance Sheet
Lecture 4: 2.4 Disallowed Expenses
Lecture 5: 2.5 Detailed Chart of Accounts
Lecture 6: 2.6 Chart of Accounts Continued
Lecture 7: 2.7 Tax Return & Notes to Financial Statements
Chapter 3: 3. Recording Basics
Lecture 1: 3.1 Means of Payments
Lecture 2: 3.2 Vat Classifications
Lecture 3: 3.3 Vat Reporting Options
Lecture 4: 3.4 What is Recorded, Which Documents
Lecture 5: 3.5 Filing
Lecture 6: 3.6 Double Entry
Lecture 7: 3.7 Completion marks
Lecture 8: 3.8 General Recording
Lecture 9: 3.9 Verification Instruments
Chapter 4: 4. START Facilities
Lecture 1: 4.1 Starting Guides
Lecture 2: 4.2 App Modules
Lecture 3: 4.3 Business Name & Year
Lecture 4: 4.4 Set Vat Rates
Lecture 5: 4.5 Set Recording Date
Lecture 6: 4.6 COA Structure
Lecture 7: 4.7 Backup and Restore
Lecture 8: 4.8 Practice Documents
Lecture 9: 4.9 Profile
Chapter 5: 5. Miscellaneous Facilities
Lecture 1: 5.0 Miscellaneous Overview and 2 Entry Form
Lecture 2: 5.1 Cash Deposit & Withdrawn
Lecture 3: 5.2 Cheque &Electronic Deposit
Lecture 4: 5.3 Opening Stock &Prepayments
Lecture 5: 5.4 Advance Income Reversal & Bank Charges Accrual
Lecture 6: 5.5 Lottery & Vat Penalty
Lecture 7: 5.6 Sales & Purchases Vat Transfer
Lecture 8: 5.7 Dashboard – Overview
Lecture 9: 5.8 Product Drawings
Lecture 10: 5.9 Multi Entry Form & Wages
Lecture 11: 5.10 Opening Balances
Lecture 12: 5.11 Opening Balance Reports
Chapter 6: 6. Receipts & Refund Recording
Lecture 1: 6.1 Income and Non-Income Receipts
Lecture 2: 6.2 Income Received & Refund
Lecture 3: 6.3 Money Capital Invested
Lecture 4: 6.4 Bank Interest Received
Lecture 5: 6.5 Vat Refund
Lecture 6: 6.6 PAYE & NI Refund
Lecture 7: 6.7 Trade Debtor Paid & Refund
Lecture 8: 6.8 Miscellaneous Receipts
Chapter 7: 7. Expenses & Refunds Recording
Lecture 1: 7.1 Direct & Indirect Expenses
Lecture 2: 7.2 Overheads Paid & Refund
Lecture 3: 7.3 Cost of Sales Paid & Refund
Lecture 4: 7.4 Overhead Invoice/ Debit Note & Credit Note
Lecture 5: 7.5 COS Invoice/ Debit Note & Credit Note
Chapter 8: 8. Fixed Asset Facilities
Lecture 1: 8.1 Fixed Asset Classifications
Lecture 2: 8.2 Fixed Asset Paid & Refund
Lecture 3: 8.3 FA Invoice/ Debit Note & Credit Note
Lecture 4: 8.4 FA Capital Invested
Lecture 5: 8.5 FA Disposal Paid For
Lecture 6: 8.6 FA Disposal Invoice
Lecture 7: 8.7 FA Disposal Transfer
Chapter 9: 9. Payments Recording
Lecture 1: 9.1 Payment Classifications
Lecture 2: 9.2 Net Wages Paid
Lecture 3: 9.3 Bank Charges Paid
Lecture 4: 9.4 Drawings Paid
Lecture 5: 9.5 Vat Paid
Lecture 6: 9.6 PAYE & NI Paid
Lecture 7: 9.7 Trade Creditor Paid & Refund
Lecture 8: 9.8 Lottery Cancellations & Prizes
Lecture 9: 9.9 Agency Submissions/ Payments
Lecture 10: 9.10 Paid Wages, No Deductions
Lecture 11: 9.11 Miscellaneous Payments
Chapter 10: 10. Loans, Hire Purchase & Credit Card
Lecture 1: 10.1 Loan Acquired, Fees & Charges
Lecture 2: 10.2 Loan Interest Accrued
Lecture 3: 10.3 Loan and Interest Repaid
Lecture 4: 10.4 Credit Card Borrowing
Lecture 5: 10.5 Credit Card Fees & Charges
Lecture 6: 10.6 Credit Card Interest Accrued
Lecture 7: 10.7 Credit Card Repaid
Chapter 11: 11. Creditors Facilities
Lecture 1: 11.1 Control Account & Ledger
Lecture 2: 11.2 Add / Modify Creditors
Lecture 3: 11.3 Creditors Opening Balance
Lecture 4: 11.4 Overhead Invoice/ Debit Note & Credit Note (Same as 7.4)
Lecture 5: 11.5 COS Invoice/ Debit Note & Credit Note (Same as 7.5)
Lecture 6: 11.6 FA Invoice/ Debit Note & Credit Note (Same as 8.2)
Lecture 7: 11.7 Trade Creditor Paid & Refund (Same as 9.7)
Lecture 8: 11.8 Accruals Expenses Invoice
Lecture 9: 11.9 Creditors Cheque Dishonoured
Chapter 12: 12. Debtors Facilities
Lecture 1: 12.1 Control Account & Ledger
Lecture 2: 12.2 Add / Modify Debtors
Moses Carson Bakaluba
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 30 votes
- 2 stars: 29 votes
- 3 stars: 164 votes
- 4 stars: 428 votes
- 5 stars: 567 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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